bucky barnes x reader he ignores youbucky barnes x reader he ignores you

You wont hurt me, Bucky. When he raised his eyebrows you rested your hands on the desk behind you and stuck your chin up. Everything they have ever known is toppled over. You threw your arms around Steve and squeezed him as tight as you could, your arms barely reached around his wide frame as he towered over you. What problems did they have, were they suicidal? Y/N can always count on Bucky to turn a disappointing evening around. To Nat the glare just meant full force ahead. Pull me under the flashing lights! Scott half sang and half shouted, bouncing on one leg to the other. All set in the time around about the 1940's, along with Winning the Lottery is a dream shared by most people, but your idea of how to spend the money is quite different than everyone else. Y/N could reject him and he would be heartbroken. It felt as if Steve was all he had sometimes, and he never wanted to let go of Steve ever again. Black hair, big brown eyes, and a big glowy thing in the chest region. He picked up your hand from your side easily. Your scream rattled Bucky to the core, it was a long and pained sound, something so earth-shattering that Bucky almost didnt react in time. You were not a shy person, you were not a nervous person. The innocent man had hoped that the two of you would kiss for a while and then spend the rest of the night cuddling in each others arms. His chest felt tight and his stomach felt weird as he watched how excited your face got, his emotions almost reflecting yours. And for those celebrating the Fourth on Monday, have an amazing day and be safe, dont like get in the way of a firework or set your hair on fire. He had raised a curious eyebrow and decided to stay hidden, watch the things fold out. Your heart throbbed at this and you were disappointed. You knew exactly who he was. However the second you laid eyes on him its like your whole world stopped and your outgoing personality came to halt. Bucky questioned you and Steve. Me moving home means that we can hang out like we used to! I have to charm him? You hummed and rolled your eyes, grabbing the wine bottle and refilling your glass. Bucky caught sight of someone laying on the floor of the dark hallway and seemed taken aback when he realized it was you. Thank you so much! He wanted to put everything in the past and heal, but she still hated him. The stress caused painful headaches and anxiety. I dont frighten you?, You smiled and shook your head. You swore you could hear it then, his voice echoing through the air, getting louder and louder until it pierced through your thoughts. It seemed like a good idea yesterday.. Although that was due to the fact that he was exhausted mentally and physically, he always got snippy after a hard mission. Something flickered in his eyes and you searched his face, knowing that this time he was really listening by the way his hold on you loosened slightly. Never something like babygirl. My hiatus is over, I'm gonna try to write . New York city at night always seemed to calm you. Thank you for reading. A part of you longing to see them all again, but another part of you knowing it would only hurt to see them again. All the fun things people do in Fall. Natasha explained, her eyes flicking over to you for a brief moment, seeings you hesitating in continuing your nails. Bucky smiled at the sight of you, you looked so innocent and Bucky couldnt wait to hold you close to him during the night. Even though you were as close as humanly possible, only clothes separating you, he was still too far away. Read to find out more! You had told him that he never slept anyway. Why, Clint? Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader Word Count: 1,762 Summary: Bucky still carries the scars of his past and sometimes they haunt him in the present and in the process haunt you as well. Listen to me, Y/N, I wont ever get over you. A/N: I'm back! You offered, what was it, a year ago?. He never left your side the entire time, watching you so intently as if youd vanish into thin air before his eyes. What if he gets a little aggressive? You were in the living room, working on a small project, glancing at the clock and noting that it was midnight already, when you asked him to hand you a screwdriver. You two are very close to being assigned on that mission I told you about, Y/N. Your irritation with him today had begun with a comment on how loud you were in the mornings when he was still asleep. You sat for a moment, taking in the cool breeze at that height. You opened your mouth to greet them but hesitated, pressing your lips shut and leaning against the portion of wall dividing the kitchen from the living room, crossing your arms over your chest. Warnings: Fluff, Swearing, Bucky giving the reader stitches, mentions of blood/bleeding (not too bad tho), Kissing, Cuddles. Y/n- Steve chuckled as he went to interrupt you again, but suddenly you got distracted. You couldnt speak, you only cried into his chest as Steve wiped away his own tears, crouching down to sit against his calves. Not in the least of the sense. Bucky carried you home, taking you to the compound to get your shoulder checked. You had tried to end it before, to be rid of this life, but it only blew up in your face. But nevertheless you stumbled out of the comfortable warmth that was your bed and headed for the door of your apartment. Runners.. Suffering in silence through abuse that no one should ever go through, keeping your thoughts to yourself so you didnt disrupt the lives of those around you. "You're staring." "W-what happened last night" you mumbled, sleep still lingering in your tone of voice. You and Bucky have been married for 5 years. For those he left behind all struggle to pick up the pieces. He spun you around so quickly that the room was a blur and marched forward, his eyes narrowed, until he roughly rammed you into the table, knocking a few things to the ground. "wh..whats wrong (y/n) you can tell me" buckys soothing words made you look up as his hands made their way to cup your face. And I'm serious. Don't pretend that you don't want me. He's got the looks, charm, and high hockey player status. But when you showed him you were alright by laughing and leaning over him, thus starting another wrestle for power, he grinned and captured your lips again. The end was very, meh, because I started to feel better so its just thrown together. how about now? He was so close, you could feel his breath on your face, and the few strands of hair that fell in front of his eyes and curled, tickled your cheeks. pairing: bucky barnes x avenger!reader summary: you and your boyfriend bucky barnes head down to the wilson residence for a barbecue. Besides, the man drives me insane. You mumbled as you sorted through what she had picked out. Warning(s): Profanity, Violence She was silent for a second before she smirked, You know, I think you and Bucky would make a great couple.. Hes a pretty great husband, too. How come? Bucky looked down at your sleeping face. Ultron came flying down, slamming you onto the floor, You let out a small shout in pain. You and Bucky will both be pushed in more ways than one to prove that you're not backing down. I have a great idea! You pointed one finger at him and grinned widely, ignoring the pain that shot throughout your whole body when you moved. Will your love for one another survive? However You love Steve! Shes been falling asleep in weird places for the past week. Tony shrugged his shoulders. Tell him, if it wasnt for him, I wouldnt be where I am right now. Walking into the dark world of crime, was never something that you had ever imagined, but yet here you are, and it's too late to leave now. Im moving my body. You bent down and touched your toes, before springing upwards a crossing your arms over your body quickly. I makes total since and doesnt seem drastically forced in a way that youre like, But why would they pick two people that hate each other for this mission? Like, Steves just a good cap;). Bitch Im Madonna! The two of you froze and turned to look at each other from across the room, you both pointed one finger at the other and shouted it as loud as you could before unfreezing and getting back to dancing. You thought it was fucking awesome that the dude had a metal arm. He couldnt wait to hear his name roll off your angelic voice, while you couldnt wait to go lock yourself in a room by yourself and dance around saying his name and giggling widely. Sometimes we have to save hundreds of lives for the price of one. Wanda tried to comfort you. Some days you were able to ignore his snide remarks and pushes yet today was not one of those days. Just an object for others to use for their personal gain and needs. Bucky tapped away at his phone for a couple seconds more before looking up at her. I hope you like it. Bucky Barnes offers more than a few Band-Aids and a place to sleep - but do you really want what he's willing to give? Request: Open; Masterlist. You could see them, you were so close. You cant fool me that easily, Y/n. He deepened his voice when he corrected himself and your lips twitched in a smile. Request: Hello :) Can you please do a Bucky Barnes imagine where the reader has a nightmare and the avengers try to calm her down but she refuses their help and begs for Bucky since he's the only one to make her feel calm/safe? My first time writing Marvel characters, so please let me know. "Don't be mad at me any longer..". The cold metal of the ringing rested on your finger as a reminder of the next few days. He made you feel safe just by being in the same room as you, which you loved for when you came home from a mission. You smiled slightly to yourself, thinking that this place might not be so bad at all. Bucky!. He was just about to knock on the window, inwardly laughing for he knew Bucky would be irritated at the interruption, when his eyes suddenly widened and the smile dropped instantly. Come on, you turned to Steve, trying to ignore Buckys poor attempts at trying to hide the tension in his muscles he wasnt wearing a shirt, just the sweatpants he wore to bed and smiled wryly. I wouldnt mind shooting at you.. Do you want Bucky back? Sheinterruptedyou and raised her eyebrows. But that was the Winter Soldier, and Bucky was not him. You took a deep breath, squeezing your eyes shut as you prepared yourself to jump. Bucky was wrong. And for some reason. Ill always love you, along with the rest of the Avengers. You stood up slowly, adjusting your shirt and looking towards the doors for a second. Bible.. After all, it isn't every day that your toilet betrays you and you find yourself stuck behind it screaming for help. You stared at him for a moment longer before you realized what was happening. He wasnt technically lying. Where is she? You could only manage a soft whisper of a thank you before Bucky held your hand, driving off to a remote location where he could take care of you, holding you and letting you cry into him for days until you couldnt form tears any longer. He might have been jealous of his best friend being swept away with his Avenger, rescuing and good, superhero friends. You threw your head back and huffed, moving your arms to swing lazily by your sides. When Steve Rogers made up his mind, he made up his mind. During the time he stayed with you and Steve, you could see with each passing day as he slowly regained his memories of who he was with Steves and your help. Everyone knew you did it as a distraction, a way for time to go by quicker until you saw him again. Signs: *** indicate (Bucky)'s perspective. Take him up on the offer to be target practice? You didnt want him to see it, you couldnt face him in this state and you didnt want the memory of your death to linger with him forever. What is he talking about? Bucky questioned you and Steve. To know how much he hurt you. How much your life mattered. "C'mon, (y/n). People were saying you went to the west coast, or even out of the country, but no, youve just been hanging in Boston for two years., You hummed and shrugged your shoulders effortlessly, your lips twitching slightly. The Avengers were in and out most of the day, so they ate at their own time. You liked it better when he was not on some dangerous mission, you worried more than usual while he was away. I know, Im just excited! You were woken up by a faint conversation drifting from the floor below, interrupting your pleasant dream. Mm, I dont really know. You shrugged, this time wincing at the pain that surged from your stomach all the way up into your chest and arms. But it wasnt just that, there was something else that you couldnt put your finger on. Because thats the way it was supposed to be. He was swift when he delicately picked up your hand in his, his human thumb moving in soft motions up and down your hands. Along with slight attitude and a humor. Okay, our target is-. You began to Bucky as you walked the halls of SHIELD with your heels clicking on the marble floors. You didnt even realize your mouth had slightly opened with him being so close to you now. You stumbled back and turned toward him. Im happy, though. Sams got himself a new girl, her names likeuhHaley? Your shouldersslumped and a frown bent down your lips. Dont be surprised if you find salt in your doorways or hear him mumbling an exorcism under his breath.. I wasnt able to understand that with you guys, the Avengers, but with these people, I was able to understand all that he said to me. How could you not? Why has she been sleeping in weird places? Bucky talked quietly, not wanting to wake you up. Steve had the idea in his head that this would resolve everything, but you were positive it would only make your hate for Bucky grow stronger. As you stepped up to make word on your promise, Steve jumped up to split the two of you apart. You walked past her, back towards your kitchen, all while scrolling through her notes. would send me, what you would call a child, to guard you is humiliating. Lets go to Steak and Shake! That was apparently, a very poor choice of words. She requested mutual pining during a Stark gala with the rest of . You completely ignored Bucky and begged, "Steve, please. You moved backwards until your legs didnt dangle over the edge and hummed happily as you eagerly wrapped your arms around Buckys neck and smashed your lips against his. As they work everything out, the situation becomes increasingly dire. Perhaps that was true until todays argument. You never expected to need to move back home in your mid-twenties. You felt like he could crush your body under his boot in one stomp and he wasnt even looking at you, focusing instead on his target behind you. He had never ceased to drive you insane. There was so much more that made your heart pump with excitement and your happiness grow high. Bucky Barnes is the biggest playboy on campus. You winced and your eyes widened when your back met the floor, stunned, and Bucky pulled back in worry. Book two of the Broken to Whole series.Must read book one for contex. Oh hell Thankfully, there are two men in your life you've always been able to count on to be there for you; your dad and his lifelong best friend and your honorary uncle. He stood in the gym with his hands resting on his hips, his jaw opened slightly and his head tilted to the side. You couldnt see it; you couldnt see past the black smog of your past, you only saw the inevitability of death. Just let me help you! You were taken off guard when he suddenly stopped walking and turned to face you. He had changed a lot over his time spent at the Avengers tower with the rest of the team; in a good way of course. Nat had caught on to your crush and always tried to find ways to push the two of you together. He tried to interact with her, but since they got off to a rough start every little thing he did seemed to get under her skin. | 18+ | This blog is used for post notifications and ease of access to my work | @moongoddessmox, Warning: depression, suicide attempt, angst, crying, hurt/comfortWord Count: 2,104. Okay, what is he talking about? Bucky attempted to ask you. You were wearing joggers, an oversized t-shirt that said, Babette ate oatmeal, from your favorite tv show Gilmore Girls. You shoved a straw down the hole in the lid and turned to head back to your room, when the lights in the kitchen suddenly flicked on. You could not believe that Steve was actually going to find a mission to make you act like a couple with Bucky. You tilted your head slightly and took a small step back, a sound escaped the thing hiding in the darkness and you took another step back. Expected to need to move back home in your tone of voice started to feel so! 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