sierra leone court act, 1965 pdfsierra leone court act, 1965 pdf

Part A (Title I) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA), as amended by the Every . DATED thisday of.19.. Now these are to command you to receive the saidinto your custody together with this warrant, and him safely to keep in the said prison for the period ofunless the sum of, ..(as set out at the foot hereof) be sooner paid, and on the receipt thereof forthwith to set. 212. Repealing the Act was a commendable thing by Parliament, as the Act had been seen as draconian by many because it had stood in 23 dated 1st May, 2014 PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY THE GOVERNMENT RINTING DEPARTMENT, SIERRA LEONE. 158. 244. (4)The Establishment Secretary shall before the end of August in each year submit to the Senior Police Magistrate, Freetown, a list of all office-holders who have been exempted under item (xvi) of subsection (2) of section 151. (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in section 79 any constable in charge of a police station may take bail by recognisance conditioned for the appearance of an accused person before the Magistrate's Court, on a day and at a place to be mentioned in such recognisance, there and then to be dealt with according to law, in the following cases, a. 217. 35. 0000003688 00000 n 0000006358 00000 n 42. 106. before the Supreme Court unless in the meantime you receive other directions as to his disposal. Where a person is convicted of any felony or misdemeanour or any offence punishable by imprisonment (other than an offence for which the sentence is fixed by law) the Court may, in its discretion, sentence him to a fine in addition to or in lieu of any other punishment to which he is liable. 191. Attorney-General may delegate certain powers to nolle prosequi, etc. (3)If the defence does not employ counsel, the Court shall, at the close of the examination of each witness for the prosecution, ask the accused or the defendant whether he wishes to put any questions to that witness. A. (2) If a person is charged with an attempt to commit an offence and the evidence establishes the commission of the full offence, the accused or defendant may not be convicted of the full offence but may nevertheless be convicted of. (Local Courts Act No 20 of 1963) Courts Act of 1965 Do (lower) courts apply / accept customary law or religious law? Sessions at place for which there is no jurors' list. 15. Where a person is before the Magistrate charge with an offence which is triable exclusively by the Supreme Court or in the opinion of the Magistrate ought to be tried by such court, the Magistrate shall conduct a preliminary investigation into the charge alleged, in accordance with the procedure laid down in this Part. at the time of making the declaration believed himself to be in danger of approaching death although he may have entertained at the time of making it, hopes of recovery. 110. The names of jurors, who shall be dead, disqualified, or no longer resident in the district, shall be passed over by the Sheriff in forming a panel. Now these are to authorise and require you to enter on the record a statement that the proceedings are stayed by my direction. Nothing in sections 30 and 31 shall authorise any person, other than a Judge, to grant a warrant to search for a document in the custody of the Postal or Telegraph authorities or of any Telegraph Company. SUPREME COURT OF SIERRA LEONE, Supreme Court Civil Appeal 2 of 1972, Hon Mr Justice E Livesy Luke CJ, 3 July 19 73 . Recovery of damages, etc., as a judgement debt. Offences by public officers abroad and offences on aircraft. (2) The following persons shall be exempted from serving on any jury. Competency of person charged and husband or wife of person charged to give evidence. Falsification of accounts, contrary to section 1 of the Falsification of Accounts Act, 1875. 12. (1) In a trial on indictment for murder or manslaughter, the declaration of a, person, whether it be made in the presence of the accused person or not, may be given in evidence if the. (1) Any Court issuing a warrant for the arrest of any person in respect of any offence other than murder or treason may, in its discretion, direct by endorsement on the warrant that, if such person enter into a recognisance with sufficient sureties for his attendance before the Court at a specified time and thereafter until otherwise directed by the Court, the officer to whom the warrant is directed by the Court, the officer to whom the warrant is directed shall take such security and shall released such person from custody. I order that the accused be committed for trial upon, indictment before the Supreme Court atand I further order that the accused be. : AND WHEREAS(name of prisoner) was on theday of 19.convicted before the.Court at..of murder and was thereupon by. (2) After such period as the Judge considers reasonable the jury may deliver their verdict, or state that they are not unanimous. (2) A recognisance so taken shall be of full and equal obligation on the parties entering into the same, and liable to all proceedings for the forfeiture and levy of recognisances provided by section 129. Prosecutor and witnesses may be required to enter into recognisances. . 243. 2198-2227 PDF of Act. Any person charged with a criminal offence at any session of the Supreme Court shall, a.if such criminal offence is punishable by death be tried by the court with a jury consisting of twelve men; or, b. Deposition of medical practitioner may be read as evidence. CXXXVIII, No. c.the Court may make such order as to admitting the accused to bail, and as to the enlargement of recognisances and otherwise as the Court thinks fit. Expenses of conveyance to prison .. In the event of the accused giving his consent to the case being dealt with summarily, the Court shall call upon him to plead to the information, and forthwith inform him of his right to recall all or any of the witnesses for the prosecution, who shall have been heard, and to subject them to any further cross-examination. If any person acting under a warrant of arrest, or any constable having authority to arrest, has reason to believe that the person to be arrested has entered into or is within any place, the person residing in or being in charge of such place, shall on demand of the person so acting or such constable, allow him free entry thereto and afford all reasonable facilities for a search therein. Certain scientific reports to be evidence. (2) Whenever any such building, vessel, vehicle, receptacle or other place is closed, any person residing in or being in charge of the building, vessel, vehicle, receptacle or place shall on the demand of the constable or other person executing the search warrant, allow him free entry thereto and afford all reasonable facilities for a search therein. SCOPE The death penalty can be imposed for the following civil and military crimes: Treason and related offences under the Treason and State Offences Act 1963; Murder under the English common law and section 121 of the CPA No 32 of ii. "The jurors who are to try you are now about to be sworn; if you object to any of them, you must do so as they come to the book to be sworn, and before they are sworn, and you shall be heard". In the Case - SLAJ vs The State of Sierra Leone, the journalists' association argued that Part V of the 1965 Public Order Act contravenes Section 25(1) of Act No 6 of the 1991 Constitution of Sierra Leone. in order that. Procedure where accused consents to summary trial. African Law (AfricanLII) . To.(keeper of Prison or constable). (1) A person who alleges that an enactment or anything contained in or done under the authority of that or any other enactment is inconsistent with, or is in contravention of a provision of this Constitution, may at any time bring an action in the Supreme Court for a declaration to that effect. b.the amount in which they and the person for whose arrest the warrant is issued are to be respectively bound; c.the Court before which the person arrested it to attend; and. amounts to a breach of the peace in terms of the PUBLIC ORDER ACT 1965 as amended, . Penalty on jurors not attending or refusing to serve. Forfeiture and levy of recognisances. 40. Provided that the findings of a majority of not less than two-thirds of the jury may in respect of an offence which is not punishable by death, be held, taken to be, and received by the Court as the verdict of the whole jury. Power to take offensive weapons or property of evidentiary value from arrested persons. The various classifications of these divisions indicate the types of cases that are heard in these courts. 166. Arson, contrary to section 2 of the Malicious Damage Act, 1861. . Authority for carrying out sentences not capital. (2) When a person is charged with any felony, other than murder or treason, the Court may, if it thinks fit, admit him to bail. 105. 48A. (2)The Court may set aside any conviction made in the absence of the defendant upon being satisfied that his absence was due to causes over which he had no control, and that he has a probable defence upon the merits. The Court may, in any circumstances in which the Court has power upon summary conviction to issue a warrant of commitment to prison in respect of the non- payment of a fine or penalty, in lieu of issuing such warrant, issue a warrant of detention in a police station, and unless the sum mentioned in the warrant, with the amount of expenses therein authorised (if any), is sooner paid to the constable holding the warrant, the warrant shall authorise any constable to convey the person named therein to any convenient police station and for that purpose to arrest him, and shall authorise the officer in charge of any police station to detain him there till the hour of eight in the morning on the day following that on which he is arrested under the warrant or, if he is so arrested between mid-night and eight in the morning on any day, on that day: Provided that the officer in charge of the police station in which a person is detained under this section may discharge him at any time within two hours before the hour of eight in the morning if the officer thinks it expedient so to do in order to enable him to go to his employment or for any other reason appearing to the officer to be sufficient. 249. 233. Restitution of property stolen or its value. sentenced/ordered to pay a fine/penalty of. AND WHEREAS default having been made in payment a warrant of distress has been issued, but no return has yet been made thereto: Now these are to command you to receive into your custody the saidand safely to keep him until, of.19..when you shall produce him before this Court, atm unless the said sum ofbe sooner paid, on receipt of which. 210. . Except where the person arrested is in the actual course of the commission of a crime or is pursued immediately after escape from lawful custody, the constable or other person making the arrest shall inform the person arrested of the cause of the arrest, and if the constable or other person is acting under the authority of a warrant, shall notify the substance thereof to the person to be arrested, and if so required shall show him the warrant. Both systems have been given legitimacy by the constitution and other statutory instruments. WHEREAS.(name of accused) did appear before the, ..(Magistrate or Judge) atto take his trial on attend a. preliminary investigation into a charge of..: And whereas the said..(Magistrate or Judge) has reason to believe that the, said(name of accused) is of unsound mind and is incapable of making his defence and has. 44. (2)When the true name and place of resident have been ascertained he shall be released on his executing a bond, with or without sureties, to appear before a court if so required. 61. Where defendant pleads guilty in writing. period of years, or in such other prison as the Governor-General shall from time to time direct, and subject to the prison rules for the time being in force. 154. 107. 117. e.A person charged and being a witness in pursuance of this Act may be asked any question in cross-examination, notwithstanding that it would tend to criminate him as to the offence charged. Any constable or other person authorised to make an arrest may break out of any house or place in order to liberate himself or any other person who, having lawfully entered for the purpose of making an arrest, is detained therein. However, the key arbitration legislation in Sierra Leone, Chapter 25 of the Laws of Sierra Leone 1960 (Cap 25) is in the process of being revised. If the accused or the defendant adduces in his defence any evidence other than evidence as to character, the prosecutor may adduce evidence in reply thereto. (1) Where, before trial upon information or at any stage of such trial, it appears to the Court that the information is defective, the Court shall make such order for the amendment of the information as the Court thinks necessary to meet the circumstances of the case, unless having regard to the merits of the case, the required amendments cannot be made without injustice. 11 of 2006. 226. 17. If the person issued with a summons does not appear at the time and place appointed in and by the summons and his personal attendance has not been dispensed with under section 21 the Court may issue a warrant to arrest him and cause him to be brought before such court. It also refers to any security which the court may demand such as cash or a bond required by the court for . 5. In case where any person is so fined in his absence, the Registrar of the Court shall forthwith send him a written notice of the fact, requiring him to pay the fine or to show cause before the Court within four days, for not paying the. In these Regulations unless the context otherwise requires- (2) Indictments signed by a Law Officer, otherwise than at the instance of any other person, shall have priority of hearing, and shall be heard in the order they are presented by the Attorney-General or his representative, and no jury or assessors shall be empanelled or selected for any such case until it has been so presented. (3)When the whole is made conformable to what the accused declares is the truth, the statement shall be attested by the Magistrate, who shall certify that such statement was taken in his presence and hearing and contains accurately the whole statement made by the accused. 0000005510 00000 n (2) Where a prosecutor has actually received the compensation awarded under the provisions of subsection (1) or any part thereof the convicted person shall be released from all further or other proceedings by the prosecutor whether civil or criminal for the same cause. 96. Obtaining goods by false pretences, contrary to section 32 (1) of the Larceny Act, 1916. 128. It turns out that an overwhelming majority of Sierra Leoneans oppose higher taxes, even though it is widely agreed that public service provision is very poor in the country. A warrant shall not be issued in the first instance, unless the Information is in writing and on the oath of the person laying the same or of some witness in that behalf: Provided that a Justice of the Peace may issue a warrant upon an unsworn information if there is no Judge or Magistrate available within the area of jurisdiction of the Magistrate's Court having jurisdiction in the area and the person applying for the warrant makes a statutory declaration that to the best of his knowledge and belief no Judge or Magistrate is available within that area. If entry to such a place cannot be effected under section 5 it shall be lawful in any such case as is therein mentioned for such person acting under a warrant of arrest or such person acting under a warrant of arrest or such constable having authority to arrest to enter such place and search therein and, in order to effect entrance into such place, to break open any outer or inner door or window of any house or place, whether that of the person to be arrested or of any other person, if after notification of his authority and purpose, and demand of admittance duly made, he cannot otherwise obtain admittance. Image. The Local Courts (Amendment) Act, 1965 Date of commencement. 131. (2) The Supreme Court has in addition authority to cause to be brought before it any person who is within Sierra Leone if he is charged with an offence over which the Supreme Court has jurisdiction. sessions but one after the sessions to which he was originally committed he shall on his application made on the last day of such first mentioned sessions be acquitted and discharged, unless the Court sees good reason to the contrary . In proceedings to which no such forms are applicable the Master of the Supreme Court may, with the approval of the Chief Justice, from time to time frame the forms required and such forms shall be published in the Gazette. (2)A representative may on behalf of the corporation make a statement before the Court in answer to the charge. b.sentenced by a Court to a term of imprisonment, the Registrar or other proper officer of the Court shall soon as may be practicable, inform, the case of a member of the House, the Speaker, and. All arrested persons to be brought before a Court without delay. (1) Every Court has authority to cause to be brought before it any person who is within the local limits of its jurisdiction and is charged with an offence committed within Sierra Leone, or which according to law may be dealt with as if it had been committed within Sierra Leone, and any person within such limits against whom a complaints is made on which the Court has power to make any order for the payment of money or otherwise, and to deal with all such persons according to its jurisdiction. 0000012030 00000 n A. 45. 163. Postponement of trial, recognisances. 144 Sudanese Nationality Act 1994, as amended by Act No. Abstract/Citation: Entitled "The Employers and Employed Ordinance" prior to independence. 0000071036 00000 n Fines, detention in police station in lieu of imprisonment. 37. of.and was sentenced to Now these are to command you to receive the saidinto your. (2)Where the information is amended as aforesaid, the Court shall thereupon call upon the accused or defendant to plead to the altered information. Sierra Leone Legal System Outline - Njala University, School of Social Sciences and Law, Department - Studocu The Module introduces student to Sierra Leone Legal System which entails the court systems, court procedures etc. (1) Whenever any person prosecuted and charged before any Court with an offence involving fraud, dishonesty or violence, then, and in every such case, whether such offence is to be tried summarily or on information, or whether the said person has or has not been admitted to bail, it shall be lawful for a Police Officer of or above the rank of Assistant Superintendent or the constable for the time being in charge of a Police Station, if he is of the opinion that there are grounds for suspecting that such person has been previously convicted or has been engaged in crime, or that from any other case his photographs, measurements, thumbprints and fingerprints are required for the purposes of justice, to cause to be taken for use and record such photographs, measurements' thumbprints and fingerprints of the said person as such Police Officer or the constable for the time being in charge of a Police Station, shall think fit: Provided that if no conviction of the said person shall follow as a result of, or in connection with, such said prosecution, then, and in every such case, the photographs of the said person shall, together with the records of his measurements, thumbprints and fingerprints, be handed over to him or if this is not possible, be destroyed. (2) If the Court finds that the accused or the defendant is of unsound mind and consequently incapable of making his defence, it shall postpone further proceedings on the case. In theCOURT AT To.(Keeper of Prison or constable). 138. Enforcement of warrants outside jurisdiction. Search warrants may be executed outside jurisdiction of Court issuing them in certain cases. 229. In the.Court at. To..(name of prosecutor or witness) of.(address), Take notice that you are bound in the sum of..leones to appear at the, ..sessions of the Supreme Court to be holden atand unless you personally make. TO THE SHERIFF OF THE. 187. (3) Such person may pay or tender to the officer having the execution of the warrant the sum therein mentioned together with the amount of the expenses of the distress up to the time of payment or tender, and thereupon the officer shall cease to execute the same. Pursuant to the Courts Act, Act No 31 of 1965, Sierra Leone is constituted into Judicial Districts and Section 4 of the Act states that there shall be constituted Magistrate's Court in and for every judicial district. In theCourt at. Search without a warrant in cases where articles are being conveyed, etc. evidence that the person has been so appointed. (2) If a person committed for trial in the Supreme Court shall not have been tried by the end of the next criminal. 52. (1) The Criminal Procedure Act, the Jurors and Assessors Act, subsection (3) of section 3 of the Treason and State Offences Act, 1963, section 27 of the Police Act, 1964 and section 23 of the House of Representatives Powers and Privileges Act are hereby repealed. (2) Where an indictment is so amended, a note of the order for amendment shall be endorsed on the indictment, and the indictment shall be treated for the purposes of all proceedings in connection therewith as having been filed in the amended form. (1) A description of the offence charged in an information or indictment or where more than one offence is so charged, of each offence so charged, shall be set out in the information or indictment in a separate paragraph called a count. If the statement taken in writing under section 61 relates or is expected to relate to an offence for which any person is under a charge or committal for trial, reasonable notice of the intention to take the same shall be served upon the prosecutor and accused, and if the accused is in custody, he shall be brought by the person in whose charge he is, under an order in writing of the Court, to the place where the statement is to be taken. Every indictment, when signed, shall be filed in the Supreme Court. (1) Where the accused is defended by counsel who states that no witness as to the facts will be called except the accused, the Court shall require the accused to make his unsworn statement or give his evidence, as the case may be. Person arrested to be handed over to constable. 108. (1) When, in a trial by jury, the case on both sides is closed the Judge shall sum up the law and evidence in the case. (2) In a trial otherwise than upon indictment for murder or manslaughter where the cause of death of a deceased person comes into question, the declaration of the deceased whether it be made in the presence of the accused or not, may, at the discretion of the Court be given in evidence if the deceased at the time of making the declaration believed himself to be in danger of approaching death although he may have entertained at the time of making it, hopes of recovery. (4)Where an amendment of an information is made under subsection (1) or where there is a variation between the information and the evidence as described in subsection (3), the Court shall, if it is of opinion that the accused or defendant has been thereby deceived or embarrassed, allow any witness to be recalled and further questioned upon any matters relevant to the amended or varied charge and the Court may adjourn the trial for such period as may be reasonably necessary. accused) against whom a charge ofis pending before the Court at. is in my opinion capable of making his defence to the said charge. 29 of 1965). 247. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF SIERRA LEONE (ORIGINAL JURISDICTION) . You are hereby commanded to arrest the said..and to produce him before me. Westmoreland Street, Freetown, on of19 A. (3)The statement shall not thereby become evidence of any facts alleged therein but the Judge and jury may take it into account in judging the credibility of the witness on his evidence as a whole and the prosecution and defence shall be entitled to refer to it in examining or cross-examining any witness and in addressing the Court. On aircraft you receive other directions as to his disposal is in my opinion capable of making his defence the. ( name of prosecutor or witness ) of the falsification of accounts,! On jurors not attending or refusing to serve cases where articles are being conveyed etc. On any jury certain cases goods by false pretences, contrary to section 2 of the corporation make statement... Receive other directions as to his disposal not attending or refusing to serve to his disposal before Supreme! Penalty on jurors not attending or refusing to serve indictment before the Court for: and (. 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Vedere Una Ballerina Bianca Significato, Articles S