Colours may vary, dependant on season. Find help & information on Tillandsia xerographica King of air plants from the RHS. 75. La tillandsia xerographica è una pianta tropicale di piccola taglia, con rosetta di foglie; vistosi steli fiorali appiattiti, alti 15 cm, con fiori blu e brattee (foglie modificate) rosa, di lunga durata. Tillandsia xerographica like sunlight and lots of it. It is included in Tillandsia subg. There are many different styles of blooms within the Tillandsia world. Un intero mondo dedicato alla natura, al giardino, alla casa e agli animali, che cambia al mutare delle stagioni e si tinge dei colori più diversi. Tillandsia Xerographica x Brachycaulos clump is an air plant cluster of the hybrid between Tilllandsia Xerographica and Tillandsia Brachycaulos. vol 63, no. Provengono dall’America centrale tropicale, dagli USA meridionali fino al Brasile. Tillandsia xerographica. These plants can live up to 20 years and can grow up to three feet in diameter. Xerographica is a popular air plant for home decor, wedding centerpiece, and event table decor. It has light, mossy green coloring, and gently flocked leaves. Entretien, Conseil et Terrarium Ensure that it is completely dry immediately after. Perennials for sun or shade, succulents, flowering shrubs, ground cover and more. Colours may vary, dependant on season. Add to Wishlist. Esistono più di 500 specie di Tillandsia e due varianti in particolare: le "piante grigie", provviste di numerosi tricomi, ovvero squame argentee che filtrano i raggi solari assorbendo l'umidità dall'aria, e le "piante verdi" che invece ne sono prive. With its full, strong, silvery leaves, the Xerographica is a show stopper. And like the Xerographica, as the Streptophylla grows, its arms will extend and curl and wrap around itself. Tillandsia xerographica taglia SMALL con SkyGarden 2 supporto in acciaio dal design contemporaneo lavorato a mano taglia: MEDIUM dimensione confezione in PET: 15 x 20 cm Un prodotto di Michieli Floricoltura design by Paolo Michieli e Roberta Filippini (2013) p 153 Parts Shown: Habit, Flower Photo Faux Tillandsia Artificial Xerographica Faux Tillandsia Fake Air Plant Flower Arrangement Centerpiece Table Decor $8.90+ Loading In stock. 20,00 € Aperti il 1° gennaio dalle 14:00 alle 19:30, Entra nel Club Viridea They are pretty, in a subtle way. They grow in semi-arid regions and in very dry and sunny conditions. Like other xeric air plants, Tillandsia xerographica prefers frequent misting to soaks. Genre: Tillandsia Espèce: cyanea Famille: Broméliacées Origine: Équateur. TERRA Due to its impressive rosette shape, Tillandsia xerographica is popular with designers and florists for use in table displays and wedding bouquets. It can be grown indoors our outside in mild climates. (top and bottom photos are my T. xerographica) (2010) p 269 Parts Shown: Flower, Habit, Leaf Photo Bromeliad Society, Journal. Size: Width: 4.0″ – 5.0″ Height: 2.5″ – 3.5″ This item includes: – 3 live air plants – Air plant care instructions. Xerographica also called “queen of airplants” They can tolerate bright light and go longer periods without water. When growing a Tillandsia xerographica indoors, give it a south-facing exposure in order to receive the most bright light throughout the day. 100% Garanzia Prodotti Freschi Imballaggio ecologico protettivo Ordina online! Shop now, we ship nation wide. This variety of Air Plant hails from the semi desert region of Guatemala and can also be found in Mexico. La Tillandsia xerographica è un genere di pianta che appartiene alla famiglia delle Bromeliacee, allo stato naturale si incontra solo nel Continente Americano, dal sud degli Stati Uniti fino all’Argentina. The silvery gray leaves are wide at the base and taper to a point making an attractive, sculptural rosette, 3 feet or more in diameter and over 3 feet high in flower. UTILIZZO In vaso, come esemplare singolo, anche su un piedistallo o vaso da appendere. Tillandsia Xerographica originated from Guatemala, Mexico, and El Salvador. Tillandsia Xerographica is a large and rare earthless plant. A pretty fast growing air plant, your Tillandsia Streptophylla will form more curly leaves if you give it less water. CONCIME The inflorescence, on a thick, green stem, from 6 to 15 inches in height, densely branched. Water more often if your weather has been particularly dry. Since it comes from a semi-arid ecosystem, it doesn’t need as much water. The air humidity must be at least close to 60% (in nature it is 60-72%). Although drought tolerant, this air plant is also hard to over water. by oweng_03: Jan 10, 2020 8:40 AM: 4: My Tillandsia Xerographica by prahastafford: Mar 26, 2019 2:05 PM: 7: Welcome to the Bromeliads forum! This variety of Air Plant hails from the semi desert region of Guatemala and can also be found in Mexico. Tillandsia xerographica Splendida specie dalle foglie larghe e dure ricoperte da fitte scaglie grigie che, nelle piante più grandi, si allungano e si arricciano ricadendo come boccoli. If the air is drier, waterings must be more abundant to compensate for the lack of … Nov 12, 2019 - Known as the "Queen of Airplants," the xerographica is one of our favorites at Air Plant Design Studio. See last pictures for the mature plants. Circa 20 cm. Tillandsia Xerographica x Brachycaulos clump is an air plant cluster of the hybrid between Tilllandsia Xerographica and Tillandsia Brachycaulos. After spending the summer hanging in the shade pavilion… It was moved indoors in early October. Native to Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras, Tillandsia xerographica is a stunning specimen airplant, a must for any collection. The growing leaves can reach up to 4-5 inches as they curl around the center of the plant like ribbons. It can reach 3 feet in size. 2) Se si considera che l'operazione dell'irrigare in serra è e rimane per i floricoltori una delle più delicate e bisognosa di una persona dotata di sensibilità e di attenzione, si può capire quanto difficile sia, fornire in modo conciso a persone non del settore, consigli su questa operazione. Each pup will form large plants with beautiful recurving leaves similar to that of a Xerographica when mature. Tillandsia xerographica Wallace Xerographica, known professionally as The Notorious A.I.R., is a professional air plant. Le Tillandsia bleu est une plante vivace épiphyte au feuillage persistant et au port en rosette dense et souple. E-mail 08:00 - 18:00 +31174513308; Take advantage of our graduations, with discounts up to 25%! Tillandsia xerographica inhabits dry forests and thorn scrub at elevations of 140 to 600 m in southern Mexico, Guatemala and El Salvador. Tillandsia Xerographica - Multiple Sizes - The Queen of Air Plants - 30 Day Air Plant Guarantee - Fast Shipping from Florida AirPlantShopCom. #tillandsiatuesday…” With their colorful flower spikes and gray-green leaves, tillandsia plants (Tillandsia spp.) Oct 19, 2015 - Welcome to the famous Dave's Garden website. Apparently, when other contestants see her arrive, they give up all hope of blue ribbons! Chiusi il 15 agosto e il 25 dicembre. Method 2: Another way to water your Tillandsias is soak the plant while holding it under a running faucet until every leaf is wet. Nome: Tillandsia Box MediumContenuto: Xerographica M, Melanocrater, Usneoides, Ionantha Green, Ionantha Flore, Tigrata ButziiPaese di provenienza: Centro AmericaStoria e curiosità: la Tillandsia è una pianta priva di un vero e proprio apparato radicale, assorbe dall'atmosfera il nutrimento ma anche gli agenti inquinanti. Plant Type: Epiphyte. Cart / € 0.00. Common Name(s) king air plant, giant tillandsia. It's easy to see why the Tillandsia xerographica air plant is a favorite of ours, and among many Tillandsia enthusiasts. Tillandsia 'Millenium' fuchsii X stricta. In its native habitat it lives in the desert. Each clump comes with 2-3 larger plants and a few baby pups. Wallace Xerographica, known professionally as The Notorious A.I.R., is a professional air plant. Air Plant – Tillandsia xerographica . Sono piante pet-friendly! Cart. Bromeliads Tillandsia Air Plant Plants Succulents Cool Plants Plant Pictures Trees To Plant Unusual Plants Air Plants. Spedita con le indicazioni di cura. When growing a Tillandsia xerographica indoors, give it a south-facing exposure in order to receive the most bright light throughout the day. The silvery gray leaves are wide at the base and taper to a point making an attractive, sculptural rosette, 3 feet or more in diameter and over 3 feet high in flower. This unbelievably beautiful Air Plant is the perfect Tillandsia for ornaments, cups or bowls of any kind, or to simply sit on its own on a coffee table or a desk. Eliminare lo stelo fiorale dopo l’appassimento. Then to round up the most commonly found Air Plants we have Tillandsia Xerographica ( … Una pianta tropicale, alta fino a 50 cm; crescita lenta, molto longeva; foglie grandi, ovate, sopra color verde intenso, Pianta sempreverde perenne sensibile al freddo. [3] It grows epiphytically on the highest branches, where it receive intense lighting. It can reach 3 feet in size. 3-6. divaricata X leucolepis. Tillandsia xerographica is a slow-growing, xerophytic epiphyte. The grower has been given space to produce some individuals as specimens which she may enter into judging contests. Join our friendly community that shares tips and ideas for gardens, along with seeds and plants. I soak this one about every other week. n° 03/0362 REA: MI 1717602 Cap. € 5.000.000,00 I.V. Each clump comes with 2-3 larger plants and a few baby pups. An apt description for a xeric, or desert variety air plant whose long leaves echo elegant handwriting. Per maggiori informazioni Bromelia Tillandsia xerographica verde su (top and bottom photos are my T. xerographica) The leaf bracts are rosy red; the floral bracts are chartreuse; and the petals of the tubular flowers are red to purple and are very long lasting (months). Features: Thick wide leaves extending from a tight rosette. The wide and curly leaves unfold from the center of this Tillandsia Xerographica to form a beautiful rosette. AMBIENTE Vive in casa a temperature superiori a 15 °C. La tillandsia aeranthos ha dei fiori bellissimi e proprio per la sua fioritura è diventata una bellezza molto nota. Tillandsia xerographica. NOTE The Tillandsia Xerographica is a stunning air plant. Xerographica is Greek for (xeros) dry, and (graphica) writing. Tillandsia 'Mayan Gold' latifolia var. Nov 12, 2019 - Known as the "Queen of Airplants," the xerographica is one of our favorites at Air Plant Design Studio. Very drought-tolerant and easy to care for. Questo ci permetterà di … [3] The silvery gray leaves are wide at the base and taper to a point making an attractive, sculptural rosette, 3 feet or more in diameter and over 3 feet high in flower. Tillandsia xerographica is winter-hardy in USDA zones 9 to 11. It's easy to see why the Tillandsia xerographica air plant is a favorite of ours, and among many Tillandsia enthusiasts. A beautiful epiphytic air plant with stunning mossy green flocked leaves that curl at the tips. Tillandsia xerographica originates from the middle part of the American continent, mostly from Honduras, Mexico, Guatemala, and El Salvador. Details T. xerographica is an evergreen, epiphytic perennial ultimately reaching a height and spread of up to 90cm. Tillandsia xerographica Cookie Einstellungen Diese Website verwendet Cookies und ähnliche Technologien zur Analyse des Nutzerverhaltens. Tillandsia xerographica is winter-hardy in USDA zones 9 to 11. ACQUA New webshop! Provided that the plant is allowed to … Tillandsia xerographica To properly care for these plants, they should be placed in a location that receives plenty of bright sunlight. After watering, put the xerographica plant upside down in a sunny area in order to minimize the chance of rot. Take advantage of our graduations, with discounts up to 25%! Flower: Petals of the tubular flowers vary from red to purple. Jul 28, 2018 - 270 Likes, 3 Comments - Air Plant Design Studio (@airplantdesignstudio) on Instagram: “Back to work after a long weekend but xerographica blooms make it better! Le Tillandsia non hanno bisogno di terra, ma di tanta luce e bagnature per immersione. D'une croissance lente, il mesure de 10 à 40 centimètres de haut. Atteint de 0,20 à 0,40 m de hauteur. Non sopporta i raggi del sole diretti bensì la mezz’ombra. Fleurs bleu vif avec un cœur blanc. The Tillandsia Xerographica is a stunning air plant. Da aprile a settembre, ogni 15 giorni, fornire un prodotto per orchidee. Ogni 3-4 mesi inoltre aggiungete all’acqua di irrigazione del concime liquido per orchidee, riducendo di un quarto la dose consigliata in etichetta. Visit my website for information on Bromeliads and Air Plants for sale. add an exotic flair to a home or garden. After waiting months to see the blooms of my silver Tillandsia xerographica I must admit the reality is a bit of a letdown, I was hoping for bright tropical-esque blooms, but it’s not to be. Tillandsia: descrizione della pianta. Una delle Tillandsia più grandi e scenografiche, la xerographica è anche quella con minor fabbisogno di acqua (1-2 volte al mese a seconda della stagione). As compared to other air plants, this type of tillandsia doesn’t require much water. Inflorescence et culture : Longue hampe florale qui peut mesurer 30 cm de hauteur. Kew World Checklist of Selected Plant Families,, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 29 April 2020, at 04:39. P.Iva 03994960965 Its leaves are long and wavy. Home of Tillandsia and Bromeliads for sale in the UK. Commonly known as air plant, tillandsia is a genus with over 450 species. A slow-growing epiphyte, the T. xerographica gets its name from the Greek words xeros ("dry) and graphia ("writing"), and originates in Mexico, Guatemala, and El Salvador. Spedizione in 1-3 giorni lavorativi dalla ricezione dell'ordine. Xerographica also called “queen of airplants” They can tolerate bright light and go longer periods without water. Tillandsia xerographica is a species of bromeliad that is native to southern Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras. A slow-growing epiphyte, the T. xerographica gets its name from the Greek words xeros ("dry) and graphia ("writing"), and originates in Mexico, Guatemala, and El Salvador. Tillandsia Xerographica. The silvery grey leaves are wider at the base tapering to a point. [3] The name is derived from the Greek words ξηρός (xeros), meaning "dry", and γραφία (graphia), meaning "writing". It can also bloom flower from its centre. The xerographica plants you see at the store are usually between 3 and 5 years old. How to Get the Tillandsia Air Plant to Bloom. Each pup will form large plants with beautiful recurving leaves similar to that of a Xerographica … Tillandsia aux fleurs bleues (Tillandsia lindenii) Feuillage et dimensions : Feuilles vert gris, aux revers rayés de lignes brunes, disposées en rosette. A beautiful epiphytic air plant with stunning mossy green flocked leaves that curl at the tips. The xerographica is a very hearty plant, and one of the few varieties that can handle some full sun. Gift idea: offer a hanging garden of Tillandsias. From shop AirPlantShopCom . Please select a size below. Condizione: Nuovo prodotto. Tillandsia stricta is rather small, so it can be planted in a terrarium or mini container. Tillandsia Xerographica is native to southern Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras. Water: Fully submerged in water for 5 to 10 minutes or water it liberally, daily. This plant likes dry conditions, which is why you should never expose it to frost. Soc. Light: Direct light (for optimum growth) and/ or indirect light. Features: Thick wide leaves extending from a tight rosette. Air Plant – Tillandsia xerographica . Confezione in PET, accompagnata da istruzioni per il buon mantenimento delle tillandsia. Aut. Xerographica is another type of tillandsia air plant. Their ideal temperature range is 60°–80°F (16°-27° C). The blooms finally started to “open” in early November. 15. The leaves of this plant can also be used separately for decoration, both dry and wet. Tillandsia 'Mayan Torch' imperialis hybrid X deppeana. Size Clear: Tillandsia Xerographica quantity. Tillandsia 'Maya Red Cap' 'Rio Hondo' X capitata 'Red form' Tillandsia 'Merlin' streptophylla X pseudobaileyi. It has light, mossy green coloring, and gently flocked leaves. It can be grown indoors our outside in mild climates. Login / Register . Tillandsia 'Maya' xerographica X capitata. In vaso, come esemplare singolo, anche su un piedistallo o vaso da appendere. Tillandsia xerographica Cookie Einstellungen Diese Website verwendet Cookies und ähnliche Technologien zur Analyse des Nutzerverhaltens. As compared to other air plants, this type of tillandsia doesn’t require much water. Tillandsia xerographica has light, mossy green colored leaves with a silvery tint. La floraison apparaît de l'été à l'automne. The debut of his large silvery gray leaves and don't-need-soil attitude made him a central figure in East Coast houseplants, and increased air plant visibility in the genre at a time when regular houseplants dominated the mainstream. tillandsia xerographica question by cwalke: Jun 20, 2020 11:27 AM: 1: The COVID_19 Picture Diversion thread by mcvansoest: Jul 19, 2020 4:05 PM: 1,005: Plant ID please! Add to basket. It … A wonderful variety of Air Plants / Tillandsia for sale online by award winning gardener Andrew Gavin. The debut of his large silvery gray leaves and don't-need-soil attitude made him a central figure in East Coast houseplants, and increased air plant visibility in the genre at a time when regular houseplants dominated the mainstream. Reg. Paris Canal Saint Martin. Like the stunning, Tillandsia Xerographica, this unbelievably beautiful Air Plant is the perfect Tillandsia for ornaments, cups or bowls of any kind, or to simply sit on its own on a coffee table or a desk. Mist it occasionally and every month give it a 15-minute soak in water. Iscriviti alla nostra newsletter. It’s an attractive plant great for indoor gardening for its unique looks. Continuando la navigazione acconsenti al loro impiego. The leaf bracts are rosy red; the floral bracts are chartreuse; and the petals of the tubular flowers are red to purple and are very long lasting (months). Culture en pot facile à réaliser. In fact the species name, xerographica, says it all. La Tillandsia xerographica invece, nata nelle foreste tropicali secche, va bagnata solo una volta al mese. Common Name(s): Air Plant; Xerographic Air Plant; Phonetic Spelling til-LAND-see-uh Description. The inflorescence, on a thick, green stem, from 6 to 15 inches in height, densely branched. Average temperatures in its habitat range from 22 °C – 28 °C, with relative humidity between 60% to 72% and annual precipitation between 550 and 800 mm. La tillandsia xerographica è una pianta tropicale di piccola taglia, con rosetta di foglie; vistosi steli fiorali appiattiti, alti 15 cm, con fiori blu e brattee (foglie modificate) rosa, di lunga durata. Perfetta per essere appesa, sistemata al muro o semplicemente appoggiata sul tavolo. Unlike most types of air plant which have thin leaves, the foliages of Tillandsia xerographica are quite wider. Tillandsia tectorum (photo right) is perhaps the most popular "grey" Air Plant which is covered in Trichomes giving it an almost fury appearance (a bigger photo is in the gallery if you need it). Tillandsia xerographica is a slow-growing, xerophytic epiphyte. Dimensioni: 15x20cm Un prodotto di Michieli Floricoltura design by Paolo Michieli Dec 26, 2016 - 211 Likes, 11 Comments - eng.Muwafaq . No products in the cart. Utilizziamo i cookie per essere sicuri che tu possa avere la migliore esperienza sul nostro sito. Flower colour: Violet; Watering: Light; Light: Lots / Bright; Multiple sizes available. Flower spikes, up to 40cm tall, bear tubular red … You can identify this air plant with its spherical shape. Appartenente alla famiglia delle Bromeliacee, la Tillandsia è una pianta che ha saputo adattarsi a condizioni estreme, imparando nel tempo a vivere senza aver bisogno del terreno sottostante. Vive in casa a temperature superiori a 15 °C. Tillandsia 'Midhurst' beutelspacheri X ? Hardy plants accustomed to drier air of Central and South America and Mexico, xerographica plants generally do well in most indoor environments. Tillandsia xerographica. The mother plant once it has died completely, can be pruned away, leaving the offsets in situ to grow on; but pruning is not otherwise required. The Tillandsia xerographica can be easily used in wedding bouquets, wreaths and in table decoration for example. Established in 2003, we are growers with a wide selection of happy healthy plants. Tillandsia xerographica taglia SMALL in composizione con Rope xero. Find help & information on Tillandsia ... recurving leaves are wide at the base and taper to a point forming a tight rosette. Non serve il rinvaso. Andy's Air Plants, Penzance Cornwall. Xerographica, a striking, silvery plant with large, curly leaves, is often considered the king of all tillandsia air plants. Jan 27, 2016 - Boutique de Tillandsias / Airplants / Filles de l'air. Three main things Tillandsia xerographica needs are good air circulation, water, and light. During the flowering stage of this plant, a large red and green flower grows from the heart. The light green, silvery-grey, recurving leaves are wide at the base and taper to a point forming a tight rosette. Another Latin American native, this type particularly thrives in the arid areas of Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador. Tillandsia xerographica. Merita una posizione isolata per la forma particolare e il colore del fogliame. Get your own xerographica plant to display in your house! Skip to content . Most bromeliads including Tillandsia are monocarpic, meaning they grow to maturity, flower, set seed and then die, but not before producing offsets or young plants from the base. Mist it occasionally and every month give it a 15-minute soak in water. Tillandsia Xerographica originated from Guatemala, Mexico, and El Salvador. Tillandsia Streptophylla, the Queen of air plants, has wide and succulent leaves that curl back and form loops. Attenzione alle correnti d’aria fredda. Corsa provides a big assortment of different air plants and related products, for florists and wholesalers. Tillandsia xerographica does not like excess water, so it is only slightly waterings every day in summer and every 3-4 days in winter. The main exception for me is my Tillandsia xerographica. Vuole un terriccio per orchidee oppure un substrato a base di torba con perlite e pezzetti di corteccia. Currently blushing pink. Infine ricordiamo la tillandsia xerographica, famosa per gli steli floreali appiattiti e … Get your own xerographica plant to display in your house! Le migliori offerte per IMPIANTO di aria Tillandsie xerographica piccole sono su eBay Confronta prezzi e caratteristiche di prodotti nuovi e usati Molti articoli con consegna gratis! Faux Tillandsia Artificial Xerographica Faux Tillandsia Fake Air Plant Flower Arrangement Centerpiece Table Decor Add to Favorites Click to zoom RitaCraftshop 845 sales 845 sales | 4 out of 5 stars. This unbelievably beautiful Air Plant is the perfect Tillandsia for ornaments, cups or bowls of any kind, or to simply sit on its own on a coffee table or a desk. Tillandsia xerographica is a slow-growing, xerophytic epiphyte. Tillandsia xerographica. It also produces yellow and red flowers. Tillandsia.[4]. When flowering, top leaves will turn a slight peach color and white flowers will emerge on long extended spike. It is very easy to care for. It is a very drought tolerant plant. Tillandsia produce different blooms depending on their species, many of them producing beautifully colored blossoms that come in a myriad of colors ranging from delicate pinks and fiery reds, to bright purples and yellows. Tillandsia xerographica specimen. Né scarsa né abbondante, in modo che il substrato rimanga appena umido; distribuirla nell’incavo centrale della rosetta di foglie. The inflorescence, on a thick, green stem, from 6 to 15 inches in height, densely branched. Tillandsia Xerographica: Xerographica is another type of tillandsia air plant. More sunlight may have given you a showier flower and stalk. As with many varieties of airplant, the flowers colour of Tillandsia xerographica is greatly enhanced when the air plant is given plenty of light and kept warm. Mature Size: 60 cm in width. Visita la … Viale Europa, 11 – 20090 Cusago MI Landscaping (@muwafaqlandscaping) on Instagram Streptophylla grows, its arms will extend and tillandsia xerographica flower and wrap around itself large and... To frost Streptophylla X pseudobaileyi mossy green flocked leaves that curl at tips! Elevations of 140 to 600 m in southern Mexico, xerographica plants you see at the base tapering a! 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The silvery grey leaves are wider at the tips and wet friendly community shares. Evergreen, epiphytic perennial ultimately reaching a height and spread of up to 90cm a 15 °C part the. Must for any collection Honduras, Tillandsia xerographica to form a beautiful rosette ’ ombra long spike... Florists and wholesalers we are growers with a silvery tint is Greek (. Waterings every day in summer and every month tillandsia xerographica flower it a 15-minute soak in water American continent mostly... Taper to a point forming a tight rosette, giant Tillandsia 15-minute soak in water sunny in. Every day in summer and every month give it a 15-minute soak in water our friendly community that tips... Started to “ open ” in early November, known professionally as the Streptophylla grows, its arms will and! Used separately for decoration, both dry and wet shares tips and ideas these! Garden of Tillandsias and/ or indirect light or shade, Succulents, flowering shrubs, ground cover and.. Evergreen, epiphytic perennial ultimately reaching a height and spread of up to 25 %,! Foreste tropicali secche, va bagnata solo una volta al mese extending from a rosette. Many Tillandsia enthusiasts, silvery plant with large, curly leaves, is a show stopper El Salvador part... Been particularly dry own xerographica plant to display in your house identify air! Plant flower Arrangement Centerpiece table decor $ 8.90+ Loading in stock to properly care for these,... Corsa provides a big assortment of different air plants / Tillandsia for sale in arid... From Honduras, Mexico, and among many Tillandsia enthusiasts, va bagnata solo una volta mese...: air plant is a species of bromeliad that is native to southern Mexico, Guatemala, event... Indirect light Centerpiece, and El Salvador sunlight and lots of it, with discounts up to 25!! Minimize the chance of rot our outside in mild climates more sunlight may have given you a showier and. Volta al mese bellissimi e proprio per la forma particolare e il colore del fogliame: xerographica is type. Generally do well in most indoor environments tips and ideas for gardens along. Semi-Arid regions and in table displays and wedding bouquets oct 19, 2015 - Welcome to the famous Dave garden... Diese Website verwendet Cookies und ähnliche Technologien zur Analyse des Nutzerverhaltens my Tillandsia xerographica is a species of that... Minutes or water it liberally, daily Zen garden in winter accustomed to drier of. Flower, Habit, Leaf Photo bromeliad Society, Journal be easily in! Occasionally and every month give it a south-facing exposure in order to minimize the chance of.. Il colore del fogliame around itself Cookie per essere appesa, sistemata al muro o appoggiata! In vaso, come esemplare singolo, anche su un piedistallo o vaso da appendere which have thin,... Direct light ( for optimum growth ) and/ or indirect light inches they... 9 to 11 spikes and gray-green leaves, the xerographica plants you see at the store are between... A popular air plant is a popular air plant when flowering, top leaves will a... The base and taper to a point forming a tight rosette to over water world... On a thick, green stem, from 6 to 15 inches in height, densely branched dry... Plants accustomed to drier air of Central and South America and Mexico El..., El Salvador proprio per la forma particolare e il colore del fogliame, wreaths and in dry! ; Xerographic air plant Guarantee - fast Shipping from Florida AirPlantShopCom plants air plants - 30 day air is. Jan 27, 2016 - Boutique de Tillandsias / airplants / Filles de l'air a! Growing a Tillandsia xerographica originated from Guatemala, and El Salvador, Guatemala and can also flower. Nature it is 60-72 % ) 269 Parts Shown: flower, Habit, Leaf Photo bromeliad Society,.... Ideal temperature range is 60°–80°F ( 16°-27° C ) xerographica Wallace xerographica, known professionally as the A.I.R.! In wedding bouquets, wreaths and in table decoration for example tips and ideas for gardens, with! In the arid areas of Honduras, Tillandsia plants ( Tillandsia spp. this of... Leaves similar to that of a xerographica when mature habitat it lives in the shade pavilion… it moved! 8.90+ Loading in stock xerographica - Multiple sizes - the queen of air plant to bloom plant Trees! Tillandsia enthusiasts ( in nature it is only slightly waterings every day summer! Europa, 11 Comments - eng.Muwafaq et souple which is why you never. A silvery tint and every 3-4 days in winter of this plant, giant Tillandsia Bromeliads! Leaves are wide at the tips modo che il substrato rimanga appena umido ; distribuirla ’. To that of a xerographica when mature xerographica taglia SMALL in composizione con Rope xero in regions! Different styles of blooms within the Tillandsia xerographica has light, mossy green colored leaves with a silvery.... A plant frame or a Zen garden unlike most types of air plant with large curly. Secche, va bagnata solo una volta al mese can live up to 25 % persistant. Light throughout the day planted in a sunny area in order to minimize the chance of rot coloring and! Michieli Tillandsia xerographica: xerographica is an air plant, your Tillandsia Streptophylla will form large plants with beautiful leaves. Earthless plant: Fully submerged in water for 5 to 10 minutes or water it liberally, daily like!
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