tennis ball bounce on different surfaces experimenttennis ball bounce on different surfaces experiment

A tennis ball temperature science experiment can be a great way for kids to learn about the science behind the game of tennis. According to our background research, a The chains stretch back out as rubber cools, allowing the original form to return. The higher the ball goes, the more GPE it ends up with. however, by bringing a ladder or stool to catch the balls perfectly on time. Then when it bounces up, it returns to its original shape. Height the ball bounced to (average of middle three) when dropped from: 10cm = 6.7 6.7 = 66% of 10 (to the nearest percent), 20cm = 14.0 14.0 = 70% of 20 (to the nearest percent), 30cm = 22.3 22.3 = 74% of 30 (to the nearest percent). You may print and distribute up to 200 copies of this document annually, at no charge, for personal and classroom educational use. As a result, the balls bounce decreases as pressure decreases. - Rubber ball x surface bounces a ball the highest. Tennis balls on hard courts have a greater bounce and speed than on artificial turf or grass courts. order to give a fair experiment. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Floor BoardsEach of the drops was performed 5 times to get an accurate Reading and Average.In this experiment this shown what types of surfaces absorb a lot of the dispersed energy and the surface and which ones do not do it as well.This was done on iMovie and took 2 Hours to Create.So Please Enjoy! In the heat, the molecules are more active, so the ball can bounce higher . Air resistance exists but does not affect the velocity of the ball significantly. Why does a tennis ball bounce higher on concrete? because a basketball is very well-inflated and hard, which gave it a higher bounce. A tennis balls trajectory is determined by its temperature. The balls finish up with the same amount of energy and the only energy given out is thermal energy. The children were oblivious to these . highest on hard, smooth surfaces. Not only does a ball distort its shape--so does the surface on which the ball bounces. When the ball was dropped from the higher heights the ball began to show signs of reaching its terminal velocity before it reaches the ground. Therefore the ball ends up with more GPE, , assuming g and m stay constant, results in an increase in m g h, , assuming g and m stay constant, results in a decrease in m g h, As the ball is accelerating due to gravity, at 9.81m/s. The maximum height will have to be less than two meters as that is the maximum height that the equipment allows. hard ball made of rubber should bounce the highest on a concrete surface, which This is correct unless the ball shows signs of reaching terminal velocity. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. The Cold Group (-15C) averaged 53.5 cm, the Cool Group (6C) averaged 98.5 cm, the Room Temperature Group (46C) averaged 114.5 cm, the Warm Group (100C) averaged 136.5 cm, and the Hot Group (142.5 cm) averaged 142.5 cm It was determined to be correct to my hypothesis. Graph 1. Overview: In this lesson, students conduct a series of experiments with different balls to observe which bounce the highest and to see how they could make balls bounce higher. These inaccuracies could have been caused by external factors or parallax error even though efforts were made to avoid parallax error occurring - by dropping the ball one time that was not measured and placing a blob of blue tack onto the meter rule at the approximate height it bounced to. For a falling object the Coefficient to restitution (CR) is equal to the velocity squared as the object is travelling at as it leaves the floor (v22) divided by the velocity squared as it hits the floor (v12): If dropping a ball in a vacuum all you need to know in order to know how high the ball will bounce to is h1 and CR. We then bounced the balls on the surfaces and, measured the heights. Basketballs have been around for over a hundred years, and they have undergone a lot of evolution in terms of shape, size, and inflation. Although we were correct about (Image by Harold E. "Doc" Edgerton),,, Playing the Angles: The Physics of Balls Bouncing Off of Surfaces. If you know that it will be freezing, you can adjust the tension of your string. Balls are not round. This means that the faster that the ball travels the larger the force of air resistance upon it. "That's The Way The Ball Bounces," The Exploratorium Museum, San Francisco, CA. The more energy absorbed by the surface, the less that remains in the ball for it to bounce. Let's see if physics can explain what happens. Two half-shells are molded together to form a core, which is then molded together again. In my science fair experiment, the golf ball overall was the ball that bounced the highest. The bounce of the ball is a major factor in the game of tennis. This is called the relative speed. C. The tennis ball is made for more of a bounce when it is used for the game tennis. Reproduction of material from this website without written permission is strictly prohibited. Set the tripod back far enough for the entire ladder and measuring poster to be in view. The temperature of a tennis ball greatly affects how high it bounces. This would allow one to find the terminal velocity of the ball. 70% is retained. This would eliminate parallax error further. By conducting our experiment, we learnt that well-inflated rubber balls bounce the Now, take your video and watch it to gather your data. As the molecules expand and float in an endless loop, the amount of energy they produce increases. This is because as the ball goes faster it passes through a greater volume of air each second. When I drop the different balls onto the rocks from the bed of a truck, I believe the tennis ball will have the highest bounce. In this manner, you apply heat shrink to your head and heat it up until the shrink shrinks. Its a great way to get some exercise while also getting some quality time with friends. Watch the video of the dropping tennis ball. the "bouncing balls" experiment. Carefully climb the ladder with the ball. This is because it is easiest as the figure read of the meter rule is the result. The difference between the predicted height and the actual height will provide evidence as to how air resistance affects the flight of the ball. Why do golf balls bounce so high on concrete? Please enter a search term in the text box. Tiles3. Some of the balls energy can be converted into heat. quicker and on time before they dropped back down. In modern tennis, the differences and subtleties of each surface tend to disappear. A measuring stick/ruler marked in centimetres; long enough to record the highest ball bounce. Click the "Experiment" button to find out! The higher the height from which the ball was dropped from, the higher the height to which it bounced. The air in the ball expands and contracts as it is compressed. It is usual in science to plot the dependent variable on the vertical axis (y-axis) of the graph and the independent variable on the horizontal axis (x-axis) of the graph. Why Does One Tennis Shoe Pull Your Sock Down? A tennis ball will bounce higher when it is hot because the air inside the ball is more expansive. From the above table it can be seen that there were inaccuracies in the experiment. Use the pencil and ruler to connect the incoming and outgoing trajectories of the marble to the point where the marble bounced off the wood. Note whether the ball and surface showed more of an elastic or inelastic collision. As for catching the balls on time, we changed our hand positioning and Record the new pressure reading in your data table and repeat steps 4 and 5. When the air inside the ball expands, it pushes against the rubber and causes the ball to bounce. Gather 15 to 20 tennis balls and a measuring tape. After each drop, talk to Phlebas and come to a decision about how high it bounced on your measuring implement. Line up the top of the table tennis ball with the top of the metre ruler (i.e. Cold weather causes the rubber to harden, resulting in drops in air pressure inside the ball. Therefore the ball dropped from the higher height must give out more thermal energy in order to end up with the same amount of energy as the other ball. The bouncing of a tennis ball on a tennis court surface is analysed by making several simplifying assumptions about the physics of the interaction. Aim: to find out which surface bounces a ball the highest. Tennis balls are more likely to bounce on grass. A variety of surfaces can be used to create a tennis court, each with its own characteristics which affect the playing style of the game. Science Buddies Staff. The force of the ball hitting the ground causes it to bounce up, because it puts an equal force on the ball. Most of the falls energy goes into bouncing the ball back up after it falls, because a hard surface like concrete or hardwood doesnt absorb any. Here is another activity that tests temperature and bounce using golf balls and baseballs: There are many other great ball projects in this fun book: ball pressure gauge (available at a sporting goods store). Carpet2. Internal air pressure is critical to the bounce of most tennis balls. Repeat step 5 with all of your other surfaces. 1. We did this by bouncing different types of balls Here's what our experiment showed: different ground surfaces will absorb more energy than others, which means that that push back they give to the ball won't be as strong. The amount of energy absorbed by the surface will affect the bounce of the ball. The experiment is designed to measure the height of the ball at each bounce and to determine the amount of energy lost during the bouncing process. By using a simple tennis ball and a thermometer, kids can measure the temperature of the ball and see how it changes as the game goes on. These both support my prediction and show that my prediction was correct. The balls bounced higher on the concrete If you like this project, you might enjoy exploring these related careers: You can find this page online at: For instance result 3 from 200cm was an anomaly but was not taken into account when taking the average of the middle three. This will be repeated five times, possibly more (for accuracy), for each height and the top and bottom results will be discounted. The ball moves upwards, reaching stage 1, i.e., maximum height, and its velocity is momentarily zero. It is a firm rectangular surface with a low net stretched across the centre. The maximum and minimum results were included when working out the variation between results however, seeing as the maximum and minimum results were produced by the experiment and are therefore part of the variation between results produced by the experiment. The reliability of our experiment wasn't so strong. Therefore the coefficient to restitution = 0.7. Then when dropping the ball again eye level was kept level with the blue tack. us. energy a surface absorbs, the more of it will remain for a ball to bounce. Also the difference between the force of air resistance acting upon a ball travelling at 1ms, and the force of air resistance acting upon a ball travelling at 2ms, is far smaller than the difference between the force of air resistance acting upon a ball travelling at 20ms, and the force of air resistance acting upon a ball travelling at 21ms, , the faster the velocity that the ball reaches. A hard surface like concrete absorbs less energy than a soft surface like a carpeted floor. Trying to figure out different things about any item, in my case bouncing balls and observing their heights. For two balls moving towards each other, you can work it out by adding up the speeds of the two balls. However the conditions were kept the same for each drop of the ball. - Basketball x ping pong 2 cm 3 cm 2 cm 2 cm, basketball 82 cm 84 cm 80 82 Masses of tennis balls range between 56.0 and 59.4 grams (2011). METHOD: 1. As the ball flattening upon impact with the floor is not visible as it happens so quickly it would be almost impossible to measure the size of the ball on impact with the floor. We use cookies and those of third party providers to deliver the best possible web experience and to compile statistics. Materials 1. For the lower heights the flight time of the ball was extremely short and again it was difficult to move ones head over the distance from h. Do a larger amount of results; 1cm, 2cm, 3cm, 4cm etc. This therefore provides accurate and reliable results. Different courts are better suited to each players style. As the ball hits the blades of grass, they bend and don't provide as much upward rebound. This is why it. It shows that heights were recorded that exceeded the height that the ball would have reached had it been dropped in a vacuum. The whole ball-bounce thing is confounded by topspin and the coefficient of friction of the surface. Our team of volunteer scientists can help. This is due to two factors. This means that KE is the same for both balls when each ball hits the ground. ball bounced 6 inches. What was the outcome? When the temperature rises above 90 degrees, it becomes extremely dangerous to play tennis outside. . This occurs due to a lower air pressure at higher altitudes, which exerts less force on the ball. If the elastic potential energy is the same then the same amount of energy is converted back into KE and so the balls leave the floor at the same speed. One of the hunks of information we found was Also the ball flattening upon impact doesnt have to be taken into account whereas if one was measuring from the top of the ball as it hits the floor to the top of the ball before dropping it or at the top of its arc after bouncing or the middle of the ball as it hits the ground to the middle of the ball before dropping it or the middle of the ball at the top of its bounce then the fact that the ball flattens momentarily on impact with the floor would have to be taken into account. It does not store any personal data. This means that not all the GPE is converted into KE as it would have been if the ball had been dropped in a vacuum. What do you think this means about your results? This still took us time and we still couldn't catch the it is constantly getting faster and therefore the drag force gets bigger and bigger. When the ball deforms, its molecules are stretched apart in some places and squeezed together in others. The mass of the ball will affect the height the ball bounces to because it affects the balls starting energy. This is longer than the 5-8 ms ball bounce from a solid surface or racquet. bounces the highest on smooth concrete. Reproduction of material from this website without written permission is strictly prohibited. Each can from the same manufacturer can be different. STEP4 - Watch as the smaller ball flies off into the air! When a tennis ball is on the court, the bounces are heavily influenced by the environment. However, there has been no change in the fact that basketballs bounce better when they are inflated more thoroughly. First, you will need to draw the background for your experiment, which will act as a large ruler for measuring your bounces on video. The experiment was conducted well however as the utmost efforts were brought into place to avoid parallax error and it was ensured as far as possible that factors that affected how high the ball bounced, excluding the height, were kept constant throughout the experiment. With this information, we. CR can be found out by looking at a graph, the gradient, as a percentage of 1 gives the amount of energy conserved and therefore CRcan be found without knowing v22or v12. Try comparing a hot day to a cold day. Leave the tennis balls in place for at least one to three hours, if possible. H is the height of the ball before it is dropped. On a grass tennis court, e y varies from about 0.6 to 0.75 depending on the length of the grass and the softness of the underlying soil. would bounce the highest on a hard, smooth concrete surface because a rubber ball Our simple experiment is to drop a ping pong ball weighed at 3 grams from a height of 1 metre then 90cm, 80cm, 70cm, 60cm, 50cm, 40cm and of course zero cm. Repeat the process three times with the same ball and record results. The more particles per cubic meter, the more drag acting upon the ball. As they are pushed about, the molecules in the ball collide with and rub across each other." Answer (1 of 4): The height to which a ball bounces depends on several factors: 1) The height from which it is dropped, 2) Whether it was thrown down or just dropped and how hard it was thrown, 3) How much energy is lost in the ball during the collision with the floor 4) How much energy is lost . There were some trends observed in our A tennis ball is a small, spherical object that is used in the sport of tennis. This results in faster . We The ball gains energy of motion, known as kinetic energy. For any other use, please contact Science Buddies. Make a note of which one bounces up higher and how high they bounce! The equipment necessary to generate these conditions was not available and as a result the results obtained were not one hundred percent accurate. As the temperature rises, the gas molecules in the tennis ball expand. Experiment Click the following buttons to skip to a page. This blew the light balls away, giving us an unvalid result or catch. This experiment would provide me with more results that are relevant to the experiment that I have already conducted. his the height of the balls bounce. - tennis ball x As velocity increases air resistance increases in proportion to the square of the velocity. Grades: Preschool and K-2. Introduction: It was more reliable to use the middle three results as it automatically discounted any anomalies; assuming two similar anomalies were recorded for one height, if they were then they both would be discounted. Balls lose up to a gram even after minimal use (if 30 bounces and throws by a ball machine count as minimal). This will be a table tennis ball. As the ball flattening upon impact with the floor is not visible as it happens so quickly it would be almost impossible to measure the size of the ball on impact with the floor. I do not believe that any ball will reach terminal velocity in this experiment seeing as the maximum height that they can be dropped from is 2m and, as the ball is quite smooth, I do not believe that it will have enough time to accelerate to its terminal velocity before it hits the floor. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.Privacy Policy | Affiliate Disclosure. (2020, November 20). For the lower heights the flight time of the ball was extremely short and again it was difficult to move ones head over the distance from h1 to h2 in order to obtain accurate results. Using this experiment, we will attempt to determine whether the temperature of an object has an effect on its behavior. During the research fraction of the experiment, it was Harder balls have a higher recovery rate than softer ones, and clay-based balls have a higher recovery rate than rubber or synthetic balls. in the execution of our experiment. to find out which surface bounces a ball the highest. Although we had all these challenges, This did not happen in my experiment however. Therefore the ball goes higher. When the air inside the ball expands, it pushes against the rubber and causes the ball to bounce. You can compensate by adjusting your strings and striking a much bouncier tennis ball. No balls will be allowed to roll around upon the floor creating possible tripping hazards, Safety spectacles will be worn at all times, Clamp stand, meter rule 2, table tennis ball, desk. It provided me with five repeats so that the maximum and minimum results could be discounted and a reliable average could be taken. h1 = The distance between the bottom of the ball before it is dropped and the ground. Conducted a trial experiment to make sure that the investigation was worth doing and whether different surfaces to actually make the tennis ball bounce higher. When printing this document, you may NOT modify it in any way. . Then they would be dropped from a table, and the height would be measured. The ball starts at height h, No energy is lost when the ball is falling; there is no air resistance, so no Thermal Energy is produced. (Doherty, 1991). Also the facts that there were no anomalies and that all of the points were very close to the line of best fit show that the experiment was relatively accurate. AIM: To investigate how the bounce height of different types of balls changes. A cold tennis ball bounces lower than a warm one. When the ball hits the ground,the ground hits back with the same amount of force. If theoretically a ball could not lose any energy during a bounce, it would bounce back to 100% of the height it was dropped from. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Easy Experiment This scientific mystery can be demonstrated at home or school with a simple experiment. Also the ball flattening upon impact doesnt have to be taken into account whereas if one was measuring from the top of the ball as it hits the floor to the top of the ball before dropping it or at the top of its arc after bouncing or the middle of the ball as it hits the ground to the middle of the ball before dropping it or the middle of the ball at the top of its bounce then the fact that the ball flattens momentarily on impact with the floor would have to be taken into account. Tennis balls tend to bounce more horizontally on grass than on a harder surface. Therefore, The reason balls bounce is quite advanced science. The approach was to place 3 tennis balls in 4 different environments with different temperatures. As in both cases the main form of energy is GPE it follows that the higher the ball is dropped from, the higher the ball will bounce. This means that the faster that the ball travels the larger the force of air resistance upon it. Abstract and Figures. Why do marbles bounce so high? But how does concrete . From the early days of tennis in the 1870s to the early 1900s, a rubber made of India rubber was used to manufacture lawn tennis balls, as was the rubber made from the vulcanization process invented by Charles Goodyear. External factors, i.e. Air pressure will affect the balls fall slightly as the concentration of air particles per cubic meter varies with air pressure. Subtleties of each surface tend to bounce up, because it puts an equal force on ball. On grass less energy than a soft surface like a carpeted floor contracts as it is hot because the in! Far enough for the entire ladder and measuring poster to be less than two meters as that used. Were inaccuracies in the fact that basketballs bounce better when they are pushed about, the gas molecules in sport. Giving us an unvalid result or catch no change in the sport of tennis ball hitting the ground the. 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