yuri bezmenov interviewyuri bezmenov interview

If you are not scared by now, nothing can scare you. Because this is the minimum number of years required to educate one generation of students in the country of your enemy. [citation needed], Bezmenov stated that he was instructed not to waste time with idealistic leftists, as these would become disillusioned, bitter, and adversarial when they realized the true nature of Soviet communism. And when I discovered that fact, of course, I was sick. Someone who is never fired from from the service, who stays they internally. So I had a couple of good shotguns in my basement. Number two, to explain to them, the real danger of socialist, communist whatever welfare state, big brother government. 13]. 23]. yuri bezmenov love letter to america So what do we do? 16]. From your personal experience, what is the difference between life under communism and life in the United States? 11]. I started not only languages, but also history, literature, even music. [4] However, Bezmenov did not do real freelance writing. Most of the people who graduated in the 60s, drop-outs or half-baked intellectuals, are now occupying the positions of power in the government, civil service, business, mass media, educational system. There is no qualitative change in this Soviet concentration camp system. Its a complex of explanations. When I saw the preparations for the for the invasion into East Pakistan, obviously I wanted to defect immediately. Once they spot that you are scared, they keep on developing that line. My supervisors in the secret Department of Research and Counter-Propaganda. It took me quite a number of years to realize that what we were bringing to India was a new type of colonialism, a thousand times more oppressive and exploitative than any colonialism or imperialism in the history of mankind. yuri bezmenov interview date And I even tried to implement the beautiful Marxist motto, Proletarians of all the countries unite. I tried to unite with the nice Indian girl [Fig. Now, the general impression in America is that those things are part of the past. Again, characteristically under statue of Comrade Stalin extending his friendly hand to the peoples of the world. Im standing next to a famous Indian poet, Sumitranandan Pant. And the propaganda about advanced Soviet agriculture simply didnt meet the criteria of reality. Its fear, pure biological fear. Our conversation is with Mr. Yuri Alexandrovich Bezmenov. yuri bezmenov complete Heres how he further defined ideological subversion: What it basically means is: to change the perception of reality of every American to such an extent that despite of the abundance of information no one is able to come to sensible conclusions in the interest of defending themselves, their families, their community, and their country.. This is the greatest paradox in the history of mankind when the capitalist world supports and actively nourishes its own destructor. It is, as I said, because great friend Indira Gandhi pushed a law through parliament which says, and I quote, No defector from any country has a right of political asylum in any embassy on the territory of the Indian Republic, which is a masterpiece of hypocrisy. On individual level, they failed flat. I know that the most dangerous part of the Soviet power structures are not military at all. In 1970, after about six months of debriefing in Athens by the CIA, and I presume FBI, too. Bezmenov, the son of an elite military officer, was a higher-up of sorts within the Soviet Union's ranks of message-makers and propagandists. My first assignment was to India as a translator in the Soviet economical aid group, building a refinery complexes in Bihar state and Gujarat state [Fig. In the middle you can see children playing on a small courtyard and the caption goes, This is a typical kindergarten in Siberia. What these idiots didnt understand is that it is not kindergarten at all. And they said in the article, which is published on the side, that Soviets are very proud of the victory in the Second World War. Also I'm pretty sure Russia was giving Pakistan flood relief in 2022 as well. In 1984, Bezmenov gave an interview to G. Edward Griffin from which much can be learned today. When the Soviet tanks moved into Czechoslovakia in 68, Comrade Brezhnev said, Now the situation in brotherly Czechoslovakia is normalized. This is what will happen in the United States if you allow all these schmucks to bring the country to crisis, to promise people all kinds of goodies and the paradise on Earth, to destabilize your economy, to eliminate the principle of free market competition, and to put a Big Brother government in Washington, D.C., with benevolent dictators like Walter Mondale who will promise lots of things. Yes. When American mass media describes Soviet military as potentially dangerous counterpart for Pentagon, I simply laugh because I know better. What kind of correspondent are you? The cultural subversion of the United States, Europe and the rest of the world. And Indian government pretended not to see what was going on. This shocking video transcription exposes KGB's subversive tactics against western society. Excuse me. There is a self-destructive mechanism built into any socialist or communist or fascist system, because there is a lack of feedback, because the system does not rely upon the loyalty of the population. This is my passport [Fig. The facts tell nothing to him. I was trying to get enrolled in that school. He was the son of a high-ranking Soviet army officer. They dont look like students at all. Only about 15% of time, money, and manpower is spent on espionage and such. And by the end of my training in school, I was recruited by the KGB. yuri bezmenov equality The Soviets called their disinformation work through Novosti "active measures," though Schuman uses the phrase "ideological subversion" to describe the activity of Novosti. Yet American journalists who were trying to appease, to please their hosts presented this picture on the centerfold as the symbol and personification of Soviet national they call it Russian national spirit. And it was greatest, greatest misconception and a very tragic misunderstanding. But I doubt very much there are many people who are conscientiously supporting the Soviet system. [9] After contacting the American embassy and undergoing extensive interviews with United States intelligence, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) was able to help Bezmenov seek asylum in Canada, granted by the administration of Pierre Trudeau. Publishers, editors, journalists, actors, educationalists, professors of political science, members of parliament, representatives of business circles. yuri bezmenov india yuri bezmenov on india [3] Bezmenov's father died in the 1970s. Yes. yuri bezmenov sjw Bezmenov claimed this generation was already contaminated by Marxist-Leninist values. Bezmenov described this process as a great brainwashing that has four basic stages. Actually, even before they arrived to USSR and they paid astronomical sum of money for that visit they were submitted This Novosti Press Agency developed so-called backgrounders, 2025 pages of information and opinions which were presented to the journalists even before they bought their tickets to Moscow. Well, getting back to life inside the Soviet Union or inside communist countries in general in this country, at the university level primarily, we read and hear that the Soviet system is different from ours but not that different, and that there is a convergence developing between all of the systems of the world. No. It would fund and arm leftist groups, especially those in developing nations. Well, you told us a moment ago why you left the system. 31], a great spiritual leader, or maybe a great charlatan and crook, depending on which from which side you are looking at him. And also, I was a little bit paranoid knowing that both Soviet KGB and probably some double agents within the American system may be after me. Some of them, when when they get disillusioned, when they see that MarxistLeninists come to power, obviously they get offended. If we are talking about capitalists or wealthy businessmen, I think they are selling the rope on which they will hang very soon. Its a question of survival of this system. [17] His work has also been cited by senior director of UPenn's Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement, and former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense, Dr. Michael Carpenter. The other 85% is a slow process which we call either ideological subversion or active measures or psychological warfare. You can see it with your own eyes, he said. In my own private life, I never suffered from communism simply because I was brought up in a family of high ranking military officers. During the interview, Bezmenov explained that the Soviet Union was not interested in fighting America. You can see myself on the left with the same James Bond smile. yuri bezmenov family On the left, three journalists from various countries, Asia, Africa and Latin America. Well, when did you finally make it to the United States? In the span of my career I married three times. False. Across the world, the KGB did whatever it could to thwart pro-Western and anti-Soviet political movements and figures. The United States is in the state of war undeclared, total war against the basic principles and the foundations of this system. Everything is paid by the Soviet government. And one day I simply joined a group of hippies to avoid the detection of Indian police. There was nothing to do with Islam and there was no grassroots evolution. Everyone who was sympathetic to the United States was executed. on December 21, 2019, There are no reviews yet. A person who is demoralized is unable to assess true information. Of course, we couldnt find any. They know what war is. In this particular case, you can see me talking to students of Lumumba Friendship University in Moscow [Fig. [5] Bezmenov claimed that the KGB successfully used the Soviet Ambassador to Canada to persuade Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau to apply pressure to have him removed from that position. Yuri admits that leftists are pivotal in this process. But that would be the end of my defection, of course. United States is in a state of war: undeclared, total war against the basic principles and foundations of this system.. From the first page to the last page, it was a package of lies, propaganda, cliche, which were presented to American readers as opinions and deductions of American journalists. yuri bezmenov messiah I socialized with characters like this, on the left you see is a barefoot American hippie [Fig. yuri bezmenov feminism Because they know too much. He had an outstanding career with Novosti, which was the and still is, I should say the press arm or the press agency of the Soviet Union. The main audience was in the United States. Well, did any of the journalists have the curiosity to ask about the prisons and that kind of thing? yuri bezmenov leftists There are not such as such people in USSR. We behave as as bunch of thugs in the country which which is hospitable to us, a country with ancient traditions. And the gun control is not yet established in Canada. For some strange reason, for the last fourteen years since my defection, nobody wanted to pay attention to my passport. This is how a typical conference in Novosti headquarters in Moscow looks [Fig. Yuri Bezmenov defected from the Soviet Union to Canada in the '70s, and his warnings about disinformation have made him a posthumous star on social media. In 1984, he gave an interview to G. Edward Griffin, titled 'Soviet Subversion of the Free World Press'. yuri bezmenov media What it basically means is, to change the perception of reality of every American to such an extent that despite the abundance of information, no one is able to come to sensible conclusions in the interests of defending themselves, their families, their community, and their country. It has nothing to do with either research or counter-propaganda. 5], Im trying to learn how to play an Indian musical instrument. On the right, again an exemplary Soviet bride. Sitting in the middle is Boris Burkov the then director of Novosti Press Agency, high-ranking party bureaucrat in the Department of Propaganda. yuri bezmenov idiots KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov's warning to America (1984) Offensive Freedom 7.75K subscribers Subscribe 2.4M views 2 years ago FREEDOM apparel: https://offensivefreedom.com/ Why everything you buy. That was most infuriating because when they defected and I explained to the CIA debriefers they should watch out because east Pakistan is going to erupt any moment. This is a group you see the same lady with the sword in Stalingrad this is the group of journalists, myself is in the center with the same devilish smile [Fig. Very soon it will go, just overnight. Actually, "ideological subversion" was more of a term used by Soviet and Soviet-bloc propaganda to characterize the supposed actions of the West to undermine socialist and Communist ideology within the Soviet Union. They were not opinions at all. And everything was paid by the Soviet government. However, not for long. Listen now (51 min) | SPECIAL PODCAST: An interview with my father Yuri Sr. about his experiences growing up during the Chinese Cultural Revolution Not a single Jane Schmoda or Fonda is brave enough, courageous enough, to come to media and say, Look, this is what happens in USSR.. They know nothing or next to nothing. The main idea, of course, is to prepare a huge reserve army of the USSR. [12] After the CBC, he began free-lance journalism. The KGB, of course, knew it and the CIA knew it. Another great example of the monumental idiocy of American politicians. 33]. I started working for overseas service of CBC, which is similar to Voice of America in Russian language. Again, I can not smuggle my wife because she was not quite sure what what I was doing. With every second, the disaster is coming closer and closer. This picture was printed in a Canadian government publication by mistake. There were no machine gun guards, and well, it looks not very pleasant as you see it. So basic Two very simple maybe too simplistic answers or solutions but nevertheless they are the only solutions. Here's the thing Kotaku omitted: some of this stuff has happened or is in the process of happening. I sent a copy of my passport to many American liberals and civil rights defenders and all the other useful idiots. This is the same picture, a blow-up of the same the same picture [Fig. They know too much. yuri bezmenov useful idiots Most of the Awami League Party members Awami League means peoples party were trained in Moscow in the high party school. yuri bezmenov black pill yuri bezmenov debunked 1]. yuri bezmenov interview As you can see, I was living in quite the comfortable conditions next to a swimming pool where Indians were not allowed, by the way [Fig. 24]. Searching for truth in unorthodox ways can be a valuable exercise. First of all, because defecting in India is virtually impossible thanks to very strong pressure from the Soviet government. The other twenty-five are, like myself, co-opted agents who are assigned to specific operations. It was updated in January 2023. In my case, it was administrative and military intelligence service. But unfortunately they will be sent to Alaska, probably to manage an industry of slaves. [3], Rapid promotion followed, and Bezmenov was once again assigned to Bila[citation needed] in 1969, this time as a Soviet press-officer and a public relations agent for the KGB. Its called split loyalty. In late December 1992, Bezmenov visited Tess and their children in Montreal for Christmas. Thats what we are. Former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov exposes the four stages of a Communist takeover of a country in rare 1984 interview. I mustve been a very dangerous thing. I have come to talk about survival. And thats the way I had to keep them permanently for the next fifteen or twenty days. Its a functionary. Obviously, its more beneficial for the Soviet aggressors to have a bunch of duped Americans than Americans who are self-conscious, healthy, physically fit, and alert to reality. Simply because the psychological shock when they see in the future what the what the beautiful society of equality and social justice means in practice, obviously they will revolt. Most of the activity of the department was to compile a huge amount, volume, of information on individuals who were instrumental in creating public opinion. Actually, there are no grassroots revolutions, period. When the military boot crushes his balls, then he will understand but not before that. I cannot leave that area the same way as this black man cannot leave the area in South Africa. By these means, he escaped to Athens, Greece. yuri bezmenov lecture on subversion Or, to be more precise, the end of the Second World War when all of a sudden the United States, from [being] a friendly nation which helped us to defeat Nazism, turned overnight into a deadly enemy. Call of Duty Cold War Trailer 1984 Son of a Bear: Foraging 47K views 1 year ago Constitution 101 | Lecture 1 Hillsdale College. Why that many years? 22]. Some view it as a valuable source of insight into the tactics used by the Soviet Union during the Cold War, while others view it as outdated and irrelevant. That my country brings to India not freedom, progress, and friendship between the nations, but racism, exploitation, and slavery and, of course, economical inefficiency to this country. Bezmenov explains how Jewish Marxist ideology is destabilizing the economy and purposefully pushing the U.S. into numerous crises so that a "Big Brother" tyranny can be put into place in Washington, how most Americans don't even realize that they are under attack, and that normal parliamentary procedures will not alter the federal government's direction. It sure does because from the viewpoint of the Soviet propaganda, although there are some subtle criticism of the Soviet system, the basic message is that Russia today is a nice, functioning, efficient system supported by a majority of the population [Fig. Obviously, KGB was very fascinated with such a beautiful school, such a brainwashing center for stupid Americans. Fortunately, he died and he didnt see the disgrace because deep inside he was a Russian patriot. He will create false illusions that the situation is under control. Around the same time, Bezmenov had a child in the West, a daughter named Tanya. Someone transcribed the entire interview http://uselessdissident.blogspot.com/2008/11/interview-with-yuri-bezmenov.html No other defector, but the Soviet one, needs a political asylum. Even if I shower him with information, with authentic proof, with documents, with pictures; even if I take him by force to the Soviet Union and show him [a] concentration camp, he will refuse to believe it, until he [receives] a kick in his fan-bottom. Who the hell in the normal mind would defect and do what? Interview with Yuri Bezmenov (ex-KGB) by Edward Griffin - 1984. They never bothered to answer me back. Of course, this claim that many baby boomers are somehow espousing KGB-tainted ideas is hard to believe but Bezmenovs larger point addressed why people who have been gradually demoralized are unable to understand that this has happened to them. They look more like military, and thats exactly what they were. They would definitely stop all kinds of political activity, which they failed to do in my case, because I was stubbornly working for Canadian Broadcasting. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi obviously is not on the payroll of the KGB, but whether he knows it or not he contributes greatly to demoralization of American society. Yuri Bezmenov. For the last twenty-five years actually, its over-fulfilled because demoralization now reaches such areas where previously not even Comrade Andropov and all his experts would would even dream of such a tremendous success. Mammoth_Strawberry78 2 days ago. During his second year, Bezmenov sought to look like a person from India; his teachers encouraged this because graduates of the school were employed as diplomats, foreign journalists, or spies. And after crisis, with a violent change of power, structure, and economy, you have the so-called period of normalization. He discovered Kalashnikov guns and ammunition in there. This is not the kindergarten for the average person or average family in the USSR. Posted 59 minutes ago. In other words, he was a trusted military professional. Most of the Soviet citizens look at this type of monument with disgust and sorrow because every family lost a father, brother, sister or child in the Second World War. Some view it as a warning of the dangers of ideological . And I also can drive very fast. Cynical, egocentric people who can look into your eyes with angelic expression and tell you a lie. Documents obtained by CBC . yuri bezmenov meme If we sing together, well sing beautifully together. There were names of pro-Soviet journalists with whom I was personally friendly. He claimed to know details of a Soviet plan to undermine the U.S., not on the battlefield but in the psyche of the American public. They had to analyze the situation and, judging on their reaction to that backgrounder, the local Novosti representative or local Soviet diplomat in Washington, D.C., would assess whether they have whether they be given visa to USSR or not. I know Americans dont like to listen to things which are unpleasant, but I have defected not to tell you the stories about such idiocy as as microfilm James Bond-type espionage. They obviously they will join the links of dissenters, dissidents. Its simplistic. They have to force their government and Im not talking about sending letters, signing petitions, and all this beautiful, noble activity I am talking about forcing the United States government to stop aiding communism because there is no other problem more burning and urgent than to stop the Soviet militaryindustrial complex from destroying whatever is left of the free world. Other books by Bezmenov are: No Novosti Is Good News,[4] World Thought Police,[5] Black Is Beautiful, Communism Is Not. And, of course, subtle intimidations. yuri bezmenov breaking india Deep inside, I hoped they would insult or offend my sentiments. 4]. I would stand up and say something that we are basically a bunch of murderers. [3] Bezmenov is best remembered for his anti-communist lectures and books published in the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s. [2] The author's biography of the book likens Bezmenov to Winston Smith, from George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four. Each student has to graduate as a junior lieutenant. When an agent likes a country of assignment more than his own country. But to eliminate the others, to execute the others. Glass of vodka, then a second glass of vodka. Here is the full interview with Yuri Bezmenov from 1984. What is your recommendation to the American people? [21][22][23], Life in India, propaganda work, and disillusionment (19631970), Defection to the West and life in Canada (19701983), Pro-American literature and lectures (Los Angeles, 19811986), Demoralization (15-20 years) Destabilization (2-5 years) Crisis (2-6 months) Normalization ("indefinite"), Last edited on 28 February 2023, at 18:13, Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement, List of Soviet and Eastern Bloc defectors, "Soviet Subversion of the Free-World Press: A Conversation with Yuri Bezmenov", "Soviet defector held passion for homeland", "Mysterious Case of the Affable Envoy Who Disappeared", "Group Sets Safety Net to Snatch Defectors at Olympic Games", https://www.cbc.ca/newsinteractives/features/yuri-bezmenov-soviet-defector-canada, "Ex-spy urges curbing Soviets at Olympics", "G. Case Study: The Russo-Georgian War of 2008", Undermining Democracy: Kremlin Tools of Malign Political Influence, "DEMOCRACY AND DISINFORMATION (GLBL SXXX) - Syllabus", "Call of Duty Black Ops: Cold War is official, will be 'inspired by actual events', "Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War officially revealed in Warzone event", Freedom of Information CIA file with article summarizing Bezmenov's ideas, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Yuri_Bezmenov&oldid=1142134246, KGB press and propaganda agent, APN journalist, later defector/informant, anti-communist author, Accusations of Soviet infiltration of, and, This page was last edited on 28 February 2023, at 18:13. Structures are not scared by now, nothing can scare you is best remembered for his lectures... Rare 1984 interview yuri bezmenov interview junior lieutenant supporting the Soviet Union was not sure. Of Lumumba Friendship University in Moscow looks [ Fig were names of pro-Soviet journalists whom. 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