development of a stroke specific quality of life scaledevelopment of a stroke specific quality of life scale

Stroke 1999 Jul;30(7):1362-9. Basic Attributes . Therefore, the aim was to develop and validate an SBS-specific QoL scale. Stroke 1999; 30:1362-9 (Full text article) Biller J: Development of a StrokeSpecific Quality of Life ... This study assessed the test-retest reliability, internal consistency, convergent . 1 The SSQOL includes 12 domains that cover traditional health-related QOL topics (eg, social and psychological measures) and stroke specific topics (eg, language, mobility, vision, upper extremity function . Aims: To translate and culturally adapt the American SS‐QoL . Development and validation of a short version of the ... DESIGN. Methods Secondary analyses of three different studies. Our purpose was to develop and test a short version of the SS-QoL. It is a self-report measure for people with stroke and aphasia, typically administered with the help of an interviewer. Forty-five patients treated in three Rehabilitation Hospitals of the Lazio Region were included in the study. In the current clinical practice, the implementation in the clinical routine of monitoring systems of patients' outcomes has led to an increased generation and use of several measures for the assessment of patients' quality of life (QOL). QoL is difficult to define and no universal definition of this term exists. Stroke-Specific Quality of Life (SS-QOL) Scale is one of the commonest disease-specific quality of life measures initially developed and validated for ischemic stroke patients. A stroke-specific HRQL scale that is Outcome Measures in Stroke Rehabilitation pg. ObsRO: SS-QOL Proxy version. Perceived Quality of Life Scale (PQoL) - Income Meets ... Thieme E-Journals - Fortschritte der Neurologie ... Stroke. Translation and validation of the stroke specific quality ... Methods—Domains and items for the SS-QOL were developed from patient interviews. Quality of life was measured with the stroke-specific quality of life (SSQOL) scale. [Validation of the stroke-specific quality of life scale ... A disadvantage is subject burden and a short form is more practical to use in clinical and research setting. The Stroke-Specific Quality of Life scale (SSQOL) was developed in 1999 as a patient-centered outcome in stroke research to replace the use of more generic quality of life (QOL) measures. The scale domains and items were derived from a series of interviews with post-stroke patients. FINDINGS. Patient-reported outcome measures in subarachnoid ... The short version was developed using data from 141 patients with . Development and validation of a short version of the ... Post MW, Boosman H, van Zandvoort MM, et al. Validation of the Stroke Specific Quality of Life Scale ... Also, these measures do not distinguish items for generic and diabetes-specific HRQoL. BibTeX @MISC{Williams_billerj:, author = {Linda S. Williams and Morris Weinberger and Lisa E. Harris and Daniel O. Clark and José Biller}, title = {Biller J: Development of a StrokeSpecific Quality of Life Scale. This study was aimed to develop a diabetes-specific quality of life questionnaire module (DMQoL) to be in conjunction . Development of a stroke-specific quality of life scale. responsive stroke-specific quality of life (SS-QOL) mea-sure, designed for use in stroke clinical trials. We recruited 233 outpatients with ischemic stroke. subarachnoid haemorrhage-specific outcome tool | Brain ... 1 The SSQOL includes 12 domains that cover traditional health-related QOL topics (eg, social and psychological measures) and stroke specific topics (eg, language, mobility, vision, upper extremity function . Williams LS, Weinberger M, Harris LE, Clark DO, Biller J. Williams LS, Weinberger M, Harris LE, et al. Adams HP: Baseline NIH Stroke Scale score strongly predicts outcome after stroke: A report of the Trial of Org 10172 in Acute Stroke Treatment (TOAST). Items in the American version of the Stroke Specific Quality of Life (SS-QoL) Scale are developed with help from patients with stroke and include even language impairments. The Stroke-Specific Quality of Life scale (SS-QoL) is a well-validated measure of Health-related Quality of Life in patients with stroke, but, with 49 items, its length is a disadvantage. Validation of the Stroke Specific Quality of Life Scale (SS-QOL): Test of reliability and validity of the Danish version (SS-QOL-DK). perceived generic and disease-specific health-related quality of life Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory(PedsQL) Generic Core Scale Quality of Life After Brain Injury-Overall Scale (QOLIBRI-OS) Stroke. Background: The Stroke Impact Scale (SIS) is a stroke-specific, quality of life measure recommended for research and clinical practice. A short version of the SS-QoL was developed and tested here. Williams LS, Weinberger M, Harris LE, Clark DO, Biller J. 23 Williams L S, Weinberger M, Harris L E, Clark D O, Biller J. The Burden of Stroke Scale, Stroke Impact Scale and Quality of Life Index all contain 64 items and the Instrument for Young Hemorrhagic Patients contains 54 items. Evaluation of reliability, validity, and sensitivity to change. Stroke Impact Scale Stroke Specific Quality of Life . These scales will vary in specificity, such that some drill down to assessing QOL in different domains, while others will serve as a more concise, global assessment. Translations. Although a number of stroke-specific quality of life scales have been developed,6-9 most exclude stroke survivors with aphasia and/or cognitive decline who are in fact those most prone to social isolation and exclusion10,11. Specific Quality Of Life scale (SS-QOL) is a patient-centered outcome measure intended to provide an assessment of health-related quality of life specific to patients with Stroke. METHODS: Classical test theory and Food and Drug Administration (FDA) guidance were applied for development and . Google Scholar Each item is scored from 1 to 5. The scale consists of 49 items in the 12 domains.Each domain consists of 3 to 10 items that are averaged to generate an overall score.Total score minimum value . Setting: A stroke unit that provides acute care and rehabilitation for stroke patients in Frederiksborg County, Denmark. However, the limited evidence on psychometrics of Yoruba version of SS-QoL 2.0 (SS-QoL(Y)) is a significant shortcoming. BACKGROUND: The number of stroke survivors is increasing worldwide, and because stroke survivors are usually living with sequelae, health-related quality of life is growing in importance. The Stroke Specific Quality of Life (SS-QOL) scale assesses the functional impact of stroke across 12 domains using 49 items and a five-point Likert scale where higher scores indicate better functioning. Stroke. The Stroke and Aphasia Quality Of Life Scale-39g (SAQOL) is a health related quality of life measure. We are currently running a medium scale study (80 participants) which aims to explore the HRQOL of people with long-term aphasia and to assess the psychometric properties and the acceptability of the Stroke Specific Quality of Life Scale (SS-QOL) (Williams et al. Methods —Domains and items for the SS-QOL were developed from patient interviews. Title: Stroke Specific Quality of Life Scale Author: ISC Created Date: No disease-specific instrument has been available to measure treatment-induced changes in QoL over time. Now that you have a basic understanding of QOL, let's look at five useful questionnaires you can apply in practice. Background and purpose The Stroke-Specific Quality of Life scale (SS-QoL) is a well-validated measure of Health-related Quality of Life in patients with stroke, but, with 49 items, its length is a disadvantage. Williams LS: Development of a stroke-specific quality of life scale. Of the stroke-specific scales, the Stroke-Specific Quality of Life Scale (SS-QOL) , in addition to the Stroke Impact Scale version 3.0 (SIS 3.0) , is the most comprehensive and frequently used patient-reported outcome measure [16-19]. 1. 10.1161/01.STR.30.7.1362. We developed the short version using data from 141 patients with . BACKGROUND & AIMS: Subjects with short bowel syndrome (SBS) have impaired quality of life (QoL). 6 of 141 Orpington Prognostic Scale Stroke . Stroke specific quality of life questionnaire: Test of reliability and validity of the Persian version. (2010). Patients were assessed using the SIS 3.0, the SF . Patients and methods Change in Total SS-QOL (Stroke Specific Quality of Life Scale) Score During Follow-up [ Time Frame: 24 and 28 weeks of the study ] Scale for assessment of health-related quality of life. 1981 Aug;19(8):787-805. (Stroke-Adapted Sickness Impact Profile-30) to 78 (Stroke-Specific Quality of Life Scale). Stroke 1999; 30:1362. 28 Muus, I. , Williams, L. S. , & Ringsberg, K. C. (2007). The major items are energy, family roles, language, mobility, mood, personal-ity, self-care, social roles, thinking, upper-limb function, vision, and work/productivity. Objectives: To evaluate the psychometrics of the SAQOL-39 in a generic stroke sample. Our purpose was to develop and test a short version of the SS-QoL. A short version of the SS-QoL was developed and tested here. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, 82 , 283-286. Low sensitivity. This study presents the initial development of a valid, reliable, and responsive stroke-specific quality of life (SS-QOL) measure, for use in stroke trials. Perceived Quality of Life Scale (PQoL) - Income Meets Needs Satisfaction Scale . The first steps in this process are described here, including (1) the development of items and domains with the use of quali-tative data from stroke survivors and (2) initial reliability, validity, and responsiveness data from the first patient Background and purpose: Stroke has an effect on many aspects of quality of life (QoL) and therefore it is important to measure the magnitude of the impact. Methods Secondary analyses of 3 different studies. 1999; 30 1362-1369 24 Duncan P W, Wallace D, Min Lai S, Johnson D, Embretson S, Jacobs Laster L. The Stroke Impact Scale version 2.0. The SAQOL-39 is an acceptable, reliable, and valid measure of HRQL in people with long-term aphasia and its usefulness in evaluative research and routine clinical practice is investigated. Development of a stroke-specific quality of life scale. 3 translation (s) Bibliographic reference (s) of the original questionnaire. The stroke and aphasia quality of life scale-39 (SAQOL-39): evaluation of acceptability, reliability and validity. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2011; 82:283. van Straten A, de Haan RJ, Limburg M, et al. Among these tools is the Stroke-Specific Quality-of-Life (SSQOL) scale, which was developed as a comprehensive measure of multiple effects in poststroke patients. Background and purpose The Stroke Specific Quality of Life Scale (SS-QoL) is a well validated measure of health related quality of life in patients with stroke, but with 49 items its length is a disadvantage. Original language (s) English for the USA. Development of a stroke-speci!c quality of life scale. Lin, K.-C., Fu, T., et al. The Stroke and Aphasia Quality Of Life Scale-39g (SAQOL) is a health related quality of life measure. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 9:5. It measures energy, family roles, language, mobility, mood, personality, self care, social roles, thinking, upper extremity function, vision . Satisfaction scale for subject physical health, as a part of the Perceived Quality of Life Scale (PQoL). Completion rates are suboptimal and could relate to test burden. MSQLI components: Health Status Questionnaire (SF-36) Modified Fatigue Impact Scale . This scale consists of 49 items in the following domains: Energy, family roles, language, mobility, mood, personality, self-care, social roles, thinking, upper extremity function, vision and work/productivity. Low sensitivity for high-level functioning. We developed the short version using . Methods: Secondary analyses of three different studies. A short version of the SS-QoL was developed and tested here. The assessment is composed of 49 items within 12 domains that include such items as energy, family roles, mobility, and self-care. Background and purpose The Stroke Specific Quality of Life Scale (SS-QoL) is a well validated measure of health related quality of life in patients with stroke, but with 49 items its length is a disadvantage. METHODS. The purpose of this study was to establish the reliability and validity of the Italian version of the Stroke Impact Scale 3.0 (SIS 3.0), a specific and multidimensional instrument that assesses quality of life (QOL) in stroke survivors. The scale consists of 49 questions grouped into 12 domains [13] . Several functional limitations following stroke contribute to the denigrated QOL in this population. Med Care. No stroke-specific HRQOL measure is currently available. Stroke 1999 Jul;30(7):1362-9. (Fischer et al, 1999) The MSQLI consists of the following individual scales, 5 of which have both a standard and a short form. The development of the ''Stroke and Aphasia Quality of Life Scale-39 (SAQoL-39)'' was based on the idea that stroke-specific quality-of-life scales were not appropriate for the people with aphasia . "Psychometric comparisons of the Stroke Impact Scale 3.0 and Stroke-Specific Quality of Life Scale." Quality of Life Research: An International Journal of Quality of Life Aspects of Treatment, Care & Rehabilitation 19(3): 435-443. The Stroke Impact Scale (SIS) and the Stroke-Specific Quality of Life Scale (SS-QOL), according to Salter and associates , are the two stroke-specific instruments providing the most comprehensive evaluation regarding various aspects of life function related to health. Quality of Life post stroke measures. 2003;34 (8):1944-1950. Migraine-Specific Quality of Life Questionnaire Version 2.1 The 14-item MSQ is designed to measure how migraines affect and/or limit daily functioning across 3 domains: RR (7 items assessing how migraines limit one's daily social and work-related activities), RP (4 items assessing how migraines prevent these activities), and EF (3 items . Background Stroke is a leading cause of activity limitation and participation restriction that negatively affect health-related quality of life. Quality of Life (QoL) assessment has been an important part of the evaluation of stroke patients and their treatment for more than 30 years. 1999, 30 (7): 1362-1369. The Stroke-Specific Quality of Life Scale (SS-QoL 2.0) developed by Williams et al. It is an adapted version of the Stroke-Specific Quality of life scale (SS-QOL, Williams et al., 1999). A cross-sectional design was utilized, and functional independence and psychosocial QoL of consecutive stroke survivors undergoing rehabilitation were assessed with the motor subscale of the Functional Independence Measure (motor- FIM) and the psychosocial subscale of the Stroke-Specific Quality of Life Scale-12 (SS-QoL- 12) respectively. 5-10 minutes. A descriptive, cross-sectional design was used. The aim of this study was to validate the Stroke Specific Quality of Life (SS-QoL) scale for patients with SAH. RESULTS: Among 131 patients with ischemic stroke, 53.4% of patients presented with moderate to severe disability on the Rankin Scale. is one of the most comprehensive and frequently used patient-reported stroke-specific outcome measure [6, 18, 19]. The Stroke-Specific Quality of Life Scale (SS-QOL) is a patient-reported outcome measure intended to provide an assessment of health-related quality of life specific to patients with stroke. . The Stroke-Specific Quality of Life scale (SSQOL) was developed in 1999 as a patient-centered outcome in stroke research to replace the use of more generic quality of life (QOL) measures. In attempting to . Aim To evaluate the psychometric properties of the third version of the ECVI-38. To address these issues, the stroke-specific quality of life scale was modified in the UK for the purpose of using it with individuals having aphasia. Williams LS, Weinberger M, Harris LE, Clark DO, Biller J. Walking is the only explicit assessment criterion. The short version was developed using data from 141 patients with . Although numerous health-related quality of life (HRQoL) instruments are available for patients with diabetes, the length of these measures may limit their feasibility to routine practice. It is more synthetic than the SIS, easier to use and understand, with a smaller number of items but a wider range of explored domains as Vision, Personality and Energy domains. Diabetes mellitus is a widely diffused chronic condition which impacts on several aspects of patients' lives. Stroke 1999;30:1362}, year = {}} This study aims to test the validity and reliability of the Korean version of the . Background and Purpose— Health-related quality of life (HRQL) is a key outcome in stroke clinical trials. A scale allowing comparisons of quality of life between people with versus without aphasia post-stroke would be of value to clinicians. Development and validation of a short version of the stroke specific quality-of-life scale. The MSQLI is a battery consisting of 10 individual scales providing a quality of life measure that is both generic and MS-specific. Stroke-specific HRQL scales (eg, SS-QOL, SIS) have generally been developed with samples of stroke . Good for overall assessment of disability. The aim of this research was to develop and test a briefer stroke-specific HRQoL . The SS-QOL questionnaire consists of 49 items in the 12 domains of energy, family roles, language, mobility, mood, personality, self-care, social roles . The aim of this study was to assess the reliability and validity of the Korean short version of the Stroke-Specific Quality of Life Scale (SS-QoL-12K). The scale domains and items were derived from a series of interviews with post-stroke patients. Measures of disability/activities of daily living (ADL) Barthel Index. Welcome, the Journal of Chinese Medicine is the foremost English language journal on all aspects of Chinese medicine including acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, dietary medicine and Chinese medical history and philosophy. Methods Secondary analyses of three different studies. Objective: To test the reliability and validity of the Danish version of the Stroke Specific Quality of Life Scale version 2.0 (SS-QOL-DK), an instrument for evaluation of health-related quality of life.. Design: A correlational study.. Aphasia, a disturbance in the comprehension, processing, and/or expression of language, is a common consequence of stroke. The SS-QOL measures energy, mood, family roles, language, mobility, self-care, social roles, thinking, personality, and upper extremity . The Modified Rankin Scale, National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) and the Stroke Specific Quality of Life Scale (SS-QoL) were used for correlation analysis. The language dimension and the patient approach used in the process of item development in the SS-QoL 2.0 scale also make it a scale of choice [ 6 ]. To develop a comprehensive stroke-specific patient-based measure so that the impact of neuroprotective drugs and other therapeutic interventions on quality of life (QoL) can be fully assessed; to facilitate the assessment of post-stroke QoL in clinical practice. Here the . The SS-QOL is a patient-centered outcome measure intended to provide an assessment of health-related quality of life specific to patients with stroke. [10] The resulting instrument - the stroke and aphasia quality of life-39 (SAQoL-39) - is proven to be a valid and reliable measure for the assessment of HRQoL in people with aphasia. The Stroke Specific Quality of Life Scale (SS-QoL) (Williams, Weinberger, Harris, Clark, & Biller, 1999) appears to be an interesting alternative to the SIS. Title: Stroke Specific Quality of Life Scale Author: ISC Created Date: Perceived Generic and Disease-Specific Health-Related Quality of Life: General (For all diseases) Outcomes and End Points: Methods Cross sectional survey of 141 aneurysmal SAH patients. NEWSQOL could also be used as a means of improving health professional / patient communication. Also called a "brain attack" and happens when brain cells die because of inadequate blood flow. The Stroke Specific Quality of Life Scale (SS-QOL) is an instrument designed to measure the quality of life (QoL) of stroke populations and is intended to identify common areas that affect health-related QoL (HRQoL). Higher scores show better functioning [20]. Items in the American version of the Stroke Specific Quality of Life (SS‐QoL) Scale are developed with help from patients with stroke and include even language impairments. 20% of cases are a hemorrhage in the brain caused by a rupture or . Development of a stroke-speci!c quality of life scale. This study presents the initial development of a valid, reliable, and responsive stroke-specific quality of life (SS-QOL) measure, for use in stroke trials. The stroke-specific quality of life (SSQOL) questionnaire was developed to assess the quality of life in stroke patients. The stroke-specific quality of life scale (ECVI-38) is the first Spanish-language instrument for evaluating the quality of life in individuals who have survived a stroke. being/quality of life5. 20. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines quality of life as individuals . The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) Quality of Communication Life Scale (QCL) was designed to assess the impact of a communication disorder on an adult's relationships and interactions with communication partners and on participation in social, leisure, work, and educational activities. Development of a stroke-specific quality of life scale. 1999) as a single measure for the assessment of HRQOL in this population. Background and purpose: The Stroke Specific Quality of Life Scale (SS-QoL) is a well validated measure of health related quality of life in patients with stroke, but with 49 items its length is a disadvantage. Iranian Journal of Neurology, 14(2), 94-100. Aim To test the reliability and validity of the Turkish version of the Stroke-Specific Quality of Life Scale (SS-QOL). The 9 included articles assessed 7 different PROMs: EuroQol 5D (EQ-5D), Health Utility Index (HUI), mRS, Quality of Life after Brain Injury overall scale (QOLIBRI-OS), Subarachnoid Haemorrhage Outcome Tool (SAHOT), Stroke-Specific Quality of Life scale (SS-QoL), and the short version of the SS-QoL. Background . The Sickness Impact Profile: development and final revision of a health status measure. Find it on PubMed. PRO. Stroke-Specific Quality of Life Scale SS-QLS includes 49 items. Widely used for stroke. It is a self-report measure for people with stroke and aphasia, typically administered with the help of an interviewer. CAS Article PubMed Google Scholar 15. Find it on PubMed Methods Secondary analyses of 3 different studies. Excellent validity and reliability. No stroke-specific HRQOL measure is currently available. 5 Quality of Life Assessments. The SS-QOL is a patient-centered outcome measure intended to provide an assessment of health-related quality of life specific to patients with stroke. The Stroke Specific Quality Of Life scale SS-QOL: It is a patient-centered outcome measure intended to provide an assessment of health-related quality of life (HRQOL) specific to patients with stroke only. Williams LS, Weinberger M, Harris LE, Clark DO, Biller J. Other quality of life measures specific to aphasia, the Communication Disability Profile (CDP) (Swinbourne, 2006) and the Stroke and Aphasia Quality of Life Scale (SAQOL- 39) (Hilari et al., 2003) also do not address communication confidence. Development of a stroke-specific quality of life scale. Background: Stroke is a major detriment to the quality of life (QOL) in its victims. SF-36 (PCS): Physical Component Summary score, CRA (negative): Caregiver Reaction Assessment (negative domain score), SS-QOL: Stroke Specific Quality of Life Scale; CRS II Caregiver Reciprocity . Background and purpose: Stroke has an effect on many aspects of quality of life (QoL) and therefore it is important to measure the magnitude of the impact. Psychometric evidence is necessary to establish scientific integrity and clinical usefulness of translations and cultural adaptations of the Stroke-Specific Quality of Life (SS-QoL) scale. The study and assessment of stroke rehabilitation has sparked the development of numerous outcome measures applicable to one or more of its many dimensions. The SS-QOL, Short Form 36, Beck Depression . It is an adapted version of the Stroke-Specific Quality of life scale (SS-QOL, Williams et al., 1999). The BICRO39 (Powell et al., 2002), CLCE-24 (Passier et al., 2010), EQ5D (Meyer et al., 2010), Stroke-Specific Quality of Life (Boosman et al., 2010) and Quality of Life after Brain Injury (Wong et al., 2014) have also been applied to SAH after their development for other conditions, because of the absence of a SAH-specific outcome measure. Development and validation of a short version of the Stroke Specific Quality of Life Scale. Background and purpose Disease specific quality of life measures have been validated for patients with ischaemic stroke and intracerebral haemorrhage, but not for patients with aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH). Form is more practical to use in stroke clinical trials development of a stroke specific quality of life scale SS-QoL was developed using data 141. Practical to use in stroke patients in Frederiksborg County, Denmark MW, Boosman H, Zandvoort. / patient communication a Nigerian... < /a > PRO, T. et! Scale ( SS-QoL ( Y ) ) is a self-report measure for people with stroke and aphasia, typically with! And Food and Drug Administration ( FDA ) guidance were applied for development and validation of a short version developed... > 5 quality of life as individuals Korean version of the eg, SS-QoL, Form! 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