longshoremen strike 2002longshoremen strike 2002

Longshoremen vote to strike West Coast ports on July 1 ... Hope in West Coast port talks. West Coast port slowdown raises fears of dockworker strike ... For decades, the West Coast longshoremen's union could boast that its members had some of the . Bush moves to end port dispute - Oct. 9, 2002 Timeline: Puget Sound Waterfront History 1894-2002. In May 1934, dock workers and longshoremen along the West Coast went on strike for better hours and pay, a union hiring hall and a coast-wide contract. Longshoremen Strike Host Bob Edwards speaks with N-P-R's Ina Jaffe (IH-nah JAF-ee) about the Longshoremen's labor dispute in San Francisco. Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa announced Tuesday that a federal mediator will be brought in to help end the eight-day long strike, which includes some 20,000 members of the International Longshore and Warehouse Union, which has been trying to negotiate a new contract with 14 terminal operators for 2 1/2 years. Strike Ends, Ports of L.A.-Long Beach Return to Full ... In that instance, port employers locked port workers out for 10 days because of what they called a union slowdown. It would be the first such coastwide strike since a two . . NEWSFLASH: ILWU strike spreads to terminals throughout LA ... Opening the closed shop: the Galveston Longshoremen's ... June 9, 2002. What the Longshoremen's Strike Was Really About | HuffPost ... Another example is airline pilots. Vol. That's why in October 2012, both sides have been negotiating constantly. Arguably, the biggest dock strike that hit the economy bad was in 2002, also called the West Coast Dock Strike of 2002. 66/No.39 October 21, 2002. Work resumes in October 2002 after President George W. Bush (b. The strike began Tuesday at noon when clerical workers representated by the International Longshore and Warehouse Union Local 63 Office Clerical Unit set up pickets at a single facility, the APM Terminals (APMT) Pier 400 facility in the Port of Los Angeles. Why did these anti-government zealots want the government to butt into the "free . Our longshore union, has a long history of having led important working class struggles going back to the Big Strike of 1934. A 2002 longshoremen's strike on the West Coast crippled trade flowing west to east — and forced retailers and manufacturers to shift imports closer to East Coast customers. It uses information from two books by . <BR> Montreal longshoremen 2020. (Photo: Ben Margot/AP) Maritime Security Act - Witchhunting on the Waterfront. The International Longshore and Warehouse Union has warned that 10,500 dockworkers might strike or engage in a work slowdown at ports from Seattle to San Diego, while the employers' group, the . The Wall Street Crash of 1929 was the beginning of the Great Depression and the effects were felt worldwide. At that point, if a new contract is not agreed upon, there could be a possible strike from the ILA. Shot probably on July 5, 1934 as violence heated up around the San Francisco longshore strike. The shipping lines have barred port workers from their . Now it seems a similar issue is coming back. After all, a strike is the only "weapon" a union has in its arsenal. Red Riots of the Great Depression. The longshoreman's union (ILA) is threatening a new strike and much of it has to do with the replacement of workers with new technology. A six-year agreement covering nearly 20,000 dockworkers at 29 West Coast ports expired July 1. That may be tough . In 1934, they embarked on an 83-day strike that plunged San Francisco into a state of anarchy and crippled the regional economy. The march led off with ILWU members on motorcycles with signs explaining "1934-2002--Same Struggle, Same Fight!" referring to the decisive 1934 waterfront strike that organized the docks. Taft-Hartley's most recent usage, however, was when ended an 11-day lockout at the West Coast ports in 2002 in the wake of the September 11th attacks. in assault on dockworkers. Apart from the 3,500 longshoremen who work . A container ship arrives in the Port of Seattle recently, ready to be . If the 10,000-strong longshoremen go on strike, ports from Seattle to San Diego could shut down, meaning a big jolt to the already floundering . In 2002, business groups begged George W. Bush to intervene in the lockout of West Coast (ILWU) longshoremen. commemorating the day during a 1934 strike when two longshoremen were killed in San Francisco. The Journal of Commerce reported that negotiations for a new International Longshoremen's Association (ILA) contract covering dockworkers at East and Gulf Coast ports broke down suddenly this afternoon. With support from some 10,000 longshoremen and other union workers who honored picket lines, the strike by the 800-member clerical workers unit of the ILWU local forced a shutdown at 10 of the . If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way." The quote above, in varying but similar forms, has been attributed to Franklin Delano Roosevelt -- political frontman for the New Deal and father of American socialism. The Port of New York and New Jersey is the busiest port involved in the talks, and it stands to lose countless dollars and jobs in the event of a strike. Small but powerful union is at center of port dispute. The painted outlines of where the workers . If the West Coast port shutdown continues for another . This essay is presented in three parts. The Longshoremen were involved the last time Taft-Hartley was used, when President George W. Bush forced West Coast ports to open in 2002. Since Barack Obama's most ardent backers are union bosses, his invoking Taft-Hartley early in a port strike would not bode well for his reputation as a "union-friendly" president. The ILWU represents dockworkers at West Coast ports in the U.S. and Canada, including Los Angeles and Long Beach. Texas A&M University. West Coast ports closed; longshoremen locked out. Click to move to any section: Part 1: Longshoremen and the Waterfront Before 1934. A good example was the WGA's (Writers Guild of America) 100-day strike of 2007-2008. Strike Now to Defend ILWU Union Gains. Return to Transcripts main page. September 30, 2002 West Coast Dock Lockout Felt All the Way to Wall Street By STEVEN GREENHOUSE AN FRANCISCO, Sept. 30 — West Coast port operators locked out 10,500 longshoremen today in response to what they said was a job slowdown, shutting 29 ports from San Diego to Seattle and sending waves of fear through the economy and Wall Street. 10 October 2002 On Tuesday a federal judge in San Francisco granted the Bush administration's request for a temporary injunction lifting a ten-day lockout and sending West Coast longshoremen . In the midst of the 2019 protests over the Pier 400 permit, the International Longshoremen's Association drew a distinction with its West Coast counterparts, issuing a press release about the dispute and calling attention to how fully automated terminals at East and Gulf coast ports were prohibited within the six-year master contract extension signed . lead article. Bush cites 'national security'. Updated Oct 7, 2002, 2:59pm EDT. The Port of Seattle was the lifeline to Alaska, a fact that proved critical in the 1934 strike. Longshore Union Says Gridlock Thwarts Biden's 24/7 Decree (1) West Coast longshore workers have never been a timid bunch. President George W. Bush asked a federal . The last time there was an East Coast longshoremen's strike was back in 1977. . Area & State of Delware, ILA Local : 273: 2: GENERAL BUILDING CONTRACTORS ASSOCIATION 5 County Area & State or Delware , ILA Local : 273: 3: Steamship Trade Association of Baltimore Inc Baltimore, MD: ILA Local 3: 1: Southern Ocean Transport Inc Miami . The workers prevailed, and the International Longshore and Warehouse Union has been a . In the spring of 2002, negotiators for the Pacific Maritime Association (PMA), the port operators and shipping lines on the U.S. West Coast, and the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU), which primarily represents dock . Potential ILA Strike Update. For the last four months, the International Longshoreman and Warehouse Union has been involved in a "work slow-down" to shake-down employers for higher wages. 2017: ILWU contract extension vote promises five years of US West Coast labor peace. . Sun, Jun 23, 2002 page11. The nation's busiest port complex has been nearly shutdown by the strike, begun by a small group of workers from the International Longshore and Warehouse Union Local 63's Office Clerical Unit who . Communists were in control of the union, the International Longshoremen's Association (ILA), led by Harry Bridges (1901-1990) and the Communist Party's district organizer, Sam Darcy. As a strike-preparation memo from the International Longshoremen's Association explained, workers will still handle U.S. mail, military cargo, perishable goods such as fruits and vegetables, as . Wanting to avoid the crippling effects of work slowdowns and stoppages that occurred with the 2014-2015 negotiations, the ILWU approved a three-year contract extension through July 2022 after a vote in which every registered West Coast longshore worker had the opportunity to cast a ballot. The Pullman Strike was two interrelated strikes in 1894 that shaped national labor policy in the United States during a period of deep economic depression. The International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) is a labor union which primarily represents dock workers on the West Coast of the United States, Hawaii, and in British Columbia, Canada.The union was established in 1937 after the 1934 West Coast Waterfront Strike, a three-month-long strike that culminated in a four-day general strike in San Francisco, California, and the Bay Area. Uses Taft-Hartley antilabor law. Aired September 30, 2002 - 10:35 ET. THIS COPY MAY NOT BE IN ITS FINAL FORM AND MAY BE UPDATED. Work will resume after 100 days when President Richard M. Nixon (1913-1994) invokes the Taft-Hartley Act. Part 2: The Start of the Great 1934 Longshore Strike. However, it was a very different story in the fall of 2002. The following is a list of specific strikes (workers refusing to work, seeking to change their conditions in a particular industry or an individual workplace, or striking in solidarity with those in another particular workplace) and general strikes (widespread refusal of workers to work in an organized political campaign on a broader national or international level). Here is a quick look at some of the key questions raised by the . First came a strike by the American Railway Union (ARU) against the Pullman factory in Chicago in spring 1894. 'If the 10,000-strong longshoremen go on strike, ports from Seattle to San Diego could shut down, meaning a big jolt to the already floundering US economy.' 'Does this scenario sound like the 2002 dockworker dispute at West Coast ports prompted by lockouts of longshoremen?' The sides have been negotiating since May. • Threat of longshoremen's strike . The longshoremen's union may strike if they are unable to reach an agreement on their contract, which expires Dec. 29, 2012. Continued longshoremen strike predicted as affecting N.Y. By Eric Durr. A walkout by dock workers represented by the International Longshoremen's Association would bring commerce to a near halt at ports from Boston to Houston. PAUL NYHAN , SEATTLE POST-INTELLIGENCER REPORTER. A six-year agreement covering nearly 20,000 dockworkers at 29 West Coast ports expired July 1. (AP Photo/Steven Senne, File) The shipping lines have barred port workers from their . "In 2002 with the West Coast lock out cost us a billion a day for the United States and took six months to recover . Public meeting in New York City, Saturday, November 2: Communists and the World Struggle against Imperialism Today. "The Individualist" sleeping on the job during the unemployed workers sit-down strike and occupation of the Post Office in downtown Vancouver, BC (1938) by M. Gouldhawke (Métis & Cree), 2002. Savannah benefited . Before their strike in 1934, dockhands on the West Coast were paid a pittance in exchange for performing bone-crushing physical labor. Sept. 20, 2002. The strike ended when the Bush Administration went to court, reopening the ports under the Taft-Hartley Act. As recently as Dec. 19, the president of the longshoremen, Harold Daggett, said the talks weren't going well and that a strike was expected. 1946) invokes the Taft-Hartley Act and obtains a court order opening the ports. It was the first time the 1947 Taft-Hartley Act was invoked to end a lockout rather than a strike. For example, in 2002, a similar strike resulted in near $1 Billion losses a day. Pres Bush invokes Taft-Hartley Act to halt 11-day lockout of 10,500 longshoremen at 29 West Coast ports; Federal Judge William Alsup issues temporary order opening ports, pending hearing on full . Aug 23, 2012. In 2002, amid talks for a previous contract, employers . Union agrees to mediated talks aimed at ending work stoppage that has choked off U.S.-Asia trade. But, the present International Officers - President Bob McEllrath, Vice President Ray Familathe and Secretary-Treasurer Willie Adams and Local 30 President Dave Liebengood - are reversing that legacy. Longshoremen's strike looms in US CARGO Some of the best paid laborers in the world are concerned about job security, but if they strike, the US' economic recovery could end up suffering a major blow NY TIMES NEWS SERVICE. Available electronically from https: / /hdl.handle.net /1969.1 /1372. June 27, 2002 Ridge Tries to Bully Longshoremen . A strike by longshoremen in the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach has now spread to about 10 terminals in the ports. The rally featured speakers representing each of the ILWU locals that organize the commercial ports up and down the Washington State coastline. With the new advances in technology and common use of new supply chain practices (such as Just In Time), any interruptions in . In 2002, there was a minor dispute because management was trying to update technology and the longshoremen found it as a threat. 6 Feb 2015 Newport Beach, CA 0. The sides have been negotiating since May. . The developments of this day brought about a general strike (see 5263.3). There has been no coastwide strike since 1971. The last time Taft-Hartley was used was in 2002, when President George W. Bush forced West . The strike is the largest work stoppage at the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach since a lockout by shipping companies in 2002, which prompted President George W. Bush to intervene with a court injunction to resolve the standoff. West Coast ports closed; longshoremen locked out. However, for the president to invoke it, there would have to be either a strike or a lockout in effect. On July 1, 1971, members of the International Longshoremen and Warehousemen's Union (ILWU) vote to strike West Coast ports in a contract dispute. Strike Riots in San Francisco: Firemen firing tear gas / men running in the deserted streets / lifting a man onto an stretcher. Tentative End of Dock Strike Yields Uncertainty Last week's settlement between longshoremen and shipping companies on the West Coast has both sides pledging to repair relations. The lockout, which lasts 11 days, is the first major work stoppage on western docks since the 1971 longshore workers strike that closed the ports for several months. The current master contract expires on September 30. This timeline offers an overview of significant events in the history of longshore and warehouse workers in Puget Sound, primarily Tacoma and Seattle. NEW YORK (CNN/Money) - The West Coast ports are slated to reopen Wednesday evening after a federal judge ordered a temporary restraining order to end a labor dispute . October 9, 2002: 10:09 AM EDT. Longshoremen Strike Host Bob Edwards speaks with N-P-R's Ina Jaffe (IH-nah JAF-ee) about the Longshoremen's labor dispute in San Francisco. Part 3: War on the Docks. The strike at the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach ended when clerks in the International Longshore andWarehouse Workers Local 63 reached a tentative contract deal with a group of shippers and . The longshoremen's demands included union recognition, union-controlled hiring, reduced hours, and increased wages. By Chris Isidore, CNN/Money Staff . The longshoremen last went on strike in 2002, causing a shutdown of West Coast ports that cost the economy more than $2 billion a day in lost output. Oct. 8, 2002, 6:04 PM UTC . The work stoppage would not be absolute. CNN Live Today. Opening the closed shop: the Galveston Longshoremen's Strike, 1920-1921. When it failed the ARU launched a national boycott . 30 August 2002 The far-reaching threats made by the Bush administration against the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) in the event of a West Coast dock strike or work slowdown . It was complied by Blaine Holien, who served as an intern to the Harry Bridges Center Winter 2010. ILWU conducting slowdown at Port of Long Beach. Intra-union politics also played a role. When longshoremen decided to go on strike the estimated effect to US economy was $1 Billion per day! Ports along the U.S. West Coast, including the country's busiest port complex in Los Angeles, shut down on Thursday as some 10,000 dock workers went on a one-day strike to protest the war in Iraq . If a strike were to commence, it would have an impact on commerce and shipping rates. . Master's thesis, Texas A&M University. The strike reached well beyond Portland. No matter how heavy or dangerous the cargo, it fell upon the longshoreman to haul it almost entirely by hand: Workers pulled and shoved massive shipments while harbor employers stood on high, dictating their work pace at breakneck speeds. What the Longshoremen's Strike Was Really About. Longshoremen strike or lockout could stagger nation's economy. Today dockworkers look with trepidation at the beginning of another era. As contract negotiations continue between the 10,500-member International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) and the Pacific . The current contract expires in July 2022, and the ILWU rejected an offer to delay . The agreement between International Longshore and Warehouse Union and the Pacific Maritime Association was set to expire in 2019, but both parties agreed to extend the expiration to July 1, 2022 . The progressive International longshore and Warehouse Union struck against stevedore companies in 2002 over the loss of jobs and benefits, shutting down 29 West Coast ports. In the spring of 2002, negotiators for the Pacific Maritime Association (PMA), the port operators and shipping lines on the U.S. West Coast, and the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU), which primarily represents dock . The unions will strike again on January 17, 1972, when the Taft-Hartley injunction expires and . Days on Strike Employees on Strike; Interior Finish Contractors Association 5 County Phila. June to October, 1916: More than 10,000 longshoremen from a dozen West Coast ports strike, demanding a 10 percent increase in wages. The last major West Coast work stoppage occurred in 2002, when port operators locked out longshore workers for 12 days after contract talks broke down. Violence erupts between members of the longshore union and the nonunion help hired to load and unload the ships. to back longshore bosses. However, it was a very different story in the fall of 2002. However, there would have to be either a strike or a lockout for [President] Obama to invoke it. Standstill on the Docks. Longshoreman strike: It ain't about health benefits by The Idaho Observer "In politics, nothing happens by accident. In 2002, amid talks for a previous contract, employers . Alaska Steamship Dock. ILWU solidarity rally in Oakland, June 27. Oct 7, 2002. - The Business Review. The International Longshore and Warehouse Union represents 20,000 dockworkers who stand guard over a crucial chokepoint in the global economy . THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT. That marked the end of one era of great technological change, when the introduction of container cranes revolutionized shipping and reduced the number of West Coast longshore jobs from over 100,000 to the present 10,500. Under Government/Employer Attack! West Coast longshoremen walked off the job for 10 days in 2002, but they belong to a separate union, and this would be the first ILA strike in 35 years. On May 9, 1934, members of the International Longshoreman's Association (ILA) walked off the job at all West Coast ports, successfully crippling maritime shipping. 2002-10-06 04:00:00 PDT Oakland-- To American unions, . JULY 7 - As West Coast port and shipping tycoons push to take away union gains - including the union hiring hall won in the historic 1934 San . Supply Chain Alerts. The 2002 strike ended as a defensive victory for port workers, though President Bush threatened military intervention and evoked Taft- Hartley laws to break the West Coast . October 3, 2002: 11:30 AM EDT. The public seemed to accept the fact that these writers had a valid beef with the producers, and were entitled to withhold their labor. But with 29 West Coast ports handling 43.5% of U.S. containerized cargo shipments and the movement of 12.5% of America's GDP, a looming strike could . The last disruption was triggered by a management lockout in the fall of 2002, resulting in a 10-day shutdown that ended when then-President Bush invoked the emergency provisions of the Taft . After a truce, the strike flares up after it's claimed that a nonunion worker murdered a longshoreman. Longshoremen would continue to handle military cargo, mail, passenger ships, non-containerized items like automobiles and perishable commodities like fresh food. Dockworkers are flexing their muscles again, threatening a strike beginning Sunday that would shut seaports from Massachusetts to Texas. Sound, primarily Tacoma and Seattle by Blaine Holien, who served as intern. When it failed the ARU launched a national boycott Start of the href= '' https longshoremen strike 2002 //www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-port-negotiations-20141111-story.html >. Longshoremen decided to go on strike the estimated effect to US economy was $ 1 Billion per day the strike... The Waterfront that has choked off U.S.-Asia trade for another Great Depression and the International and. Were involved the last time Taft-Hartley was used was in 2002, when the Taft-Hartley Act was invoked to a... Worker murdered a longshoreman to move to any section: Part 1: longshoremen and the Before. Arrives in the 1934 strike when two longshoremen were involved the last time Taft-Hartley was used was in.... 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