texas executive branch quizlettexas executive branch quizlet

APPROVAL OR VETO OF ORDERS, RESOLUTIONS, OR VOTES. Texas utilizes a "plural executive" which means the power of the Governor are limited and distributed amongst other government officials. A law requiring that records of all government proceedings and decisions be available to the public. The Texas State Board of Education is an elected executive agency of the Texas state government, responsible for managing the state's public K-12 education. 2. 4. -processes requests for extradition In that event, the Guard is nationalized, command passes from the governor to the president. Using the Table and Figure as guides, how will the service side of the house change in 2016? (Added Aug. 24, 1935.) -commander-in-chief of the National Guard when the state's unit have not been put in command of the president A government organization that implements laws and provides services to individuals is the A) executive branch B) legislative branch C) judicial branch D) bureaucracy 3. (b) The Lieutenant Governor shall, while acting as President of the Senate, receive for his or her services the same compensation and mileage which shall be allowed to the members of the Senate, and no more unless the Texas Ethics Commission recommends and the voters approve a higher salary, in which case the salary is that amount; and during the time the Lieutenant Governor exercises the powers and authority appertaining to the office of Governor, the Lieutenant Governor shall receive in like manner the same compensation which the Governor would have received had the Governor been employed in the duties of that office, and no more. Executive Branch. -four-year term, Managing and collecting rentals and leases for state-owned lands. Candidates running for the office of Agriculture Commissioner must be a ______. day conduct (Texas Politics Today ed. The Legislature shall pass efficient laws facilitating the investigation of breaches of trust and duty by all custodians of public funds and providing for their suspension from office on reasonable cause shown, and for the appointment of temporary incumbents of their offices during such suspension. -The Potential for Conflict in the Plural Executive. A representative or senator gets an idea for a bill by listening to the people he or she represents and then working to solve their problem. governor, lieutenant governor, attorney general, comptroller, land commissioner, and agricultural commissioner Conference committees are composed of five members from each house appointed by the presiding officers. Head of the Texas Senate, Elected member of the plural executive who represents the state legal counsel, oversees the District Attorney's Office, protects constitution, guides local government, & oversees law administration. Which of the following explains why Texas plural executive weakens the governor? Access the answers to hundreds of Executive branch of government questions that are explained in a way that's easy for you to understand. -can also influence TX members of the House and Senate at the federal level. Sherwin Williams will receive $\$18,500$ a year for the next $25$ years as a result of a picture he has painted. When can the governor take command of the National Guard? The attorney general is charged by the state constitution to defend the laws and constitution of Texas, represent the state in litigation, and approve public bond issues. There shall be a Secretary of State, who shall be appointed by the Governor, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, and who shall continue in office during the term of service of the Governor. Twenty-five randomly selected students were asked about the number of movies they watched the previous week. The Governor of Texas is the chief executive of the state and is elected by the citizens every four years. -Administration (records), -oldest law enforcement agency in the U.S. 21. It divides the federal government into three main branches. arrangement produces an executive branch whose officials jealously guard their jurisdiction, Divides power and responsibility among 7 different offices created in 1907, No one can gain the system - Check & Balance, Conflicts of Interest, no one has control over each other, public ignorance, appointed office is under the governor, Lt Governor, Attorney General, Comptroller, Commissioner of General Land Office, Commissioner of Agriculture, Secretary of State. -defends the state and it's constitution in court cases -may be more electoral accountability, -Different parts of executives may take different, even conflicting approaches He shall be at least thirty years of age, a citizen of the United States, and shall have resided in this State at least five years immediately preceding his election. (TEMPORARY TRANSITION PROVISIONS for Sec. RESIDENCE OF GOVERNOR. Promotes public policy Why is Texas government fragmented? BOARD OF PARDONS AND PAROLES; PAROLE LAWS; REPRIEVES, COMMUTATIONS, AND PARDONS; REMISSION OF FINES AND FORFEITURES. Amended Nov. 5, 1940, and Nov. 6, 1979. The purpose of a court system is to provide an aid to resolve disagreements and to There shall be a Seal of the State which shall be kept by the Secretary of State, and used by him officially under the direction of the Governor. Cross), Chemistry: The Central Science (Theodore E. Brown; H. Eugene H LeMay; Bruce E. Bursten; Catherine Murphy; Patrick Woodward), Forecasting, Time Series, and Regression (Richard T. O'Connell; Anne B. Koehler), Educational Research: Competencies for Analysis and Applications (Gay L. R.; Mills Geoffrey E.; Airasian Peter W.). The legislature meets every odd-numbered year to write new laws and to find solutions to the problems facing the state. The executive branch U.S. government The executive branch is headed by the president, who must be a natural-born citizen of the United States, at least 35 years old, and a resident of the country for at least 14 years. No additional reporting fees. Give reasons for your decision in each case. (Feb. 15, 1876. The function of the executive branch is to carry out the law, to arrest criminals, to collect Texas Executives Elected and Appointed Elected: -Governor -Lieutenant Governor -Attorney General -Land Commissioner -Agriculture Commissioner -Comptroller -Railroad Commission (3 members) -State Board of Education (15 members) Appointed: -Secretary of state (appointed by Governor) Lieutenant Governor (4 year term) The Courts of the State of Texas having original jurisdiction of criminal actions shall have the power, after conviction, to suspend the imposition or execution of sentence and to place the defendant upon probation and to reimpose such sentence, under such conditions as the Legislature may prescribe. (1) A formal device, issued by the President, used primarily to control the workings of the executive branch by directing the agencies that comprise it. The chair of each committee decides when the committee will meet and which bills will be considered. The executive branch can declare Executive Orders, which are like proclamations that carry the force of law, but the judicial branch can declare those acts unconstitutional. What is the Land Commissioner responsible for? Sec. Article 4 of the Texas Constitution describes the executive department (branch) of Texas. -to fill out grant paperwork. OFFICERS CONSTITUTING EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. 11A. 17 Why does the Texas Constitution create a fragmented executive branch? Only these types of bills can be line-item vetoed, Has no role in the states criminal justice system, Responsible for enforcing a variety of laws relating to ranching and farming, The states chief tax collector, auditor, and revenue estimator, This official manages the leases of state owned land (12 percent of all land) to ensure both protection of the land and appropriate revenue for the state. Appointed administrator that oversees and manages the Texas Army, Air National Guard, and Texas State Guard as the top military official. -like FBI and Secret Service at the State Level, -special sessions Special Sessions more efficient if the most popular spots such as Annapolis Rock had more That is, the TSG can be called into action for state emergencies as it was during Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. The interchange of employees between the legislature, government agencies, and related private special interest groups. one 30-day stay of execution per prisoner (rare). - How will Governor Greg Abbott wield the power of the governorship? The bill is then considered by the full body again on third reading and final passage. These are bargaining tools the Texas governor has so that she/he can administer his/her executive responsibilities. In Texas, the head of state is the governorwho serves as the symbol of the state and performs ceremonial duties. -awards contracts for oil, gas, mineral exploration Sec. 3. (Added Nov. 2, 1948; amended Nov. 2, 1999.). -pushes his agenda -Even though Republicans held almost 2 to 1 majorities in both the House and Senate, nevertheless Governor -Abbott issued 42 vetoes in 2015. PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE OF SENATE SERVING AS GOVERNOR; COMPENSATION OF LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR AND PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE OF SENATE. In either house, a bill may be passed on a voice vote or a record vote. What would you receive on a quarterly dividend check if you had x shares of Apple at that time? -grants charters to Texas corporations He shall account to the Legislature for all public moneys received and paid out by him, from any funds subject to his order, with vouchers; and shall accompany his message with a statement of the same. 1. The State Board of Education (SBOE) is created by the Texas Constitution to implement a constitutional mandate to maintain a free public education system. ELECTION OF OFFICERS OF EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. This is called the first reading, and it is the point in the process where the presiding officer assigns the bill to a committee. \end{array} a) a list of executives in the executive department of which the governor is one of them: Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Comptroller, Commissioner of the General Land Office, and Attorney General. 19. (3) Click the card to flip Definition 1 / 59 1. If the governor vetoes the bill and the legislature is still in session, the bill is returned to the house in which it originated with an explanation of the governor's objections. A) 1 bureaucrat for every 1,500 Texas residents B) 1 bureaucrat for every 3,500 . -collects and reports election results Sec. The Lieutenant Governor of Texas is the second-highest executive office in the government of Texas. VACANCIES IN STATE OR DISTRICT OFFICES. But, if two or more persons shall have the highest and an equal number of votes for either of said offices, one of them shall be immediately chosen to such office by joint vote of both Houses of the Legislature. Texas has this style executive branch, The type of executive that exists in TX. (Feb. 15, 1876. Despite its title, TRC no longer has any jurisdiction or authority over railroads in Texas, a duty which was transferred to other agencies, with the last of the rail functions transferred to the Texas Department of Transportation in 2005. \text { Common stock (400,000 shares at } \$ 1 \mathrm{par}) & 400,000 \\ And at the commencement of each regular session, he shall present estimates of the amount of money required to be raised by taxation for all purposes. of government as it consists of two final appeal courts: the nine-member Texas Supreme Court 2,000,000+ Questions and Answers. Share Cite Traditionally the office of Governor of Texas is considered a "weak" one because it is held in check by the Lieutenant Governor and Legislature, who together control which bills get. Who has to confirm most of those appointments? Over the years, the Texas Rangers have investigated crimes ranging from murder to political corruption, acted in riot control and as detectives, protected the Governor of Texas, tracked down fugitives, and functioned as a paramilitary force at the service of both the Republic (1836-45) and the state of Texas. The Texas Ranger Division, commonly called the Texas Rangers, is a law enforcement agency with statewide jurisdiction in Texas, based in the capital city of Austin. Finally, the governor's unilateral post-session veto power creates a lot of informal leverage during the legislative session. Suppose, for example, the firm is following U.S. GAAP or IFRS, but the firm does not recognize a substantial intangible asset on the balance sheet. - Texas has a board or agency form of government -- About 200 state boards, commissions, and agencies make up the executive branch - The governor's appointment power is significant -- Allows a degree of control over 410 governmental entities If approved by both houses, the bill is signed by the presiding officers and sent to the governor. An increase in the emoluments of the office of Lieutenant Governor does not make a member of the Legislature ineligible to serve in the office of Lieutenant Governor. (3) gather information about the administration of criminal justice. This meeting time, which begins on the second Tuesday in January and lasts 140 days, is called the regular session. Who gives the informal powers to the government? Note: Employees of the Governor or Lieutenant Governor should refer to the . The following transactions were carried out during the month of May by M. Palmer and Company, a firm of design architects. -regulate oil and natural gas production in state, Secretary of State (selected by governor, subject to Senate approval), -Regulates elections in the state, coordinates with county, city elctions officials About Us; Staff; Camps; Scuba. (b) The Lieutenant Governor shall by virtue of his office be President of the Senate, and shall have, when in Committee of the Whole, a right to debate and vote on all questions; and when the Senate is equally divided to give the casting vote. A formal accusation issued by a grand jury against a party charged with a crime when the jury determines that there is sufficient evidence to bring the accused to trial. They work outside of bueacracy. -can declare martial law (a) There shall also be a Lieutenant Governor, who shall be chosen at every election for Governor by the same voters, in the same manner, continue in office for the same time, and possess the same qualifications. 17. Activity-based management seeks to eliminate waste by allocating costs to products that waste resources. (2) the appointee, if otherwise qualified and if not removed as provided by law, is entitled to continue in office until the earlier of the following occurs: (A) the Senate rejects the appointee at a subsequent session; or. The house, however, rarely suspends this provision, and third reading of a bill in the house normally occurs on the day following its second reading consideration. APPROVAL OR VETO OF BILLS; RETURN AND RECONSIDERATION; FAILURE TO RETURN; VETO OF ITEMS OF APPROPRIATION. Organizations reviewing law to write quality rules, Policies on how departments interact with each other, written by administrators, 12 people commission that evaluates agency/office performance and submits suggestions for legislative action by the Senate, Most important elected board created to regulate the railroads and now has responsibilities over oil, natural gas, drilling, recovery, storage, and transportation while protecting the state's environment - 3 elected members, 5 Senators, 5 House of Representatives, 2 Private Citizens, Termination/Replacement(Changes), Termination/Removal, Pass, Moving responsibility from federal to state government, Contracting public services to private corporations, Regulate environment and promote economics. DPS is responsible for statewide law enforcement and vehicle regulation. Find the associated z-score for each of the following standard normal areas. Lowest 6 percent b. Any succession to the Governorship not otherwise provided for in this Constitution, may be provided for by law; provided, however, that any person succeeding to the office of Governor shall be qualified as otherwise provided in this Constitution, and shall, during the entire term to which he may succeed, be under all the restrictions and inhibitions imposed in this Constitution on the Governor. The Legislature shall have authority to enact parole laws and laws that require or permit courts to inform juries about the effect of good conduct time and eligibility for parole or mandatory supervision on the period of incarceration served by a defendant convicted of a criminal offense. An official who automatically serve in another political office because of some other position that she/he occupies. 492 Get elected to the . Precession Bargaining Can the governor appoint people when the legislature is not in session? However, all three branches are considered weak, but compared to the three branches of the Texas state government, the legislative branch is less weak and the most powerful because of the broad authority it has been given. You are the marketing manager of a food products company that is considering entering the Indian market. Texas utilizes a "plural executive" which means the power of the Governor are limited and distributed amongst other government officials. Administers all state-owned lands and collects the revenues they generate. The executive branch quizlet is a tool used by the U. 7. -When compared to governors in other states, the TX governor is weak in formal powers. TX does not do this, Texas Government: Chapter 8- The Executive Br, Government in America: Elections and Updates Edition, George C. Edwards III, Martin P. Wattenberg, Robert L. Lineberry, Christina Dejong, Christopher E. Smith, George F Cole. During the time he holds the office of Governor, he shall not hold any other office: civil, military or corporate; nor shall he practice any profession, and receive compensation, reward, fee, or the promise thereof for the same; nor receive any salary, reward or compensation or the promise thereof from any person or corporation, for any service rendered or performed during the time he is Governor, or to be thereafter rendered or performed. If he approve he shall sign it; but if he disapprove it, he shall return it, with his objections, to the House in which it originated, which House shall enter the objections at large upon its journal, and proceed to reconsider it. It can be argued that the governor of Texas is the informal ambassador to _____. The returns of every election for said Executive Officers, until otherwise provided by law, shall be made out, sealed up, and transmitted by the returning officers prescribed by law, to the seat of Government, directed to the Secretary of State, who shall deliver the same to the Speaker of the House of Representatives, as soon as the Speaker shall be chosen, and the said Speaker shall, during the first week of the session of the Legislature, open and publish them in the presence of both Houses of the Legislature. -maintains records of required filing for various commercial financial transactions, - no one official can accumulate all power in the executive branch Appointed commission that regulates how utility services are carried out. (a) The Governor may, on extraordinary occasions, convene the Legislature at the seat of Government, or at a different place, in case that should be in possession of the public enemy or in case of the prevalence of disease threat. As a House of confidence interval. What are the 3 primary purposes of the Agriculture Commissioner? If after such reconsideration, two-thirds of the members present agree to pass the bill, it shall be sent, with the objections, to the other House, by which likewise it shall be reconsidered; and, if approved by two-thirds of the members of that House, it shall become a law; but in such cases the votes of both Houses shall be determined by yeas and nays, and the names of the members voting for and against the bill shall be entered on the journal of each House respectively. nuneaton crematorium upcoming funerals mudblazor data grid the arrangement book galatea pdf download. A senate committee or subcommittee must post notice of a meeting at least 24 hours before the meeting. Marisa N. Pendery \text{Principal}&\text{(years)}&\text{interest}&\text{Compunded}&\text{amount}&\text{interest}\\ Find the approximate sample standard deviation, sss. He or she maintains order, recognizes members to speak during debate, and rules on procedural matters. Elected official who implements and enforces the state's agricultural laws. Amended Nov. 3, 1936, and Nov. 2, 1954.). Rick Perry has presided over more executions than any other governor in the history of the U.S. -partisan leader The legislative branch naturally reflects the democratic form of government. Bargaining The original wordombudsmanis Swedish and means "commissioner.". Locate and analyze primary and secondary sources that support an argument on this issue. Who is the current Agriculture Commissioner? in response to natural disasters or to assist with humanitarian relief. 11. The Legislature may not consider any subject other than the appointment of electors at that special session. -Officially, the Texas governor is the state's chief budget officer. In Texas, the power of the governor to grant clemency is strictly limited. RateofTermcompoundCompoundCompoundPrincipal(years)interestCompundedamountinterest$12,00074%quarterly\begin{array}{} For a formal meeting or a work session, written notice must be posted and sent to each member of the committee two hours in advance of the meeting or an announcement must be filed with the journal clerk and read while the house is in session. agencies. (b) amended Nov. 8, 2011.). The Texas Legislature has much more initial control over the budget process than the governor. Explain why the residual income value estimates will not be distorted by conservative accounting. more detail then the federal Bill of Rights. Sec. into three different branches, though they all remain equal in power. Appointed member of the plural executive that has the highest office by administering elections and granting charters. : an American History (Eric Foner), Principles of Environmental Science (William P. Cunningham; Mary Ann Cunningham), Business Law: Text and Cases (Kenneth W. Clarkson; Roger LeRoy Miller; Frank B. An account shall be kept by the officers of the Executive Department, and by all officers and managers of State institutions, of all moneys and choses in action received and disbursed or otherwise disposed of by them, severally, from all sources, and for every service performed; and a semi-annual report thereof shall be made to the Governor under oath. Sometimes, similar bills about a particular issue are introduced in both houses at the same time by a representative and senator working together. He shall cause the laws to be faithfully executed and shall conduct, in person, or in such manner as shall be prescribed by law, all intercourse and business of the State with other States and with the United States. -Secretary of State - Appointed for four-year term to enforce uniform interpretation and application of the election laws; keeper of all corporate records. 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