src: Carstairs State Hospital houses some of Scotland's most dangerous psychiatric patients. Having spent some time serving withSee more Sort by: relevance - date. A True Tale of the Mountains. He was locked up permanently in 1977 for killing a policeman during a break-out from Carstairs State hospital that left two others dead. He was sent to Carstairs in 1968 for killing and sexually assaulting Hazel Phin in Dundee. No more smoking at Carstairs | UK | News | Fifty Years in the System by Jimmy Laing | LibraryThing State Mental Hospital - How is State Mental Hospital abbreviated? It is State Mental Hospital. We are, in any case, conducting our own investigation." "There is increasing evidence of abuse, sadism and torture of legitimate inmates of Carstairs Mental Hospital (as in other mental hospitals). A VIOLENT inmate - dubbed Scissorhands - was today sent to the State Hospital for life after carrying out brutal attacks in jail. Six police officers were . SECURITY SCARE HITS CARSTAIRS; EXCLUSIVE: Gun runner and ... The height of many males with a double Y chromosome was 180 cm or more. The State Hospital for Scotland and Northern Ireland (also The State Hospital or Carstairs Hospital) is a psychiatric hospital providing care and treatment in conditions of high security for around 140 patients from Scotland and Northern Ireland who need to be detained in hospital under conditions of special security that can only be provided by the State Hospital. A patient at the State Hospital in Carstairs, Scotland, has failed in his bid to overturn a ban on smoking at the secure psychiatric establishment. North-east mum faces costly legal battle to release ADHD ... It is part of the NHS and treats patients from Scotland and Northern Ireland. And a gun runner with links to a notorious crime clan had papers on drug testing in Carstairs State Hospital. Mone was born in Dundee and grew up with his parents and two sisters. 12 reviews. "Oh you had no redress, in fact patient was a word that they used it was "inmate". who cannot carry out body searches on male inmates. 1st December 1976, Mone and fellow inmate and alleged lover Thomas McCulloch, escaped from the secure hospital, killing another inmate and male nurse, Neil MacLellan. Scotland has a similar institution at Carstairs, officially known as The State Hospital but often called Carstairs Hospital, which serves . A NURSE at Carstairs hospital for the criminally insane was besotted with a dangerous and violent patient, it emerged today (Mon). WANT TO HEAR SIREN 'D' SOUNDING? They escaped using a rope ladder to scale the perimeter fence. Andreana Adamson today revealed that male patients not requiring the high security of the State Hospital would be moved to medium secure units. He was simply the victim of the system of dealing with problem children in the 1930s. had previously been a long-term psychiatric inmate at Carstairs State Mental Hospital before his release seven years ago. Bosses at Carstairs Hospital have announced a blanket ban on smoking. . They also criticised doctors at the State Hospital at Carstairs after it emerged Stevenson had been deemed fit for release from maximum security healthcare weeks earlier. Having been expelled from St John's Roman Catholic High School in 1964, Mone returned to exact deadly revenge on the morning of 1st November 1967. Carstairs inmate's wife faces ban on working as nurse . son. The village is served by Carstairs railway station, which is served by the Caledonian Sleeper to and from London Euston. Calmly and effectively leading his team at the State Hospital is the Chief Executive Gary Jenkins who arrived at Carstairs two years ago from directing services at the Beatson West of Scotland . won a battle with NHS authorities to have her wedding to Brownlie in the State Hospital in Carstairs. A paedophile was found with a memo explaining how outgoing mail is checked to stop inmates ``grooming'' children. And a gun runner with links to a notorious crime clan had papers on drug testing in Carstairs State Hospital. He didn't plead not guilty due to dimished responsibility, he plead not guilty due to a special defence of incriminating someone else. Monday, 9 July, 2001, 11:32 GMT 12:32 UK. Rocky IV: Rocky vs Drago review - silly director's cut is a losing battle. He claims to have had a dysfunctional home life and traumatic childhood. Carstairs, the State Hospital in Lanarkshire, Scotland, is a hospital like no other. A MSP campaigning for a Kemnay man stuck in Carstairs has said taxpayers would be "astonished" to learn that keeping a patient at the State Hospital costs £5,837 per week. Infamous past inmates have included Thomas McCulloch and Robert Mone - who murdered a nurse, patient and . SECRET documents have fallen into the hands of patients at Scotland's top security mental hospital. March 14, 2011. SMH - State Mental Hospital. A NURSE who married a Carstairs inmate faces being barred from the profession. These include the Rowanbank Clinic at Glasgow's Stobhill site . Notorious inmates have included Thomas . They also recommended that he be kept there . Carstairs state mental hospital is facing a crisis after three staff were viciously assaulted by patients in eight days. The two men, who were in their late 20s, escaped while incarcerated in the State Hospital in Carstairs using equipment they made in the workshops over a period of six months. Effectively a prison for some of the most violent and insane criminals in our society, it houses men who have committed the most horrific and frightening crimes imaginable. Medical staff at the State Hospital at Carstairs recommended Marks be given an order which compels him to receive medical treatment at the facility. IN 1965 Jacobs et al.1 found seven of 196 males at Carstairs, the Scottish State Hospital, had a chromosome complement of 47, XYY and studies of the inmates of similar institutions in England2 . Free delivery for many products! Prison chiefs have decided to move him from the high-security state hospital Carstairs to the Rowanbank in Glasgow ahead of a potential release in a few years. Located in South Lanarkshire in central Scotland, it is a national service for Scotland and Northern Ireland and one part of the pathway of care that should be available for those with secure care needs. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Carstairs: Hospital for Horrors by David Leslie (Paperback, 2015) at the best online prices at eBay! He was sent to ever more secure establishments. A DANGEROUS inmate was on the run last night after a visit to his child-killer girlfriend. The two men, who were in their late 20s, escaped while incarcerated in the State Hospital in Carstairs using. IN 1965 Jacobs et al. Carstairs, the State Hospital in Lanarkshire, Scotland, is a hospital like no other. We are pressing for a criminal investigation of Carstairs staff, undertaken by an outside police force. "Carstairs" is a name that evokes a shiver down the spine, a little like the names of Broadmoor or Rampton do south of the border. At his trial . Killers in human rights plea. Displayed here are job ads that match your query. John Johnstone, 53, raped 27-year-old Lizzie Duffy then pushed her from a . How inmates planned their brutal escape. In 1964, he was expelled from St John's RC High School. sound systems for patients at the State Hospital at Carstairs. The twisted paedophile wants out of the State Hospital at Carstairs, where he has been locked up since 1969. . Inmates at the facility have been told they will not be allowed to smoke anywhere in the . Because of her claims that she tried to blow up the factory because she had been pursued by a machine from the future, Sarah was sentenced to undergo . (6) how many inmates at the State Hospital, Carstairs, will have access to and the use of the proposed sports centre; 268W (7) whether he will withdraw proposals for the building of a sports centre at the State Hospital, Carstairs, at a cost of £420,000 in view of the Government's policy of reducing public expenditure. Charles McCann, who has schizophrenia and has been detained for 18 years, was successful last year in getting a court ruling that the ban was unlawful and breached his human rights.1 That decision has now been reversed by three judges after the . Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Carstairs: Hospital for Horrors by David Leslie (Paperback, 2015) at the best online prices at eBay! From the age of nine, Jimmy Laing lived under lock and key, first at the Baldovan mental institution and then at Carstairs State Hospital, the Scottish equivalent of Broadmoor. Mone was sent there in 1967 for shooting dead a teacher in Dundee. Robert Mone, 58, spent Wednesday window shopping in Crieff as part of a programme to prepare him for freedom. Clifford Lyons, 38, has been detained there since 1990 when he raped a 10-year-old . 1 found seven of 196 males at Carstairs, the Scottish State Hospital, had a chromosome complement of 47, XYY and studies of the inmates of similar institutions in England 2 , Australia 3 , Denmark 4 and the USA 5 have confirmed this. But the 36-year-old failed to return to the top-security Lanarkshire institution. Scotland's state hospital, home to some of the country's most violent criminals, has hundreds of new . Indeed may be compensated by these employers, helping keep Indeed free for jobseekers. The hospital is managed by the State Hospitals Board for Scotland which is a public body accountable . A spokeswoman for the State Hospital said: "I'm sorry but due to confidentiality / data protection we cannot provide information on patients or staff, past or present." Carstairs hospital A paedophile was found with a memo explaining how outgoing mail is checked to stop inmates ``grooming'' children. "Carstairs" is a name that evokes a shiver down the spine, a little like the names of Broadmoor or Rampton do south of the border. Violent schizophrenic Michael Ferguson was allowed out of Carstairs state mental hospital to see Annabella Holmes. Carstairs inmate's wife faces ban on working as nurse . equipment they made in the workshops over a period of six months. The State Hospital in Carstairs provides care and treatment in conditions of high security for around 140 patients from Scotland and Northern Ireland who cannot be accommodated anywhere else. A killer rapist has lost a legal bid to be transferred to prison from the State Hospital at Carstairs. Effectively a prison for some of the most violent and insane criminals in our society, it houses men who have committed the most horrific and frightening crimes imaginable. About sharing. Ewan MacDonald, 26, who faced 13 charges - includ… Carstairs, the State Hospital in Lanarkshire, Scotland, is a hospital like no other. A review into the State Hospital said prohibiting women from . The State Hospital, Carstairs. It is the best known of the three high-security psychiatric hospitals in England, the other two being Ashworth and Rampton. 5,223 Followers, 560 Following, 200 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Escola Livre Areté (@escola.livre.arete) Robert Francis Mone (born 1948) is a Scottish convicted murderer and spree killer. A child rapist has won a legal bid to be allowed fizzy drinks and chocolate in the State Hospital at Carstairs. guards and a nurse from the State Hospital at Carstairs. Three killers have mounted a legal challenge to the first legislation passed by the Scottish Parliament. Clifford Lyons: He was locked up in . Effectively a prison for some of the most violent and insane criminals in our society, it houses men who have committed the most horrific and frightening . Some time after 1984, Sarah Connor tried to blow up a computer factory but got shot and arrested by the police. The three men are detained in Carstairs. The State Hospital is one of four high secure hospitals in the UK. It was an expulsion from St Johns RC High School, in Dundee . Chromosome studies were done on 315 out of 342 men at the State Hospital, Carstairs, Scotland, a hospital for the treatment of patients with dangerous, violent, or criminal propensities in contitions of special securtiy. From the age of nine, Jimmy Laing lived under lock and key, first at the Baldovan mental institution and then at Carstairs State Hospital, the Scottish equivalent of Broadmoor. If you mention the name Carstairs every Scotsman will think of one thing: the State Hospital, the high-security prison for the criminally insane. The three argue that the legislation, rushed through the parliament in September 1999 to remedy a legal loophole, is in breach . At sixteen, he put his fist through a window and was declared insane. Carstairs' reputation is powerful; murderers whose actions have terrified the nation, are kept just a few miles outside… It was April 1961 when Iain,Harrold,Douglas and Bill set out for Torridon. The 72-year-old killer is still in prison and is one of Scotland's longest-serving prisoners. Charles McCann, who suffers from schizophrenia and has been detained for 18 years, challenged the ban after smoking was forbidden inside The State Hospital in Carstairs, and in its grounds, in . Records of Leverndale Hospital, Hawkhead, Renfrewshire, Scotland Official publications Department of Health for Scotland State Hospital, Carstairs - Report of public local inquiry into circumstances surrounding the escape of two patients on 30 November 1976 and into security and other arrangements at the hospital The State Hospital in Carstairs provides care and treatment in conditions of high security for around 140 patients from Scotland and Northern Ireland who cannot be accommodated anywhere else. Their stash included knives, axes, a garrote, a crossbow and a rope ladder. A Freedom of Information request, submitted to NHS Scotland by the Citizens Commission on Human Rights, showed that it costs £303,556 a year to care for each patient in the state hospital, which . Carstairs psychiatric hospital (Alamy Stock Photo) David said: "What would save Jean from being hung as much of the public called for, was by 1961 politicians and most of the public had lost the . SECRET documents have fallen into the hands of patients at Scotland's top security mental hospital. He was declared insane and sent to the State Hospital for Scotland and Northern Ireland in Carstairs, Scotland. Written by the late Douglas Williamson of Lumsden Aberdeenshire. All but ten of the men in the hospital had a criminal record and 253 of them were classified as having a severe personality . Carstairs State Hospital is the equivalent facility for Scotland and Northern Ireland. He had just begun his shifthift at 6pm unaware that Mone, 27,7, and McCulloch, 26, had already broken roken out of the nearby State Hospital spital about 40 minutes earlierr and murdered nurse Neil McLellan,an, 46, and another inmate, 40-year-ar-old double murderer Iain Simpson. A high security, state psychiatric hospital in Carstairs is the home of Robert Francis Mone who is responsible for the deaths of four people and the rape and assault of two young girls. A knife killer who stabbed his wife 36 times is being let out for regular shopping trips nine years after he escaped . The State Hospital, Carstairs, Lanark ML11 8RP Phone: 01555 840293 / Email: "Safe and Secure Care Treatment and Recovery" . State Mental Hospital listed as SMH. Rampton Secure Hospital is a high security psychiatric hospital near the village of Woodbeck between Retford and Rampton in . Stephanie Anne Drysdale sent the patient . be Scotland's longest-serving prisoner or secure hospital inmate. . §The Secretary of State for Scotland (Mr. Bruce Millan) The whole House will wish to join with me in expressing its deep regret and sympathy to the families of the three people who died in the tragic events which took place in and near the State Hospital at Carstairs last night, and to the others who were injured. And despite being an expensive, taxpayer-funded facility, the workings of Carstairs remain subject to intense state secrecy.InCarstairs . Broadmoor Hospital is a high-security psychiatric hospital at Crowthorne in the Borough of Bracknell Forest in Berkshire, England. The horrific scar . Indeed ranks Job Ads based on a combination of employer bids and relevance, such as your search terms and other activity on Indeed. who was jailed for crimes including armed robbery and who has since taken inmates and prison staff hostage. Claire Isla Lee is alleged to have chased a patient through a psychiatric ward with a water-filled syringe on . . He was simply the victim of the system of dealing with "problem children" in the 1930s. Page 1 of 111 jobs. Wi. A violent inmate has been sent to the State Hospital without limit of time for a catalogue of attacks in jail. State Hospital jobs in Scotland. Karl Tonner (or Anderson), 51, is another inmate at Carstairs bidding for freedom under a legal loophole. The Pescadero State Hospital for the Criminally Insane is a mental prison facility where Dr. Peter Silberman works and runs. 4515. 0. Sex chromosome abnormalities like XYY syndrome are some of the most common chromosome abnormalities, Brunton, that there is a distinction between traits of antisocial behavior and criminality per se, Here a chromosome survey of male patients at the State Hospital in Carstairs was conducted, Aggressive behaviour, 1968 at 41. to the public or themselves are sent to Carstairs. PSYCHO'S 'SHINING' ATTACK . State hospital's £30k TV spree . . How inmates planned their brutal escape 2021-12-05 - . A VIOLENT inmate - once dubbed Scotland's most dangerous prisoner - was today sent to the State Hospital without limit of time for a catalogue of brutal atta. . Carstairs (/ k ɑːr ˈ s t ɛər z /, Scottish Gaelic: Caisteal Tarrais) is a village in South Lanarkshire, Scotland.Carstairs is located 5 miles (8 kilometres) east of the county town of Lanark and the West Coast Main Line runs through the village. in Iain's car. Oystercatchers set up nests at Carstairs state hospital in search of peace and tranquility. The State Hospital at Carstairs 4 comments A VIOLENT inmate - once dubbed Scotland's most dangerous prisoner - was today sent to the State Hospital without limit of time for a catalogue of brutal attacks in jail. PUBLISHED: 00:00, Sat, Sep 10, 2011. He was never tried or sentenced, for he had committed no crime. He kept fighting, finally meeting his match 28 years later at Carstairs State Hospital for the criminally insane. Looking for abbreviations of SMH? The State Hospital (also known as Carstairs Hospital, or simply Carstairs) is a psychiatric hospital near the village of Carstairs Junction, in South Lanarkshire, Scotland.It provides care and treatment in conditions of high security for around 140 patients from Scotland and Northern Ireland. St John's RC High School, November 1967 The man above is Robert Mone; depraved multiple killer and the murderer of local teacher Nanette Hanson. There are four high-security hospitals in the UK: Broadmoor Hospital in Berkshire (founded in 1863), Rampton Hospital in Nottinghamshire (1914), Ashworth Hospital in Merseyside (1990), which opened following the amalgamation of Park Lane (1974) and Mosside Hospitals (1913), and the State Hospital at Carstairs in Lanarkshire (1948). With permission to publish kindly granted by his widow Mrs. Alison Williamson of Lumsden Aberdeenshire, a keen reader of my blog. Robert Mone and Thomas McCulloch were responsible for one of the bloodiest episodes in Scottish criminal history. Mentally ill female prisoners should be held in Carstairs amid fears that excluding them is a human rights breach, a report has said. He was never tried or sentenced, for he had committed no crime. He may well be sent to State Hospital Carstairs but I'm sure i read on one of the threads he already had assessments prior to trial and was already of sound mind. won a battle with NHS authorities to have her wedding to Brownlie in the State Hospital in Carstairs. This siren sounding is the NEXT VIDEO!This video features Carstairs Junction (North) and The State Hospital siren hunt. The chief executive of Scotland's top security hospital at Carstairs has told how it plans to cut its bed numbers from 240 to 140 by 2011. > 12 reviews her wedding to Brownlie in the Hospital had a criminal record and 253 them... 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