The maximum allowance for authorized temporary lodging expense is ______. Vigilant, Active, General Green, Massachusetts, Scammel, Argus, Virginia, Diligence, S Carolina, Eagle. Is the rectangular blue part of U.S. flag containing the stars. They start at ZERO. Counseling a subordinate on their performance evaluation must take place within? Coast Guard. What form do you use to complete an award recommendation? makes it easy to get the grade you want! The National Strike Force was created in what year? What are the Roles and Missions of the CG? Necklace, concealed by clothing. Any marking on the neck may not show where? Hs2 Swe Study Guides. Description. E-4 to E-6 are considered to be non-commissioned officers (NCOs), and are specifically called petty officers in the Coast Guard. John Maxon rescued how many people on the Ayshire in 1850? COMDTINST M5100.47 Safety and Environmental Health Manual, 1. CG Equal Opportunity Program Manual COMDTINST M5350.4 addresses what? Proper term for an enlisted member’s occupational specialty. Jackets are to be zipped up or buttoned how high? #7 Study Guide/epme. Coast Guard Cutters and Aircraft; OS SWE Study Questions; GUARD DUTY FM 22-6; uscg epme e-4; NAV: Rules of the Road; What are the necessary Qualification for Boat Crew Training Flashcards; Coast Guard OCS: Introduction, Sea Jargon, Roles and Missions; Coast Guard OCS: Rates, Ratings, Badges, Uniforms; Coast Guard OCS: Cutters, Boats, and Aircraft Decorative or colored pearls 4. Petty Officers have apprehension authority under which article of the UCMJ? 98 pages. Coast guard founding date at bottom. The Civil Rights Officer works for and reports directly to whom? Civilian employee at other than a CG facility working on a CG vessel or aircraft that does not have a crew, 1. The Coast Guard formed from what 5 Federal Agencies? Must be 4-6 mm (1/8 to ¼ - inch diameter) per earlobe of plain gold, silver or plain diamond or natural white pearl. 7. Once the CG-4910 is completed who must it be forwarded to, If, during the course of the inquiry, the PIO becomes aware of new or different offenses he/she must do what. POW/MIA bracelets are authorized, Retainer straps for glasses are authorized in what situation. Section 632, Title 14, US Code gives the Commandant the authority to do what? Member is injured or killed, either on or off duty, 1. The first steamships to be used in wartime were C.G. 114. Training for first responders should be at what two levels? The APS is not to be assigned what kind of duties? Match the responsibilities to the mast representative or the PIO. A supervisor cannot deprive a person of _______ as a form of punishment. If your SDL symbol is not authorized for distribution, prepare a ________. When does operational risk management apply? This app is sourced from official USCG E-PME documentation and is a great tool for professional leadership development for Coast Guard enlisted personnel E-4 through E-9. Want to build a good foundation for a successful coast guard career? Cutters less then 180 ft are under the command of whom? Accession 2. Which form allows administrative remarks to be added to evaluation forms? The Federal lifesaving service began in what year off the New Jersey and Long Island coasts? The Coast Guard is improving how its enlisted workforce prepares for advancement. Professional. Sign up here. What chapters of the DPRI lists the directive sponsor? The most important signature on a Procurement request is? … when probable cause exist. 1799, a white and red striped flag was used, 1910 Revenue Cutter emblem was added to distinguish from Customs. What event was the impetus for the International Ice Patrol? 12/01/2008. Advancement to E-8 requires how many years of active duty? Personnel seeking to fill special assignments must ________. Reserve member getting non-regular retired pay and is over 60 yrs old is what? When worn, jackets are to be buttoned or zipped at least_______, Ribbons and badges are displayed on the______, What are the stipulations regarding earrings in the Coast Guard while in any uniform, With all uniforms, One per ear 4-6mm / 1/8" - ¼", Plain gold or silver, polished or matte finish, Plain diamond or natural white pearl studs, Woman only, When in uniform and wearing boots they must be what. The women’s reserve was created by public law 773 and was known as the SPARs in what year? Commanding officer and officers in charge. Name some Coast Guard Seal, Emblem, and Shield Facts: 1. Cards In This Set. Has Coast Guard name above arms and motto below. What is used to send out urgent information? Which Cutter fired the first naval shots during the Civil War at Fort Sumter in 1861? Supervisors must counsel employees no later then _______ when it comes to evaluations? Risk = Severity x Probability x _____________, The CG mishap prevention program + ORM = ___________, Define Mission Hazards Identify Hazards Assess Risk Identify options Evaluate Risk vs Gain Execute Plan Monitor situation, Single is required in spaces where the noise level is over 84db Double is required in a space where the noise level is over 104db. (T or F) To prepare a budget using the "zero based budgeting process", you add a percentage for inflation of last year's budget, (T or F) You need to submit an explanation of justification and impact of denial foe all items requested, (T or F) Using zero based budgeting creates a sense of "entitlement" to cost increases, (T or F) Funds for improving the work environment or processes should be included, if improvement is needed, (T of F) Items such as trash removal should be included in the budget, (T of F) You do not need to include service maintenance contracts when an outside contractor performs the work, When developing a departmental budget you must break down your dept's what. Separation 6. What are the seven "types" of Administrative Marks that may be entered on a CG-3307? The Coast Guard does not follow the Navy's practice of awarding gold chevrons for twelve years of good conduct, rather all petty officer rank chevrons and service hash marks are red, whereas gold is reserved for chief petty officers. The alcohol abuse prevention program has how many levels? E8. E-7 must successfully complete either the Coast Guard CPO Academy, or DOD senior enlisted academy in order to compete on the E-8 SWE prior to what date? On what date was the entire Coast Guard, manpower, vessels and units, transferred to the Navy? FPCON Normal – a general threat of possible terrorist attack but nature is unknown. The 1822 Timber Reserve Act for the U.S. Navy. "Sister-service EPME opportunities provide our Airmen with a perspective that is critical to today's joint warfighter," Chief Master Sgt. Command senior chief (silver badge) can be appointed by whom? How many Battle Streamers does the Coast Guard have? Selective Reserve (SELRES) Enlisted Bonus Program. 65. Who is eligible for the CG Foundation grant? The merger of the Revenue Cutter Service and the U.S Lifesaving Service. Who can authorize the removal of the blouse during hot weather? 3 Match each … When member is awarded non-judicial punishment (NJP) or convicted by a court-martial (CM). Publications are listed in the DPRI ________. Assigned to units with less than 60 members Between Officer and enlisted (unless it was prior to officers commission) Between E7+ above and E6 and below. The E-PME comes from what COMDT Instruction? What year did Semper Paratus appear on the CG Ensign? The information contained in this app prepares enlisted members to: 1. To give punishment without conducting a court martial. What year did the CG adopt Battle Streamers? Flashcards. Temporary Lodging Allowance (TLA) is authorized for a period NOT more than ______. What kind of budgeting technique does the CG employ? Influencing other, respect for others and diversity management, looking out for others, effective communication, group dynamics, leadership theory, and mentoring. Captain Francis Saltus Von Boskerck in 1922 aboard the Cutter YAMACRAW, added music to it in 1927 in Unalaska, Alaska. What do you do if you know someone is contemplating suicide? PERIOD ENDING (MM/DD/YYYY) 5. Also, the skill level relates to the level of skill gained in … Cram has partnered with the National Tutoring Association, The Importance Of Cost In Online Shopping, United States V. Bororomir And Faramir Case Study, The Sarin Gas Attack And The Iran And Iraq War. Total Cards. Black, navy blue or dark brown and carried in the left hand. NOTE: The following Service-dependent grades are inferred when references to senior enlisted (SE) and their education continuums are made: USA, USN, USCG, USAF: E7 through E9 USMC: E6 through E9 3. Who is credited for firing the first naval shot of the civil war? Large Cutters over 180 ft are under the command of whom? When did Douglas Munro become a US citizen? Provide assistance to command regarding drug and alcohol abuse prevention information. What YEAR was the Department of the NAVY established? alcohol is involved or present but is not the causative factor. Labels: E-PME, E-PME Journeyman, Verbal Communication. 8. The master, senior, and chief petty officer performance evaluation factors are grouped into what five categories, Military, Performance, Professional Qualities, Leadership, Conduct, What manual provides the current professional and military job performance requirements for each rating, The Enlisted Qualification Manual (COMDTINST M1414.8(series), Section 10-B of what manual provides policies and procedures for completing the enlisted employee reviews, Personnel Manual (COMDTINST M1000.6(series), Enlisted Performance Evaluation Support Form, Evaluates degree of completion of written work would fall under what performance category, Evaluates degree of conformance to military tradition, customs, and courtesies would fall under what performance category, Adjust to and manages change would fall under what performance category, Evaluates ability & willingness to seek responsibility, displays positive judgement in making decisions would fall under what performance category, Evaluates degree the member set standards for subordinates' performance and behavior would fall under what performance category, When doing a review in Peoplesoft, must you complete the Employee Review before you can save it, evaluation Type, Employee ID, Competencies Rating, After completing all fields on the reviewers tab, you the what, If the member is receiving a 1, 2, or 7 then comments are required to be entered. Backpacks are to be what color and how are they to be carried? The officer selected to conduct an investigation is called what? Surface Missions, Air Operations, Land-Based Missions, Public Education, Environmental Missions, CG Support and Boating Safety Missions, and Agency Support Missions. Performance (Specialty knowledge) Leadership (Directing others) Military (Customs and Courtesies) Professional Qualities (Integrity, Loyalty) Conduct (Sat or Unsat). Knowledge Requirements. What year did Genevieve and Lucille Baker of the Naval Coastal Defense Reserve become the first uniformed women in the CG? US Coast Guard; E7 Epme 1-100; Ryan B. Term: What event in the Coast Guard brought about a need for a higher authority Definition: The merger of the Revenue Cutter Service and the U.S Lifesaving Service. Students must demonstrate mastery of current and next rank leadership requirements before advancing in rank. Add to folder[?] blue T-shirt is worn as an official uniform what must be stenciled on the left chest? During the war of 1812 which cutter was defeated by the cutter Dispatch? Independence Day Memorial Day Presidents Day. Create your own flash cards! EPME Program manager G-WTL and manual 1510.2. Figure 2.3 (SUBMIT an enlisted evaluation of a subordinate using a Coast Guard SWS-III and appropriate software) as presented in the E-PME Study Guide 2-1 anyce739 EPME. The unit Pollution Prevention Coordinator, (PPC). E9 . While assigned to the Ceremonial Honor Guard. Readiness e. Stewardship f. People. During the Spanish-American War which cutter was used in the Manila Bay? The sinking of the Titanic in 1912 lead to the establishment of what? Title 14 USC, Section 89 gives the C.G. What year saw the first African American females enter SPARs? General - military judge +5 other members Special - military judge +3 other members Summary - 1 member 0-4 or above as judge. As a rule, the petty officer’s __________ dictates the level of authority, responsibility, and. Coast Guard manned ships sank 11 enemy submarines. School. Seaman. Level. Addiction Prevention Specialist will not be assigned what duties? 1. Commandant Instructions M1000.6, Chapter 5, section C. what form is used for awards recommendetion? Homework. I just wanted to remind everyone that the May service wide exam is approaching quickly and I can’t stress enough how important studying for the serve wide is in the advancement process. Study on the go . Absorbed Reference: Coast Guard Personal Property Management Manual COMDTINST M4500.5C March 2012 All personnel in the current assignment year are _______. How many Headquarters Units report directly to Headquarters? The E-8 and E-9 rates were both made in what year under Public Law 85-422? This web site is a privately-owned and has not been underwritten or supported by the United States Coast Guard. Within each rate who assumes the responsibility for leading? 2. 12/01/2008. Where would you look to find an index of in use Pubs and Directives? What are the oldest responsibilities of the Coast Guard? The EPME section has changed a lot recently, and a lot of open-source resources I found were very out of ... or ask us a question you might have about the Coast Guard. The system emphasizes performance, improves accountability and adapts to mission requirements. 14 Oct 2004 The E-PME enables Coast Guard enlisted personnel to acquire the knowledge The E-PME Study Guide is based on training and education solutions E7. Coast Guard EPME E-6. Find study materials for any course. How many months of satisfactory conduct is required to advance for E-6 and above? The next two notable advancements are the advancement to a Petty Officer and then to a Chief Petty Officer. 10.8k. When is a report of survey not necessary for property? Description. Attain core military knowledge 2. Level. Necklace’s must be what while in uniform? 1. Special liberty, Exchange of Duty, Participation in special command programs, Access to base clubs, movies, or libraries, Base parking, Commissary and Exchange privileges, Base or ship special services events. The 3 categories of the CG 21 leadership program are Self, working with others, and performance. Must inquire into the new offenses. Description. Supervisors must turn in their employee evaluations by when? Communications Integrated Tactical Warning and Attack Assessment Environmental; United States Naval Academy; NWC N/A - Spring 2016. Submit the award package. The 55th U.S. Congress on ________ established the Coast Guard’s Chief Petty Officer grade. Must be performing military police, guard. Where are change requests to the EPME sent? Lucille Baker: Women are integrated into active duty and Coast Guard … Students must meet performance requirements, pass an Advancement Qualification Exam (AQE), and pass a service-wide exam. Question Witnesses, Submit questions to ask witnesses, Present Evidence, Make Statements geared to the CO, May make statements inviting the CO's attention to those matters you feel important or essential to an appropriate disposition of the matter. This condition applies when there is a general threat of, This condition applies in the immediate area where a terrorist, This condition applies when a general threat of possible, This condition applies when an incident occurs or when, This condition applies when an increased and more predictable. Verify that the marks are entered into the Coast Guard Direct Access System and that the evaluation is marked final within the timeframe specified in reference (a). Form library box, form number, form title. Conservative wrist watch 2. Should make recommendations concerning the disposition of the new offenses. Any discrepancies in the DD-214 should be reported where? Unsatisfactory marks, confinement, approved retirement, exceeding max weight, selected advancement to CWO, not recommended for advancement, a minimum evaluation score. Personnel Manual COMDTINST M1000.6 Chapter 5, Section C. Advancement to E-9 requires how many years of active duty? Naval petty officers got their first rate insignia. member's loss of ability,Is a violation of the UCMJ, Federal, state, or local laws. When facial hair is allowed it cannot exceed _____? d. Try to prevent reoccurrences of the incident. Sewers Storm drains Open water tanks * Refrigeration equipment is not a permit required space. The Pirate ship Bravo was captured in 1819 by which two cutters? What symbols are allowed in message traffic? Those who excel are rewarded with better pay, more responsibility and more diverse missions. Journeyman EPME USCG EPME TEST Journeyman E-5-E7. Not supporting their dependents Subject to NJP Deemed Financially irresponsible Involved in Alcohol Incident Subject to Court Martial Convicted in Civil Court Fails to comply with standards. The life saving service was reborn under Sumner L. Kimball and personnel were federalized in what year? b. The only Coast Guard-manned light station in the U.S. today is located in _____. Manuals contain more than 25 pages and remain in effect until canceled and are reviewed how often? The only Coast Guard-manned light station in the U.S. today is located in? a. Preparedness b. The earliest lighthouse used what as its source of light? (T or F) The executive officer must ensure that the CG-4910 is properly completed. UNIT NAME ; 4. Study Flashcards On EPME Study Guide E7 Knowledge Requirements at Class A, property damage is $2,000.000 or grater,results in fatality. That means two things: every job you do is important and everything you do gets noticed. Enlisted Professional Military Education Manual, Information Assurance Manual (destruction methods), Classified Information Management Program, allows administrative remarks to be added to evaluation forms (7 types), submitted to ELC(Navy) for discrepancies and when parts are changed/removed. At any given time, there are about 46,000 men and women in service. Reduce the incidence of substance and alcohol abuse by Coast Guard members 2. Anatomia - EPM 2019. ¼ inch past the fingertip and should be conservative or neutral in color. Measurable behavioral patterns essential to leading. When traveling on orders receipts are required for anything in excess of how much? This is an informational site. Gas, water, electricity, sewage, waste removal (trash), phones both local and long distance. What date was Signalman First Class Douglas Munro killed? False Most E-3s advance to E-4 by attending a rating-specific "A" school that allows them to learn and demonstrate mastery of the rating-specific E-4 enlisted performance qualifications (EPQs). What CG symbol is used primarily on documents, records, and jewelry? A probable cause can search can only be conducted if a petty officer is performing the following duties. 24 months in pay grade E-7 immediately preceding the. CDARs are responsible for the what tasks? - You May make monetary contributions to a political organization or political committee. Click here to study/print these flashcards. Which Cutter developed antisubmarine policy? Students must demonstrate mastery of current and next rank leadership requirements before advancing in rank. b. Ribbons and badges are displayed over what? The hazardous communication tool is called a? The Leader, Amunenshi possible recognized the Egyptian physic —no full beard. On what date did the Navy take control of the entire Coast Guard? The Fishery and Conservation Act of 1976 created what? Newer Post Older Post Home. They cannot extend more than 1/4" beyond the fingertip. A micro purchase is for items of what value? Students must meet performance requirements, pass an Advancement Qualification Exam (AQE), and pass a service-wide exam. First time during a war that the entire Coast Guard was transferred to the Navy? The merger of the Revenue Cutter Service and the U.S Lifesaving Service. Find out how you can intelligently organize your Flashcards. Created. The E-PME Study Guide is based on training and education solutions E-PME Study Guide will mirror the development of Performance. Right to request a particular mast representative. In colonial times during fog, what was used to warn ships away from land? A community leader that was put in charge of the station was usually a what? Command Master Chief (gold badge) are stationed were? Based upon historical data, the ______ was the first known comprehensive analysis of E-8 and E-9 ranks, The first Coast Guardsman to advance to E-9 was_________, The Chief Petty Officer walks a fine line between what three important characteristics. There are 34 Coast Guard Battle streamers. Coast Guard EPME is a continuum of leadership training that provides enlisted members with a solid foundation for a successful Coast Guard career. Download USCG E-PME Study Guide and enjoy it Study E8 … When the vessel is underway the national ensign flies at the gaff. What do you do when conducting a presentation? The operational dress uniform is not a liberty uniform but can be worn in what instances? 1968, the streamers show all battles from 1798 and on. Flotilla, Division, District Regions, National. Download >> Download Coast guard epme study guide e40dRead Online >> Read Online Coast guard epme study guide e40dcoast guard epme sign off sheet coast guard epme questions coast guard epme study guide for e7 coast guard journeyman study guide uscg epme study manual uscg epme e4 coast guard epme study guide e8 coast guard epme history E-PME Study Guide for Pay Grades E-5 & E-6. Permit required space of current and next rank leadership requirements before advancing rank... What it takes to save lives, bust drug traffickers or track and catch polluters improving how its enlisted prepares. Sister-Service EPME opportunities provide our Airmen with a perspective that is critical to today joint. 1885 the Navy take control of the service, Bureau of Fisheries ½ '' scalp. Told someone their intentions you 're ready for a period not more than 1 ½ from! Award is approved, when must a member is injured or killed, either on off. Of Fisheries Revenue Marine officers be commissioned d. 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Timothy Tamargo what duties to train and educate that way the new stations of the Coast Guard under... Shifted to safety and Environmental Health Manual, 1 pay for up to $ 2500, costs! Budget as if no baseline exists on your Flashcards dark brown and carried in the Coast Guard DoD. Coast Guards primary mission captured in 1819 by which two women became the first prize E-8 E-9!
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