This project seeks to investigate the role that the context of the supply chain and the sector in which the focal company operates on the degree of supply chain flexibility or, one and the same thing, on the degree to which Lean Supply Chain Management is implemented. ... Also, Gurbaxani and Shi (1992) stated that information systems might simplify firm's functions, improving a firm's coordination ability. Information technology is changing the way companies operate. Appendix B provides approaches to conducting an industry study, including sources of field and published dat. It is affecting the entire process by which companies create their products. All rights reserved. A differentiated examination will also be performed of the interrelationship that exists between these characteristics of the supply chain and the sector and the supply chain’s flexibility, on the one hand, and the supply chain’s agility, on the other and, finally, on business results. Effective information technology management is just one critical competency required for the successful implementation of strategic business processes. One way to keep, The results of this paper constitute an initia, exists between ownership structure, IT use and, to analyse if the characteristics of the memb, relationship. The first index shows the average variation of, The period of reference was 5 years in order to, have had a circumstantial influence on competit, justified if we take into account that: 1) it, each company given that it depends only on the, total sales of the sector as a whole, 2) it elim, company on competitive advantage, 3) it eliminat, in the sector as a whole can have on individual. (1997): “Information technology as competitive advantage: the. Table 1. One competitive force always captures essential issues in the division of value.There are three generic competitive strategies for coping with the five competitive forces: (1) overall cost leadership, (2) differentiation, and (3) focus. Research-Technology Management: Vol. There are risks with each strategy. Once a last resort for key team The purpose of the second section is to configure Lean Supply Chain Management, i.e., to detect mechanisms that lead to or facilitate this management.The last section is aimed at evaluating Lean Supply Chain Management by providing a reliable system to measure the results that are anticipated from LSCM and a monitoring and evaluation system that enables the easy and timely detection of any significant deviations from predicted results. information gives you competitive advantage”, competitive intensity, and firm performance: An. As in the study made by, The hypothesis of age influence on organi, considered that the older the organization, the, e more developed its activity and hierarchy, In several studies, the efforts made in commercial, ables in shape of publicity costs (see Lee and, of the efforts made in commercial promotion, of the sales force. The, This paper analyses the relationship betw, advantage when it acts together with some hu, nature. (1986): Participation in decision-making. pirical research shows that IT improves competitive. firms than in cooperative firms, due to the princip, Nevertheless, the International Cooperative Alliance itself (1995) highlights that cooperative, firms, as part of the market, must manage th, the same way as capitalist firms, so they are ab, things, it is a private firm whose existence onl, maximize the economic and financial benefits its. Publicaciones del Monte de Piedad y Caja de Ahorros de Córdoba, Huelva. Information Technology, Competitive Advantage, IT Capability 1. And Leana, C.R. Now, instead of traveling throughout the country conducting in-person training this year, I’m building a training library that will save tons of time and energy in the future!” 2. However, of the difference in nature of both of them, share represents a percentage variation, while. Technology is your competitive advantage for successful business. The model is applied by analyzing the potential of several firm resources for generating sustained competitive advantages. Building on the assumptions that strategic resources are heterogeneously distributed across firms and that these differences are stable over time, this article examines the link between firm resources and sustained competitive advantage. The aim of the Project OLIVEN will be to define successful technologies for olive industry wastes and by-products valorisation focusing on the, Research on the entrepreneurial process has focused on either structural or agency-related aspects from the point of view of an individual entrepreneurial actor, while the concrete activities and their relationality have gained less scholarly attention. These, ship is so resilient that it stands up to the. investigating technology as a competitive advantage in supermarket operations in Nairobi County, Kenya. Innovation Strategies for Creating Competitive Advantage. Wernerfelt, B. During the preliminary study a total, computing technologies). echnology in explaining competitive advantage. of 17 types of information technology used in, re evaluated by including 0-5 Likert type, ers of the organizations participating in the, tion was not interested in the use of the, Organizational size is a fundamental control, Ramaswamy, 2001). The term “competitive advantage” has been popularised by Michael Porter [16] way before the construct of Barney’s [3] and Peteraf’s [33] frameworks. Parsons, 1983), the links of the value chain (Porter and Mi, backed up by recent studies in which, in th, performance after the introduction and devel, On the other hand, ownership structure defines, 1984). I also discuss some important issues not raised by Priem and Butler - the resolutions of which will be necessary if a more complete resource-based theory of strategic advantage is to be developed. technology or refinements to technology that you already created in order to stave off that competition.” That’s good news for small business owners, who embody the new brand of velocity and agility and, as a result, can carry the competitive advantage. ve been Powe ll and Dent-Micallef (1997) state that the Institute of Technology. In this work we propose a new complementary resource to IT: democratic ownership, structure. This, rmation coming from two sources: 1) a personal, al distribution firms and 2) a postal survey, ted during at least one working day every, ws with members of different organizational, type scale and semantic differential scales, es or non implicit errors in sampling were also, ntal control tools: 1) the use of multiple, iously mentioned, and 2) the application of, onal scales used in the questionnaire. This paper analyses the relationship between information technology use (IT) and competitive advantage. Michael Porter presents a comprehensive structural framework and analytical techniques to help a firm to analyze its industry and evolution, understand its competitors and its own position, and translate this understanding into a competitive strategy to allow the firm to compete more effectively to strengthen its market position. Join ResearchGate to find the people and research you need to help your work. All figure content in this area was uploaded by José Moyano-Fuentes, All content in this area was uploaded by José Moyano-Fuentes, Bruque-Camara, Moyano-Fuentes,Hernandez-Ortiz,Vargas-Sanchez, Information Technology and Competitive Advantage. Moreover, in this area of research (the competitive advantage in cooperatives), Information Technologies play an increasingly important role. satisfaction and commitment on the part of the members. The paper was based on the evaluation of … A competitor would have to build a matching system from scratch to provide the same benefits, giving the incumbent a strong advantage. The study sought to answer the following specific objectives: to determine the extent to which technology is applied as a technique to gain competitive advantage, to establish interview with several members of pharmaceutic, With respect to the first source, we visi, pharmaceutical distribution company operating in the geographical sphere previously, mentioned (16 firms), holding personal intervie, levels. Sepherd, W. G. (1972): “The elements of market structure”. In this case, the fragmented nature, work could also give rise to an overvaluation, rate in an area where pharmaceutical consumer, nce/s where each organization operates for the, Consumption of pharmaceutical products in the area where company, = Consumption of pharmaceutical products fo, Consumption of pharmaceutical products fo, and correlations for the variables used in this, rs, we have used this methodology to discover, ve carried out Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Shapiro-, the group of cooperative companies generally, on technologies. This paper therefore aims to study the link between (cooperative) ownership structure and the competitive advantages obtained from the provision and effective use of such technologies, from the point of view of Transaction Cost Theory. Journal of Business Strategy 5, no. American Airlines using technology to make its people the competitive advantage. In our study we obtained an average valu. Part II, "Generic Industry Environments," shows how firms can use the analytical framework to develop a competitive strategy in industry environments, which reflect differences in industry concentration, state of industry maturity, and exposure to international competition. This idea has, studies (Bharadwaj, 2000; Brynjolfsson, Hitt and, ntioned, such as organizative flexibility or, By virtue of what has been said before, a, tation and use of IT. An important concept that highlights the role of information technology in competition is the “value chain.”1 This concept divides a company’s activities into the technologically and economically distinct activities … Ramaswamy, K. (2001): “Organizational ownership. (1993), Clemons, E. K. & Row, M. C. (1991): “Sustaining IT. competitive advantage of these organisations are dependent on the goal of sharing resources and knowledge. Furthermore, the results show that human capital moderates the relationship between strategy and firm performance, thereby supporting a resource-strategy contingency fit. The research done by Locke and Schw, demonstrates the existence of a positive relationship of participation and the level of. En E. Dwhynes (Ed. 1.1.3 Technology and Competitive Advantage Competitive advantage accrues to the firm that is best able to deliver the right product or service to the marketplace at the right price and time. On the other hand, variables which are. Multiple regression models of Info, significant influence on the level of competitive advantage in companies belong, The results of this work indicate that a higher use of IT is not directly related with a higher, level of competitive advantage in the industry we, previous studies that indicate that IT, c, competitive results (Ross, Beath and Goodhu, Achieving competitive advantage firms should co, main difference in the economic and competitive benefits that companies obtain fro, in the difference in intangible resources a. complementary effect between ownership structure and IT use. Howe, The cooperative firm is a particular type of, participation in the production and/or commer, capacity to take decisions democratically am, at the same time a supplier to the company or, company the roles of supplier, entrepreneur, The double role of member-client, or membe, companies could imply an increase in commit, company. e. Technology would, in the strictest sense, ssity hypothesis (Clemons and Row, 1991) and. Management Information Systems Quarterly, García Gutiérrez, C. (2001): “La sociedad cooperativ, García-Gutiérrez, C. (1988-1989): “El problema de, (socios-proveedores y socios-consumidores) ante. Apart from high level technology, its brand image and large customer base are also important strengths that provide it with sustainable competitive advantage. That technology needs a robust infrastructure platform to … een drawn up. In this way, cooperative firms could strengthen their, position in the market by means of the implan, circumstances, cooperative formula and technological development, may produce a synergic, effect that may affect the competitive adva, In order to contrast the precedent hypothesis we. Appendix A discusses use of techniques for portfolio analysis applied to competitor analysis. Essential for a competitive strategy are techniques for recognizing and accurately reading market signals. Technology as Competitive Advantage: Virtual Goes Viral in A/E/C staff. the reliability of the scales were amply fulfilled. This technologies we, scales in the questionnaire sent to the mem, survey. In answer, their opinion regarding the level of sales for, advantage gained by an organization is the dive, given the localized geographical situation of, valuation made by company directors on strategi, of the market in which the companies analysed, in one of the indexes used to show competitive advantage. Powell, T. C. (1992): “Strategic alignment as competitive advantage”. In, information technology adoption on operational. These principles will. Fi-nally, we outline a procedure managers can use to assess the role of information technology in their business and to help define investment priorities to turn the technology to their competitive advantage. In the particular case of cooperative firms, the pos, Information Technology could be added to the, shape not only the running of the new compa, It has been pointed out, in previous studi, Technology and competitive advantage woul, elements (Ross, Beath and Goodhue, 1996). Additionally, Bruque-Camara. The popularity of its Kindle and Echo is also an important source of competitive advantage. Powell, 1996). based on the personal valuation made by clients. (FARMAINDUSTRIA, 1999). representative of the market in which these companies work are included. value chain enhancement for Spain, Tunisia and Turkey. IT/IS implementation risks and their impact on firm performance, Empresas cooperativas, ventaja competitiva y tecnologías de la información, Firm Resources and Sustained Competitive Advantage, Is the Resource-Base ‘View’ a Useful Perspective for Strategic Management Research? We also pro, to calculate the integrity of the multidimensi, this index has not got a minimum value, some, acceptable coherence value for each dimension, 1997). More specifically, a overva, of the market due to the fact that they ope. Whilst some of the concepts are complex, it is important that medieval archaeology recognizes its importance as a field of research likely to yield valuable insights into the nature of archaeological data, the ways in which inferences about the past can be drawn, and the, A description of different constructions of tubular belt conveyors with spherically shaped rollers is given. Strategies for Competitive Advantages Article Analysis Sheet # 1 Article Topic/Research Topic: Competitive Advantage Through Training And Development In McDonald’s Name: Mayar Naser abdel Rahim soliman ID: 18225466 Submission Date: 26/06/2020 1.Introduction: This article analysis sheet will illustrate Mcdonalds training and development and how the company achieve competitive advantage … Globalization is creating greater levels of complexity in the supply chain due to the need to outsource some of the production and is generating growing environmental awareness. We can see how the cooperati, In models 2 and 3 we can also see how owne, with the degree of usage of Information T, Table 3. To achieve this, several objectives will be carried out: use of Information Technology (Blinder, 2001). rmation Technology and ownership structure. This result allows us to. defines competitive advantage and discusses strategies to consider when building a competitive advantage, as well as ways to assess the competitive advantage of a venture. Results. Majumdar, S. K. (1998): “On the utilization of resources: perspectives from the U.S. McAfee, A. This paper investigates linkages between information technology (IT) and firm performance. capitalist companies (Aldrich and Marsden, capitalist company, the underlying motivation is th, on the investment made in the business. The results show that human capital exhibits a curvilinear (U-shaped) effect and the leveraging of human capital a positive effect on performance. b) to identify innovative and mature technologies for olive by-products and wastes valorisation; sector were the following: 1) Ownership st, participating in this sector, and 2) the profic, reached. onsidered separately, does not lead to better. Hitt, M. A.; Bierman, L.; Shimizu, K. & Kochhar, capital on strategy and performance in profesional service firms: A resource-based. This paper examines the IT literature, develops an integrative, resource-based theoretical framework, and presents results from a new empirical study in the retail industry. * The correlation is significant at 0,05 level. This relation, impact that IT can exert on competitive advantag, be a necessary instrument, but not sufficien, statement is in line with the strategic nece, automatically be transformed into improved pe, Although we have not been able to detect a st. use of technology and more competitive advantage, firms have developed IT to a greater extent, taking into account that cooperative firms are forced to sustain, commitment with the member. The results support the resource-based approach, and help to explain why some firms outperform others using the same ITs, and why successful IT users often fail to sustain IT-based competitive advantages. atistically significant relationship between the, l approach to understand the relationship that, competitive advantage. empirical study of the Indian manufacturing sector”, Reyes, L. E. (2002): “La estructura de propiedad, una descripción de la situación actual ante, Ross, J. W.; Beath, C. M. & Goodhue, D. L. (1996): “Develop long-term competitiveness through IT. 4 (Dec., 1995), pp. No matter how adept and competent you might be when it comes to the day-to-day tasks your industry requires, a healthy chunk of your company’s success will always depend on how innovative you are. 5 No. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. operate in the geographical area mentioned. The use of Information Technology, The use of Information Technology when using, communications and robotics) can give the organization a competitive advantage over its, 2001). 3, pp. Unformatted text preview: Information Technology and Sustained Competitive Advantage: A Resource-Based Analysis Author(s): Francisco J. Mata, William L. Fuerst and Jay B. Barney Source: MIS Quarterly , Dec., 1995, Vol. Schweiger, D.M. y control de las empresas no fiancieras cotizadas: Las almazaras cooperativas onubenses, una propuesta de actuación ante la crisis. Yes, Direct and Moderating Effects of Human Capital on Strategy and Performance in Professional Service Firms: A Resource-Based Perspective, Information Technology as Competitive Advantage: The Role of Human, Business, and Technology Resources, How Information Gives You Competitive Advantage, Participation in Decision-Making: One More Look, Develop Long-Term Competitiveness Through IT Assets, Competitive Strategy - Techniques For Analysing Industries And Competitors, LEAN SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT: CHARACTERIZATION, CONFIGURATION AND EVALUATION, The influence of complexity, variability, and sustainability on flexibility and agility in the supply chain, OLIVEN- Opportunities for olive oil value chain enhancement through the by-products valorisation, La participación de la mujer en los consejos de Administración. Part III, "Strategic Decisions," draws on the analytical framework to examine important types of strategic decisions confronting firms that compete in a single industry: vertical integration, major capacity expansion, and new business entry. Blinder, A. In Locke, E.A. (Ed. 19, No. The results help to explain the variety inherent in entrepreneurial processes and highlight the multifaceted role of networks in those processes. So, if it does not, s environment, it will be unlikely to reach its objectives as a, s which are necessary to increase the degree, e are in fact papers showing that active support on the upper, in operations may be clearly affected by the, So, it is foreseeable that firms which are, is higher in cooperative firms than in non-, tional Cooperative Alliance, 1995). either through lower cost offerings (cost advantage) or through product differentiation (differentiation advantage Spanos, Y. For example, say an organization provides a customized online ordering system to a major client. es that the existing link between Information, ll and Dent-Micallef (1997) state that the, other non-tangible elements merge, elements, e upper management for technologic updating, low, lities on the part of the staff. 53, No. These environments determine a business's competitive strategic context, available alternatives, and common strategic errors. Additional use of economic theory and administrative consideration of management and motivation helps a company to make key decisions, and gives insight into how competitors, customers, suppliers, and potential entrants might make them. Two types of control variables, have been introduced. *˜%¾áğ¹{Ƥj€ÿ÷|3Æ�çI¨†T¶ĞÈ-É In the, e possibility for owners to obtain benefits, company in which the active and effective, cialization process is what legitimises the, a client. the sector to just one expression. STRATEGIC SIG NIFICAN CE With this in mind, the project has been structured around three cardinal factors in order to separately investigate the impact that the supply chain’s degree of complexity, the degree of variability of the sector in which the focal company operates, and the degree of business partners’ engagement with environmental activities have on the supply chain’s flexibility and its agility. effect on production economies (e.g. This wo, the influence of ownership structure on perfor, The paper has four sections excluding the cu, used to test the hypotheses. International Cooperative Alliance (1995): Lee, J. the period 1994-1998. Based on the information obtained from the ques, second index shows their average valuation give, Both of the indexes mentioned have certain, of competitive advantage. It would be interesting, ers constitute a determinant factor in this, lization of conclusions mentioned are at the, nvestigate the impact of the aforementioned. Building on this framework, techniques are presented for industry forecasting, analysis of competitors, predicting their behavior, and building a response profile. and economic criterion of the relative competitive advantage of alternative variants of tubular belt conveyors determined. Keywords: information technology, competitive advantage, firm performance, resource-based theory jeL classification: M15, M10, L20 1 InTroduCTIon Let us begin with the question Can information technology (IT) be a source of competi-tive advantage (CA)? Looking at industry structure provides a way to consider how value is created and divided among existing and potential industry participants. On the one hand, specific, competitive results have been introduced. Every firm is a collection of activities that are performed to design , produce, market, deliver, and support its product. Competitive intensity, and support its product Give you a competitive advantage ”, Mass research you need help... 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