From the quiz author. Learn more in the Cambridge English-Turkish Dictionary. Go check your email for the link to our private Memrise group. This means that the pitch of your voice rises as you finish the question. / Because I’m sick – Porque estoy enfermo. No spam! In English, they are often known as Wh- questions, since they are often headed by question words such as "why" or "what". These worksheets, posters, conversation cards and fun mingle activity provide students ample opportunities to review and practice.Click here to SAVE 30% on this Grammar & Conversation BUNDLE.INTERROGATIVE POSTERS:Thi. (Is the house big? ), ¿__________ están mis llaves? Click here for that. Ir practice . ), ¿__________ es tu cumpleaños?) is a common way to say “huh?” in Spanish. Learning Resources (Memory Game): Interrogatives (language - K11 - interrogative - question words - spanish interrogatives) - Memory- Pair the interrogatives Interrogatives ( Spanish ) EC. There are three Spanish interrogative pronouns that can be translated to the English word what: qué, cuál, and cómo. What is an interrogative adjective? Spanish II First Six Weeks Study Guide. ), ¿Con quién vas al teatro? Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. Start with a normal declarative sentence. Interrogative […] This is something unique in Spanish language, such as the “ñ” letter. TIP: ¿cómo? In both Spanish and English, interrogative pronouns are typically placed at or very near the beginning of a … ), La casa es grande (The house is big) → ¿La casa es grande? ), ¿Cuántos años tienes? Whose house is that? But whatever the reason, the truth is that all of us, without exception, need to ask questions in our daily lives. Integrated reporting a south african story Next Generation Consultants: Reana Rossouw. - but if I'm asking a Spanish speaker then I say: "¿Cómo?" Meaning and examples for 'interrogative' in Spanish-English dictionary. ), ¿__________ está Valentina feliz? Example sentences: though she phrased it as an interrogative , it was clear that the utterance was more of a command – ¿Cómo estás? Terms Privacy, Terms for our incredible guarantee can be read here. Complete the sentence by selecting the correct word from the dropdown. Exercise IV: Work on the difference between qué, cuál, and cuáles. To ask a yes or no question in Spanish, you simply put question marks around a normal sentence. Online Quizzes for CliffsNotes Spanish I QuickReview, 2nd Edition Quiz: Interrogative Pronouns (Question Words) Previous Interrogative Pronouns Question Words Zero to advanced. Here are the most common question words in Spanish: Although they don't affect the pronunciation, the accent marks in these question words are particularly important, since they are what sets them apart from relative pronouns, so don't forget to include them! Wrong 0. This adjective is used when there is a real or imaginary list of things to choose from or when those options are available when speaking. Learn more. Ir practice with al, a la. TIP: Click here for free access to our Private Memrise flashcards, where you can train every lesson, including this one. What is an interrogative adjective? Click here for more review activities (link leaves purposegames site). To ask a yes or no question in Spanish, you simply put question marks around a normal sentence. Select the correct interrogative word. Learn 17 Spanish Question Words (interrogatives) with this Spanish Word Wall. Subjects: Foreign Language, Spanish. interrogative translate: interrogativo, interrogatorio/oria [masculine-feminine, singular], interrogativo/iva…. Spanish interrogatives set to the tune of Jingle Bells. Again, super easy! Great visual resource to support students as they begin to ask and answer questions. Yes or No Questions. An adjective is a word that modifies a noun, and interrogative means questioning, so interrogative adjectives are adjectives used to ask the questions "what," "which," and how "much/many." These are the questions that will get you the simpler answers (yes, no, or I don't know). Example sentences: though she phrased it as an interrogative , it was clear that the utterance was more of a command interrogative definition: 1. a word or sentence used when asking a question: 2. the form of a sentence that is used for…. These are the questions that will get you the simpler answers (yes, no, or I don't know). To learn more about Question Words, check out our Interrogativos grammar notes page.. You may also want to try our other Spanish Question Words Game. When the subject is not represented by the question word, it is added right after the verb. √ Fast and Easy to use. So you want to ask a Spanish question but aren’t sure how to form it? Tell yourself: "If I'm asking an English speaker I say: what?" Interrogatives (Questions) Recommended Spanish question words_powerpoint_presentation_palabras_interrogativas Megan Mayo. Join the course now, before we come to our senses and charge for it! Correct 0. Why are you here? Home and Objects Unit Study Guide . (You speak English, right? Have the students complete the "Post Song Worksheet #2". Hello, today we are going to talk about interrogatives in Spanish. The following questions are all correct and ask the same thing: In spoken Spanish, you can differentiate yes or no question from regular sentences by their rising intonation. Interrogative pronouns are those pronouns that are used almost exclusively in questions. Home and Objects. The interrogative clause can be formed by inflection in Spanish. This game is part of a tournament. – ¿Cómo está el clima? Take advantage of our easy to use chart to learn 25 Spanish vocabulary words. Ir - Explanation and Practice. When is it going to stop? (With whom do you go to the theater? The Basics of Asking Spanish Questions. Sooner or later you're going to … Qué, cuál, and cuánto are Spanish interrogative adjectives. A noun is a word … (__________color do you prefer, green or red? To start with, some Spanish question words can vary according to the number and gender of the person or thing they are referring to: When a preposition is needed, it is always added before the pronoun: These combinations of preposition + question word are called question phrases. For example, whose jacket is that? Interrogatives in Spanish 1. Las palabras interrogativas: Interrogative Words - Exercise 1 Select the correct interrogative word. Spanish Interrogatives Chapter Exam Instructions. No one can read your mind. Learn 17 Spanish Question Words (interrogatives) with this Spanish Word Wall. Enter your email below, and get access to our private flashcards (including audio for every word!) ), ¿Cuántos hermanos tiene Juan? But there are a few issues you must understand in order to use the correct question word in context. This means that sometimes it can appear in the middle of a sentence: Although it might seem like an unnecessary nuance, it does have an advantage. The following table shows the Spanish translations of English interrogative pronouns. This blog is presented by BaseLang: Unlimited Spanish Tutoring for $149 a Month. In this post, we’ll cover how to say these Spanish interrogatives and more. ), Tú hablas inglés, ¿verdad? In this lesson we’re going to focus on the interrogatives and how to use them, along with a number of examples which will illustrate how to build interrogative sentences (that is, ques– tions) in Spanish. In English, they are sometimes WH-words since most of them start with WH-. in Spanish. It shouldn't be followed by any kind of punctuation other than an exclamation mark, and the adjacent word is always capitalized. So, here's a good question: How do interrogatives work in Spanish? 8 Spanish Interrogative Pronouns to Ask Your Way to Fluency. – ¿De quién es esa casa? Spanish interrogatives. Examples: How are you? Audio pronunciations, verb conjugations, quizzes and more. -Soy de Sevilla. Spanish Interrogatives - Chapter Summary and Learning Objectives. Their Spanish equivalents may not have a cute mnemonic device, but these interrogative pronouns are just as useful in asking questions. Interrogative words or question words are words used to ask questions such as what, where, when, why, etc. man, dog, house). An interrogative adjective is one of the question words and expressions used with a noun such as which, what, how much and how many; for example, Which shirt are you going to wear? 0:00.0. Here are some more examples where you can see this in action: By now, you have probably noticed that opening question mark. After that, it’s just $149/mo for unlimited one-on-one tutoring. Exercise III: You provide the interrogative word. Please go to to log back in and re-subscribe. This Spanish grammar game is to help you learn about Question Words in Spanish.. (___________is your favorite fruit? is a common way … Some question words can also form question phrases with nouns: Unlike yes or no questions, open questions do sometimes require an inversion in their word order. Reconsidering the syntax of interrogatives in Caribbean Spanish, with special reference to Dominican Spanish Michael Zimmermann University of Konstanz Received: 04-10-2017 Accepted: 06-03-2019 Abstract This paper readdresses one of the most conspicuous syntactic traits of varieties of Caribbean Spanish that has been on the research agenda ever since … Where are we going? If you found this Spanish Grammar Game about Question Words fun or useful, let others know about it: Asking questions is a great way to learn new things in Spanish, and it's a necessary skill for making your way around. Whose shoes are those? Apr 14, 2017 - Explore Chris Keck's board "Spanish Interrogatives" on Pinterest. ), ¿Dónde vive Juan? Palabras interrogativas. ), ¿__________ quieres comer? Interrogative pronouns are always written with an accent in order to differentiate them from the relative pronouns que, el cual and quien. A noun is a word referring to a person, animal, place, thing, feeling or idea (e.g. But whatever the reason, the truth is that all of us, without exception, need to ask questions in our daily lives. This is what you’ll login in with. Please contact support. Do this exercise with each of the following interrogatives, just to get into the habit of asking them out loud! In Spanish the interrogative adjectives are qué (meaning which or what) and cuánto / cuánta / cuántos / cuántas (meaning how much/how many). If you need to get directions, ask what a word means, find out the time, etc. The famous “five Ws” (who, what, when, where, why) are all considered interrogative pronouns because they’re pronouns used to ask a question. Basically, you use “qué” when you have no idea what something is, but “cuál” when there’s an understood variety of options. (Where does Juan live? In English, an interrogative pronoun is one of the words who, which, whose, whom, and what when they are used without a noun to ask questions. An interrogative adjective is one of the question words and expressions used with a noun such as which, what, how much and how many; for example, Which shirt are you going to wear? We may do it out of curiosity, necessity or simply boredom (“Are we there yet?”). ), ¿Por qué estudias español? This Spanish grammar game is to help you learn about Question Words in Spanish.. If it's not there, check spam and then whitelist us! ), ¿Cuál es tu libro favorito? (You should be able to substitute the interrogative for the underlined part of the answer and generally have the words needed to form the question. The answer to that question, fortunately, is not too complicated. By printing out this quiz and taking it with pen and paper creates for a good variation to only playing it online. Interrogatives Worksheet (Conjuguemos) Ir. You can also visit my webpage: – ¿Por qué estás aquí? When for example somebody asks you for your name you have to use cuál because in Spanish, there’s an imaginary “list” of potential names you could have. Interrogatives (Questions) Recommended Spanish question words_powerpoint_presentation_palabras_interrogativas Megan Mayo. Note that all of these words have accents. The exact strategies you need to become conversational in Spanish this year. Why is it raining? TIP: ¿cómo? Complete the sentence with the appropriate question word. / Because I’m on vacation – Porque estoy de vacaciones. In English, they are sometimes WH-words since most of them start with WH-. (In packet) (15 minutes) Their Spanish equivalents may not have a cute mnemonic device, but these interrogative pronouns are just as useful in asking questions. ). All rights reserved. Exercise II: More practice selecting the correct interrogative word. ), ¿__________ estás hoy? De quién is used to express possession. They can make you think, they can spark a conversation, and they can even help you let someone know you care. Exercise V: Listen to the question and select the correct answer Send Close. Exercise I: Select the correct interrogative word. ; How much time have we got? How to say interrogative in Spanish - Translation of interrogative to Spanish by Nglish, comprehensive English – Spanish Dictionary, Translation and English learning by Britannica. Now that you understand Spanish interrogatives, start trying to ask some simple questions to use what you have learned. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. 1. you will need to know how to ask questions correctly. We use cuándo to ask for dates or any point in the time. These are the interrogative pronouns in Spanish: Note that question words have an accent on them in Spanish. Stem Changing Verbs in Spanish: Explained For Beginners, Lo in Spanish: 5 Different Meanings for 5 Different Scenarios, Si Clauses in Spanish: 5 minute Guide to The Hypothetical, Why are you sad? (When is your birthday? ), ¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños? Spanish Interrogatives - Chapter Summary and Learning Objectives. In Spanish we use “cuál” for a lot of situations where you would typically use “what” in English. √ 100% FREE. Quit. Interrogative […] ), Cuál (this is not “qué”, because there are potential answers that you are “choosing from”). Types: … Big and bold, black and white bricks - each brick measuring 3 x 9 so students can easily read from the back interrogative translate: soru sözcüğü/kelimesi. YoGo verbs Seema Sumod. Qué, cuál, and cuánto are Spanish interrogative adjectives. There are a few differences between English and Spanish question words. El … ), ¿Qué quieres estudiar? Best way to pick this up though is by speaking with a native and seeing where they use it, as there’s no hard rules about it. Instant comprehensible input! (___________is Valentina happy? Study Guide Spanish II First Six Weeks . interrogative pronouns worksheets, 7th grade spanish worksheets and spanish question words worksheet are three of main things we want to show you based on the post title. Download the exact curriculum that thousands of BaseLang students have used to become fluent in Spanish, We sent you an email with a link to download the guide. (Basically, who owns that?). Online Quizzes for CliffsNotes Spanish I QuickReview, 2nd Edition Quiz: Interrogative Pronouns (Question Words) Previous Interrogative Pronouns Question Words Click here for the Spanish Interrogatives Presentation 2. Grades: 6 th, 7 th, 8 th, 9 th, Homeschool. Interrogatives. 1. – ¿De quién es el televisor? Integrated reporting a south african story Next Generation Consultants: Reana Rossouw. Las palabras interrogativas: Interrogative Words - Exercise 1 Select the correct interrogative word. In Spanish the interrogative adjectives are qué (meaning which or what) and cuánto / cuánta / cuántos / cuántas (meaning how much/how many). Spanish Interrogative words are extremely necessary when learning the language. Learn about interrogative 1 in Spanish while playing the Spanish Sentence Quiz. Review words used to form questions in Spanish. When you want to ask for any kind of explanation you have to use ¿por qué? Asking is in our nature. To answer these types of questions you use porque (one word, without the accent), which is “because”. Translation of interrogative at Merriam-Webster's Spanish-English Dictionary. Interrogative words or question words are words used to ask questions such as what, where, when, why, etc. Cómo how Cuál which one Cuáles which ones Cuándo when: Cuánto(a) how much/many Dónde where Adónde (to) where De dónde (from) where: (In what office do you work? How in Spanish: ¿Cómo? Let's say you are visiting a Spanish speaking area on vacation. ), at the beginning and at the end of the sentence. to follow along with the free lessons here on the BaseLang blog. Whose TV is that? Questions are a great part of languages. All these questions follow the traditional subject-verb-object order of Spanish (which happens to be the same order used in most English phrases). Then, put up the English version of the conversation, and have them do it in Spanish (translation from English to Spanish. Interrogatives in Spanish. Interrogatives Chart. YoGo verbs Seema Sumod. 8 Spanish Interrogative Pronouns to Ask Your Way to Fluency. Introduction. ¿__________ es tu fruta favorita? Choose your answers to the questions and click 'Next' to see the next set of questions. See more ideas about Spanish, Teaching spanish, Spanish classroom. Healthful Living Unit Guide . Browse by Subject Spanish Interrogative. 1 GRAMMAR EXERCISES VOCABULARY EXERCISES PHRASAL VERBS TRAVEL SPANISH ONLINE SPANISH GRAMMAR QUIZ Exercise III: You provide the interrogative word. We use cómo to ask for any type of description or to ask for detailed information about somebody or something. Just turn your declarative Spanish sentence into a question with these easy steps and ask away. It's that easy! In English, an interrogative pronoun is one of the words who , which , whose , whom , and what when they are used without a noun to ask questions. Let's say you are visiting a Spanish speaking area on vacation. 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