Land Of Confusion Mike Lindell of MyPillow has been working to get to the bottom of what happened in the 2020 election. What is Gateway Pundit, the conspiracy-hawking site at the ... Subscribe to The Gateway Pundit! Gateway Pundit Joins "The Scoop TV" - The Conservative ... 2 Fulton County election workers sue conservative site ... And that’s exactly what happened. ELDER ABUSE: Joe Biden Is So Out of Breath He Can Barely Speak and Stand at Podium (VIDEO) By Jim Hoft Sep 20, 2020, 4:03 pm 315 pts. The Gateway Pundit and the Hofts perpetuated the debunked narrative, publishing stories and promoting them on social media even after they were aware it … Twitter suspended Gateway Pundit founder Jim Hoft and radio host Wayne Allyn Root in February 2021. BREAKING: The Gateway Pundit Sues St. Louis Mayoral ... The report was not compromised. Phillip Patrick: US Dollar Lost 40 Cents in Value Since 2000 and 10 Cents of That Loss Happened This Year Under Joe Biden (VIDEO) 1. We released our new mobile app on 2/14/17. In 2018, more than 5,000. Join The Gateway Pundit Newsletter. Jul 11, 2021. VIDEO PROOF | Liz Harrington Wisconsin Election Commission ... The Gateway Pundit (TGP) is an American far-right fake news website. Live forward in Anaheim's Platinum Triangle with four sparkling pools, a clubroom with entertaining kitchen, and two 24-hour fitness centers. We’re reporting on fraudulent votes. by travis 6 hours ago CodeMonkeyZ recently released explosive evidence which reveals that Dominion had remote access to their own equipment during the 2020 election. The Gateway Pundit. He dared to say, “Hey, maybe we should take a look at what happened.” The radical Left retaliated by kicking MyPillow products out of big box stores and off their shopping channels. The Gateway Pundit - Biden’s Surgeon General Vivek Murthy on Sunday said the FDA’s approval of the Pfizer vaccine will likely lead to more vaccine mandates. Read in app. Gateway USA | Laptops | Convertible | Gateway Home Breitbart. Gateway Pundit Want to hear the other side of the story? The Gateway Pundit. They’ve censored us on social media. Learn more about our self-guided touring experience here. Don't take my word for it Though. Sign up for our free email newsletter, and we'll make sure to keep you in the loop. But there’s a silver lining: Mike partnered with sites like Gateway Pundit to offer lower… The post Mike Lindell’s “Lowest Prices In The History … Last year, more than 8,600. Kohls and Bed, Bath and Beyond removed his products. Supply Chain and Wholesale Inflation Hits 26.5%, Hottest Since 1974. The Gateway Pundit is always committed to ensuring your voice can and will be heard. Grandpa, what’s wrong with you!!?! Color and styles of articles are preserved. Gab is banned from the Google Play Store and Apple App Store for refusing to censor speech for Google and Apple, but you can still install our Android app on your phone. Tired of leftist bias? The visits must be supervised, the Gateway Pundit reported. It's Patty McMurray of 100% Fed Up and Jim Hoft of the Gateway Pundit and and we want to, first of all, we want to thank Mike Lindell for generously sponsoring our podcast. Click to expand... Gateway Pundit left its mark on an innocent man in Michigan, who had to go into hiding for awhile, due to harassment and even a few deat threats, because of the way GP Hoft smeared his good name with its lies. Jim Hoft runs the "Gateway Pundit" blog from Heart of America- St. Louis, Missouri. GatewayPundit has become a major resource for right-of-center news. The Gateway Pundit met with a "pretty French girl" — who also happened to be a disinformation reporter By Zachary Petrizzo Published May 28, 2021 3:19PM (EDT) Gateway Pundit’s article claims the organization “identified approximately 10,000 votes that were moved from President Trump to Biden in … The real test of whether the site plans to take its new access … Liz Harrington tweeted several videos today. The man behind the alias, Ron Watkins, has now told the Gateway Pundit that the information he released was only roughly 1% of what he has. Subscribe. ‘Patience is crucial’: Why we won't know for weeks how dangerous Omicron is — Lab tests and patterns of spread will show whether the new SARS-CoV-2 variant's many mutations are a serious threat — At 7.30 a.m. on Wednesday, Kristian Andersen, an infectious disease researcher at Scripps Research … Get the latest using The Gateway Pundit app, and save articles to read later. One, the different compounds or aspects to this approach were not all available in the same place. All due dates listed by filing type on the Gateway. On January 6th, 2021, The United States Capitol was overrun by what the mainstream “media” labeled as “insurrectionists” and “terrorists.” Everyone involved was supposedly motivated to breach federal grounds by President Trump’s … And yet Gateway Pundit — the name refers to Hoft’s home base, St. Louis — has a track record of stirring up controversy and generating clicks with a … It was sponsored by the American Principles Project (APP) in coordination with CPAC, and was to be held as a breakout session at the conference Friday afternoon. Will Chucri stay silent when he knows exactly what happened? Therefore, to fix the issue of apps being disappeared from your iPhone’s home screen, I have come up with this definitive guide that you should read. Gateway Support. is a project of Jim Hoft for the benefit of the public and to provide sunshine and publicity to the scores of political prisoners wrongfully imprisoned as a result of the protest on January 6th. To reinforce that commitment, we are switching our commenting platform to Insticator. Solution 3: Update or Install the Missing Apps on your iPhone. Last night, Mike Lindell of talked with Gateway Pundit founder Jim Hoft about getting to the bottom of the Election 2020 debacle. Tired of fake news? WE HAVE A NEW GATEWAY PUNDIT APP— Download it today —> HERE The old app is no longer posting updates. For 15 years, we’ve been fighting Big Tech and Leftists who want to shut us down. I dunno how people watch Whoopi and enjoy themselves. Tap the menu icon (3 dots in upper right-hand corner) and tap "Add to Home Screen." Nov 11; ... AZ Senator Had Jordan Conradson from the Great Gateway Pundit Handcuffed and Arrested. Mike has been a leader of the effort to uncover what happened, investigating and documenting the fraud that took place. Jim Hoft received the Breitbart Award for … Join The Gateway Pundit Newsletter. Now only 2998 with your promo code. Just insert your nano-SIM card. The Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft said the Trump administration has promised that the site will “have a White House correspondent this year.” Hoft's website is … See the latest updates, context, and perspectives about this story. Eric Zemmour, who has two prior hate speech convictions, is being tried on charges of “public insult” and “incitement to hatred or violence” against a group of people due to their … To encourage this commitment, we are transforming our comment platform into Insticator. The FDA on Monday granted a full approval to… The post FDA … Pelosi Staffer Leaving Her Office... Get the Noah Report daily newsletter. Gateway Pundit is always committed to making sure your voice is heard. (The Harvard Journal of Law and Technology describes the “Gateway Pundit” as an outlet primarily propagating “fake news”.) The question is why this serial liar had not been suspended earlier. Answer: Unbiased news is happening all the time, but it sells less well than stories that are spiced up to please the biggest audience. This happened live on CNN last night. at 11 ET ‘Patience is crucial’: Why we won't know for weeks how dangerous Omicron is — Lab tests and patterns of spread will show whether the new SARS-CoV-2 variant's many mutations are a serious threat — At 7.30 a.m. on Wednesday, Kristian Andersen, an infectious disease researcher at Scripps Research … ), Slippers and Patriotic Art At by Newsman September 25, 2021, 2:53 pm 1.8k Views 0 Votes With the Arizona Audit vindicating Mike Lindell and all who pushed to uncover what happened in the 2020 election, it’s time to support him. Dr. Zelenko sat down for an interview with Gateway Pundit to answer the many questions we have about his work and this product. Recently, Mike Lindell of talked with Gateway Pundit founder Jim Hoft about getting to the bottom of the Election 2020 debacle. The Gateway Pundit has a record of reckless unreliability. Doug told the attorney to go jump in a lake. First Column 6. Developers Our Team Our Apps About Us. Put them all together, here. It was an extraordinary interview (watch it here)! Arizona State Senate President Karen Fann held a hearing on Thursday to provide an update on the status of the ongoing forensic audit of the Nov. 3, 2020 election in Maricopa County. Alex Jones was a powerful underground voice for the alternative conservative media, but he became a more mainstream figure in December 2015. I The Gateway Pundit WATCH: 351,000 "Yes" Votes Disappear from Totals in Newsom Recall Election LIVE ON CNN (VIDEO) Here we go... Last night on CNN 351,000 "Yes" votes disappeared in an instant during live coverage of the Newsom Recall Election in California. If you have a Gateway account, you have an OH|ID. The Gateway Pundit provides original news on today's issues, and gives you a unique conservative view on the news. Mike has made available to… Read More The Gateway Pundit Joins ‘The Scoop TV’ The list of hardworking conservative creators continues to grow at ‘The Scoop TV’ since its launch last week Wednesday. The Gateway Pundit’s report, such as it was, was based on a tweet from Trump’s own spokeswoman, Liz Harrington. New York Post. Gateway Pundit & 100%FedUp Live with Cliven Bundy, Pete Santilli, and Kristina Karamo. Founded in 2004 by Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit is one of the top political websites in the US … She tweeted a snippet of a hearing from Wisconsin. All you have to do is create a comment account with Insticator, and then you will be able to link previous comments to your new Insticator account. Mike has made available […] Supervision of parental visits is ordinarily only required in cases where there is danger of physical or emotional harm to the child. Jim Hoft is the founder and editor of The Gateway Pundit, one of the top conservative news outlets in America. Now, Mike Lindell has teamed up and made available to Gateway Pundit readers… The post Support Mike Lindell And Gateway … Yet now, he is flat-out claiming… Also in December 2017, The Gateway Pundit published a story falsely saying that Facebook had taken down a previous Gateway Pundit story about the Alabama election, when in fact a Facebook algorithm had made it less prevalent after it had been flagged as fake news. Jim was awarded the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award in 2013 and is the proud recipient of the Breitbart Award for Excellence in Online Journalism from the Americans for Prosperity Foundation in May 2016. This is the official Gateway Pundit app! Crossposted from the Gateway Pundit... AN INSIDE LOOK: What really happened during the Capitol Siege – Insurrection or Setup? Highlights: ~ Read news articles optimized beautifully for both mobile and tablet experience. It was an extraordinary interview (watch it here)! The Gateway Pundit has reported extensively on the Arizona audit’s official findings, 700,000 or more questionable ballots, and other discrepancies noted by audit officials and audit volunteers. The Gateway Pundit. So has Gateway Pundit. Use your existing username and password to log in -- There is no need to create a new account. Apr 25. Listen in moderation. THE GATEWAY PUNDIT - Where Hope Finally Made a Comeback The Gateway Pundit Store is official merchandise store of The Gateway Pundit website. Third Column 2. But what happened was most people could not put the puzzle pieces together for several reasons. - The Gateway Pundit. So go to My now and use the promo code on your screen or call the 1-800 number below to receive the six offer Hi, everyone. Launch “Chrome” app 2. PART 1: Nov 2020 Election Investigation - What REALLY Happened In Detroit. The Gateway Pundit. Editorial: Fake-news peddlers like The Gateway Pundit can wreak havoc in the real world Dec 8, 2021 The reason toxic platforms like this exist is because there is a market for them. Solution 2: Look for Missing Apps via Spotlight. What the hell happened to Nancy Pelosi during her interview with George Stephanopoulos? Third Column 4. We’re reporting on the audit in Arizona. Browse the most recent videos from channel "The Gateway Pundit" uploaded to iOS Apps; The Gateway Pundit. Commenting at Gateway Pundit is a privilege, not a Constitutional Right. Solution 1: Restart your iOS Device. Third Column 3. The Millennium Report Right News is the news aggregator for you. We’re working to get you the truth! Citizen journalist Jonathan Pasetti recently shared screenshots of a conversation he had with Maria Piacesi on social media app Tik Tok where she admits that President Joe Biden pinched her nipple. If you have an iPhone, you can download the Apple app here. For that, Leftists have targeted retail chains that sold products. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s wires got crossed Sunday morning during her interview with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos. A. Doug assured The Gateway Pundit that he and his team took a neutral stance. Join the conversation via our in app chat where you can talk with show hosts and other listeners in real time. Authentic Nouveau said: Left wingers leave their marks. According to the U.S. Capitol Police, there were about 3,900 threats against elected officials made in 2017. 1. The Gateway Pundit and conspiracy. Don’t worry! Only one commissioner was concerned about ordering nursing homes to BREAK THE LAW “The thing I’m afraid of is possible fraud in nursing homes…where you have whomever filling out these ballots…I think that’s a problem.” That’s exactly what happened!
Wisconsin Election Commission … Within minutes of the FDA’s approval of the Pfizer vaccine, the Pentagon and New York schools announced new requirements. Due to overwhelming demand new orders will ship in next few weeks. The look on Stephanopoulos’s face says it all. Third Column 1. Mike has been a leader of the effort to uncover what happened, investigating and documenting the fraud that took place. *Source: Gateway Pundit* Trending Politics reported: Six years later, Maria Piacesi is finally speaking out. The Gateway Pundit has been cited by Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, The Drudge Report, The Blaze, Mark Levin, FOX Nation and by several international news organizations. Mike Lindell of is working to uncover what happened in the 2020 election. The Arizona audit report will be made public this Friday. Gateway Pundit Correspondent Arrested During Speech at UConn. NYC’s Corrupt Mayor De Blasio Used $3 Million Counterterrorism Plane to Fly Home From Canadian Vacation; Federal Officers in Riot Gear Move in on ICE Protesters in Portland (VIDEO) President Trump is Right – Mueller and His Accomplices Are the Most Conflicted Gang in US History! View the "hot list" of Gateway Pundit articles everyone else is reading. When it comes to mass shootings, the Gateway Pundit has tended to put politics before facts. Day 1 of the Gateway Pundit in the briefing room ended without incident. ~ Links are presented as Columns. This once-a-day update is the antidote to the an impossible news cycle, and provides a clear and concise roundup about what happened today that you need to know in 5-minutes or less. Solution 4: Find the Missing Apps via Siri. Right-wing outlet The Gateway Pundit silently deleted an article over the weekend written by Kristin Davis, a sidekick to veteran Republican operative Roger … Description. He’s investigating and documenting the fraud that took place. Mike Lindell dared to question the 2020 election. ~ Conservative news from Fox, Breitbart, One America, Liberty Daily, Drudge Report, Zero Hedge, Gateway Pundit, Daily Caller, Daily Wire, Townhall and many more. Gateway Pundit & 100%FedUp Live with Cliven Bundy, Pete Santilli, and Kristina Karamo. Nov 21; Exclusive: The Gateway Pundit's Jim Hoft and Cristina Laila Interview Rep. Jim Jordan, Sat. Whoopi Goldberg got into a heated argument on The View with a panelist over Critical Race Theory as well as the Virginia gubernatorial race. The main reason for this is that Governor Andrew Cuomo had a policy that nursing homes had to accept patients who were infected with the virus. On 6/6/2021, The Gateway Pundit was moved to Very-Low factual reporting based on failed facts on a near-daily basis. * * * * * * * * * * Advertisement – story continues below In late June 2020 The Gateway Pundit organized a prayer rally at … Today, two election workers, Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss, sued Gateway Pundit, alleging the site instigated a “deluge of harassment and threats.” What Freeman alleges happened to her in the last year is deeply disturbing and is worth reading. Geller said that she had been asked to exclude Hoft after a post at Gateway Pundit on the Parkland shooting in Florida last week. They’ve defamed us in the media. Filing Deadlines. AZ State Senator Wendy Rogers: “Arizona’s 2020 Forensic Election Senate Audit, What You Haven’t Heard, And Much, Much More!” Starting at $2,310. On January 28th, our guest wrote “Today the public is being told half-truths by biased media corporations to paint an unrealistic dream narrative against Trump and his tens of millions of supporters.” In the Gateway Pundit as he described what he witnessed on January 6th as he traveled to the Capitol on foot, and into the Capitol building. Log In odx-featured-content. The Gateway Pundit has obtained an exclusive audio recording of a meeting with Maricopa County Supervisor Steve Chucri and We The People AZ Alliance. Gateway Pundit Founder Jim Hoft The Twitter account of Gateway Pundit was permanently suspended for repeat policy violations after it posted surveillance video of Detroit's TCF Center. The Gateway Pundit and the Hofts perpetuated the debunked narrative, publishing stories and promoting them on social media even after they were aware it … The FreedomPHONE is a free speech and privacy first focused phone. A far-right TV pundit who is expected to run for the French presidency goes on trial Wednesday for allegedly inciting racial hatred with his comments on unaccompanied migrant children. Their goal was to tell the truth about what happened in Maricopa County. Support Mike Lindell And Gateway Pundit With Promo Code “TGP” At – And Get Up To 66% Off by Newsman August 12, 2021, 1:02 pm 1.1k Views 1 Votes Mike Lindell of MyPillow has been working to get to … Also known as application proxy or application-level proxy, an application gateway is an application program that runs on a firewall system between two networks. When a client program establishes a connection to a destination service, it connects to an application gateway, or proxy. Answer (1 of 4): “Gateway Pundit” is just a Fake, UberReich-Wing Conspiracy, On-Line Rag. This has always been the case, but … The Gateway Pundit filed a defamation lawsuit against St. Louis mayoral candidate Tishaura Jones on Thursday. Screenshots. Support Gateway Pundit And Mike Lindell By Getting Bedsheets (Back In Stock! Gateway. The Gateway Pundit and the Hofts perpetuated the debunked narrative, publishing stories and promoting them on social media even after they were aware it … On 6/20/2021, The Gateway Pundit wrote a negative article about Media Bias Fact Check – Bogus Fact-Check Site Used by Google Lists All Conservative Outlets as “Low Credibility” – But Lists All Far Left and Liberal Mainstream Outlets as High … Open 3. In 2019, nearly 7,000. “During the election, I had a million readers a day at the Gateway Pundit,” Hoft told DeploraBall attendees at … While speaking to the publication… Behind the scenes, there’s a battle for survival of The Gateway Pundit. Don’t worry! The website is known for publishing falsehoods, hoaxes, and conspiracy theories. People love news that confirms their biggest fears and their oldest convictions. Nov 17; PART 1: Nov 2020 Election Investigation - What REALLY Happened In Detroit. Unabashedly conservative, Right News includes your favorite news sources and commentators: Breitbart, Rebel Media, The Gateway Pundit, One America News, American Thinker, Paul Joseph Watson, Stefan Molyneux, Frontpage Magazine, Truth Revolt, … The Gateway Pundit is edited by Jim Hoft, who was awarded the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award in 2013. The description of Gateway Pundit App. The Gateway Pundit. All you have to do is create a commenting account with Insticator, and then you will be able to link past comments into your new Insticator account. If your app was installed prior, then you will need to uninstall and reinstall to view the latest news. Lucian Wintrich, left, at a rally in Washington in June. Doug also claims the revisions that were made kept the integrity of the report. Works with AT&T, & T-Mobile and other leading domestic and international GSM Networks. Joe Biden held a brief event at the US Constitutional Center on Sunday. Fann was joined by Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Warren Petersen. Police closed the investigation without evidence of … The Gateway Pundit. . When it comes to Coronavirus deaths, the state of New York leads the entire country. 4. The Scoop TV app is available for download from the App Store for iPhone and the Google Play store for Android. With features like tracking blockers and an uncensorable app store. Sign up for our free email newsletter, and we'll make sure to keep you in the loop. We wanted to help Mike out, so Mike has made available to Gateway… The post … Thousands of elderly people died as a result. Gateway 11.6 FHD 2-in-1 Convertible Notebook, Intel Celeron, 4GB RAM, 64GB Storage, Tuned by THX Audio, Mini HDMI, Cortana, Webcam, Windows 10 S, Microsoft 365 Personal 1-Year Included While we welcome and encourage comments, we expect our commenters to abide by our policies without argument, to treat others (including our Moderators) with respect and to generally act as if they were a guest in someone’s home. #44. **Get the Gab App On Android:** 1. Lowest Prices In The History Of MyPillow On Standard, Queen And King MyPillows. The WTF Just Happened Today flash briefing is your essential guide to the daily shock and awe in national politics. The Gateway Pundit is a hard-right website founded by former corporate executive Jim Hoft, who is also a principal writer. Studio - 2 beds / 1 - 2 baths. Jim Hoft repeatedly lied about the Joe Biden election being fraudulent, lied about coronavirus, and attended the terrorist rally on January 6th. BREAKING: AZ Candidate For Secretary of State Mark Finchem: “I Call… The post EXCLUSIVE… The Gateway Pundit. Adding product to your cart. Behind the scenes, there ’ s wires Cross... < /a > Gateway < /a the... Business Gateway < /a > doug told the attorney to go jump in a...., the different compounds or aspects to this approach were not all available in the of. Award in 2013 well as the Virginia gubernatorial Race password to log in -- there is danger of physical emotional. Leave their marks forward in Anaheim 's Platinum Triangle with four sparkling pools a... To put politics before facts Pelosi Staffer Leaving her Office... get the latest using the Gateway Handcuffed! Chucri stay silent when he knows exactly what happened in Detroit beds / 1 - baths. People watch Whoopi and enjoy themselves last week, then you will need to create new. Gateway, or proxy Report daily newsletter and the Google Play store for and... 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