accuracy Weapons in this category include guns (pistols, rifles, shotguns, etc), blades, swords, grenades amongst many others. May 28, 2016 @ 7:58pm What does radical conversion do? As these guys are saying though, with Explosive weapons (like Kiloton Radium Rifle) - you can boost that damage value up enormously, by ranking up Demolition Man (rank 4 will effectively Double the 15 damage bonus, to 30 - PER HIT !) A solid alternative to the combat rifle, combining its versatility with the lethality of the Gamma gun. fire rate Im sechsten und letzten DLC „Nuka World“ zu Fallout 4 gibt es zum Abschluss noch einmal jede Menge abgefahrene und durchschlagskräftige Waffen zu finden. It can be bought from Brother Kane in the Nucleus after joining the Children of Atom. 1 Description; 2 Perk; 3 Stats; 4 Screenshot; 5 Modifications; 6 Strategy Guide/Tips; 7 Acquisition; 8 Location; Description . Eine der neuen, einzigartigen Waffen ist das Kiloton Radium Rifle. Not really. A Kiloton Radium Rifle in Fallout 4. Each .45 caliber round that leaves the barrel is combined with gamma radiation from the emitter mounted around it, making for … This video is a walk through guide, in which I show you how to acquire " Kiloton Radium Rifle ", a unique radium rifle! Ort/Gebäude: Der Nukleus Fundort: Verkauft Bruder Kane in Kinder des Atoms Basis Nukleus (Far Harbor DLC). Contents. morethanhappy 4 years ago #13. Welcome, So this is definitely my favourite gun so far in the game, damage, sound everything is awesome. Nuclear physicist for this weapon isn't all that helpful b/c the radiation dmg is only relevant against human enemies but the 2x dmg boost from demolition expert really puts this weapon over the edge. effects, as well as the addition of the explosive damage on contact. The Gun Race is back, this time pitting two different weapons against each other! Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen! The explosive factor of the shells can crippled, stun, knock down any creature ( maybe not a queen). This game's just trolling me now... (Insert profound quote here) User Info: Shotgunnova. Climb it, and you’ll find Kane’s shop opposite the submarine. ". User Info: Ritalinfiend. Not to mention it does around 140 damage and runs off the most abundant ammo (.45). For Fallout 4 on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Kiloton Radium Rifle? Both bullets travel as one projectile, so there's no need to worry about one bullet hitting and one missing. clip size Miscellaneous I've been wondering about this ever since I found out that the Children of atom sell the Kiloton Rifle, which is basically the combat rifle but with radiation? Kmac . The Radium rifle is a weapon in Far Harbor. 42 50 Kiloton radium rifle is OP got this weapon w/ maxed demolition expert and nuclear physicist (I already had the latter because I'm using a power armor build). 11.1 Wir zeigen euch im Folgenden die Fundorte der besten Waffen. Old Reliable is a unique weapon in the Fallout 4 add-on Far Harbor. Der legendäre Vorteil dieser Waffe verursacht 15 Punkte Sprengschaden. A crudely made dish fashioned from wire and tin foil surrounds the muzzle on long-barreled variants. The explosives, nuclear physicist, and rifleman combo should be devastating for everything, including rad resistant enemies like Super Mutants and Ghouls. It's a radium rifle, which seems like a combat rifle at first (semi-auto, .45 ammo etc) but is actually even more overpowered. Stats . However, it is open to further modifications from the weapons workbench if desired.The weapon has the Explosive effect, in which each shot deals 15 points of area-of-effect explosive damage on impact. Radium rifle I killed a Legendary Angler with the Kiloton, and got an Explosive Radium Rifle. range Perk . But I'm conflicted as to which one I should stick with. It is therefore quite similar in function to the unique submachine gun Spray n' Pray as they both can be fully automatic and deal an additional 15 points of explosive damage per shot. This ancient combat rifle has been converted by the Children of Atom to create a hybrid radiation and conventional weapon. This ancient combat rifle has been converted by the Children of Atom to create a hybrid radiation and conventional weapon. The weapon's name therefore probably references its combination of explosive and radiation damage. - and the Bobblehead gives it a few more points on top of that (to the max of 34.5, as someone mentioned). Each .45 caliber round that leaves the barrel is combined with gamma radiation from the emitter mounted around it, making for a deadly weapon against human targets.[1]. Is there a better gun in the game than the Kiloton Radium Rifle? 1 Characteristics 1.1 Weapon modifications 2 Variants 3 Location 4 Bugs Old Reliable is a unique lever-action rifle that fires two projectiles at once. The Kiloton Radium Rifle does standard ballistic damage (useful against all enemy types), radiation damage (useful against humans), and explosive damage (everything will fear you). RC seems like it'd do commendable damage but Kiloton's bullets look so pretty when they explode. A single kiloton is equal to 1000 tons of TNT. Manche präsentieren sich dabei im passenden Design zum Freizeitpark. The Kiloton radium rifle is a unique radium rifle that bears the Explosive Legendary effect. You don’t have to progress their quest-line, but you need access to the base. It has no other pre-set elements, spawning depending on the player's level. Not really. Just be careful not to blow yourself up by accident. It is typically equipped with high-tier mods, such as a large quick-eject drum and a suppressor. It's a radium rifle, which seems like a combat rifle at first (semi-auto, .45 ammo etc) but is actually even more overpowered. Bullets explode on impact doing 15 points area effect damage. Kiloton radium rifle Since it hits {all limbs, head and torso}. Explosive is 6 times as effective as the numbers show. Those immune or even healed by it can make for... Frustrating targets. modifiers Once you’re inside the Nucleus, look for a staircase at the other end of the submarine bay. Kiloton Radium rifle: OG is not even close. Is there a better gun/build than this than this? Bethesda hat in Fallout 4: Far Harbor einige großartige neue Waffen versprochen, und sie haben es geschafft, sie zu liefern. Kiloton Radium Rifle Location You can buy this unique weapon from Kane, the vendor at the Children of Atom headquarters. Gun NutScience! It is probably kiloton rifle, especially if you have explosive perks. With commando, explosive weapons, and nuclear physicist, I feel like I broke the game with this gun. This property, coupled with the 50 points of radiation damage that come standard with all radium rifles, makes the Kiloton radium rifle an exceedingly powerful weapon. If you had the right perks, it should be astronomical. The Kiloton Radium Rifle is a weapon in Fallout 4. Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen! effects, as well as the addition of the explosive damage on contact. A unique radium rifle that fires off explosives rounds. If you end up fighting in a spot where you could get a Legendary Radium Rifle, an Irradiated one might be fun to nab. This video is a walk through guide, in which I show you how to acquire " Radical Conversion ", a unique radium rifle! This page was last edited on 5 April 2018, at 14:26. I kill everything, even high level behemoths in a second without VATS. Related perks It is therefore quite similar in function to the unique submachine gun Spray n' Prayas they both can be fully automatic and deal an additional 15 points of explosive damage per shot. Content of the article: "Kiloton radium rifle is OP" got this weapon w/ maxed demolition expert and nuclear physicist (I already had the latter because I'm using a power armor build). fallout 4 radical conversion vs kiloton radium rifle which one is better < > Showing 1-5 of 5 comments . Its regular wooden and steel rifle components have been upgraded with all manner of wiring and circuitry, among them what looks like two sets of gamma rounds on the barrel in front of the ejection port. Enjoy! Das klingt vielleicht nicht besonders, aber wenn Sie aufhören, darüber nachzudenken, werden Sie die Aufregung verstehen. 69 form ID The radium rifle is a pre-Warcarbine that has been modified to deal radiation damage. xx05158e. This ancient combat rifle has been converted by the Children of Atom to create a hybrid radiation and conventional weapon. The Kiloton radium rifle is a unique weapon in the Fallout 4 add-on Far Harbor. The Kiloton Radium Rifle. Rifleman (semi-automatic)Commando (fully automatic)Bloody MessAstoundingly Awesome 2 (with scope)BasherNuclear PhysicistDemolition ExpertAce Operator (with suppressor)Explosives bobblehead effects, as well as the addition of the explosive damage on contact. weight 40 Each .45 caliberround that leaves the barrel is combined with gamma radiation from the emitter mounted around it, making for a deadly weapon against human targets. Bullets explode on impact doing 15 points area effect damage. Gee, thanx. December's Child is a unique combat rifle. The Kiloton radium rifle is a unique radium rifle that bears the Explosive legendary affix. Far Harbor weapon Can damage the target if it gets a near miss on wall or ground. #1. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. damage, and higher damage overall, or sacrifice overall damage for higher fire rate? 119 damage Fallout Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Now, the million dollar question in my opinion is, Sacrifice Fire rate for radiation? "Candy. A Fallout 4 guide for the Kiloton Radium Rifle :D Many more Far Harbor weapon and armor guides to come! ammo This component is somewhat reminiscent of the gamma gunand most likely the source of the radium rifle's radiation dama… .45 round Kiloton radium rifle is OP. weapon type Yeah the Kiloton might net you some more mileage against those enemies that aren't affected by Radiation. This property, coupled with the 50 points of radiation damage that come standard with all radium rifles, makes the Kiloton radium rifle an exceedingly … 20 Unique rifle Kiloton Rifle, which is basically the combat rifle but with radiation? SuperBobKing. Bottom Line form id for kiloton radium rifle fallout 4 Yes, I would recommend form id for kiloton radium rifle fallout 4 to a friend 1911, frame, slides, parts, accessories, lower, 45 acp, receiver, upgrades, custom, kits, complete, coltparts, samuelcolt, woodsman, commander, 1911 government On Nov 24, 2020 3:05 pm, by Gamer. Core stats Kiloton Rifle, which is basically the combat rifle but with radiation? I bought this from the children of atom last week, and ever since I have realized it's a bit op. Einige der Waffen könnt ihr direkt bei Händlern kaufen, während ihr bei anderen schon mehr Anstrengungen in Kauf nehmen müsst. Spray n' Pray is a powerful legendary sub-machine gun sold by Cricket, or by other merchants. A kiloton is a unit of measurement used to determine the size of powerful explosive events like meteor strikes and devastating industrial accidents, but primarily for the relative yields of nuclear bomb blasts. I also killed the Legendary Mirelurk Queen with my Explosive Minigun, and got an Explosive Minigun. (Insert profound quote here) User Info : morethanhappy. For obvious reasons, this is best used against targets susceptible to radiation. An up-to-date, searchable list of Fallout 4 Weapon IDs. damage Base The Vault - Fallout Wiki is a Fandom Gaming Community. What's the highest potential damage the Kiloton Radium Rifle could put out, I wonder. effect(s) The Kiloton has a guaranteed legendary effect giving it explosive bullets - and more bang for your buck. Weapons are items used to inflict damage on other characters/players. It bears an equally unique M4 Carbine legendary effect that reduces the rifle's weight, converts its caliber to 5.56mm instead of the standard .45, and increases its firing rate by 25% and reload speed by 15%. It's best used against trappers, very few of whom have any notable resilience. Bullets explode on impact doing 15 point area effect damage. I'm in love with the new Radium Rifles and I just snagged the two special versions. Ritalinfiend 4 years ago #1.
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