As more and more of their time and investment capital is absorbed in information technology and its effects, executives have a growing awareness that the technology can no longer be the exclusive territory of EDP or IS departments. environmental changes and aid the organization to achieve a competitive advantage over its competitors. A company’s first task is to evaluate the existing and potential information intensity of the products and processes of its business units. Will the flexibility of information technology allow broad-line competitors to invade areas that were once the province of niche competitors? The cost of tailoring products to market segments is falling, again affecting the pattern of industry rivalry. Organizations need to distribute the responsibility for systems development more widely in the organization. Highly skilled labor 3. The strength of each of the five forces can also change, either improving or eroding the attractiveness of an industry.5, Exhibit V Determinants of industry attractiveness. Here is a common scenario, you realize the need to use technology to improve your operation,... 3. First, it makes new businesses technologically feasible. 5. Chapter 3 Achieving Competitive Advantage with Information Systems 1) A firm can be said to have competitive advantage when it has higher stock market valuations than its competitors. • What business objectives does Cemex’s Web site Computer-aided design capability not only reduces the cost of designing new products but also dramatically reduces the cost of modifying or adding features to existing products. There are no longer mature industries; rather, there are mature ways of doing business. To answer these questions, managers must first understand that information technology is more than just computers. Sustainable competitive advantage is the key to business success. It … This is for educational purposes only. Although a trend toward information intensity in companies and products is evident, the role and importance of the technology differs in each industry. A brand can create a competitive advantage if it is clear about these three determinants: 1. For example, information systems now permit the airline industry to alter fares frequently and to charge many different fares between any two points. What Are Projects, What Is IT Project Management, and What Does PMBOK Mean? Lock-heed, for example, entered the data base business by perceiving an opportunity to use its spare computer capacity. By bundling more information with the physical product package sold to the buyer, the new technology affects a company’s ability to differentiate itself. On the West Coast, some fishermen now use weather satellite data on ocean temperatures to identify promising fishing grounds. IT applications are mostly used to help organizations to do its day to day work and to gain competitive advantage while reducing competitive disadvantage and to meet other business objectives which organizations need. What Is the Relationship between Organizational Strategy and Information Technology Planning. (For example, Boeing engineers work on designs on-line with foreign suppliers.) Managers must look carefully at the structural implications of the new technology to realize its advantages or to be prepared for its consequences. Today information technology is spreading throughout the value chain and is performing optimization and control functions as well as more judgmental executive functions. No company can escape its effects. According to some projections, by the mid-1990s, 75% of U.S. households will have access to such services. The increasing flexibility in performing many value activities combined with the falling costs of designing products has triggered an avalanche of opportunities to customize and to serve small market niches. Not only is each force likely to change but industry boundaries may change as well. The information revolution is creating interrelationships among industries that were previously separate. A company should understand how structural change is forcing it to respond and look for ways to lead change in the industry. In garment production, equipment such as automated pattern drawers, fabric cutters, and systems for delivering cloth to the final sewing station have reduced the labor time for manufacturing by up to 50%. In addition to taking a hard look at its value chain, a company should consider how information technology might allow a change in competitive scope. Unless the numerous applications of information technology inside a company are compatible with each other, many benefits may be lost. Because firms consist of multiple business units, information systems achieve additional efficiencies or enhance services by tying together the operations of disparate business units. The information revolution and the tales of competitive advantage have certainly altered how managers throughout business see the role of Information Systems. By bringing General Wood into the company in November of 1924, Julius Rosenwald acquired much more than the higher order of managerial skills he was seeking. 1. Similarly, a company’s ability to differentiate itself reflects the contribution of each value activity toward fulfillment of buyer needs. Similarly, a manufacturer of automotive parts, A.O. This improves the position of both brokers and homebuyers in shopping for mortgages. Information technology is advancing faster than technologies for physical processing. Using Information Systems to Achieve Competitive Advantage. Most of those come through knowledge and information. Canon’s success with this system derives from the software that controls parts inventory and selection. There are four generic strategies used to manage competitive forces, each of which often is enabled by using information technology and systems: Low-cost leadership: Use information systems to achieve the lowest operational costs and the lowest prices. The cost of hardware will continue to drop, and managers will continue to distribute the technology among even the lower levels of the company. Information technology has had a particularly strong impact on bargaining relationships between suppliers and buyers since it affects the linkages between companies and their suppliers, channels, and buyers. A unique geographic location 4. Similarly, information technology helped Sulzer Brothers’ engineers improve the design of diesel engines in ways that manual calculations could not. Automation and flexibility are achieved simultaneously, a pairing that changes the pattern of rivalry among competitors. CHAPTER 3: Strategy, Information Systems, and Competitive Advantage. Identify and rank the ways in which information technology might create competitive advantage. Companies also are increasingly able to create and sell to others information that is a by-product of their operations. In this paper, we offer a competency-based view of how information systems (IS) can be used to achieve competitive advantage. What Is the Relationship between Innovation and Information Technology? Most general managers know that the revolution is under way, and few dispute its importance. National Benefit Life reportedly merged with American Can in part to gain access to data on the nine million customers of American Can’s direct-mail retailing subsidiary. … Firm infrastructure, including such functions as general management, legal work, and accounting, supports the entire chain. Equally important is the possibility that new linkages among activities are being made possible. Develop a plan for taking advantage of information technology. As more and more of their time and […]. To help managers accomplish this, we have developed some measures of the potential importance of information technology. For more information on the value chain concept, see Michael E. Porter, Competitive Advantage (New York: Free Press, 1985). No company can escape its effects. Competitive Advantage with Information Systems Porter’s Competitive Forces Model Strategies for Dealing with Competitive Forces Strategic Use of Information Technology The Value Chain and Strategic IS Competing on Global Scale Competing on Quality and Design What is Quality How IS improve Quality Competing on Business Process How Do Information Systems Support Decision Making? Competitive Forces. The model enabled the company to evaluate many more different variables, scenarios, and alternative strategies than had been possible before. To obtain a competitive advantage with information technology requires more than just simply using the technology. This optimization may require trade-offs. It was originally developed by Michael Porter, a professor at the Harvard Business School. There was no longer a separately definable rural market with its own unique characteristics and needs; that market, and the previously distinct urban market, were homogenizing into a general American mass market. As they see their rivals use information for competitive advantage, these executives recognize the need to become directly involved in the management of the new technology. What Should you Know About IT Operations and IT Projects? Potentially high information intensity in the value chain—a large number of suppliers or customers with whom the company deals directly, a product requiring a large quantity of information in selling, a product line with many distinct product varieties, a product composed of many parts, a large number of steps in a company’s manufacturing process, a long cycle time from the initial order to the delivered product. The collective strength of the five forces varies from industry to industry, as does average profitability. Here we go.. 4. Achieving Competitive Advantage with Information Systems - Essentials of Management Information Systems Finally, we outline a procedure managers can use to assess the role of information technology in their business and to help define investment priorities to turn the technology to their competitive advantage. Using information technology to gain a new perspective Cash, Jr. and Benn R. Konsynski, “IS Redraws Competitive Boundaries,” HBR March–April 1985, p. 134. Information systems that cross company lines are becoming common. After surveying a wide range of industries, we find that information technology is changing the rules of competition in three ways. For example: Industries such as airlines, financial services, distribution, and information suppliers (see the upper right-hand corner of Exhibit IV) have felt these effects so far.6 (See the insert, “Information Technology and Industry Structure,” for more examples.). Retailers can run an ad in the morning newspaper and find out its effect by early afternoon. Information technology has made a number of professional service industries less attractive by reducing personal interaction and making service more of a commodity. The technology increases a company’s ability to coordinate its activities regionally, nationally, and globally. The information revolution affects all nine categories of value activity, from allowing computer-aided design in technology development to incorporating automation in warehouses (see Exhibit III). Good coordination allows on-time delivery without the need for costly inventory. The new technology substitutes machines for human effort in information processing. Executives must examine such activities for ways in which information technology can create sustainable competitive advantage. Dow Jones has started the Asian Wall Street Journal and the Wall Street Journal-European Edition and shares much of the editorial content while printing the papers in plants all over the world. Second, information technology can also spawn new businesses by creating derived demand for new products. Systems that connect buyers and suppliers are spreading. Similarly, advances in microelectronics made personal computing possible. Initially, companies used information technology mainly for accounting and record-keeping functions. When a bank consortium went looking for a contractor to run a network of automated teller machines, A.O. Caesar’s Palace lowered its complimentary budget more than 20% by developing a player-rating system for more accurate identification of big spenders. Each value activity has cost drivers that determine the potential sources of a cost advantage. Broad scope can allow the company to exploit interrelationships between the value chains serving different industry segments, geographic areas, or related industries. By taking a careful look, managers can identify the value activities that are likely to be most affected in terms of cost and differentiation. A competitive strategyis a broad-based formula for how a business is going Companies have permanently altered the bases of competition in their favor in many industries through aggressive investments in information technology and have forced other companies to follow. Similarly, the embedding of information systems in the physical product itself is an increasingly powerful way to distinguish it from competing goods. The cost of developing software, now a key constraint, will fall as more packages become available that are easily tailored to customers’ circumstances. All books are in clear copy here, and all files are secure so don't worry about it. Dow Jones, publisher of the Wall Street Journal, pioneered the page transmission technology that links its 17 U.S. printing plants to produce a truly national newspaper. Using Information Systems to Achieve Competitive Advantage • Discuss the role that the competitive forces model played in the transformation of Cemex. During the Industrial Revolution, the railroad cut the travel time from Boston, Massachusetts, to Concord, New Hampshire, from five days to four hours, a factor of 30.3 But the advances in information technology are even greater. Sears found the answer first—fortuitously. Competitive scope is a powerful tool for creating competitive advantage. The physical component includes all the physical tasks required to perform the activity. The question is not whether information technology will have a significant impact on a company’s competitive position; rather the question is when and how this impact will strike. networks. The use of bar-code scanners in supermarket retailing has turned grocery stores into market research labs. 2.0 How Competitive Advantage Can Achieve and Performed in Information System 2.1 Target Market 2.2 Customer Demand 2.3 Using Database Marketing THE ROLE COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE IN INFORMATION SYSTEM 3.0 How Information System Improve Competing on Quality and Design in Competitive Advantage in Sime Darby 4.0 Ways Competitive Advantage Can Improve Decion Making in Information System … This action plan should rank the strategic investments necessary in hardware and software, and in new product development activities that reflect the increasing information content in products. Or, can the technology help a company create competitive advantage by narrowing its scope? The latter, broadly defined, is everything that the buyer needs to know to obtain the product and use it to achieve the desired result. Information technology is an increasingly important avenue for corporate diversification. In some cases, the boundaries of industries themselves have changed.7. In the search for competitive advantage, companies often differ in competitive scope—or the breadth of their activities. For example, two business units may share one sales force to sell their products, or the units may coordinate the procurement of common components. Completely decentralized organizational design and application of information technology will thwart these possibilities, because the information technology introduced in various parts of a company will not be compatible. The competitive advantage of a narrow scope comes from customizing the value chain to best serve particular product varieties, buyers, or geographic regions. The Value Chain Model Information System Strategies for Dealing with Competitive Forces Is there anything else B&N and the book publishers should be doing to stimulate more business? Lowering cost. 6. “Competitive advantage is at the heart of a firm’s performance in competitive markets. All form of competitive advantage is primarily targeted to increase profit for corporations with the help of customers. SEJ has been able to achieve competitive advantages over competitors because of the pursuing such IS/IT initiative. What strategies should a company pursue to exploit the technology? The number of variables that a company can analyze or control has grown dramatically. It also is affecting competitive scope and reshaping the way products meet buyer needs. Second, information technology is an increasingly important lever that companies can use to create competitive advantage. An information system that is intended to achieve sustainable competitive advantage applies information technology (IT) to the strategic needs of the organization. Consumer behaviour is more dynamic than ever. Chances are that a new definition of the industry may be necessary. Integration of information technology in running the affairs of the business increases it chances of achieving a competitive advantage. For most of industrial history, technological progress principally affected the physical component of what businesses do. Every activity employs purchased inputs, human resources, and a combination of technologies. These three effects are critical for understanding the impact of information technology on a particular industry and for formulating effective strategic responses. Similarly, Digital Equipment’s artificial intelligence system, XCON, uses decision rules to develop custom computer configurations. Second, information technology is an increasingly important lever that companies can use to create competitive advantage. What information-processing capacity exists internally to start a new business? As a long-term asset, this expectation extends beyond one year. PLAY. The company’s product often passes through its channels’ value chains on its way to the ultimate buyer. For example, banks competing in cash management services for corporate clients now need advanced software to give customers on-line account information. What are the implications of actions that competitors may already have taken? Don’t automate a mess Information System Strategies for Dealing with . Large-scale production is no longer essential to achieve automation. An important concept that highlights the role of information technology in competition is the “value chain.”1 This concept divides a company’s activities into the technologically and economically distinct activities it performs to do business. By selecting a narrow scope, on the other hand, a company may be able to tailor the value chain to a particular target segment to achieve lower cost or differentiation. There is an unmistakable trend toward expanding the information content in products. Finally, the product becomes a purchased input to the value chains of its buyers, who use it to perform one or more buyer activities. A strategic information system is an information system that is designed specifically to implement an organizational strategy meant to provide a competitive advantage. Shipowners now choose an engine that is more precisely suited to their needs and thereby recoup significant fuel savings. They can also sell this data to market research companies and to food processors. Identifying opportunities to spawn new businesses requires answering questions such as: What information generated (or potentially generated) in the business could the company sell? Buyer needs, in turn, depend not only on the impact of the company’s product on the buyer but also on the company’s other activities (for example, logistics or after-sale services). With the coming of the automobile and good roads, rural America rapidly became less isolated, and the kinds of merchandise of interest to the farm family came more and more to be the kinds of merchandise of interest to city dwellers as well. Information systems help businesses leverage their core competencies by promoting the sharing of … Automated bills for materials and vendor quotation files make it easier for buyers to evaluate sources of materials and make-or-buy decisions. The technology is unfreezing the structure of many industries, creating the need and opportunity for change. Users drastically reduce the time spent in literature searches. Competitive advantages, regardless of their origin, do not last forever. The applications of information technology that companies are using today are only a beginning. 7. Competitors will always attempt to copy the information systems a firm uses if they provide competitive advantage. A competitive advantage is an attribute that enables a company to outperform its competitors. Site Navigation; Navigation for Achieving Competitive Advantage with Information Systems Intermodal is tailoring its value chain to large national customers in a way that was previously impossible. To speed up order entry, Westinghouse Electric Supply Company and American Hospital Supply have furnished their customers with terminals. Minimizes inventory at warehouses, operating costs. the ability to do something better, faster, more economically or uniquely when compared with competitors . Information technology is permeating the value chain at every point, transforming the way value activities are performed and the nature of the linkages among them. But the opportunities for savings through coordinating with suppliers and channels go far beyond logistics and order processing. government agencies. These changes do not mean that a central information-technology function should play an insignificant role. One can utilise information systems for competitive advantage by identifying how the systems can enhance core competencies. Using Information Systems to Achieve Competitive Advantage. Information technology is also at the core of growing interrelationships in financial services, where the banking, insurance, and brokerage industries are merging, and in office equipment, where once distinct functions such as typing, photocopying, and data and voice communications can now be combined. organization can impact its market share by being first to market with a competitive advantage. Chapter 3: Achieving Competitive Advantage with Information Systems 81 HEADS UP In the past decade, firms using the Internet and the Web, and other kinds of information systems, have created entirely new products and services, and entire new industries and businesses. A competitive advantage is what makes an entity's goods or services superior to all of a customer's other choices. Access to new or proprietary technologyIntangible AssetsAccording to the IFRS, intangible assets are identifiable, non-monetary assets without physical substance. The information revolution is affecting competition in three vital ways: We discuss the reasons why information technology has acquired strategic significance and how it is affecting all businesses. STUDY. Other firms have achieved operational excellence and much We then describe how the new technology changes the nature of competition and how astute companies have exploited this. Strategic information systems are the traditional or conventional information systems used in innovative ways [1]. Successful companies seek … It … Answer: TRUE Diff: 2 Page Ref: 81 2) The competitive forces model was created for today's digital firm. In insurance brokerage, a number of insurance companies usually participate in underwriting a contract. Information System and Information Technology (IS/IT) has become the core feature for many business successes in the globe. Sign in|Recent Site Activity|Report Abuse|Print Page|Powered By Google Sites. October 7, 2018 October 7, 2018 Gabriella Luisa Susanto. These sorts of systems began popping up in the 1980s, as noted in a paper by Charles Wiseman entitled “Creating Competitive Weapons From Information System… Now, however, many casinos have developed computer systems to analyze data on customers. Now a computer model can optimize (and often reduce) the number of insurers per contract, lowering the broker’s total cost. 2. A logistics activity, for example, uses information like scheduling promises, transportation rates, and production plans to ensure timely and cost-effective delivery. Exhibit IV, which relates information intensity in the value chain to information content in the product, illuminates the differences in the role and intensity of information among various industries. Information technologies requiring large investments in complex software have raised the barriers to entry. The value chain for a company in a particular industry is embedded in a larger stream of activities that we term the “value system” (see Exhibit II). Finally, the new technology has a powerful effect on competitive scope. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Enhancing differentiation. Information System, Organizations and Strategy: Achieving Competitive Advantage. First, advances in information technology are changing the industry structure. The result: drilling time is reduced and some well-logging steps are eliminated. Third, information technology creates new businesses within old ones. During the Industrial Revolution, companies achieved competitive advantage by substituting machines for human labor. 8. A competitive advantage is what makes an entity's goods or services superior to all of a customer's other choices. After several decades of vigorous expansion and prosperity, however, many firms lost sight of competitive advantage in their scramble for growth and pursuit of diversification. Consider the newspaper industry. Organizational changes that reflect the role that the technology plays in linking activities inside and outside the company are likely to be necessary. Most general managers know that the revolution is under way, and few dispute its importance. Among other things, many systems raise the costs of switching to a new partner because of the disruption and retraining required. The definition of competitive advantage is the skills needed to outpace your rivals. First mover advantage. Sears took advantage of its skills in processing credit card accounts and of its massive scale to provide similar services to others. Assess information intensity. The kink below also talk about Business Strategy and how to achieve Competitive Advantage: CHAPTER 10: Understanding the IT Department: Operations and Projects. Firms throughout the world face slower growth as … Now that we have an understanding of competitive advantage and some of the ways that IT may be used to help organizations gain it, we will turn our attention to some specific examples. In these applications, the computers automated repetitive clerical functions such as order processing. 3. The system enables Wal-Mart to keep costs low while finetuning its merchandise to meet customer demands. (See the insert, “Aim: A Competitive Edge,” for further examples.). It is a profitability ratio measuring revenue after covering operating and non-operating expenses of a business. They also aim to Competitive advantage is a favourable position a business holds in the market which results in more customers and profits. Similarly, some railroad and trucking companies offer up-to-the-minute information on the whereabouts of shippers’ freight, which improves coordination between shippers and the railroad. The company, suppliers, and channels can all benefit through better recognition and exploitation of such linkages. Companies that do not respond will be forced to accept changes that others initiate and will find themselves at a competitive disadvantage. When selecting priority areas, remember the breadth of information technology—it involves more than simple computing. How will advances in information technology affect competition and the sources of competitive advantage? Paper ledgers and rules of thumb have given way to computers. Activities with important links to other activities inside and outside the company are also critical. Computer-controlled machine tools are faster, more accurate, and more flexible in manufacturing than the older, manually operated machines. Different activities require a different mix of the two components. Environmental scanning. I need an original paper. The Value Chain Model American Express has developed differentiated travel services for corporate customers through the use of information technology. Files make it easier for buyers to evaluate many more different variables, scenarios, and other tools. Long-Distance telephone achieving competitive advantage with information systems data-transmission services through its internal telecommunications system offer products no. The strategic information system essay should play an insignificant role new perspective it is at the same time new... 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