jica training application form

Number: How to complete the Application FormIn completing the application form, please be advised to: carefully read the General Information (GI) for which you intend to apply, and confirm if the objectives and contents are relevant to yours, be sure to write in the title name of the course/seminar/workshop/project accurately according to the GI, which you intend to apply, use a typewriter/p e r s o n a l c o m p u t e r i n c o m p l e t i n g t h e f o r m , o f w h i c h t h e e l e c t r o n i c v e r s i o n i s a v a i l a b l e o n t h e w e b s i t e : H Y P E R L I N K " h t t p : / / w w w . Application Form . � 1. for the JICA Training Program for Young Leaders Information about the Nominee (to be completed by the Nominee) 1. Following shall be utilized for requesting JICA Projects. >Application for Group and Region Focused Training Program Official application and Parts A and B including Medical History and Examination must be submitted. Please complete the nomination forms attached and submit to the CBCRP-PCCC Project Team . The 2019 application period for this scholarship has ended. I understand and accept that medical conditions resulting from an undisclosed pre-existing condition may not be financially compensated by JICA and may result in termination of the program. Career Record 1) Job Record (After graduation) OrganizationCity/ CountryPeriodPosition or TitleBrief Job DescriptionFrom Month/YearTo Month/Year 2) Educational Record (Higher Education)(required) InstitutionCity/ CountryPeriodDegree obtainedMajorFrom Month/YearTo Month/Year 3) Training or Study in Foreign Countries; please write your past visits to Japan specifically as much as possible, if any. t ��0 � � � � � � � 6� � � �� �� �� �4� 4� � Title: (Please write down as shown in the General Information) 2. However, upon the situation, you may be directly inquired by the JICA official in charge for a more detailed account of your condition. Title: (Please write down as shown in the General Information) 2. OFFICIAL APPLICATION (to be confirmed and signed by the head of the relevant department / division of the applying organization) 1. Title: (Please write down as shown in the General Information) 2. Homepage : training.koica.go.kr | Email : koica.sp@koica.go.kr 825 Daewangpangyo-ro, Sujeong-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, 13449, Korea Application Guidelines In completing the attached application form, please be advised to: a. application form while referring to the following and consult with the respective country’s JICA Office - or the Embassy of Japan if the former is not available - in your country for further information. O Number: (Please write … >Application for Group and Region Focused Training Program. Official application and Part A need not to be submitted 2) How many parts does the Application Form consist of? 2. � Title: Application Form for JICA Training and Dialogue Programs Author: a02697 Last modified by: pc Created Date: 5/26/2020 7:03:00 AM Other titles Use a personal computer in completing the form, or handwrite in block letters; c. Fill in the form in English; d. Be sure to fill in every part of the form; e. Introduction: Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) invites students from Asia for its paid scholarships, who are carrying on their studies at “partner institutes” of JICA. 3) Future Plan of Actions: Describe how your organization shall make use of the expected achievements, in addressing the said issues or problems. Country Name: 4. Carefully read your Application Guideline(AG) and Program Information(PI) prior to completing the application form; b. Training Programs under Technical Cooperation with the Government of Japan. �" h t t p : / / w w w . Present Status Do you currently use any drugs for the treatment of a medical condition? Carefully read your Course Information (CI) prior to completing the application form; b. Training Programs under Technical Cooperation with the Government of Japan. ( ) Note: Disability does not lead to exclusion of persons with disability from the program. j k � B � � p p Z Z Z Z Z d�� $If gd-*y l� � d�� gd-*y l� �'� g kdm $$If �c � � ���! Parts of Application Form to be completed 2) How many parts does the Application Form consist of? � Title: (Please write down as shown in the General Information) 2. JICA will properly and safely manage personal information collected through this application form in accordance with JICA’s privacy policy and the relevant laws of Japan concerning protection of personal information and take protection measures to prevent divulgation, … 2) Limitations on Use and Provision JICA shall never intentionally provide information that can be used to identify individuals to any third party, with the following three exceptions: In cases of legally mandated disclosure requests; In cases in which the provider of information grants permission for its disclosure to a third party; In cases in which JICA commissions a party to process the information collected; the information provided will be within the scope of the commissioned tasks. Language Proficiency (required) 1) Language to be used in the program (as in GI)Listening( ) Excellent( ) Good( ) Fair( ) PoorSpeaking( ) Excellent( ) Good( ) Fair( ) PoorReading( ) Excellent( ) Good( ) Fair( ) PoorWriting( ) Excellent( ) Good( ) Fair( ) PoorCertificate (Examples: TOEFL, TOEIC)2) Mother Tongue3)Other languages ( )( ) Excellent( ) Good( ) Fair( ) Poor Excellent: Refined fluency skills and topic-controlled discussions, debates & presentations. Past:( ) No( ) Yes>>Name of illness ( ), Place & dates ( )Present:( ) No( ) Yes>>Present Condition ( )High blood pressure Past:( ) No( ) YesPresent:( ) No( ) Yes>>Present Condition ( ) mm/Hg to ( ) mm/HgDiabetes (sugar in the urine) Past:( ) No( ) YesPresent:( ) No( ) Yes>>Present Condition ( )Are you taking any medicine or insulin? Number: (Please write down as shown in the General Information) J - 3. �! � To request the services of short and long term experts, please use the A-1 Form. CONFIDENTIAL Training Programs under Technical Cooperation with the Government of Japan Application Form for the JICA Training and | the . 2) Objective: Describe what your organization intends to achieve by participating in the training and dialogue program. for the JICA Training Program for Young Leaders Information about the Nominee (to be completed by the Nominee) 1.Title: (Please write down as shown in the General Information) ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGEMENT COURSE 2. � 2. j i c a . Guidelines of Application Form for the JICA Training and Dialogue Program The attached form is to be used to apply for the training and dialogue programs of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), which are implemented as part of the Official Development Assistance Program of the Government of Japan. Training Programs under Technical Cooperation with the Government of Japan Application Form for the JICA Training and Dialogue Program OFFICIAL APPLICATION (to be confirmed and signed by the head of the relevant department / division of the applying organization) 1. View application_form01.doc from COM MISC at University of Dhaka. application form while referring to the following and consult with the respective country’s JICA Office - or the Embassy of Japan if the former is not available - in your country for further information. Part A. Profile of Organization 1) Name of Organization: 2) The mission of the Organization and the Department / Division: 2. j j " Bj Bj Bj �m �m �m �� �� �� �� �� �� �� $ �� h �� � �� - v Yq �m @ �m " Yq Yq �� & & Bj Bj > Ԡ �v �v �v Yq � & 8 Bj v Bj �� �v Yq �� �v �v � �� � ^ v }� Bj �i �H��B� �d �q U� � � � 0 � k� �� �r � �� , }� �� v }� p �m � �n � �v lo � �o i �m �m �m �� �� {v ^ �m �m �m � Yq Yq Yq Yq � � � ] �d � � � �d � � � & & & & & & ���� Guidelines of Application Form for the JICA Training and Dialogue Program The attached form is to be used to apply for the training and dialogue programs of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), which are implemented as part of the Official Development Assistance Program of the Government of Japan. L ... Our organization hereby applies for the training and dialogue program of the Japan International Cooperation Agency and proposes to dispatch qualified nominees to participate in the programs. Please complete the 1. Following shall be utilized for requesting JICA Projects. 2) Relevant Experience: Describe your previous vocational experiences which are highly relevant in the themes of the applied training and dialogue program. Application Form for . Application Form for JICA Training and Dialogue Programs Author: a02697 Last modified by: koica Created Date: 1/10/2019 9:04:00 AM Other titles: Application Form for JICA Training … Application Form for JICA Training and Dialogue Programs Author: clair � Application Form for the JICA Training and Dialogue Program OFFICIAL APPLICATION (to be confirmed and signed by the head of the relevant department / division of the applying organization) 1. Number: JICA website uses cookies to provide you with a better service.By closing this message or just continuing to browse the site, you are agreeing to our use of cookies in our Privacy Policy. Guidelines of Application Form for . (Give name & dosage.) Selected participants will start their specified programme (Masters or Ph.D.) around September 2020 in Japan at partner Japanese Universities. It depends on the type of KCCP you are applying for. Application Form for JICA Training and Dialogue Programs Author: a02697 Last modified by: Thanh Ha Created Date: 3/3/2020 4:21:00 AM Other titles: Application Form for JICA Training and Dialogue Programs Application Form for JICA Training and Dialogue Programs Limited compound and complex sentences & expanded paragraph formation. Guidelines of Application Form for . As for the applications for Country Focused Training Program including Counterpart Training Program and some specified International Dialogue Programs, it is required to fill in the designated �required� items as is shown below. Application Form . � j p / Training Programs under Technical Cooperation with the Government of Japan. 1. Application Form for JICA Training and Dialogue Programs Author: a02697 Last modified by: Loreto Zúñiga Álvarez Created Date: 7/8/2020 1:51:00 AM Company: HP Other titles: Application Form for JICA Training and Dialogue Programs Application Form for JICA Training and Dialogue Programs 1. JICA reserves the right to use such identifying information and other materials in accordance with the provisions of this privacy policy. Part B: Information about the Nominee(to be completed by the Nominee) NOTE>>>The applicants for Group and Region Focused Training Program are required to fill in �Every Item�. How to complete the Application F. orm. JICA will properly and safely manage personal information collected through this application form in accordance with JICA’s privacy policy and the relevant laws of Japan concerning protection of personal information and take protection measures to prevent divulgation, … Parts of Application Form to be completed 1) Which part of the form should be submitted? the JICA Training and Dialogue Program The attached form is to be used to apply for the training and dialogue programs of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), which are implemented as part of the Official Development Assistance Program … Knowledge Co-Creation Program under Technical Cooperation with the Government of Japan Application Form for the JICA Knowledge Co-Creation Program (Young Leaders) Information about the Nominee (to be completed by the Nominee). the JICA Knowledge Co-Creation Program The attached form is to be used to apply for the Knowledge Co-Creation program (KCCP) of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), which are implemented as part of the Official Development Assistance Program of the Government of Japan. Application Form for the JICA Training and Dialogue Program. CONFIDENTIAL. t �� Application Form for JICA Training and Dialogue Programs Author: a02697 Last modified by: admin Created Date: 5/1/2014 6:00:00 AM Other titles: Application Form for JICA Training and Dialogue Programs Application Form for JICA Training and Dialogue Programs Information on the Applying Organization This part is to be confirmed by the head of the relevant department/division of the organization which is applying. The attached form is to be used to apply for the training and dialogue programs of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), which are implemented as part of the Official Development Assistance Program of the Government of Japan. Application Form for JICA Training and Dialogue Programs. Application Form for the JICA Knowledge Co-Creation Program OFFICIAL APPLICATION (to be confirmed and signed by the head of the relevant department / division of the applying organization) (Application must be type written. 1. Please complete the application form and consult with your respective country’s KOICA Office - or the Embassy of Korea in charge of your country, if the former is not available - for further information. Training Programs under Technical Cooperation with the Government of Japan Application Form for the JICA Training Program for Young Leaders Information about the Nominee (to be completed by the Nominee) 1. Application Form for JICA Training and Dialogue Programs Title: (Please write down as shown in the General Information) 2. Number: g o . l a� p� Guidelines of Application Form for . 6. Please complete the application form … L Title: (Please write down as shown in the General Information) POLICY ON INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY COURSE 2. Nomination for the CBCRP Training. f Training Programs under Technical Cooperation with the Government of Japan Application Form for the JICA Training and Dialogue Program OFFICIAL APPLICATION(to be confirmed and signed by the head of the relevant department / division of the applying organization) 1. Medical History Have you had any significant or serious illness? Please see the information below for the following JICA scholarships available for eligible candidates who wish to study in one of Ritsumeikan University’s graduate schools. Training Programs under Technical Cooperation with the Government of Japan. InstitutionCity/ CountryPeriodField of Study / Program TitleFrom Month/YearTo Month/Year 5. Name of the Nominee(s): 1)3)2)4) Our organization hereby applies for the training and dialogue program of the Japan International Cooperation Agency and proposes to dispatch qualified nominees to participate in the programs. � The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) sponsors a number of scholarships for those interested in pursuing higher studies in Japan. Title: (Please write down as shown in the General Information) 2. Title: (Please write down as shown in the General Information) 2. ( ) Yes( ) No (Specify name of illness)Present Condition: ( ) 3. the JICA Training and Dialogue Program The attached form is to be used to apply for the training and dialogue programs of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), which are implemented as part of the Official Development Assistance Program of the Government of Japan. Title: (Please write down as shown in the General Information) 2. K Number: (Please write down as shown in the General Information) J0- 3. Please refer to the General Information to find out which type the training and dialogue program that your organization applies for belongs to. Country Name: 4. of Application Form for . Application Form for the JICA Training and Dialogue Program. to consent to waive exercise of my copyright holder�s rights for documents or products that are produced during the course of the project, against duplication and/or translation by JICA, as long as they are used for the purposes of the program. Application Form for JICA Training and Dialogue Programs Nomination for the CBCRP Training The attached form is to be used for nomination to the training funded by JICA through the “Project for Capacity Building on Climate Resilience in the Pacific” (CBCRP-PCCC). Number: (Please write down as shown in the General Information) J 0 - 3. The Screening Format is (PDF/94KB) (Word/50KB) a … OFFICIAL APPLICATION (to be confirmed and signed by the head of the relevant department / division of the applying organization) 1. It depends on the type of training and dialogue program you are applying for. Application Form for the JICA Training and Dialogue Program. Title: (Please write down as shown in the General Information) 2. OFFICIAL APPLICATION (to be confirmed and signed by the head of the relevant department / division of the applying organization) 1. � Compound complex sentences. Date:Signature:Name:Designation / PositionOfficial StampDepartment / DivisionOffice Address and Contact InformationAddress:Telephone:Fax:E-mail: Confirmation by the organization in charge (if necessary) I have examined the documents in this form and found them true. Name of Applying Organization: 5. Date:Signature:Name:Official StampDesignation / PositionDepartment / Division Part A: Information on the Applying Organization(to be confirmed by the head of the department / division) 1. Formulates strategies to deal with various essay types, including narrative, comparison, cause-effect & argumentative essays. (required) 3) Area of Interest: Describe your subject of particular interest with reference to the contents of the applied training and dialogue program. If accepted for the program, I agree: not to bring or invite any member of my family (except for the program whose period is one year or more), to carry out such instructions and abide by such conditions as may be stipulated by both the nominating government and the Japanese Government regarding the program, to follow the program, and abide by the rules of the institution or establishment that implements the program, to refrain from engaging in political activity or any form of employment for profit or gain, to return to my home country at the end of the activities in Japan on the designated flight schedule arranged by JICA, to discontinue the program if JICA and the applying organization agree on any reason for such discontinuation. Republic of the Union of Myanmar Long-term Training Course on Administrative Capacity Development. OFFICIAL APPLICATION (to be confirmed and signed by the head of the relevant department / division of the applying organization) 1. Any information that is acquired through the activities of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), such as the nominee�s name, educational record, and medical history, shall be properly handled in view of the importance of safeguarding personal information. Fair: Broader range of language related to expressing opinions, giving advice, making suggestions. Title: Application Form for JICA Training and Dialogue Programs Author: a02697 Last modified by: Jennifer Sinisterra Created Date: 2/19/2018 3:30:00 PM Application Form for JICA Training and Dialogue Programs Author: a02697 Last modified by: Loreto Zúñiga Álvarez Created Date: 7/8/2020 1:51:00 AM Company: HP Other titles: Application Form for JICA Training and Dialogue Programs Application Form for JICA Training and Dialogue Programs OFFICIAL APPLICATION (to be confirmed and signed by the head of the relevant department / division of the applying organization) 1. Application Form for JICA Training and Dialogue Programs Last modified by: RUBY ( ) Stomach and Intestinal Disorder( ) Liver Disease( ) Heart Disease( ) Kidney Disease( ) Tuberculosis( ) Asthma( ) Thyroid Problem( ) Infectious Disease >>> Specify name of illness ( )( ) Other >>> Specify ( )(e�) Has this disease been cured? Application Form for the JICA Training and Dialogue Program. Training Programs under Technical Cooperation with the Government of Japan. Application Form for JICA Training and Dialogue Programs Author: a02697 Last modified by: Jennifer Sinisterra Created Date: 2/19/2018 3:30:00 PM Other titles: Application Form for JICA Training and Dialogue Programs Application Form for JICA Training and Dialogue Programs � , o r w r i t e i n b l o c k l e t t e r s , f i l l i n t h e f o r m i n E n g l i s h , u s e o r x t o f i ll in the ( ) check boxes, attach a picture of the Nominee, attach additional page(s) if there is insufficient space on the form, prepare the necessary document(s) described in the General Information (GI), and attach it (them) to the form, confirm the application procedure stipulated by your government, and submit the original application form with the necessary document(s) to the responsible organization of your government according to the application procedure. Title: (Please write down as shown in the General Information) 2. 1. 1. Number: (Please write down as shown in the General Information) J 0 - 3. for the JICA Training Program for Young Leaders Information about the Nominee (to be completed by the Nominee) 1.Title: (Please write down as shown in the General Information) ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGEMENT COURSE 2. Number: (Please write … application form while referring to the following and consult with the respective country’s JICA Office - or the Embassy of Japan if the former is not available - in your country for further information. Title: (Name of the Program, please refer course General Information) 2. Information about the Nominee(nos. Official application and Parts A and B including Medical History and Examination must be submitted. � � � j b Z Z d�� gd)`� d� gdZ22 v kd $$If �c � ��� ���!��! � '' h t t p: / / w w to fill in every item belongs.. Experiences Which are highly relevant in the General Information ) 2 you allergic to any Medication or food that have... 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