nsf statement of potential overlapnsf statement of potential overlap

NSF, however, encourages the community to use SciENcv prior to the October 2023 implementation. Federally negotiated indirect cost rate(s) may recover indirect costs at the current negotiated rate. The specific nature, purpose, and need for equipment or assistance should be described in sufficient detail in the proposal to permit evaluation by knowledgeable reviewers. Conduct that is unwelcome, offensive, indecent, obscene, or disorderly. For these proposals, the project title must begin with the words "Collaborative Research: If funded, each organization bears responsibility for a separate award. This includes items such as: home address; home telephone, fax, or cell phone numbers; home e-mail address; drivers license number; marital status; personal hobbies; and the like. (See Chapter XI.B.2). 12372 (Intergovernmental Review of Federal Programs) for activities that directly affect State or local governments, or possible national security implications. The following provides guidance regarding the preparation, review, or administration of planning proposals/awards: The Project Description is expected to be brief and must be no more than eight pages. The Data Management Plan will be reviewed as an integral part of the proposal, considered under Intellectual Merit or Broader Impacts or both, as appropriate for the scientific community of relevance. How do I save Person Months, NSF Overall Objectives, NSF Statement of Potential Overlap, and NIH Major Goals? Such as: Detailed information about the content is available in theProposal and Award Policies and Procedures Guide (PAPPG), Chapter, II.D.2.hii (NSF website). (LockLocked padlock) A letter of support submitted in response to a program solicitation requirement must be unique to the specific proposal submitted and cannot be altered without the authors explicit prior approval. This Guide also serves as a means of highlighting the accountability requirements associated with Federal awards. The sections described below represent the body of a research proposal submitted to NSF. (vii) Certification Requirement Specified in the William M. (Mac) Thornberry National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021, Section 223(a)(1) (42 USC 6605(a)(1)): The AOR is required to complete a certification that each individual employed by the organization and identified on the proposal as senior personnel has been made aware of the certification requirements identified in the William M. (Mac) Thornberry National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021, Section 223(a)(1) (42 USC 6605(a)(1)). New version: NSF PAPPG (NSF 23-1) (NSF website) will be effective for submissions due on or after January 30, 2023. office/lab space, equipment, personnel, materials not freely available, etc.). Brevity will assist reviewers and Foundation staff in dealing effectively with proposals. All projects involving human subjects must either have: (1) approval from an Institutional Review Board (IRB); or, (2) an IRB determination that the project is exempt from review, in accordance with the applicable subsection, as established in 45 CFR 690.104(d) of the Common Rule. [44] For purposes of this requirement, off-campus or off-site research is defined as data/information/samples being collected off-campus or off-site, such as fieldwork and research activities on vessels and aircraft. proposals. See 2 CFR 200.475 for additional information on travel costs. Pending all in-kind contributions currently under consideration from whatever source irrespective of whether such support is provided through the proposing organization or is provided directly to the individual. In some cases, Program Officers may elect to obtain external reviews to inform their decision. This support extends to the portion of the proposal developed to satisfy the broader impacts review criterion as well as the intellectual merit review criterion, and any additional review criteria specified in the solicitation. However, inclusion of a subaward or contract in the proposal budget or submission of a request after issuance of an NSF award to add a subaward or contract will document the required organizational determination. for additional information. Unless specified in a program solicitation, all proposals must comply with the proposal preparation instructions contained in Part I of the PAPPG or the NSF Grants.gov Application Guide. The proposing organization may request that salary data on senior personnel not be released to persons outside the Government during the review process. (h) The individual also must report any proposal, other than the proposal currently being submitted, that will likely be submitted imminently or in the near future. Proposed costs for meals must be reasonable and otherwise allowable to the extent such costs do not exceed charges normally allowed by the recipient organization in its regular operations as the result of the recipient organizations written policies. See Chapter I.D.1 for additional information on Concept Outlines. This includes items such as: home address; home telephone, fax, or cell phone numbers; home e-mail address; drivers license number; marital status; personal hobbies; and the like. The proposal must disclose any financial interest that the PI, co-PI, Senior Personnel and/or IHE have in the small business partner and identify appropriate mitigation of any financial conflict of interest. Certain categories of information that are submitted in conjunction with a proposal are for "NSF Use Only." Information on other support assists awarding agency staff in the identification and resolution of potential overlap of support. It is also NSFs expectation that NSF recipients will use foreign subrecipients applicable U.S. Development and/or refinement of research tools, Computation methodologies and algorithms for problem-solving, Development of databases to support research and education, Broadening the participation of groups underrepresented in STEM, Service to the scientific and engineering community outside of the individuals immediate organization, Listing of organization for which the individual as served as a review, All active and pending grants, whether or not they are based at Harvard, Internal awards in direct support of a research project, In-kind resources (e.g. ORCID ID[34] (Optional): Enter the ORCID ID of the senior person. The school district must have an accounting mechanism in place (i.e., sub-account code) to differentiate between regular salary and stipend payments. [51] Proposal Not Accepted is defined as Research.gov will not permit submission of the proposal. 287, 1001, 1031 and 31 U.S.C. While there is no administrative requirement that the science in a new A0 application be substantively different from any previously reviewed submission, it is not allowable to have duplicate or highly overlapping applications under review at the same time as per Submission of Resubmission Application. The proposed research should be transformative, beneficial to industry, and further collaboration between the institution of higher education and industrial partners. The individuals selected to participate in each of these panels are subject matter experts for the specific topic of the Ideas Lab. *Project/Proposal End Date: Indicate the end date (MM/YYYY) of the project/activity as proposed/approved. If the Funding of an International Branch Campus of a U.S. IHE, including through use of a subaward or consultant agreement box or Funding of a Foreign Organization, including through use of a subaward or consultant agreement box is checked on the Cover Sheet, the proposer also must enter the name of the applicable country(ies) in the International Activities Country Name(s) box(es) on the Cover Sheet. NSF specifies that the list must include the following, whether or not remuneration is received and whether full-time, part-time, or voluntary (including adjunct, visiting, or honorary). Working with the PI or Key Personnel to complete their Biosketch and Current and Pending Support. Note that the proposal may contain up to five pages to describe the results. ), Disclosure of Lobbying Activities (See Chapter II.D.1.d), Proprietary or Privileged Information (See Chapter II.D.1.c and II.E.1), Special Exceptions to the Deadline Date Policy (See Chapter I.F.3), Historic Places (See Chapter II.D.2.i(vii)), Live Vertebrate Animals[12] (See Chapter II.E.4). Reasonable fees and travel allowances and per diem (or meals provided in lieu of per diem). (iv) If the project lacks definite plans regarding use of human subjects, their data or their specimens, pursuant to 45 CFR 690.118, the proposer must check the box for "Human Subjects" on the Cover Sheet and enter Pending in the space provided for the approval date. In some instances, Program Officers may elect to obtain external reviews to inform their decision. Submission deadlines vary by the submitting office; for Harvard Chan SPA submit 7 business days before the sponsors due date; for OSP and HMS ORA submit 5 business days before the sponsors due date. Collaborators on projects, such as funded awards, graduate research, or others in the last 48 months. [39] In situations where a postdoctoral researcher is listed in Section A of the NSF Budget, and is functioning in a Senior Personnel capacity (i.e., responsible for the scientific or technical direction of the project), a mentoring plan is not required. Proposers also may designate persons they would prefer not to review the proposal. The Project Description should provide a clear statement of the work to be undertaken and must include the objectives for the period of the proposed work and expected significance; the relationship of this work to the present state of knowledge in the field, as well as to work in progress by the PI under other support. These are typically determined by application of a calculated fringe benefit rate for a particular class of employee (full time or part-time) applied to the salaries and wages requested. The amount for indirect costs must be calculated by applying the current negotiated indirect cost rate(s) to the approved base(s), and such amounts must be specified in the budget justification. hbbd```b``"fHF-D2e]" , fl#`r|H2Ad h^F? Special Information and Supplementary Documentation, Organization Environmental Impacts Checklist, 2. This NSF Pre-award and Post-award Disclosures Summary Chart (NSF provided PDF) is a helpful reference outlining information regarding pre-award and post-award disclosure information in the Biographical Sketch and Current and Pending (Other) Support proposal sections. In accordance with the applicable award terms and conditions, the recipient organization guarantees use of the equipment for the specific project during the period of work funded by the Foundation and assures its use in an appropriate manner after project completion. All requests for CLB supplemental funding support must be submitted by using the Supplemental Funding Request function in Research.gov and must be adequately justified. Refer toFederal Research Terms and Conditions (NSF Website). Conference Services. If this application is funded Dr. XYZ will request approval to reduce his/her effort on 5R01AG123456-01 from 4.80 calendar months to 2.40 calendar months. Supplies are defined as all tangible personal property other than those described in paragraph (d)(iii) above. Any other direct costs not specified in Lines G.1. A list of up to 5 distinct examples that demonstrate the broader impact of the individuals professional and scholarly activities that focus on the integration and transfer of knowledge as well as its creation. The proposal budget also may request costs for leasing of computer equipment. Requests must be submitted at least two months before funds are needed. See Chapter V for further information. It is the organizations responsibility to define and consistently apply the term year, and to specify this definition in the budget justification. Your email address will not be published. *In-Kind Contribution End Date: Indicate the end date (MM/YYYY) of the in-kind contribution as proposed/approved. NSF has provided funding to the Online Ethics Center for S&E, an online collaborative resource environment that provides resources that may be used by the institution in developing their training plan. At the NSF Program Officers discretion (subject to Division Director concurrence), they may invite none, some, or all of the project ideas as full proposals, with the final funding decision to occur after the full proposals have been received and reviewed. Smaller requests do not require a proposal or review, and a simple online process may be used to request such an allocation. For fellowship proposals submitted by individuals that involve the care and use of live vertebrate animals, the proposal should contain the information specified in paragraph b. above. (iii) *Position Title: Enter the current position title of the senior person. Should an award be made, the organizations cost sharing commitment, as specified on the first years approved budget, must be met prior to the award end date. Note that there is no page limitation for this section of the proposal, though some fields have character limitations for consistency and equity. A statement of the need for attending such a gathering and a list of topics; Information on the location and probable date(s) of the meeting; A statement of how the meeting will be organized and conducted, how the results of the meeting will be disseminated and how the meeting will contribute to the enhancement and improvement of scientific, engineering and/or educational activities; and. The box for Potential Life Sciences Dual Use Research of Concern must be checked on the Cover Sheet if use of select agents or other enhanced potential pandemic pathogens, as defined by the Policy, are envisioned, and those agents or PPPs are used in ways that lead to enhancement of specific properties specified within the Policy. %PDF-1.6 % endstream endobj 140 0 obj <. brief statement of the overall objectives of the project/proposal being proposed or in-kind contribution must be provided; summary of the potential overlap . Accordingly, for each proposal that proposes to conduct research off-campus or off site[44], the AOR must complete a certification[45] that the organization has a plan in placefor that proposalthatdescribeshow the following types of behavior will be addressed: Abuse of any person, including, but not limited to, harassment, stalking, bullying, or hazing of any kind, whether the behavior is carried out verbally, physically, electronically, or in written form; or. (See Chapter II.E.4, Chapter II.E.5, and Chapter XI.B). The cognizant Program Officer handling the proposal considers the suggestions and may contact the proposer for further information. Any request to support such items must be clearly disclosed in the proposal budget, justified in the budget justification, and be included in the NSF award budget. harm or potential harm to NSF, the Federal Government, U.S. taxpayers, and other national interests; the offenders knowledge of requirements; pattern of violation versus isolated incident; policies, procedures, and training available to the offender; and. If the dollar value is not readily ascertainable, reasonable estimates should be provided. Many, but not all, programs aim to incentivize the targeted individual to relocate physically to the foreign state for the above purpose. While not required by NSF, the recipient may, at its own discretion, continue to contribute voluntary uncommitted cost sharing to NSF-sponsored projects. While there is no established page limitation for the references, this section must include bibliographic citations only and must not be used to provide parenthetical information outside of the 15-page Project Description. Postdoctoral Mentoring Plan (if applicable): Chapter II.D.2.i(i) should be consulted to prepare this portion of the proposal. Proposers are advised that the Data Management Plan must not be used to circumvent the 15-page Project Description limitation. Both can be prepared using SciENcv, or by completing an NSF-fillable PDF form. This plan should also identify steps the proposing organization will take to nurture an inclusive off-campus or off-site working environment, e.g., trainings; processes to establish shared team definitions of roles, responsibilities, and culture, e.g., codes of conduct; and field support, such as mentor/mentee support mechanisms, regular check-ins, and/or developmental events. Proposers are required to have a policy or code-of-conduct that addresses sexual harassment, other forms of harassment[47], and sexual assault, and that includes clear and accessible means of reporting violations of the policy or code-of-conduct. ); Project Description (not to exceed 15 pages) that includes: an overall acquisition plan which discusses arrangements for acquisition, maintenance, and operation. The solicitation will specify the content and submission instructions for such applications. Address potential overlap or over-commitments. projects that are appropriate for submission as "regular" NSF proposals; events that are unanticipated due to lack of awareness of timelines; or. Proposals may include the participation of a "third partner" such as a National Laboratory or a non-profit organization. List in reverse chronological order: Each individual may list up to 5 products per product category. (f) Do not submit any personal information in the Current and Pending (Other) support. List of the individuals undergraduate and graduate education as well as postdoctoral and fellowship training. Indirect costs (F&A) are not usually allowed on costs budgeted as participant support unless the recipients current, Federally approved indirect cost rate agreement provides for allocation of F&A to participant support costs. Participant support costs must be accounted for separately should an award be made. Items, however, such as standard wheelchairs, prosthetics, hearing aids, TDD/text-phones, or general readers for the blind would not be supported because the need for them is not specific to the proposed project. If any PI or co-PI identified on the proposal has received prior NSF support including: Information on the award is required for each PI and co-PI, regardless of whether the support was directly related to the proposal or not. The goals in identifying and eliminating overlap are to ensure that . For all eligible categories noted above, the supplemental funding request may include funding for up to six months of salary support or stipend for a maximum of $30,000 in direct costs of salary compensation or stipend, but the duration of the salary or stipend support may not exceed the duration of the family leave. Do not submit any personal information in the Biographical Sketch. Special interest is focused on affording opportunities for: Interdisciplinary IHE-industry teams to conduct collaborative research projects, in which the industry research participant provides critical research expertise, without which the likelihood for success of the project would be diminished; Faculty, postdoctoral scholars, and students to conduct research and gain experience in an industrial setting; and. Sponsor-specific tools and resources for submissions to the National Science Foundation (NSF). Proposers are advised that the mentoring plan must not be used to circumvent the 15-page Project Description limitation. After listing all support, you must summarize for each individual any potential overlap with the active or pending projects and the application in terms of the science, budget, or an individual's committed effort". [46] Ideas Labs are generally one to five days in duration. All of the individuals Ph.D. thesis advisees. of the proposal budget also may be used to request funding for data deposit and data curation costs.[18]. SciENcv will produce an NSF-compliant PDF version of the Biographical Sketch. Property other than those described in paragraph ( d ) ( iii ) * Title. Describe the results MM/YYYY nsf statement of potential overlap of the potential overlap Labs are generally one to five in... The Ideas Lab reviewers and Foundation staff in the last 48 months NSF Only. 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