russian blue cat breedersrussian blue cat breeders

IS THAT PLANT CAT SAFE? Russian-Blue Page - Purebred and Pedigreed Russian Blues for over 20 years. They often appear larger than they actually are due to their double layer of thick fur, which stands out at a 45 degree angle. $600. The Russian Blue is an intelligent, curious, and tranquil animal. The Russian Blue is a robust breed, with firm muscles and an overall dose of good looks. These blue cats do resemble the Russian longhair cats that were popular in the late 1800s. Russian Blue Kittens Hypoallergenic Purebred Perfect Quality ashunaruth. Russian Blue Cattery. We are a TICA registered cattery located south of Kansas City near the small town of Garnett, Kansas. AVAILABLE CATS. These are people who specialize in the breed and really understand their personality traits and how to care for them. Some Russian Blue kittens are born with a hint of stripes, known as a "ghost stripes". Why buy a Russian Blue kitten for sale if you can adopt and save a life? Russian Blue Kittens in Nebraska Get Quote Call (308) 537-2025 WhatsApp (308) 537-2025 Message (308) 537-2025 Contact Us Find Table Make Appointment Place Order View Menu We are a family of 6 living in rural, Gothenburg, Nebraska. Weight: 7 to 12 pounds. Peruse the available kittens or cats for sale within your matching breeds then save your favorites. Length: Around 2 feet. The Cat Fanciers Association (CFA) only accepts Russian Blues with blue coats, but other associations accept them in other colors, including white and black. Females may be slightly older than 4 months as our vet prefers for them . When it is in full motion and stretched out, one can see . Never think that an older cat will not "bond" with you - a Russian Blue truly wants nothing more than someone to love. The Cat Fanciers Association breed standard for the Russian Blue calls for him to have a head that is a smooth, medium-size wedge shape with a blunt muzzle. . If you live in ontario and you're trying to adopt a russian blue kitten or cat, your best choice is to go to a russian blue breeder. Elegant, intelligent, and very loyal, it makes an excellent pet and companion, and because of its adaptability and cleanliness, is often called the apartment cat, the ideal pet for the urban life style. The first Russian Blue was not registered with the CFA until 1949. This medium sized cat has bright green eyes and a blue-grey coat. AVAILABLE CATS. Russian Blue cat breed health THIS WEEK RECEIVE 50% OFF ON ANY KITTEN PURCHASED.WE HAVE A 30 DAYS MONEY BACK GUARANTEE IF YOU DECIDE NOT TO KEEP OUR KITTEN AFTER HE/SHE ARRIVES YOUR HOME! Maryland. These magnificent cats are also known as the Archangel Cat, the Norwegian Blue, the Maltese Cat and the Chartreuse Blue. One of the oldest breeds of today's cat fancy, the Russian Blue has always held a special place. ABOUT US: We are located near Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and have been breeding and showing Russian Blues since 1995. But, they enjoy playing with their family and will happily play games. We are a registered breeder with TICA . Their nose and paw pads are soft and lilac in color. WAIT LIST - This is an estimate only. Entry in the Breeders List is free to members of the Russian Blue Breeders Association. Beautiful & Blue There's no other cat quite like the Russian Blue. Plan ahead and be patient. We are a CLOSED cattery and therefore do not allow casual visits to choose kittens. For example, the Cat Fanciers Association (CFA) only recognizes the blue color, as does Federation Internationale Feline (FIFe Blues are amazing cats, known for their regal appearance, relaxed temperament and beautiful color. Our kittens can be adopted as top quality pets or breeders (for established and serious breeders only). Pick up your kitty and have a mini-vacation ! The Russian Blue Cat is a medium-sized breed with a sleek and muscular body. According to the Cat Fanciers' Association (CFA), cat rumor has it that "the Russian blue breed descended from the cats kept by the Russian Czars. AVAILABLE KITTENS. We have all of the information you need to know about Russian Blue breeders including website URL, contact information, Facebook page, memberships to associations, and more. Russian White Kittens. The Russian Blue is a cat breed that has a silver-blue coat. Russian Blue Breed OUR CATS. Home of Blue Angels. They are also slenderer in build with a wedge-shaped head, while their blue cousins tend to be stockier and rounder in the face. They will have had all their vaccinations, be wormed, have their rabies shots, and be vet checked prior to being placed in their new homes. The sparkling, silvery blue coat and brilliant green eyes of the Russian Blue draw immediate attention to this shorthaired breed. Retired adult Russian cat price: between $700 and $1500 USD. Our kittens are socialized, vetted, litter trained, and very much loved. For the best experience, we recommend you upgrade to the latest version of Chrome or Safari. Their nose and paw pads are soft and lilac in color. DECLAWING ISSUES. And be prepared to search far - there may not be a Russian Blue breeder in your immediate area. 5 talking about this. Exceptionally friendly and playful, these puppies have truly beautiful temperaments.message via whatsapp only at +1(936)666-2637 Rate this rtcl_listing Members of the CFA Russian Blue Breed Council & Russian Blue Fanciers They do not lounge the day away but they certainly enjoy a good nap. Anjule . There are a few nurseries breeding Russian Blues in the USA, but most of them have been dealing with one . International List of the best Russian Blue breeders at present, classified by country. However, if you've spent time with one of these gorgeous kitties, you know that they're as sensitive and caring as they come - and clever, too! For anyone seeking kittens or cats, Russian Blue Kitten Breeders is the most trusted resource. Deposit of $200 required to be placed on the waiting list. $600 deposit if choosing pick of the litter option. Finding a Russian Blue kitten shouldn't be too difficult as there are now quite a few breeders in the country. The Cat Angel. Starblue is a CFA registered Russian Blue cattery breeding and showing exceptional quality Russian Blue cats in Portland,. We breed healthy and lovely RUSSIAN BLUE KITTENS FOR SALE with all the lovely characteristics for your home. The Russian blue is a fairly common breed, and kittens from a reputable breeder typically cost between $400-$600. Breeders List. Kentucky. They have elegant bodies, slender necks, high shoulder blades and long finely boned legs. Russian Blue kittens are exquisite looking kittens with plush double coats of shimmering silver-blue highlights. COLOURS - Russian colours bred by this breeder : Russian Blue Kittens. The russian blue cat (russian: Russian blue is an elegant medium sized cat breed.they are intelligent active and affectionate.these cats have dense short haired coats with well developed bodies.they mostly have green colored eyes and are pretty mush similar to british shorthair cats in appearance. Russian Blue kittens are an exquisite looking cat with a plush double coat of shimmering silver-blue highlights. Our russian blues from the latvia lineage are much the same but darker. The Russian Blue cat is a synonym for elegance and delicate taste. It's important to note that Russian Blue cats are separated from Russian White, Russian Black, and Russian Tabby cats by many associations. It is of a medium size, and muscular, but compared to a swimmer in the compactness of its musculature. CONTRACT. In 1871 a Russian Blue was shown at the first cat show at the Crystal Palace in London, under the name Archangel Cat. We are a cattery that has beautiful Russian Blue kittens. According to the Cat Fanciers' Association (CFA), cat rumor has it that "the Russian blue breed descended from the cats . Disclaimer: The International Cat Association, Inc.® (TICA®) Does Not Endorse any of the breeders, products, or services on this page unless otherwise noted. Russian Blue Kittens For Sale is the blue blood of the catlike world with their shining coats and agile rich looks. Hypoallergenic Kittens For Sale During the early 1970s, a solid white Russian Blue (called the Russian White) was created by the Australian breeder, Mavis Jones, through the crossing of a Russian Blue with a domestic white cat. Russian Blues are smart, devoted cats that make wonderful, loyal companions. Adorable and playful Russian Blue kittens available. ABOUT US: We are located near Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and have been breeding and showing Russian Blues since 1995. The broad wedge of the head and its flat skull are often described as cobra-like, although that is much too dangerous a description for this sweet-natured cat. Look at pictures of Russian Blue kittens who need a home. gorgeous russian blue kittens for sale With their shimmery blue coats, striking emerald eyes, and possible ties to Russian czars, Russian Blue cats can't help but have a certain air of elegance. There is a relatively small number of breeders working with the breed, so do not be surprised if a breeder does not have a cat or kitten available exactly when you want. The Russian Blue is a gentle cat with a somewhat shy nature around strangers. In 1964, GC Maja Acre Igor II, a Russian Blue, won CFA Grand Champion. History: Not much is known about this rare breed; however, it is believed that the Russian blue originates from northern Russia, specifically the Archangel Isles. I first came in contact with the Russian Blue Breed in July 1990, during my first visit to Russia: I was of the impression that the Russian blue is the same as many of the . See her only once and you will become a fan of this breed for life. They have sleek bodies, beautiful emerald green eyes and always appear to be smiling. They have amazing emerald green eyes which balance especially well with a feline's jacket tone. Russian Blue kittens. All our cats are members of our family cared and loved for as our own children. The Russian Blue kittens have been the best selling hypoallergenic kitten breed in the USA for a number of years now. While they can be a bit nervous around strangers and loud noises (like vacuums and rambunctious children), Russian Blues are quite affectionate with their family. Please be aware there are a number of pet sales scam operations.Frequently these companies or individuals will not reveal a physical address or even the names of the individuals other than a website and . Although the most common coat color for the Russian Blue is Blue, you can also find these cats in shades of black and white too. Our kittens are $2,500. This breed was a favorite of the Russian Tsars in the 19 th century, and Its sparkling, plush coat, a hint of a smile, and elegant body make it a very special breed. Our cats are from European champion bloodlines. Considered a longhair breed, the Nebelung has a medium-length coat that is always blue. 41 talking about this. The Russian Blue is a cat breed that comes in colors varying from a light shimmering silver to a darker, slate grey. Probably the best known of all Russian cat breeds, the distinctive Russian Blue combines a stunning grey-blue coat with bright green eyes. Within the site you will find a history of the Russian Blue, answers to questions about the breed, a listing and photos of The Cat Fanciers' Association top Russian Blues, a listing of Russian Blue breeders, and links to other Russian Blue websites and sites with information about cats. If you are a breeder of Russian cats and would like to be included on the list you will need to download the registration form (), sign, and return it as requested.The co-ordinator of the Breeders List is Mrs Miggie Ravenscroft. The Russian Blue is both classic and modern. Russian Blue breeders can be difficult to find. They are raised in our home from birth with everyday attention and care, just as their parents (our pets) were. Russian Blue Rescue Information: The Russian Blue is a gray-blue, short-haired cat. We are a closed cattery and therefore do not allow . Assuming the Russian blue did migrate from northern Russia, it was likely via ship to England and northern Europe in the mid-1860s." As early as the sixteenth century, recorded history shows that . These Welcome to the official web site of the Russian Blue Breeders' Association.. We anticipate 8-10 litters within the next year. Browse our breed profiles to find the perfect match for your lifestyle. Russian Blue kittens are hypoallergenic kittens and all Russian Blue kitten breeders knows best for the fact that. If you live in Georgia and you're trying to adopt a Russian Blue kitten or cat, your best choice is to go to a Russian Blue breeder. Privet Cats . We have a small CFA and TICA registered cattery and belong to the CFA Russian Blue Breed Council, the TICA Russian Blue Breed Council, and Russian Blue . compile mailing or other contact lists, or solicit listed breeders for any commercial purpose. Russian Blue cats are recognized by cat breed associations all over the world. We have a small CFA and TICA registered cattery and belong to the CFA Russian Blue Breed Council, the TICA Russian Blue Breed Council, and Russian Blue . The First World War significantly reduced the number of Russian Blues and breeders later revived numbers by outcrossing to similar cats such as the British Shorthair . Beautiful TICA registered kittens- both male and female available. Russian Blue. Their nose and paw pads are soft and lilac in color. We are a small TICA registered cattery located just outside of Dayton, Ohio. GALLERY. Dream Russian Blue Cats We take pride in raising Beautiful Healthy Russian Blue Kittens in our cageless-no cat enclosures home where the needs of our Kittens are at the forefront of all we do. Russian Blue Image Credit: Robert-W, Pixabay. They often appear larger than they actually are due to their double layer of thick fur, which stands out at a 45 degree angle. ! The cost of a Russian Blue kitten should not be likened to the love it brings. They are also slenderer in build with a wedge-shaped head, while their blue cousins tend to be stockier and rounder in the face. Welcome to NovaBlue Cattery. russian blue breeders association. In 1965, British breeders began to express concern over the evolving appearance of the Russian Blue cat breed. Homeraisedkits. This breed also does well with other pets. IS THAT PLANT CAT SAFE? This site is a collaborative effort of Russian Blue breeders throughout the United States, Japan, and Europe. We have all of the information you need to know about Russian Blue breeders including website URL, contact information, Facebook page, memberships to associations, and more. The reason for this can be discovered by reading the breed history found on the links below. Hypoallergenic russian blue kittens ready with vet passport. Disclaimer: The International Cat Association, Inc.® (TICA®) Does Not Endorse any of the breeders, products, or services on this page unless otherwise noted.Please read our Disclaimers.. Russian Blues have enjoyed many names including Blue, Maltese, Maltese Blue, Archangel Blue, Russian Weir Cat, Chartreuse Blue, Foreign Blue, Russo-American Blue, Spanish Blue, Blue Russian and Russian Shorthair. Russian Blue Cats additionally has exceptionally charming grins on their faces which is another justification for why these medium . Anything Look…Weird? Born and raised in our home, and used to all usual household noises. Browse Russian Blue kittens for sale & cats for adoption. If you're looking for a purebred Russian Blue kitten in Seattle area, you have come to the right place. Purchasing a Russian Blue Kitten. Russian Blue Spotted Tabby Kittens. Russian Black Kittens. Royal Blues Russian Blue Cattery located in Dayton, OH. They are usually quiet, somewhat shy, and sensitive to their owner's emotions. Finding a Russian Blue cat breeder in Georgia can be difficult, but we've done all of the hard work for you. Russian Blue CAT BREEDERS NEAR ME Finding a quality Russian Blue Cat breeder near you can be a difficult task, that's why we've created our Russian Blue cat breeder database. And naturalness homeliness and naturalness href= '' https: // '' > Russian Blue cats in,! Russian longhair cats that were popular in the compactness of its musculature in ACFA, they enjoy with... Trait of this breed for life charming grins on their faces which is another justification for why medium! Develop close bonds with their human companions and particularly enjoy cuddling up to the love it.. Coat that is always Blue when many Russian Blue felines with foreign body.... Intelligent and playful, but most of them have been dealing with one save your favorites darker. 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