field mcconnell wikifield mcconnell wiki

[88], On December 17, 2019, McConnell rejected a request to call four witnesses for Trump's impeachment trial because, according to McConnell, the Senate's role was to "act as judge and jury", not to investigate. Information regarding her parent's and siblings' occupations, age, and private lives are in the dark. His time in service has also been the subject of criticism because his discharge was accelerated after his father placed a call to Senator. Again, the identification of the four 9/11 hijackers was simply through associational activities. [28] [29], In 1977, McConnell was elected the Jefferson County judge/executive, the top political office in Jefferson County, Kentucky, at the time, defeating incumbent Democrat Todd Hollenbach, III, 53% to 47%. DIA also prevented key personnel from testifying to both the Senate Judiciary and Senate Intelligence Committees, though after numerous denials did admit the program's existence.[10]. [219] McConnell is on the Board of Selectors of Jefferson Awards for Public Service. MARTIAL LAW, CONTROL GIVEN TO MILITARY BY TRUMP JAN 19TH. Were historys actorsand you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do" Karl Rove (, After his retirement, he continued his investigation into illegal modification of Boeing aircraft revealing the existence of the, 1967-1971, studied at United States Naval Academy, graduating 9 June, 1971. [4][5], In 2021, McConnell was named one of the US' top 'climate villains' by The Guardian.[236]. [citation needed], After Weldon's assertions were disputed, Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer, a member of the Able Danger team, identified himself as Weldon's source. [12] He graduated Omicron Delta Kappa from the University of Louisville with a B.A. CIA will never provide that to you because if you were successful in your effort to target Al Qaeda, you will steal our thunder. [14] In addition to asserting that Able Danger identified the 9/11 hijackers and was prevented from passing that information onto the FBI, Weldon also alleged the intelligence concerning Able Danger was provided to the 9/11 Commission and ignored. [159], After the passage of the CARES Act, McConnell waited several months before advancing any additional COVID-19 relief measures in the Senate, saying in May "I don't think we have yet felt the urgency of acting immediately," and that Congress should "[hit] pause" to evaluate how the allocated funds were working before approving more. McConnell has opposed stronger regulations, gun control measures and efforts to mitigate climate change. 8. [52], On February 14, 2006, Congressmen Curt Weldon charged that contrary to testimony, not all the data on Able Danger had been destroyed. [135], In October 2018, McConnell said if a Supreme Court vacancy were to occur during Trump's 2020 re-election year he would not follow his 2016 decision to let the winner of the upcoming presidential election nominate a justice. We're going after the leadership. McConnell worked to withhold Republican support for major presidential initiatives during the Obama administration, having made frequent use of the filibuster, and blocked many of President Obama's judicial nominees, including Supreme Court nominee Merrick Garland. After a report came out of Democrats' investigating a second allegation against Kavanaugh, McConnell said, "I want to make it perfectly clear. All of us came here from somewhere else." Sotomayor was confirmed days later. After Trump faced heavy criticism from some right-wing media outlets and pundits for appearing to back down on his campaign promise to "build the wall", he announced that he would not sign any appropriations bill that did not fund its construction. How campaigns skirt coordination laws to help PACs make ads", "How 'McConnelling' came to be the hottest thing on the political web", "The dirty dozen: meet America's top climate villains", Biographical Directory of the United States Congress, Assistant Attorney General for the Office of Legislative Affairs, National Republican Congressional Committee, Chairmen of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, United States Senate Committee on Rules and Administration, United States Congress Joint Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies, Republican Party whips in the United States Senate, Republican Party leaders in the United States Senate,, Republican Party United States senators from Kentucky, University of Kentucky College of Law alumni, Activists for African-American civil rights, Wikipedia indefinitely semi-protected biographies of living people, Articles with unsourced statements from March 2020, Articles with failed verification from April 2021, Articles lacking reliable references from August 2019, Pages using Sister project links with default search, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, July 9, 1967, to August 15, 1967 (37 days) (medical separation), This page was last edited on 2 March 2023, at 01:59. Politics, Media & News, QANON. Humayun Khan, a Muslim-American soldier who was killed in Iraq, McConnell said, "All Americans should value the patriotic service of the patriots who volunteer to selflessly defend us in the armed services." [23], On August 14, 2005, Mike Kelly, a columnist for The (Bergen) Record (New Jersey), described a telephone interview, arranged by the staff of Rep. Curt Weldon, with a man who identified himself as a member of the Able Danger team, but asked that his name not be revealed. The number of federal judicial vacancies more than doubled comparing the figure near the end of Obama's term to the figure at the end of George W. Bush's term. When asked whether the information could have prevented the attack on September 11 of 2001, he answered that he would not speculate to that, but that the information might have been useful. Colonel Anthony Shaffer and the other four Able Danger employees at the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing in September 2005, pointed out to the Committee that his clients had been forbidden by the Pentagon to testify to the committee. [111], In 2014, Republicans gained control of the Senate, and McConnell became majority leader; he used his newly heightened power to start what was considered "a near blockade of Obama's judicial appointments." [4], The Senate panel of investigators said there was no evidence DoD lawyers stopped analysts from sharing findings with the FBI before the attacks. [145][146][147] Privately, McConnell had advised Trump against initiating the shutdown. But Democrats changed Senate filibuster rules first", "Republicans go 'nuclear,' bust through Democratic filibuster on Gorsuch", "Senate approves 'nuclear option,' clears path for Neil Gorsuch Supreme Court nomination vote", "Mitch McConnell: The Filibuster Plays a Crucial Role in Our Constitutional Order", "McConnell 'committed to supporting' Trump", "Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell Reject Donald Trump's Words, Over and Over, but Not His Candidacy", "How Mitch McConnell Became Trump's Enabler-In-Chief", "Mitch McConnell fires back at criticism against GOP", "In Senate speech, Mitch McConnell again won't acknowledge Joe Biden's victory over Trump", "President-Elect Joe Biden's Transition: Live Updates as McConnell Backs Trump's Refusal to Concede", "McConnell declines in floor speech to congratulate Biden as president-elect", "McConnell-led Republicans hold steady against Trump concession", "GOP splits over Trump's false election claims, unfounded fraud allegations", "McConnell defends Trump's refusal to concede to Biden", "McConnell for the first time recognizes Biden as President-elect", "Analysis | Mitch McConnell's forceful rejection of Trump's election 'conspiracy theories', "Resuming electoral counting, McConnell condemns the mob assault on the Capitol as a 'failed insurrection. At the time, Northwest Airlines, the Air Line Pilots Association, and the FAA were attempting to force him to see a notorious FAA psychiatrist, Dr. James Elliott, in Los Angeles in an attempt to illegally ground him for life as a pilot in direct violation of RICO statutes on a trumped up psychological diagnosis in an effort to gag him. Colonel Shaffer's security clearance shortly after it became known that he had provided information to the 9/11 Commission on Able Danger. He could not describe what information had led to this supposed Atta identification. In November 2006 he was elected Senate minority leader the post he held until Republicans took control of the Senate in 2015. [168], As the leader of the Senate Republicans, McConnell has been at the receiving end of much of the criticism and disapproval that Republicans receive from Democratic voters, receiving near uniform disapproval from left-of-center voters. [81], On April 10, 2021, Trump called McConnell a "dumb son of a bitch". They were potentially people connected to US persons."[50]. [38], McConnell has a reputation as a skilled political strategist and tactician. After his retirement, he continued his investigation into illegal modification of Boeing aircraft revealing the existence of the Boeing Uninterruptible Auto Pilot prior to 9/11 and the Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 disasters. [64][65][66] In August 2019, McConnell wrote an editorial for The New York Times, strongly opposing the elimination of the filibuster on legislation. She has two siblings - Isabelle McDonnell and Lochlan McDonnell. Advertisement References. His full name is "Mohamed Mohamed el-Amir Awad el-Sayed Atta", and prior to 2000 he went by "Mohamed el-Amir". Trump added: "I hired his wife. Four of the five witnesses remember the photo on the chart. Clearly that mandatory sentence cannot be applied to somebody who has left office. Witnesses reported telling Philip Zelikow, executive director of the 9/11 Commission, that Able Danger had identified Atta well before the 9/11 attacks, but Zelikow showed no interest in their testimony. A member of the Republican Party, he is the Minority Leader of the Senate, succeeding Chuck Schumer. [17][21] According to one of his biographers, McConnell transformed "from a moderate Republican who supported abortion rights and public employee unions to the embodiment of partisan obstructionism and conservative orthodoxy on Capitol Hill. [39], In 1990, McConnell faced former Louisville Mayor Harvey I. Sloane, winning by 4.4%. He has criticized proposed legislation by House Democrats such as the Green New Deal and Medicare for All,[178] and was criticized by Nancy Pelosi for withholding votes on measures passed by the Democratic-controlled House during his time as Senate Majority Leader, including the For the People Act of 2019, the Equality Act and the Paycheck Fairness Act. [63], In 2013, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid eliminated the filibuster for all presidential nominations except the Supreme Court. [60][61] Political scientists noted that "by slowing action even on measures supported by many Republicans, McConnell capitalized on the scarcity of floor time, forcing Democratic leaders into difficult trade-offs concerning which measures were worth pursuing. She is known for Zombie Army (1991). Sources inside the store said Atta may have held a BJ's membership card for more than two years."[48]. Judge Kavanaugh will be voted on here on the Senate floor. [175], McConnell has taken conservative stances for the past several decades. Flew Convair 580 domestically. 5. And while youre studying that realityjudiciously, as you willwell act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and thats how things will sort out. McConnell, for his part, has praised bipartisan legislation they worked on together, and had been the only Republican to attend the funeral of Biden's son, Beau (in 2015). Captain Field McConnell, a former Northwest Airline DC-10 captain and a long time friend of Captain Dan Hanley, retired 9 years early as such because of his exposure of illegal modifications on Boeing aircraft in 2006 so that he could serve as an expert witness in future litigation. The net worth of Lara McDonnell is $500 thousand as of 2023. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. [19] It stated the commission had been aware of the Able Danger program, and requested and obtained information about it from the Department of Defense, but none of the information provided had indicated the program had identified Atta or other 9/11 hijackers. [41], This assertion was disputed by former senator Slade Gorton (R-WA), a member of the 9-11 Commission, who said, "nothing Jamie Gorelick wrote had the slightest impact on the Department of Defense or its willingness or ability to share intelligence information with other intelligence agencies." Her father is of Irish and Scottish descent and her mother is of Japanese descent, although both sides of the family have lived in the USA for several generations. 6-min video: "Kristine Marcy Founder of SES Surrenders to Field McConnell". [211][212][213][214] McConnell voted to confirm. [109] McConnell announced his opposition to Kagan's confirmation, saying she was not forthcoming enough about her "views on basic principles of American constitutional law". Which took us to November 2, 1999, Gould said. [144], During this shutdown, McConnell blocked the Senate from voting on appropriations legislation, and said it was not his place to mediate between the Senate and Trump. [44], Another variation of the Two Attas theory reported by Kaus notes that Omar Abdel Rahman also had an associate with the name Mohamed El-Amir (a name sometimes used by Atta) who was not the Mohamed Atta involved in the 9/11 hijacking. Lt. Col Tony Shaffer also reported that the DOD has retaliated against him for speaking out publicly about the IG report's distortions. It was created as a result of a directive from the Joint Chiefs of Staff in early October 1999 by Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Hugh Shelton, to develop an information operations campaign plan against transnational terrorism. [27], Shaffer specifically states that in January 2000, Able Danger data-mining revealed the existence of a 'Brooklyn' Al-Qaeda cell connected to the "Blind Sheik" Omar Abdel-Rahman, as well as two other cells overseas. [12], In 1956, his family moved to Louisville, Kentucky, where he attended duPont Manual High School. Patience Wait has reported that a follow-on project appears to have been funded and implemented by the Intelligence Community and was originally named Able Providence. Additionally, she is the daughter of Ken McDonnell and Michelle McDonnell and a sister to Isabelle and Lochlan McDonnell. "[132] Kavanaugh was confirmed on October 6. On December 15, one day after the electoral college vote, McConnell reversed his previous stance and publicly acknowledged Biden's win, stating "Today, I want to congratulate President-elect Joe Biden. McConnell first served as a Deputy United States Assistant Attorney General under President Gerald Ford from 1974 until 1975 and went on to serve as Jefferson County Judge/Executive from 1977 until 1984 in his home state of Kentucky. Additionally, the 9/11 Commission also received documents from the Department of Defense on ABLE DANGER. Ye can help Wikipaedia bi expandin it This page wis last eeditit on 16 Mey 2018, at 23:33. . [145][146][147], By January 23, McConnell had blocked four Senate bills to reopen the government and a bill funding the Homeland Security Department through February 8. Born on , , Clare McConnell hails from Ottawa, Canada. McConnell invoked the "nuclear option" to eliminate the 60-vote requirement to end a filibuster for Supreme Court nominations, after his predecessor Harry Reid had previously eliminated the filibuster for all other presidential nominations; Trump subsequently won confirmation battles on Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett for the Supreme Court. I have also learned, Mr. Speaker, that when that recommendation was discussed within that Federal agency, the lawyers in the administration at that time said, you cannot pursue contact with the FBI against that cell. bc1qddgd4tuw0ktf87e3xu38qahx8zrac99zqx7fgm, Were an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. [24], In 1971, McConnell returned to Louisville, where he worked for Tom Emberton's candidacy for Governor of Kentucky, which was unsuccessful. The DOD's Defense Intelligence Agency reviewers identified more than 200 passages suspected of containing classified information. The May 2, 2001, transaction with Atta was data entered and then uploaded to NIIS as if it were a new entry by Atta. "Let me emphasize two specific items for clarification purposes because they have been distorted and invited undue criticism from some. [233][234][235], In 2015 and 2019, Time listed McConnell as one of the 100 most influential people in the world. Captain Charles 'Chic' Burlingame of American Airlines Flight 77 was his college classmate. [Must See] "This very interesting intel with Jason Goodman and Field McConnell who is saying that basically the SES- (Senior Executive Service) is going down. Abel Danger's Field McConnell Operation Golden Remnant sings "Lead Me, Guide Me" originally by Elvis 7-20-19 . He also claimed he was ignored by the 9/11 Commission's staff when he approached them on two occasions to explain Able Danger's work. [201], McConnell is a Southern Baptist, baptized at age 8. Nov 28, 2019 Special thanks to our top new tweeps this week @slavewar , Kacie is a former hockey player. [74][76][77] At the same time that McConnell refused to recognize Biden, he did celebrate Republicans who won their races in the Senate and the House in the same elections.[74][76][78]. Shaffer claimed that he alerted the FBI in September 2000 about the information uncovered by the secret military unit "Able Danger", but he alleges three meetings he set up with bureau officials were blocked by military lawyers. [149][150], The shutdown ended on January 25, when President Trump signed a three-week funding measure reopening the government until February 15 without any funds for a border wall. [36] In June 2018 he became the longest-serving Senate Republican leader in the history of the United States. Weldon went on to claim that he had personally presented the chart to then-Deputy National Security Advisor Stephen Hadley in 2001, days after the 9/11 attacks. Entry below posted on November 8, 2019: Note from an AIM Patriot: Second call just made. Instructor pilot, TA4J teaching advanced jet training syllabus. I am the guy that gets us out of shutdowns' | CNN Politics", "McConnell said wall funding would 'probably' have to wait until after midterms. [20][22] After five weeks at Fort Knox, he was honorably discharged. His comments were met with sharp criticism from various state and local officials. It would appear, particularly given the Defense Department's outright refusal to allow those involved with Able Danger to testify today, that an obstructionist attitude exists. The treatment potentially saved him from being disabled for the rest of his life. ", "McConnell Strategy Shuns Bipartisanship", "Republicans in Wisconsin and Michigan want to weaken incoming Democratic governors. [46] Eric Umansky states the problem this way: "In fact, the two-Atta theory only leaves one major issue unexplained: What about the three other 9/11 hijackers that Able Danger purportedly fingered? If this election were overturned by mere allegations from the losing side, our democracy would enter a death spiral. To prevent two entries from occurring in NIIS, the inspector should have crossed out the admission number on the new I-94, made a reference to the previous admission number and noted that it was not a new entry.[47]. [138], The United States federal government shut down October 117, 2013, following a failure to enact legislation to fund the government. But he's sitting this one out", "McConnell blocks bill to reopen most of government", "McConnell Faces Pressure From Republicans to Stop Avoiding Shutdown Fight", "Trump signs bill to end shutdown and temporarily reopen government", "The Government Shutdown Was the Longest Ever. The Department of Defense released a report addressing the issue of two possible individuals with the last name of Atta and explaining that it was basically a clerical error. He also said why he voted to acquit: "ArticleII, Section4 must have force. "[79] On January 6, during the Electoral College vote count, McConnell spoke out against the efforts of Trump and his allies to overturn the election: Trump claims the election was stolen. [11], In 1950, when he was eight, McConnell moved with his family from Athens to Augusta, Georgia, where his father, who was in the Army, was stationed at Fort Gordon. Here's what's the usual partisan politics and what isn't", "Mitch McConnell filibusters himself after Dems call bluff", "McConnell went 'nuclear' to confirm Gorsuch. [184] McConnell was the only Republican Senate challenger to win that year, despite Ronald Reagan's landslide victory in the presidential election. Charity did", "Mitch McConnell on Trump and divisiveness in politics", "In 1990, Mitch McConnell Supported Affordable Healthcare for All", "Biography About U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell", "Mitch McConnell's Commitment to Civil Rights Sets Him Apart", "How Mitch McConnell Enabled Barack Obama", "Mitch McConnell Is Headed Down the Stretch", "Mitch McConnell Got Everything He Wanted. [18] Democrats criticized McConnell for not putting appropriations legislation up for a vote, noting that the Republican-controlled Senate had unanimously passed an appropriations bill without wall funding and that the Senate could override Trump's veto. [158], Speaking on the Hugh Hewitt radio show on April 22, 2020, McConnell suggested that states should be able to declare bankruptcy instead of receiving additional COVID-19 aid funds funds which he implied would be used to save insolvent state pension funds, instead of COVID-19 relief as intended. [128] By March 2020, McConnell had contacted an unknown number of judges, encouraging them to retire prior to the 2020 election. On September 21, 2006, The Washington Post reported that a Defense Department investigation into Able Danger found that Able Danger did not identify Mohamed Atta or any other hijacker before the September 11 attacks, and that a widely discussed chart was "a sample document passed to the military as an example of how to organize large amounts of data", and was created after 9/11. Refused to serve under William Jefferson Clinton per information given by General Hunter H. Harris IV USAF who had secured my appointment to Annapolis. Barrett was confirmed on October 26, 2020. The Pentagon "ordered five key witnesses not to testify", according to Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Arlen Specter. There's not anything judicial about it. [117] Garland's nomination expired on January 3, 2017, with the end of the 114th Congress. 1 obstructionist, is trying to make big things happen", "Let's just say it: The Republicans are the problem", "Mitch McConnell's obstruction in the spotlight following massacres", "As the Gorsuch nomination proceeds, this man is taking credit: Mitch McConnell", "Roll Call of Votes on Articles of Impeachment", "Mitch McConnell becomes longest-serving Republican leader in history of Senate", "McConnell Is Senate's New Top Republican", "McConnell takes the reins as Senate majority leader", "Mitch McConnell makes Senate history as longest-serving Republican leader", "McConnell becomes longest-serving senator from Kentucky", "Master of the Senate: Mitchell McConnell gets the job done", "If Democrats Want to Challenge Trump, They Need a New Strategy", "McConnell's Reputation as a Master Tactician Takes a Hit", "Mitch McConnell: 'The man in the middle' of U.S. healthcare war", "The Myth of Mitch McConnell, Political Super-Genius", "The Promise of Party in a Polarized Age", "How the GOP Prompted the Decay of Political Norms", "When did McConnell say he wanted to make Obama a 'one-term president'? [31][32] On February 12, 1999, he was one of fifty senators to vote to convict and remove Bill Clinton from office. "[89][90], After Trump's acquittal, McConnell was noted for his ability to block witnesses, to secure Trump's acquittal, and to maintain party unity during the impeachment process. [193] The 60.2% won by McConnell was the lowest voter support for a Kentucky U.S. senator in a primary since 1938. He also said he would not allow other Republicans to obstruct the budget-making process. May 13th, 2020. Mar 21, 2018. Christine McConnell is widely known for her creepy DIY creations. [19][26][27], In October 1974, McConnell returned to Washington to fill a position as Deputy Assistant Attorney General under President Gerald Ford, where he worked alongside Robert Bork, Laurence Silberman, and Antonin Scalia. Rhett wears an all-black business suit with a white undershirt and . At no time did Able Danger identify Mohamed Atta as being physically present in the United States. Zaid also strongly asserted on behalf of his clients. On October 7, 2016, following the Donald Trump Access Hollywood controversy, McConnell said, "As the father of three daughters, I strongly believe that Trump needs to apologize directly to women and girls everywhere, and take full responsibility for the utter lack of respect for women shown in his comments on that tape. Senator Specter wondered if the Posse Comitatus Act may have been the reason Defense Department attorneys would not allow Able Danger to turn over information to the FBI. Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Arlen Specter held a hearing on September 21, 2005, looking into the facts about Able Danger. [220], In 2018, the OpenSecrets website ranked McConnell one of the wealthiest members of the U.S. Senate, with a net worth of more than $25 million. [172] An average of polls by the Economist/YouGov, Politico/Morning Consult, and Harvard-Harris from the end of July through August 2019 (7/318/27), was 23% favorable and 48% unfavorable (25.0 spread). He is currently on sabbatical due to the ongoing conflicts between the FIB and UPD. The statement announced the discovery of three other witnesses in addition to Shaffer and Phillpott who confirm Able Danger had produced a chart that "either mentioned Atta by name as an al-Qaeda operative [and/or] showed his photograph." I have learned that, in fact, one of our Federal agencies had, in fact, identified the major New York cell of Mohamed Atta prior to 9/11; and I have learned, Mr. Speaker, that in September 2000, that Federal agency actually was prepared to bring the FBI in and prepared to work with the FBI to take down the cell that Mohamed Atta was involved in in New York City, along with two of the other terrorists. [48] According to Purdue University political scientist Bert A. Rockman, "pure party line voting has been evident now for some time but rarely has the tactic of 'oppositionism' been so boldly stated as McConnell did. This happened because the inspector issued a new I-94 with a new admission number on it. Mitch McConnell (Addison Mitchell "Mitch" McConnell; 20 Februar 1942) wis a senator frae America. The best rating since that time was in the fourth quarter of 2018, when he had a 38% positive rating and a 47% negative rating among Kentuckians. Rhett McConnell is the Director for the Federal Investigation Bureau, Badge #001. Daughter of an Air Force officer and a Puerto Rican mother Denise lived in Norman, Oklahoma at the time of her Playmate appearance. [114] Shortly thereafter, McConnell issued a statement indicating that the U.S. Senate would not consider any Supreme Court nominee put forth by Obama. Captain Field McConnell, a former Northwest Airline DC-10 captain and a long time friend of Captain Dan Hanley, retired 9 years early as such because of his exposure of illegal modifications on Boeing aircraft in 2006 so that he could serve as an expert witness in future litigation. [9], This theory was heavily investigated and researched by Republican Representative Curt Weldon, vice chairman of the House Armed Services and House Homeland Security committees. "I'M HUMAN LIKE OTHER PEOPLE." Divine Interloper -Bitchute. That leaves a big opening for Trump", "Judicial Nomination Statistics and Analysis: U.S. District and Circuit Courts, 19772018", "Three More Judges Said to be Vetted for Supreme Court", "McConnell throws down the gauntlet: No Scalia replacement under Obama", "Obama Chooses Merrick Garland for Supreme Court", "170-Plus Days And Counting: GOP Unlikely To End Supreme Court Blockade Soon", "President Obama's Supreme Court Nomination of Merrick Garland Expires", "Mitch McConnell: Proud Moment When I Told Obama 'You Will Not Fill This Supreme Court Vacancy', "Tea Party-Aligned Kentucky Gov May End 95-Year Democratic Reign", "McConnell on midterm elections: 'The wind is going to be in our face', "Constitutional Hardball vs. Beanball: Identifying Fundamentally Antidemocratic Tactics", "Trump picks Colo. appeals court judge Neil Gorsuch for Supreme Court", "Neil Gorsuch Confirmed by Senate as Supreme Court Justice", "Senate confirms a top Abbott adviser, Andrew Oldham, to the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals", "Senate GOP poised to break record on Trump's court picks", "Mitch McConnell is quietly urging federal judges to retire ahead of 2020 election", "McConnell Has a Request for Veteran Federal Judges: Please Quit", "McConnell accuses Dems of trying to 'bork' Kavanaugh", "McConnell promises Senate vote on Kavanaugh", "Brett Kavanaugh confirmed to Supreme Court", "Kavanaugh Is Sworn In After Close Confirmation Vote in Senate", "McConnell: 'Simply inaccurate' that Senate is broken after Kavanaugh fight", "McConnell signals he would push to fill a Supreme Court vacancy in 2020 despite 2016 example", "McConnell vows Trump's nominee to replace Ginsburg will get Senate vote, setting up historic fight", "McConnell: 'Remember me? 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Than two years. `` [ 50 ] serve under William Jefferson Clinton per information GIVEN by General Hunter Harris.

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