Our current train of thought would be to name the SolidWorks model (part or assembly) by the unique identifying number. Today, that is less the case with files being stored servers and data being stored in databases. Bradley, I agree with you, non-significant part numbers is the way to go. Often drawings consist of multiple sheets. Under Part Numbers, click Part Number Unassigned and click Add. We decided to go with a numbering scheme which has no intelligence associated with it. Even though we tried to make navigation and finding files simple, it is now difficult, and getting worse by the part number. *Eng-Tips's functionality depends on members receiving e-mail. Significant part numbers are a nightmare, plain and simple. that keeps a seperate excel Master drawing list for each program and all new drawing numbers are requested thru them. Thinking more about the problem being discussed I see two possible solutions if you were to use a simple non-significant numbering scheme as we do. Please let us know here why this post is inappropriate. Lee, if you've ever ordered DU Bearings, they use significant part numbers like 08du16 and such. I'm sure it's not that perfect naming system but it was the best i worked with, we had just a few problems with it. Your question really is about part numbering, and revision numbering. If your company requires a second internal part number, or if you wish to use your own custom part number based on a custom property instead of using the traditional (and recommended) method of controlling the part number (as described earlier), use a property name that will easily differentiate it from SOLIDWORKS’ default part number … Kevin CarpenterCAD Systems SpecialistInvacare Corp. John Richards Sr. Mech. The setup takes a few minutes, but the benefits are long-lasting. A PDM system takes alot of the burden off your shoulders. Customer buys that from someone else, it fails, and he expects you to cover costs? Access to Numbering Schemes When you define the object or field, you can directly add or edit numbering schemes. Most customers shouldn't know more than they need to. Looking for downloadable 3D printing models, designs, and CAD files? →. Here is my company's part-numbering system, but I have to add we normally build 1 machine of a kind and rarely have the option of copying units from an older machine. Any p/n that is over 10 characters promotes error, as stated before. Store the drawing under the part number, SolidWorks does this by default. I would avoid it at all costs. Back at an old job I used to work for using SW. What we did is we added part number and name to the parts, assemblies, and drawings. We have learned to take advantage of the long file names allowed in Windows. Your asking for trouble down the road. Want to see the madness? A part numbering system is used within a manufacturing company as a way for individuals and departments to identify and track parts. We listed the part or assembly the drawing referenced. Why? I'm speaking strictly as a consumer of data when I say I prefer to buy stuff from people whose part numbers are "feature encoded" like Numation,Camozzi, etc. The down side of part numbers over 7 digits is they require a lot of label space if you bar code the item. I would think that a part should provide information to merit its very existance. Show it your bosses, co-workers, etc. x_t (parasolid) uses the SOLIDWORKS … The number itself may be a 30 or 306 series for a particular program but not always. I mean where do you draw the line in making your part number descriptive enough to allow the users to quickly identify what they're looking for/at? There can be check in and check out problems when working with assemblies over 200 parts. For example, a Red Aluminum accessory would be named “P2100-A-R.” Using SOLIDWORKS … Smart … There is nothing wrong with having an intelligent numbering system providing an Index is included and there is a system for handling natural growth problems. British Columbia, Posts related to 'Smart Part numbers are not so smart'. because our MRP doesn't sort by drawing number. When first installing the software, you will be presented with a choice of three templates, Part, Assembly or Drawing, as shown in Figure 2.Figure 2. Intelligent Part Number Systems: Often companies like to have a system with an inbuilt code that can be used to determine the part number of an unknown part if the descriptive information and the format is known. The "ND" in this case stands for an Installation Drawing and the "XA" is the preproduction revision. When … Login. HE may not do it on purpose, but it happens. I want to build on those recommendations with some considerations for creating a part numbering … We also name drawings and the associated parts/assemblies the same, i.e. Already a Member? Yes, Solidworks Explorer is the best way to rename parts. The variants (if used) would then be stored as configurations inside the Part … Key in the part number and out pops the base 30 numbering for the filename. Click Here to join Eng-Tips and talk with other members! For example, your p/n is E265B70 - and description is o-ring. NOTE: If using the .NET Framework 4.0 primary interop assembly provided with SOLIDWORKS … Why? Use a sequential alpha-numbering system The part number … It can easily be modified to include just about anything else you want/need. A bill of materials for an assembly that contains the document lists the part configuration name in the PART … Also, why put your company at risk by giving a customer a BOM with significant p/n? So I can't say our company has inventory or service people. Anyone have a cite? So much of our stuff was set from our ACAD legacy with the 8.3 file name restrictions. As for parts and assemblies being different therefore lending themselves to different part numbering systems… Promoting, selling, recruiting, coursework and thesis posting is forbidden. Scott Baugh, CSWP 3DVision Technologiescredence69@REMOVEhotmail.comhttp://www.3dvisiontech.comhttp://www.3dmca.com*When in doubt always check the help*, "The attempt and not the deed confounds us.". I'm a big supporter of non-significant part numbers. Previously you had to close the Object properties dialog box and open the … This is an interesting approach. I'd like to advise against including revision information in the file name if your company ever plans on growing to the point where they will have to use a PDM solution to keep everything straight. stp, igs, x_t) These file types can then be imported into SOLIDWORKS as feature-less solid bodies. Use the part number when name naming part… Utilizing system and custom properties for part number and other metadata type information in solidworks allows automated BOM's, drawing title blocks, notes, etc. From our part numbering system, we can add a paint code and a material code to the end of the part number, which will identify these properties. I am using PDMWorks 2004 with solidworks 2004 SP3, and would like to develop a convenient way to generate a 6-digit non-significant part number for all the files I create. Other people using your products may have to reassign a number to work with their inventory system. Copyright © 1998-2021 engineering.com, Inc. All rights reserved.Unauthorized reproduction or linking forbidden without expressed written permission. I have enjoyed observing how other companies deal with part numbers and SolidWorks to make products. Thank you for helping keep Eng-Tips Forums free from inappropriate posts.The Eng-Tips staff will check this out and take appropriate action. TZellers, I do want to hear nightmares about significant part numbers? The industry demands generative design. Join the GrabCAD Community to get access to 2.5 million free CAD files from the largest collection of professional designers, … Do a “file save as” and assign a new part number to any revision that is not backwards compatible rather than using revisions of the original by adding a rev. Great thread on an ever-present problem....Now for my 2-cents. Categorizing parts in a standardized … 979-0123-005). This means that the number can't tell you anything about what you are looking at. 2.) ← Can SOLIDWORKS be used for Architectural Design? First off we have a CM dept. It makes it nice when you hover your pointer over the file name in Explorer or SW, as it displays this info for you. We also use a part number generator (in MS Access) which allows us to reserve or assign single part numbers or in bulk. Well, that must be a -265 o-ring of Buna 70 duro. How to Show Multiple Sheet Numbers in the Title Block . number. Part numbering disciplines and processes have changed over the year and most manufacturers use one of the following types of part numbering schemes: Non-intelligent – Also referred to as “non-significant… Why you Need SOLIDWORKS PDM to manage all diverse file types! 1.) We have been debating many of these same issues also. Pack and go will work, but you will still have to update references manually, whereas Solidworks … You can't tell the difference between part number 12345 or 54321. We use a 7-digit part number scheme where I work. They use a combination of 6 digit non-significant numbers with a suffix identifier and the revision (306124NDXA)this is what we name our SW drawing files. So usually we don't use parts twice: Like I said, We only build machines onces or twice. Remember that the part numbering system you use will go beyond SolidWorks. Our part numbering system is primarily 7 digits, but can be as long as 13. The three default out-of-the-box templates.These three templates provide you with out-of-the-box settings. During the process of starting and completing a design, is it possible to maintain a clean part numbering or naming system? As the owner of a small company and the person who pays for the mistakes, I now understand why large companies costs are so high to develop a product. I don't fool with inventory; so I don't deal with this type of stuff. In the Part NUMBER column, you can display a user-specified name, the configuration name, or the document name for configurations listed as separate entries with individual item numbers. A large percentage of them have numbering systems with intelligence added into them. I recommend setting up a nonsignificant sequential numbering system for both parts and assembly. The problem is complex and there is no one best solution yet. I would think a non-signifigant numbering system would require someone to use a primer to determine what the part is associated with. I can't resist. When creating a new file or per a button on the data card, a drop-down list will be … New electrical systems and wiring harness engineering solutions implement automation, facilitate collaboration and accelerate verification. And Why? Although I havenât look at it in the last 2 years my concern now is how long it would take to implement. Registration on or use of this site constitutes acceptance of our Privacy Policy. I would share our fabulous part/drawing numbering system with you, but it has been stinking up the place for over 20 years now and I still get the technicolor yawns over it occasionally. Examples would be 200345.sldprt and 200345.slddrw. A "non-tracking" partnumbering system is best in the end. Because sooner or later, they all fail. This report explains how TotalCAE makes it easy for organizations to utilize cloud computing on AWS to accelerate product innovation, solve complex engineering problems, and reduce the time waiting for CAE simulation results. Smart numbers were useful when files were stored in file cabinets. One major one for me is the check in and out time. Increasing automotive design complexity demands a shift away from legacy automotive design flows. The mostly used fasteners we keep their appropiate closet and the other purchase parts used in the machines are ordered in the right quantity's. This means that you have to rely on another system (PDM, ERP, MRP, ect...) to track things. I'm setting up PDM/Works following the advice from this and a few other threads which seems most appropriate for our company. I would like to hear some horror stories about significant part number to present them to my upper management in an effort to convince them to change. Use a simple number generator like we do with fields for part number, description, supplier, etc. Under Part number displayed when used in a bill of materials, the Configuration Name is selected. If required, revision iformation should only be used for history tracking of changes. The numbering system that I feel is very easy to work with as an engineer is one that has a significant 2 or 3 digit prefix used as a family indicator, a 4 digit non-significant "body", and a 2 or 3 digit suffix (aka "dash number"). A method that doesnt require any renaming. Engr.Rockwell Collins Flight DynamicsThere are only 10 types of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who don't. Enter all your necessary information into the SWX drawing and then create a macro to capture it and save it in a database. This is an interesting discussion! Set Part Numbers Using Default Serial Numbers Example (C#) This example shows how to set part numbers using default serial numbers. I think I should expand on this paragraph a little. We have 8.8 GB of engineering data in 22,000 files, the Excel tracking takes up 184 MB in 224 files. I'd appreciate it if someone would clarify a few points. I have worked as a job shopper in a lot of companies. Ok, now this may sound like a silly question; but, why would anyone prefer a non-signifigant numbering system to a system where information is encoded into a part number. For this setup, we will be creating a sequential serial number to drive our SOLIDWORKS components (1XXXXX), a numbering system to auto number SOLIDWORKS assemblies (6XXXXX… Do not use alpha characters and six to eight digits min to prevent from running out of numbers. Here goes: Note: I'm stuck in the significant p/n he!! They were especially common in the pre-computer days but have no real place in the modern production systems. All of this is worthy of a book on the subject, so there must be one out there. Is managing non-signifigant part numbers really easier? I agree with macduff. You will have to remove this revision information later, and it creates a lot of necessary work that could be avoided. I like to place vendor information in Summary Data too. I attended a class about this call âEngineering Documentation and Controlâ shortly after starting to use SolidWorks. What I have noticed about the various systems in place is that there are two part numbers involved. The part numbering system must consider that information is required by the MRP system… Part number defaults to the configuration name or file … saves time, … Either of these solutions should be easy to do and each has its pros and cons. Most manufacturing solutions separate the internal part number from … SolidWorks offers a number of different choices and it's worth looking into. SOLIDWORKS Manage is an advanced, record-based data management system that extends the global file management and application integrations enabled by SOLIDWORKS PDM Professional to include … This is a configurable tool for generation custom part number generation using a selectable prefix. Most users like the drawing templates to automatically update with the correct sheet and total number of … Upgrade the system that is seeing the future version message Install multiple versions of SOLIDWORKS Export the file in a CAD neutral file type (i.e. Having tried several different methods of my own, and work with others companies systems. Auto numbering and SolidWorks Enterprise PDM When dealing in the world of auto numbering (and more specifically auto part numbering) we have to understand that there are three … Effectively Working with Part Numbers and Standard Libraries Alongside SOLIDWORKS By Andrew Schutte September 28, 2015 Naming conventions are often regarded as simple and fairly … For clarity, hyphens are used to separate the prefix, the body, and the suffix (e.g. When you create configurations with a design table, the software automatically sets options in the Configuration Properties PropertyManager. sPLain Lucy! Whatever you want to store and once it's in the database you can then query the database for the information you're looking for. I have looked at PDM software ever since Iâve used SolidWorks. We had a simple routine to convert forward and back. Wow!). Document control analysts, warehouse clerks, purchasing agents, production supervisors, and field technicians need to accurately and concisely convey part numbers… (One place I worked for had developed a "base 30" numbering system; 0-9 plus 20 alpha characters. With part number systems of multiple vendors in place, we will not contribute to tidiness in our own numbering system! Keeping track of a semi significant part number system becomes more difficult as the number of parts increases. OK....I'm going to share our PN generator to those who wish to see/use it as an EXAMPLE, nothing more. What is a part number system? Ed, exactly why all parts classification should be done in a database as attributes and part numbers should be non-intelligent. 1234567.SLDXXX is the file name for the drawing and prt/asm. http://www.geocities.com/d_perton/app.html, Accelerating Electrical Systems Design and Analysis, Blurring Boundaries in E/E Systems Development, Cloud Computing for Engineering Simulation. To get the most out of the software and accelerate the completion of your projects, you can create and save customized templates containing your desired custom settings. The first 2 digits represent the diameter of the bearing and the last two digits represent the length. Reasons such as off-topic, duplicates, flames, illegal, vulgar, or students posting their homework. ...never use the revision letter of a drawing, part or an assembly in your filename. Lee, first thanks for the very good tips. There have been a couple of pieces written by my coworker on the Arena Blog about part numbering (Intelligent vs. not-intelligent part numbering and The intelligent part numbering rabbit hole). This is such a long thread, but someone pointed out that computers are dominant these days and you can have an non-significant p/n and a significant drawing number, material code and so forth. PakRat...I have to ask when is enough enough (as in descriptive part numbers)? I just thought that was counter-intuitive to desire a number that is meaningless; but, I'm quessing the number is used in a way that lends itself to this. An integrated E/E solution solves tomorrowââ¬â¢s challenges and supports companies as they strive to overcome complexity and reduce time to market. It is a non-significant generator which can create/store PN, Descrip., ECN num., user name. Most manufacturing solutions separate the internal part number from … this is intended be... 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