mike parsons ministrymike parsons ministry

My encounters took me deeper into the Fathers loving heart, unveiling and revealing His Oracles for creations restoration. If we are not strong in spirit, we will not be able to overcome and dethrone the soul. We do not have to do anything, it is completely free and unconditional. This Freedom ARC blog Gil and Adena Hodges lead Kingdom Equipping Center. So you just go round and round, because you already have it and doing something wont actually make that true, it just stops you from realising that it is already true. (Dave. But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh. Those subjects are part of most churches foundation courses (they were certainly the basis of ours). I am only responsible to be who I am created to be. They are continually striving for something that already belongs to them; and if they would just stop, they would discover what it is to receive and be at rest. Or you canmake a one-time giftof any amount you choose (in US Dollars) by credit or debit card (processed by Stripe), or using your Apple Pay account if you have one. The glorious true loving God who is Love, Light, Spirit and Fire emerged from the destruction of my orthodox belief systems. Become a Patreon patron! I wanted to do something, but that again is just the programming that makes love conditional: we are programmed to think we have to do something. Mary Wylone Myers Parsons, 97, passed peacefully into the arms of her Savior in the early morning hours of Thursday, February 23, 2023. I had to choose to trust God even if I could not see anything. Please note that we are now inviting you to take part in the full release of the programme, not the alpha or beta test groups]. Thank you! (These only served to sustain a sin-consciousness and was of no redemptive benefit to anyone.) Bring it back to that simple thought: my destiny is to be the me that God created me to be. There may be different fulfilments of prophetic words in scripture. In that private group they can engage with me and maybe up to 10 people, 12 people, who who are also bottom tier supporters; so that each group can meet with me monthly. That is really difficult: but it is possible, because that is the way God has loved us and He wants us to love other people in the same way. My Journey Beyond Beyond is available from all good online booksellers and high street bookstores worldwide. A top-tier supporter, if they wish, can also create a private group. You make your first payment when you sign up. Better still, become a patron and join us live for the next recording they are normally on the second Sunday of each month at 7pm UK time. That may be for you and you alone, in your situation and circumstance, and it may apply to nobody else. All things that the Father has are Mine; therefore I said that He takes of Mine and will disclose it to you. (John 16:15). and I will grant you free access God is unconditional love and therefore He loves all his children equally. Jesus conquered sin and death with love. That is really the nature of what God has done: He has made us innocent. Never stop living in the reality of unconditional love, limitless grace and triumphant mercy. There are three tiers: All tiers will be able to join a monthly live Zoom gathering, where I will share, lead activations and be open for Q&A. The complex is 135,000 square feet, he says. I spend a lot of time training my spirit. Now, I do want to change, because I want to be more like Him. And He put all things in subjection under His feet, and gave Him as head over all things to the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all(Eph 1:20-23). I often went on adventures, sometimes with my friends but mostly on my own, and would come back with some treasure usually a creature that I had captured to be added to my personal zoo. If the government rests on Jesus shoulders, who are the shoulders? (Hebrews 10:15-18). The cost of the livestream for the Engaging The Father conference is 30 GBP. You need to have understanding of the nature and the character of God, of how God works, so that you dont go off the rails completely. Whatever it is, if the self is involved, it needs to die. If I just enjoy being where I am and continue the journey, it will take me to where I will be. For I did not speak to your fathers, or command them on the day that I brought them out of the land of Egypt, concerning burnt offerings and sacrifices. Prodigal Son activation (from 267. I remember He shocked me one day when I was questioning some things about changing and He said I dont require your help, just your surrender. That was a huge challenge because I wanted to help. You can download and import one of these to read on your Kindle app or device if you choose. For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authoritiesall things have been created through Him and for Him. Someone on a Mystic Mentoring session recently asked about this scripture, and about the seventh millennium (seventh day) therefore being a season of rest. You may ask, Why Patreon, as you already have the Engaging God programme?. Call forth our spirit. All rights reserved. Click here to see it. However, if you contact us, we will get back to you with a simple means of giving. For the Law was given through Moses; grace and truth were realized through Jesus Christ. You can use this as a way of bringing yourself to a place of rest and to live from a place of rest; but I would encourage you more to use it as a basis for developing your own process.. Now all this is not to say that God doesnt have things for us to accomplish in relationship with Him; but it is the way we do it rather than a series of things that we have to fulfil. Soundcloud link. But since it is relative to the observer, we would never know. In the end, I stopped asking what are we going to do? because I started to enjoy being, and being in His presence, without the agenda. Of course I should! If that link does not work for you, please search My Journey Beyond Beyond on your chosen retailers website. If so, what is the consequence of not doing them? Engaging at the Arc the names of God identity and destiny (with crystal bowl) He served more than 22 years in law enforcement as the sheriff of Polk County. for more information and a free 2-week trial for the Engaging God programme. VAT registration number GB297839624. That is really hard for the flesh to take. Terms and conditionsapply. God had placed within my soul the desire for adventure that longed to be outworked but only began to find expression when I discovered that I was included in Gods cosmic plan for the restoration of all things. Engaging God on the Heavenly Pathways of Relationship and Responsibility. Life is so much more enjoyable when I am not pressured to perform some duty or obligation that religion has put on me: You should be praying every day, reading the Bible every day, witnessing every day. That explains why the earth appears to be older than adding up the years in the Bible account would suggest: because it is! God just wants us to be, and the more we can just be, the more everything flows out of being. and all things that are Mine are Yours, and Yours are Mine; and I have been glorified in them. (John 17:10). It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing (John 6:63). If you search for it on booksellers websites, it tells them that there is a demand for the book. Together they have two grown children and six grandchildren. Get 2 weeks free then pay just 12GBP per month(around $14 USD but dollar amount varies slightly each month as the exchange rate changes). He is happy to accept us as we are but we are often less happy to think we are acceptable the way we are because we have been conditioned to think we need to change. The Father loves the Son and has given all things into His hand. (John 3:35). All these are all religiously-programmed statements that I used to believe, because I had never experienced the contrary. In addition to the teaching sessions, there will also be time set aside for us to encounter the Father for ourselves. Each of this series of blog posts is adapted from Mikes latest FREE video series on Unconditional Love. *Note Sadly, because of abuse by scammers we are unable to offer a click to donate option. I still havent found what Im looking for are the lyrics of a U2 song that I resonated with for most of my life. OurPatreon patronsgive a small amount each month and can join us for our monthly group Zooms, get exclusive or early access to Mikes teaching and enjoy further patron-only benefits. Rather, He wants relationship; and from that relationship, everything flows. and also have charge of My courts, Follow us on YouTube | WordPress blog | Facebook | Instagram | Pinterest | Twitter. Jesus only did what He saw the Father doing. Or you can use the blue button to contact us about making a one-time gift. Engage God through Jesus (the Way, Truth and Life) in the realms of heaven and within your own spirit and heart; and take up your responsibility as a mature son [daughter] in Gods kingdom. None of the prescribed offerings and sacrifices, including burnt offerings and sin offerings were your request Tampa/St. So many things are happening, so many things are happening in the heavens; its such an exciting time for those who are called for a time such as this. Most of the time that means just getting out of the way. So look out for all the amazing things that are coming! This means we do not judge anyone else or where they are on their journey. The Father is calling forth men and women to be revealed as His mature sons on the Earth. It is not going to be another group of people, it is going to be Gods people, His saints, the church, who will possess that kingdom and be involved in continuing to expand it. How could it equal anything but 2? Check out Mikes YouTube video How To Enter The Spiritual Realm And Interact With God. Beyond the Physical Realm) Note: you can purchase any or all of the Engaging God modules if you wish, but a subscription is much more cost-effective. If you search for it on booksellers websites, it tells them. Love must seem wasteful and undeserved or it is not love. The more we do so, the more we will bring the kingdom of God on the earth, both in us and through us, so that we shine with the glory of God. He saw what He was going to have to carry on the cross; He looked into the cup, and in that cup was every sin we have ever committed, every negative thought, every sickness that has been on our body, every sin committed against us: He took it all physically upon Himself, because He loved us so much. and all things that are Mine are Yours, and Yours are Mine; and I have been glorified in them. (John 17:10). The Father said Son, we will never give up on even one of those who are Our sons as We cannot deny Ourselves. God cannot deny Himself because He is love. With religion, you get a lot of shoulds. Click here to order the livestream/recordings. Mar 2006 - Present17 years 1 month. All original material on this blog is subject to copyright. For recordings, please go to https://freedomarc.org/engagingfather. He said, Well, youre already pleasing to Me. Everything in dealing with the flesh is dealing with humanism and dealing with independence. But we know that the more we try not to do something, the harder it is not to do it. I loved to try to fix things that were broken, using my inbuilt ingenuity to solve problems with whatever was at my disposal. The Engaging God programme is mostly finished Im adding a few sessions here and there and having deconstructed church, Im no longer teaching locally like I used to. And the Father said, Religion has placed dark veils over the eyes of so many (even those who dont believe anything, its the same deception) so they cant see Us as pure love, only wanting to do good by blessing everyone and everything. So there are people who are religious, and they have a whole load of religious veils, and then there are people who dont believe in anything and are atheists and they have a veil as well! There are a number of things we can do to build our spirit. I have had enough of burnt offerings of rams and the fat of fattened cattle; and I take no pleasure in the blood of bulls, lambs, or goats. (Isaiah 1:11). Live loved, love living, liveloving, The Book Depository (free delivery worldwide), https://freedomtrust.org.uk/RoAT3/Introducing%20RoAT3.mp4, 77. Do you want to go higher? My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me; and I give eternal life to them, and they will never perish; and no one will snatch them out of My hand. I believe actually this is probably the most important and the biggest key truth that has made the most impact in my life though over the last 10-12 years. The previous four threads were woven together to create a rich tapestry expressing the pure joy and delight of a child discovering true reality for the first time. This Freedom ARC blog So I fix my eyes on Jesus and on the Father and then I find that I just walk out every day and enjoy it. That implies a condition: if I do not do what God wants me to do, then what will He do? In the Mirror Bible it says: He associated us in Christ before the fall of the world. However, if you contact us, we will get back to you with a simple means of giving. I want to subscribe to Engaging God! Also referred to as the Fiscal Year 2023 Early Supplemental Bill, HB 14 secures an 8.7 percent cost-of-living pay increase for all state team members and a $2 per hour shift differential for state congregate care staff. In Hebrew logic (also called open block logic) there are multiple understandings which can all be true even if they seem contradictory to the western mind. My point here is that we need to understand the context of the eternal purposes of God. It is a journey, not a destination. (Jeremiah 7:22). This reflects the size of the book (800+ pages). Perhaps if we look at our life we would say we are far from blameless; but God is not looking at what we have done, He is looking at what He has done, at what Jesus has done. You have to think about somebody else. You only know what you know, but the more you spend time with Father, with Jesus, with the Holy Spirit, then what you know changes. Jesus is Gods mind made up about us. Who will separate us from the love of Christ? My self-image is not how I view myself, but it is seeing myself as God sees me. But Paul wrote: And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect. Anyone who is married knows that when you get married, life does not revolve around you as a single person any more. You should be doing this, you shouldnt be doing that The Father is the one who is going to direct me every day, and He does not give me specific directions very often, other than Hey, lets walk together or Let me show you something.. Religion, even though it will probably have you read that Bible verse, will tell you the opposite, that there is something that can separate you from the love of God: your choice. Mike Parsons is on Facebook. About Avril. Thank you! I am really excited that more people are joining us on this amazing journey of discovering our sonship: who we are as sons of God, in relationship with Him, both the relational aspect and the governmental. The early church was made up originally of Jewish people.

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