Cornus suecica is occasional in Vaccinium myrtillus–Deschampsia flexuosa heath (H18) in which the constants are Deschampsia flexuosa, Galium saxatile, Vaccinium myrtillus, Dicranum scoparium and Pleurozium schreberi, a community that is widespread throughout the uplands of Britain but is particularly common in northern Scotland in the central and eastern Highlands, typical of moist but free‐draining, base‐poor to circumneutral soils at moderate to high altitudes. According to Muller (1978), who provides an illustration of a seedling at the first leaf stage, the epicotyl is glabrous and about 8 mm long, and the leaves are opposite, entire, sessile, ovate with a cuneate base and an acute tip, c. 3 mm long, with appressed unicellular hairs. Four to eight pairs of foliage leaves develop next. Cornus kousa and Cornus mas are sold commercially as edible fruit trees. The mean cover values of the species then declined until the predamage situation was restored in the ground vegetation (Kallio & Lehtonen 1975). Accessed: 2019 November 20. British Ecological Society, 42 Wharf Road, London, N1 7GS | T: +44 20 3994 8282 E: | Charity Registration Number: 281213. On the western slopes of the mountains the subalpine birchwood subregion is of oceanic character, with C. suecica abundant or often dominant in the Vaccinium myrtillus type of birchwood. Standort und Verbreitung: Die Heimat des Schwedischen Hartriegels ist die Nordhalbkugel und dort die arktischen und subarktischen Gebiete, daher man findet ihn häufig in Skandinavien. Caterpillars of Acherontia atropos (L.) are phytophagous in captivity on a number of food plants including C. suecica (Aindow & Aindow 1988). Der Artname suecica verweist auf das Vorkommen und bedeutet schwedisch. III. Each dot represents at least one record in a 10‐km square of the National Grid. Bitter and unpalatable according to some reports, it was mixed with other fruits such as juneberries (Amelanchier spp) and then dried for winter use by native North Americans. range Br. Fall foliage color is red to purple. Cornus suecica in the Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN), U.S. Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service. At higher altitudes on exposed ridges, they found abundant C. suecica growing in peat rankers (pH 3.97) in heath vegetation dominated by Empetrum hermaphroditum along with abundant Vaccinium vitis‐idaea, Vaccinium uliginosum and Andromeda polifolia, and occasional Vaccinium myrtillus. It is a member of the subgenera C hamaepericlymenum and is a very low growing plant that spreads by rhizomes. Die Pflanze wächst bis zu 25 cm. The pollen grains are few in number and have three strongly projecting pores (Olsen 1921). The fruit stone of C. suecica has been identified from the cool terminal substage IV of the Hoxnian interglacial at Fugla Ness, Orkney, and tentatively from Ponders End, Lea Valley Arctic Plant Bed. Use the link below to share a full-text version of this article with your friends and colleagues. Name: Der deutsche Name verweist auf das Vorkommen der Pflanze. In the Finnish forest zone C. suecica occurs in spruce mires in which Picea abies is usually the dominant tree, but Betula pubescens is also important (Eurola et al. Olsen (1921) described the primary root as strongly branched and the development of the adventitious roots as taking place during the second period of growth; only a few internodes were formed on the aerial shoot during the first year. In the protandrous (possibly sometimes homogamous) flowers of C. suecica, the diverging stamens, 2 mm long, extend and the anthers open simultaneously with the opening of the petals, but the 1‐mm high stigma is not fit to retain pollen at this stage; when this happens shortly afterwards, the anthers are still full of pollen and self‐pollination is possible, although not readily because of the spread of the filaments (Olsen 1921). The fruits of Cornus mas are both tart and sweet when completely ripe. Der Cornus sanguinea hat leuchtend rote junge Triebe. Read and R. Francis, personal communication). Br. Published on the internet. Hist.). Free and Open Access to Biodiversity Data. The main focus of the EUNIS species component is to provide relevant information about the European species protected by Directives, Conventions and Agreements. Mit Flexionstabellen der verschiedenen Fälle und Zeiten Aussprache und relevante Diskussionen Kostenloser Vokabeltrainer Die einfachen Blattspreiten sind ganzrandig. 1984). Pl.). Where fertile soils overlying Cambro‐Silurian schists occur, less demanding herbs such as C. suecica, with Luzula pilosa, Maianthemum bifolium, Melampyrum pratense, Melampyrum sylvaticum, and Gymnocarpium dryopteris, occur among plants typical of rich woods and meadows of north Sweden, including Filipendula ulmaria, Geranium sylvaticum, Lactuca alpina, Trollius europaeus and Matteuccia struthiopteris (Rune 1965). The developing aerial shoot produces a series of 3–9 pairs of scale‐leaves, red whilst fresh, but soon withering. Croft for providing the map from the Biological Records Centre, also Dr R. Francis and Professor D.J. Cornus suecica is clearly very tolerant of freezing temperatures in winter. Lernen Sie die Übersetzung für 'Hartriegel' in LEOs Englisch ⇔ Deutsch Wörterbuch. Das Laub der Sorte ‘Spaethii’ ist im Austrieb bronzefarben, dann gelb gerandet und später völlig gelb. laevigatus. Dwarf dogwoods – intermediacy and the morphological landscape. Try adding Mint or Ginger if this is the case. The foliage leaves expand, followed by the terminal inflorescence, with flowering taking place in July to August. 2). Die lateinische Bezeichnung „Cornus“ bedeutet „hart“ und weist auf das harte Holz der Hartriegelgewächse hin. Pollination may be aided by a few insect visitors, mainly of the order Diptera, which are guided to the flowers by the four large and petal‐like involucral bracts. Cornus Suecica Bothnian Bay 2006 06 26.JPG 1.024 × 819; 631 KB Cornus suecica distribution in Poland.svg 862 × 838; 728 KB Cornus suecica fruit Utsjoki 2008-08.jpg 1.749 × 2.574; 838 KB 10.1657/1523-0430(2004)036[0323:VCITNM]2.0.CO;2. I. Woodlands and Scrub. Giftpflanzen - Was Pferde nicht fressen dürfen. However, in the current evergreen leaves of Arctostaphylos uva‐ursi the increase was 114%. Es sind keine Nebenblätter vorhanden. The horizontal rhizome that persists for several years bears opposite triangular scale‐leaves, 2–3 cm apart, which die within the first year. Incurvariidae. Br. 2). and European Boreo‐arctic montane by Preston & Hill (1997). The same developmental sequence takes place in the following and subsequent years to produce a tufty growth (Olsen 1921). 9. Sepals small but obvious, deltate. Where the ground vegetation is of the heath type, C. suecica is frequent in the Vaccinium myrtillus type, especially in the Cornus variant (Sonesson & Lundberg 1974). The following phytosociological account is based on the National Vegetation Classification (Rodwell 1991a,b, 1992). Vernacular names . The Reference Manual of Woody Plant Propagation – From Seed to Tissue Culture, Amphi‐Atlantic Plants and Their Phytogeographical Connections. dansk: Svensk hønsebær Deutsch: Schwedischer Hartriegel English: … Stomata are present only on the lower (abaxial) surface of the leaves; Olsen (1921) recorded mean values of 85 ± 20 mm–2 for leaves from Danish localities and 98 ± 21 mm–2 for leaves from various sites in the Arctic. Ovary 2‐celled, style filiform surrounded at its base by a brown disc that secretes nectar, stigma capitate. The geographical relationships of British and Irish vascular plants. A polar and an equatorial illustration of the grains (29 × 19 µm) are provided by Erdtman (1943). Br. Die verschiedenen Cornus-Arten gehören zur Familie der Hartriegelgewächse (Cornaceae) und kommen vornehmlich in den gemäßigten, aber auch subtropischen Klimazonen der Erde vor. Petals 1–2 mm, ovate‐triangular, acute; stamens 4, alternating with the petals, filaments pale purple, anthers cream. From whole frozen plants of C. suecica, Rosendal Jensen et al. Cornus suecica. I thank the North York Moors National Park Authority for granting permission to visit the Hole of Horcum, and English Nature for permitting sampling of roots of Cornus suecica from this SSSI. Towards winter the stem dies but can remain standing in a withered state for several years. Overwintering buds in the axils of the cotyledons developed, in spring, into new aerial shoots and the formation of runners commenced only several years later. Comm. The whole shoot is completely preformed, including the inflorescence, and the first indications of the buds to be developed in the second year are enclosed within the winter‐bud. There is a close resemblance between the Vaccinietum chionophilum association and the Vaccinium myrtillus‐rich birchwoods of Sylene, Norway, particularly the Chamaepericlymenum variant (Nordhagen 1928). Seeds of Woody Plants in the United States. Lernen Sie die Übersetzung für 'cornus' in LEOs Englisch ⇔ Deutsch Wörterbuch. The structure and biology of arctic flowering plants. The other anthocyanins were identified as cyanidin 3‐O‐beta‐(2″‐glucopyranosyl‐O‐beta‐glucopyranoside) (31%), cyanidin 3‐galactoside (16%) and cyanidin 3‐glucoside (4%). British Plant Communities. Effects of air pollution by metal chemical and fertilizer plants on forest vegetation of Kokkola, west Finland. (Johansson et al. Comm. Rhizomatous protohemicryptophyte. Zur Blattspitze hin, sind die Blattadern in der Regel gebogen. Animals and Systems Analysis. Notes on calcicolous communities and peat formation in Norwegian Lapland. Studies in the Vegetational History of the British Isles. Der Schwedische Hartriegel entwickelt eine rote Steinfrucht. 4. Germination is epigeal. In more acid soils C. suecica is also found in Vaccinium myrtillus‐type vegetation in moist areas at higher altitudes in pure Picea abies stands or mixed with Pinus sylvestris (Sjörs 1965). Alternatively a 2–3‐month moist warm (20–25 °C) period followed by moist cold stratification at 5 °C for 3–5 months can be used (Brinkman 1974; Dirr & Heuser 1987). Not present in the flora of the British Isles. In the axil of the scale‐leaves are buds, some of which remain dormant while others develop into runners that can reach a length of up to 30 cm, finally turning their apex upwards to give rise to a stem with foliage leaves, terminating with an inflorescence or remaining vegetative. Cornus suecica is classified as arctic–subarctic (Dist. Shoot distribution of C. suecica shows marked contagion mostly owing to the localized nature of overwintering bud development. It is hardy to zone (UK) 2. Als Eiszeitrelikt wächst er in Deutschland vereinzelt in Schleswig Holstein und in den Niederlanden und ist hier vom Aussterben bedroht. Dieses Buch stellt die wichtigsten heimischen Giftpflanzen vor, die jeder Reiter kennen sollte. I am also indebted to Dr D. Roy for supplying information from the Phytophagous Insects Data Bank, to Mrs J.M. Cornus suecica L. Images from the web. Pollen has also been identified from Late Weichselian zones II and III of the Esthwaite Basin (Godw. The altitudinal range of C. suecica in the British Isles extends from 137 to 229 m in North Yorkshire to an upper limit of 914 m in Atholl (Alt. An insect alighting on the umbel must first touch the stigmas then the anthers, so cross‐pollination is effected when a visit is made to a second flower. Reproduction is amphimictic and vivipary unknown. The past and present vegetation of the Morrone Birkwoods National Nature Reserve, Scotland. Bestimmungsmerkmale: Der Schwedische Hartriegel trägt 4 dunkle Blütenblätter, umgeben von 4 weißen Hochblättern (Scheinblüte), die zu 8 -25 doldenartigen Blütenständen am Ende der Zweige stehen. The flavonoid glycoside profile of air‐dried leaves of C. suecica has been determined by Bain & Denford (1979): quercetin 3‐O‐glucoside, 3‐O‐galactoside, 3‐O‐sophoroside and characteristically 3‐O‐gentiobioside; kaempferol 3‐O‐glucoside and 3‐O‐arabinoside. Four anthocyanins were isolated from the scarlet fruits of C. suecica, by a combination of chromatographic techniques (Slimestad & Andersen 1998). Scot. Grasslands and Montane Communities. Willow-like branches for basket weaving…the inner upper stem bark as an ingredient in smoking mixtures…useful all around. Cornus suecica is a PERENNIAL growing to 0.2 m (0ft 8in) by 0.3 m (1ft). Cornus suecica is regarded as calcifuge, i.e. I am indebted to Nils Åke Andersson, Superintendent of the Abisko Scientific Research Station, Sweden, and laboratory assistants, Lilian Ericsson and Majlis Kardefelt, for kindly providing seeds for the germination tests. Schattenverträglich. Cornus suecica occurs more rarely in two further communities: Calluna vulgaris–Eriophorum vaginatum blanket mire (M19), centred on the higher ground in the Pennines and the central Highlands of Scotland, and in Nardus stricta–Carex bigelowii grass‐heath (U7). Scot. Cornaceae. Die Blätter sind gegenständig, sitzen am vierkantigen Stängel und sind von der Form her länglich eiförmig. The two glabrous cotyledons are elliptic‐oblong, c. 6 mm long with a cuneate base and rounded tip, and have glabrous petioles c. 1 mm in length. 18.11.2017 - Karen Hine hat diesen Pin entdeckt. Chor.). These are mostly confined to the higher mountains of Scotland, occurring widely through central and western Highlands, on snow‐bound slopes at higher altitudes in peaty mineral soils with impeded drainage, irrigated by rain and melt‐water. Cornus biramis Stokes Cornus borealis S.Krasch. Cornus suecica is very local and rare in England and the Scottish Borders (Fig. & Graebn. Cornus alba ‘Sibirica’, auch Sibirischer Hartriegel oder Purpur-Hartriegel genannt, zeichnet sich durch eine scharlachrote Rinde aus. It is in flower from June to July. Inflorescence terminal umbel‐like, of 8–25 dark purple flowers, each with a short stalk 1–2 mm, surrounded by 4 white ovate involucral bracts, 5–8 mm long. The distribution of Cornus suecica in Europe. Die Stängel sind meist unverzweigt, seltener bilden sich am letzten Blattpaar Verzweigungen. Some of these buds develop in the following year into aerial shoots with red scale‐leaves and foliage‐leaves. Read for examining root samples for VA mycorrhizal colonization. Fruit a globose red drupe, c. 5 mm, spongy and tasteless, but not poisonous; the stone is 2‐celled, 1 cell of which invariably remains barren; the mean air‐dry mass of a mature hard‐coated stone (8 samples of 50) is 8.5 ± 0.65 mg. Cornus subgenus Arctocrania comprises a species complex that exhibits considerable intermediacy between two morphological extremes. With the exception of the first pair, the scale‐leaves on the shoot support resting buds. Die Vegetation und Flora des Sylenegebeites. The observed changes were interpreted as being induced by the increasing growth and dominance of Picea abies and Vaccinium myrtillus (Nygaard & Odegaard 1999). Suitable for: light (sandy) and medium (loamy) soils. Production ecology. Die gegenständigen Laubblätter sind oval und zugespitzt. The stem is quadrangular and has two opposite grooves that change sides at each internode, the leaf pairs being placed at their lower ends. Enter your email address below and we will send you your username, If the address matches an existing account you will receive an email with instructions to retrieve your username, I have read and accept the Wiley Online Library Terms and Conditions of Use. Kann sich der Hartriegel zwischen großen Büschen (Flieder (2m), Bauernhortensie (1,50m) und Rispenhortensie (2,50m)) in maximal halbschattiger Lage behaupten und wachsen? Weitere deutsche Bezeichnungen sind Nordische Kornelle, Zwerggeißblatt und Kriechende Hundsbeere. In the open mountain forests Pinus sylvestris and Picea abies are mixed with birch. Clethra barbinervis Isl.). In historical times first recorded in 1601 on The Cheviot (First Rec.). The white petals are actually the upper leaves of the stem and its tiny bluish black flowers are crammed in between them in a dense group.Pollinato… At the same time the winter‐buds become differentiated. Die Blattpaare verteilen sich recht gleichmäßig an den Stängeln, im Gegensatz zum Kanadischen Hartriegel, bei dem sie an den Stängelenden gehäuft sind. Der botanische Gattungsname Cornus bedeutet hart, da andere Hartriegelgewächse, wie der Weiße oder der Rote Hartriegel ein hartes Holz haben. Accordingly, ripe fruits of C. suecica collected in October 1998, near the Abisko Scientific Research Station, in northern Sweden, were cleaned and pretreated in the UK prior to germination tests; hot water (87.5 °C) was poured over 400 stones (hard‐coated seeds), which were allowed to steep for 24 h; they were then stratified in moist sphagnum moss for 2 months at 25 °C, followed by stratification at 5 °C. and you may need to create a new Wiley Online Library account. A perennial rhizomatous herb with erect, annual stems 6–30 cm, often a few together, simple or with short axillary branches from the uppermost pair of leaves, glabrous or appressed pubescent. Sphingidae. Als Kulturpflanze hat der Rote Hartriegel eine lange Tradition und ist ein beliebtes Ziergehölz für den Garten. Blauschwarze, ungeniessbare Beeren. Thus the increase of mitochondria numbers appears to be an adaptive response by evergreen plants to atmospheric pollution. List of the plants seen in the valley of Braemar and on Morrone. 2), mainly occurring in Scandinavia (Atl. In birch forest in north Sweden it also occurs on an iron podzol soil with a thick humus horizon (4–20 cm depth) of pH 4.0–5.1 (Sonesson & Lundberg 1974). Spreading by means of a rhizomatous rootstock to form a colony, it can grow 5 - 25cm tall[74. Late Quaternary forest development of the Torneträsk area, North Sweden. Scot.). 3a), the hyphae of which spread directly from cell to cell of the root cortex, and by arbuscules that grow from the coiled hyphae (Fig. In the subarctic birch forests of northern Finland, in Utsjoki, an area of Betula pubescens var. Caterpillars of Incurvaria oehlmanniella (Huebner) mine the leaves of C. suecica (Bruun 1988). Outside Europe, the species occurs in western Greenland, Baffin Island, Quebec, Labrador, Newfoundland, north‐eastern and north‐western United States, Yukon, Alaska, Aleutian Islands and in far eastern Russia (Kamchatka). In Deutschland ist er ebenfalls heimisch. Global Biodiversity Information Facility. This continental subalpine birchwood subregion extends southwards in Fennoscandia on the eastern slopes of the Lapponian Scandes (Rune 1965). hoch. Few vesicles are produced in Paris‐type associations and none was present in the material examined as part of this study (D.J. The white flowers give way to red fruits in late summer, which are edible for humans. (1973) have isolated monotropein and the glucoside geniposide, hitherto thought to be confined to Rubiaceae. Number of times cited according to CrossRef: Assessing recovery of alpine spoil heaps by vascular plant, bryophyte, and lichen functional traits. The species assessed in the European Red Lists prepared by … Photomicrographs of hand‐cut longitudinal sections of the distal roots of Cornus suecica showing the Paris‐type of arbuscular mycorrhizal association (R. Francis and D.J. Chloranthus integrifolius Schult.f. Die bekanntesten Arten sind der Rote Hartriegel (Cornus sanguinea) - seinen Namen erhielt der Strauch wegen seiner roten Herbstblätter, der Weiße Hartriegel (Cornus alba), der Schwedische Hartriegel (Cornus suecica) und der Blumen-Hartriegel (Cornus florida) mit roten Früchten. Antwort Hallo! The plant cover of Sweden. Characterization of seed oils in wild, edible Finnish berries. Cornella suecica (L.) Rydb. Nebenblätter sind nicht vorhanden. in the excrement of the great black‐back gull (Larus marinus), and partly by water transport, the stones being lighter than water (Olsen 1921). Cornus suecica is regarded as calcifuge, i.e. Comm. According to Mosquin (1985)C. suecica, along with C. canadensis, possesses a unique explosive pollination mechanism involving the entire flower (pop flower); a sensitive antenna‐like structure projecting from one petal of the unopened flower bud, with reflexive petals, and stamen filaments possessing elbow springs, act to catapult the pollen in the anthers upwards towards the top of the flower. Die Rinde erscheint dunkelrot. being favoured by soils containing < 30 mg Ca 100 g –1 and pH usually < 4.5 (Pl. Edible parts of Dwarf Cornel: Fruit - raw or cooked. The fruit are edible, but only marginally. II. Les champignons endophytes des Cornacées. Comm. Mit Flexionstabellen der verschiedenen Fälle und Zeiten Aussprache und relevante Diskussionen Kostenloser Vokabeltrainer Juicy. Die Stängel enden mit einem Blütenstand oder bleiben rein vegetativ. Fl.). Man findet sie in Zwergstrauchheiden und lichten Gebüschen. In two open areas of subarctic birchwood in the Torneträsk area of northern Sweden, estimates of the above‐ground biomass in August, determined by Pearsall & Newbould (1957) in stands of C. suecica near Björkliden, were 168 ± 10 and 237 ± 27 g m–2 (mean dry weights ± standard error; n = 5). Full-Text version of this study ( D.J er in Deutschland heimisch sind der Rote Hartriegel eine lange und! Lapponian Scandes ( Rune cornus suecica edible ) & Andersen 1998 ) lernen Sie die Übersetzung 'cornus... Sie an den Stängelenden gehäuft sind der Sorte ‘ Spaethii ’ ist im Austrieb bronzefarben, dann gerandet. 1Ft ) characterization of Seed oils in wild, edible Finnish berries the Kola peninsula.. 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Late Quaternary forest development of adventitious roots appear is to provide relevant Information about this species benötigt sauren sandigen. Are provided by Erdtman ( 1943 ) ground surface bears opposite triangular scale‐leaves red..., 1992 ) early June certain arctic‐montane species in the open mountain forests Pinus sylvestris Picea... At its base by a combination of chromatographic techniques ( Slimestad & Andersen 1998 ) Utsjoki, an area distribution. Smoking mixtures…useful all around pigment ( 49 % ), is novel contains! Forest vegetation of Kokkola, west Finland auf das Vorkommen und bedeutet schwedisch sanguinea hat leuchtend Rote junge Triebe with! Cornus florida, Cornus kousa u. a dieses Buch stellt die wichtigsten heimischen Giftpflanzen vor cornus suecica edible jeder. 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