estrogen priming protocol success over 40 combiventestrogen priming protocol success over 40 combivent

The combination of drugs and their dosing is known as a protocol and while it may seem like there are a dizzying number of protocols, the reality is there are only a few core options. However, there are pockets of patients who do just as well with lower dose approaches as with higher dose approaches. The last cycle, I was able to produce 10 eggs but only 2 made it to transfer. I also did estrogen priming with the mini. I am planning on doing 2-3 cycles with banking and then CCS testing due to previous miscarriages. The reality is the data is sparse for most adjuvants and even amongst those with the most credible data, the quality of the trials have been fairly underwhelming. Search We are OOP as well. FertilitySmarts Inc. - There are several methods of pre-treatment that involves using either a combined oral contraceptive pill, progestogen or estrogen. What Research Says About Stress as a Cause of Infertility, 7 Ways to Help Overcome Grief after Pregnancy Loss, Sometimes Getting Pregnant is Not the Issue, From Eggs to Blastocysts: Understanding IVF Attrition, Let's Stop Arguing About Whether or Not Stress Causes Infertility, Gift Ideas For Someone Experiencing Infertility, FertilitySmarts Explains Estrogen Priming. First, the analysis was retrospective and not prospective. But I also realize I'm not a dr and should probably listen to their advice! She recommends donor egg or dono, Hi, this is my first time posting, I would like any recommendations for an Ivf clinic/doctor, I did Ivf meds for 6 days in August and only had 2 follicles which were very small and the doctor recommended stopping the meds which we did. Is a micro-dose lupron protocol considered a low-dose protocol? Trying concieve since 40 Any 43+ Have Successful IVF with Own Egg? Thanks! You can see my sig. Join Tomato Lovers & Participate in the Ukrainian Tribute Growout! I wound up with 5 fertilized embryos; transferred two grade A on day 3--got my now 2yo daughter. EPP results: 17 retrieved, 13 mature, 8 fertilized with PICSI, 2 hatching blasts on day 6 have been biopised. Use of this site is subject to our terms of use and privacy policy. Good luck! Thanks for sharing. These drugs perform the opposite duty of suppression. This helps to improve the outcome of the IVF cycle in patients who respond poorly to traditional IVF protocols. I wound up with 5 fertilized embryos; transferred two grade A on day 3--got my now 2yo daughter. :) Keep us posted on your progress! My skin looked pretty good for those priming weeks. I'm 45 and having a hard time accepting the reality of not having my own bio child. Sign up now for your monthly dose of fertility info, experiences, and insight. Best of luck. I'm not doing IVF, however. So I guess Im asking, do you all think I should do a EPP antogonist? That could be why they are decreasing your Follistim too. Often patients hear that excessive amounts of gonadotropin hurts success rates. He is starting me on a peculiar Omnitrope protocol as well:- he wants me mixing two vials of omnitrope in 10 mL of water and inject myself with 1 mL daily until egg retrievaland to keep refilling the Rx until retrieval. As a result, in fresh transfers the effects of gonadotropin are still present in a womans body her hormones are in flux and, as result, the uterus is less prepared to absorb the embryo upon transfer. Waft really helped was upping gonal f and removing menopur. As a result, the Antagonist strategy is generally preferred for women at especially high risk of developing OHSS, namely women with PCOS, younger women, women with high AMH or AFCs, African American women, and those who produced a high number of eggs in a recent cycle. Right ovary has 2-4 follies<12mm. After my period started, my doctor kept me on the patches for five more days. Most of the costs are for the ER visit, tests, and lab work from my night in the hospital and the weeks following. Around 50-60% of couples find success with IUI after 5 cycles, which is about a 10-20% success rate per cycle. These drugs help a woman grow multiple follicles, and thus multiple mature eggs. Estrogen Priming Protocol: In some women who respond poorly to the short protocol (e.g., women diagnosed with Diminished Ovarian Reserve (DOR)), this protocol may enhance ovarian response, perhaps by synchronizing more follicles for recruitment and retrieval. From what I've seen on the boards, ladies get a higher number and higher quality. TBD how many fertilize, etc. Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Medical Director, REI That could be bogus, but it makes sense, right? Most of the encouraging studies have been in poor responders, but because the trials were so small, most never met statistical significance. I just had my ER last week: . Any info welcomed!! Do they use this protocol as sort of standard for someone who is starting? Before gonadotropin is taken there is reason to believe that if a woman is given androgens like testosterone (often in patch form or gel form), it will help her follicles respond to gonadotropin. Below you can see that when investigators gave poor responders 450 IUs or 150 IUs per day, the groups had nearly identical success rates. By: Kelly Park ET oct 2nd - 2 embryos transferred You still may have a BFP, so let's wait to see before we say it didn't work!! Looking for info/success stories with Estrogen priming protocol with DOR. This drug works indirectly by prompting the brain to produce more gonadotropin to signal the ovaries to grow follicles -- so it's not directly stimulating the ovary. What To Do When PGT-A & Grading Results Conflict? This clinic only biopsies hatching blasts. Avery & Sydney born June 12/11 at 30w1d. For patients younger than 35 years old, doing up to 5 cycles increase the chances of success, the cumulative rate will still be reasonable, it will be around 63%, according to a study from 2009. I might have ovulated rather than had empty follicles. IVF #1, we did Follistim, Menopur, Cetrotide. Dr Sher says "oestrogen priming of FSH receptors has been reported to slow premature follicular development and to promote granulosa cell FSH receptor induction". After it happens, I keep receiving bills in the mail. Or are there different levels of this? My next cycle will also be EPP. Ultimately, for only a handful of patient types has one protocol shown itself to be superior to the others and we profile those below. Estrogen Priming Protocol- EPP Experiences - Infertility Inspire Finding a Resolution for Infertility Infertility at 40+ Finding a Resolution for Infertility Infertility Support Community in Partnership with RESOLVE Join Inspire Create a Post Estrogen Priming Protocol- EPP Experiences drgolfermd Aug 14, 2015 4:53 AM Dear All: However, the data doesnt bare that out. It is used for low/poor responders -- often women with high FSH and/or over 35 years of age. There are a number of drugs that can be tacked onto the beginning of a cycle that may increase the odds of success. IVF#3 September 2009 - cancelled - poor response An FSH drop-down protocol is used to To get FSH, patients take Gonal-F or Follistim (many consider them to be interchangeable) and to get FSH-plus-LH most women take Menopur (pretty much the only product on the market). I think it helped keep my follicles all around the same size so that I didn't end up with some over-mature eggs and some under-mature eggs at retrieval. Find advice, support and good company (and some stuff just for fun). 2. day 1 of cycle/protocol: (day 2 of menses): cetrotide 0.125 mg subcutaneously 4 estradot patches (estradot patches to be stopped when lead follicle was greater or equal to 1.5 cm) days 2 and 3 of cycle: 600 iu gonal f 0.125 mg cetrotide days 4 - 6 of cycle: 525 iu gonal f 0.125 mg cetrotide days 7 - 11 of cycle: 225 iu gonal f 0.125 cetrotide I'm now 19 wks pregnant with #2 from embryo from same batch. By clicking sign up, you agree to receive emails from FertilitySmarts and agree to our Terms of Use & Privacy Policy. Learn more about. I did estrogen and testosterone priming on my second ivf because I was oversuppressed during my first cycle. It's a horrifyingly traumatic experience. We are going to bump up my gonal f too. . I have my appt in a few hours. Estrogen priming is a protocol used during in vitro fertilization (IVF) to facilitate a more gradual and coordinated growth of follicles in the ovary in women with diminished ovarian reserve (DOR). Hi there. Estrogen is administered during the luteal phase of the previous menstrual cycle to "prime" the FSH receptors which enhances the response to FSH. They are using an estrogen prime this month and I will start my next cycle next month. In the case of the fresh transfers, you can clearly see a similar effect to what investigators found above: success rates drop with more drug. Gonal f 225, menopur 75. So for me, for that cycle, it didn't do anything that my own body can't do naturally. Some reproductive endocrinologists will change the treatment strategy based on the number of follicles available at the start of the cycle. Experience with Estrogen Priming Protocol? Looking for info/success stories with Estrogen priming protocol with DOR. However, sometimes when sliced open, white rings can appear in the flesh, a disorder known as "internal white tissue." Lupton trigger. I think you should ask your doctor though to make sure.Again, here is what happened to my protocolCycle day 1 - PeriodCycle day 24 (7 days post ovulation) - Start Estrace Cycle day 1 - Period Cycle day 2 - Last Estrace pill Cycle day 3 Blood work & ultrasound; antral follicle count. Interesting that they are only putting you on it for 7 days.. Patients using EPP exhibited similar clinical PRs (21.5% vs. 21.4%) and live birth rates (15.0% vs. 15.3%) per started cycle. I'm 40, doing IVFdue to age and a mc at 10 weeks due to Trisomy18. FertilitySmarts is a part of Janalta Interactive. Omnitrope/HGH pricing and protocol question? I felt icky too the first day of starting estrace but I think it's also because they put me on a zpac to kill any infections and that made me sick my fingers are crossed that your period doesn't come and you can start cycling. Objectives: We investigated whether luteal estrogen administration and an early follicular Gonadotropin-releasing hormone antagonist (E/G-ant) priming protocol improves clinical outcomes in poor . Doing mild IVF - and wondering how that is going to work as the test today was that i only had one follicle visible - Any idea what to expect? Clomid is cheap, easy to take (oral), drives less risk of OHSS, but is less effective. Even though Estrogen priming has a vague guidline, many REs tweak it to suit each patient, situation, etc, Community Forum Software by IP.BoardLicensed to: IVFCA Fertility Network 2013, This is not recommended for shared computers. It would be great if it cleared up my skin because my skin has been terrible since my retrieval/chemical a few weeks ago! I started 150 Follistim and 150 Menopur on cycle day 3 and am still doing that. Editorial Review Policy. 225 Gonal f and 225 menopur for 4 days then menopur only (450) for the rest of my stims. I have hypothalamic anvolution, DH normal. There are two types of gonadotropin FSH and LH and most data shows you need both during an IVF cycle. One well regarded study determined that amongst most IVF patients, those taking over 150 IUs per day of gonadotropin had higher rates of success than those who took less. I was on BCP for 15 years and when I went off them I never got my period. Many REs swear by this for DOR. Very helpful! Male factor, probably DOR and I am a poor responder to IVF drugs I credit the advice I received on this forum both from members and from experts, my infertility doctor and my push for the estrogen priming protocol for the family that I have today. Have done 3 IUI's - 2 w. clomid and 1 with Gonal - F. I had a hyrdo on my left tube which had been removed and no left ovary to be found :( But I do have a good right tube & ovary. Slightly higher doses of Follistim and Menopur to try to get a few more eggs. This clinic is more generous with freezing, so they tested and froze a few other blasts as well, which the other clinic would have thrown out. Oh yeah that could have been it or a combo! Most experts believe these women just dont seem to respond to increased doses and so above a pretty low threshold of gonadotropin, success rates dont seem to budge much. :-/. DOR does suck, but you can still be successful! Waiting for that call is sooo stressful! I think you both are at Cornell (were) with this estrogen priming protocol will you try again with them, and request not to do estrogen priming? But not all patients respond equally to ovarian stimulation using these hormones. Hello thanks for sharing. As a result, its hard to correct for confounders like the fact that harder cases may (or in our minds, probably) had been given more drug and so the underlying condition, rather than the dose taken, contributed to the lower rates of success. Those 2 were my worst cycles. It's an estrogen priming protocol. This is not recommended for shared computers. I hope your's goes lots better than mine! | Contributor. I'm feeling really low right now and can't shake the thought of trying IVF for the first time to attempt a bio child. This is called multi-follicular development and its a pivotal step in a successful IVF. Estrogen priming is typically done for about seven days before the start of controlled ovarian stimulation (the IVF cycle). I have been doing some research and reading and I was reading that for older patients, a different protocol where less meds are used is usually recommend. We're banking this cycle and testing them with the biopsies from the next. The stim phase was just like a usual antagonist cycle. I would ask your doctor, but I guess you just do nothing while preparing for the cycle. I did EPP my second round of IVF. Often two other types of drugs are needed to accompany gonadotropin: those that block eggs from maturing and being ovulated before they can be retrieved, and those that help trigger the eggs to mature so they can be retrieved. The dr decided to put a halt to the process for that month. It is used on lowish amh patients and those who respond poorly to drugs which affect their lining. A Group Leader is a What to Expect community member who has been selected by our staff to help maintain a positive, supportive tone within a group. DH: 36 Ultimately there are two protocol strategies doctors will use: either the Long Agonist or Antagonist protocols. I went to a UK FSH friendly (thank you joy for the recommendation) clinic for a consultation. Women with premature ovarian failure (POF) or diminished ovarian reserve (DOR) tend to have lower success rates with traditional IVF protocols. However, in frozen transfers, the effect was smaller and didnt come close to clearing statistical significance. Got the call from the embryologist this morning we did a split IVF/ICSI only 2 eggs fertilized and I've been booked in for a day 3 transfer. The intuition here is that these women are so prone to a good response, they hardly need much medication to produce the targeted 15 - 20 eggs. I'll start estrace at 6dpo (should be sometime mid next week) and then take it until cd2 of next cycle when I will also start stims. I understand the idea for the patch is to help time the growth of follicles vs. increase the number? For patients with a healthy ovarian reserve such a long stretch of ovulation suppression is often not a problem. In that time a womans hormonal balance has been restored and so IVF cycles using a frozen transfer are more likely to work. As we showed you above, typically no single protocol is best for all IVF patients, though specific protocols often make sense for some patients more than others. Lets start with how much gonadotropin to take. Spandorfer said it would not suppress me to much not sure about this, need to speak with him further. Estrogen priming is a protocol used during in vitro fertilization (IVF) to facilitate a more gradual and coordinated growth of follicles in the ovary in women with diminished ovarian reserve (DOR). . Terms of Use - Anyhow, do you know how what they wanted the priming to do? IVF Compared To Other Fertility Treatments, The Steps and Decisions In The IVF Process, Pregnancy Testing, Early Pregnancy and Delivery, The Impact of Donor Eggs, Donor Sperm or A Gestational Surrogate, The Impact of A Patients Condition or Diagnosis, Fertilization With Conventional Insemination vs. ICSI, Which Patients Benefit From Which Approach, Growing Embryos To Cleavage or Blastocyst Stage, Exceptions Where Cleavage Stage Makes Sense, PGT-A and PGS Genetic Screening of Embryos, Benefits of PGT-A (or PGS) Genetic Testing, The Negatives of PGT-A (or PGS) Genetic Screening. They said they would put me in the 21 day long protocol. Can you try to conceive the cycle that you estrogen prime? Only 2 drugs during stim and finally got one good pgs tested embryo!!! The dose of gonadotropin is typically measured in International Units Per Day and ranges from 0 - 900 with most IVF patients receiving 250 - 450 IUs per day. Mine is due at the end of next week so I'm not sure if I'm too late to start the estrogen at this point or not. The Antagonist protocol uses Lupron as its trigger, rather than hCG, and Luprons properties dramatically lower the risk a woman will hyperstimulate. However, that information will still be included in details such as numbers of replies. We strive to provide you with a high quality community experience. that cycled failed. I am 40 and have a low ovarian reserve. For free! The views expressed in community are solely the opinions of participants, and do not reflect those of What to Expect. I am only 28 with normal amh/fsh levels so we were pretty shocked and upset when we only had a couple embryos on day 3 and then nothing to freeze. Check out this video to learn more about the. During the first two cycles I was on F, HelloHave been reading the boards, but have never posted. If ok, then start stimulation The many repeat bloodworks & ultrasoundsLast stimulation shot + triggerRetrievalSo I started my process in the mid-September and my retrieval happened in early NovemberAlso, I was on MicroFlare protocol, so I am not sure what other medications you might be taking. A fundamental question is whether protocols using a lower dose of gonadotropins do as well as those using a higher dose of gonadotropins. Privacy Policy - In some cases, priming may not be required. As a result, a woman needs to start the process with many eggs. Today, were seeing more well-respected doctors choosing to compliment lower dose of gonadotropin with clomid or letrozole in this group. The #1 app for tracking pregnancy and baby growth. How many follicles were you usually starting with? Fingers crossed that your period waits for the right day. This is done by administering estrogen, typically via an estrogen patch or an injection, sometimes along with additional Gonadotropin-releasing hormone. I know my clinic and CCRM will only go up to around 450 units total of FSH meds (typically 300 Follistim and 150 Menopur daily). Fx! BFP October 22!!!! You currently have javascript disabled. poor responders or women with PCOS). Our mission is to be a trusted partner in helping you understand your reproductive health and to support and empower the choices you make along the way. ER sept 29th - 11 follicles, 9 eggs retrieved Time is of the essence and whatever information we have, we are happy to share to help you! I started my estrace this morning and feel a little icky so far. I then switched clinics. Beta 1117 Hi there. Im over 40 and did estrogen priming for a bunch of cycles and a Lupron stop. Typically, a poor responder is someone who meets two of three criteria: they have collected three or fewer eggs on a previous cycle, is over age 40, or who has a diminished ovarian reserve (antral follicle count below 5 or an AMH below below 0.5). Estrogen Priming is completely different, so therefore without birth control pill. I'm so shattered that so few fertilized turns out that we have an egg quality issue. Dont know what. Once you surge (and presumably ovulate) you count 10 days from the surge. When I went to my clinic and they said they want to suppress ovulation, I asked why bc I dont ovulate! I am scheduled to take estrace 7 days after ovulation coming up (the cycle before) presumably for about 7 days until next cycle Not sure why you would do prometrium before you cycle? A Group Owner is a member that has initiated the creation of a group to connect with other members to share their journey through the same pregnancy & baby stages. I would be doing a low stim protocol with estrogen priming. They are generally used for suppression in Long Lupron Protocols. For my cycle in July they are not giving me Lupron but are giving me Antagon. It's hard for me to say definitively because I haven't had wtf yet. Here's what you need to know about the project. 14 retrieved, 9 mature, 5 fertilized normally, 2 grew to the 2-cell stage then arrested, 3 did not grow beyond one cell. It all depends on your tests and what specific information they have for you. I am just hoping between the estrace and progesterone my period holds off until next Thursday! Similarly, when an investigator named Revelli decided to swap out a few days of gonadotropin for clomid in this poor responder population in Italy (and thereafter resumed gonadotropin at low levels), he saw similar rates of success to more conventional levels of gonadotropin use. If you feel a message or content violates these standards and would like to request its removal please submit the following information and our moderating team will respond shortly. IVF#5 July 2010 - will be using estrogen priming I will have retrieval hopefully this weekend and will let you know what happens. Started with our current RE in April 2017; diagnosis is unexplained infertility (everything came back fine for both me and my husband on all tests). So, I'm 39 with Amh of 0.07 (undetectable) and FSH of 9. I started epp with cetrotide x 3 days. Though I had 4 or 5 follicles to begin with, only ended . Hey ladies, I am about to start my second IVF cycle and this time instead of priming with birth control I am doing estrogen tablets 2mg twice a day as well as a pump of androgel. I am on my 4th now. Im on this for 21 days starting on cycle day 1. Success depends on many factors, including the woman's age and the quality of the sperm. I just had my ER last week: stimmed for 13 days, started ganerilix on stim day 8, retreived 7 eggs, 3 were mature, 3 fertilized, 1 blastocyst was frozen today on day 5 and I have 2 morulas that will bhopefully be frozen tomorrow as long as they are blastocysts. These drugs work immediately and are begun five go six days after stimulation starts. Estrogen/androgen priming protocol improves egg quality and . Once multiple follicles start growing, its important that they are not ovulated before they can be collected in an egg retrieval. We respect everyones right to express their thoughts and opinions as long as they remain respectful of other community members, and meet What to Expects Terms of Use. I did estrogen priming after my first Ivf cycle ended in mc (nothing to freeze) & my 2nd cycle was canceled bc I wasn't responding well to stims. Will let you know how things go from here. Cool.let me know what he says if you would please. I asked my local RE about it, but she wasn't familiar enough with it to try. On CD2 I started 300 Gonal F and 150 Menopur. I am anxious to see if my dr recommends it. (Calendar not t, I'm confused by all the information out there for women over 40. Infertility Support Community in Partnership with RESOLVE. RE put me on Estrogen priming protocol, and I am on Lupron and Cetrotide as well.On Friday, (cycle day 6) the newer nurse thought she saw 11 follicles.. ranging from 5mm to 9mm.. now, Cycle day 9, the other nurse, who has been there forever, saw only 5 and she had a hard time locating my other ovary. My first IVF cycle I was on the antagonist with stims started on Day 3.This was my best cycle as I had 8 follicles at retrieval, 7 retrieved and got three high grade (1 & 2) embryos. Long Lupron cycle: 15 retrieved, 10 mature, 7 embryos at day 3, 2 hatching blasts on Day 6 were bioposied. Did one cycle of IVf with 450 of gonal F and then cetrotide and ovidrel. The one thing I will say is that I am definitely stimming much longer than I did for my IVF #1 which did not have the esrogen. BFN. By and large there are two easy ways to think about protocols: how much gonadotropin (the drug that prompts follicles to grow) gets used, and what other drugs get used alongside the gonadotropin which is typically what defines a given protocol strategy. More than I wanted, I think! Yea, sometimes the smallest of tweaks can make such a big difference. Good luck! Twins & Multiples: Your Tentative Time Table. i read everywhere it's for "poor responders". Good Morning. I also did ganirelix during this time. Unpacking IVF medication protocols to stimulate the ovaries -- from the basics to the details of different doses, strategies, and information for specific patient types on what might work best (e.g. A third option, the Flare protocol is used less often and only in very specific patient types (often poor responders). I was on bcps and Lupron the first ivf. I don't know why they didn't take, but I still think it is a good one to try. Are you wanting to learn more about the IVF process? [Dr. William Schoolcraft] CLC, for poor responders, the best method for PGS is polar body testing. They said that they look at FSH less now as they find it too unreliable. This drugs known as the trigger shot. MENTS: This time around I did estrogen priming and the results of my day 5 ultrasound were disappointing (8 follicles, with an E2 level of 98.6) and now at day 7 they are worse (2 of the smaller follicles haven't budged in size so only 6 seem to be in the game but 3 are leading). Anyone with very low AMH do the estrogen priming and have a good response? I was 41 at SG and they also put me on BCPs and i knew it was going to oversupress me -- and it did. Why so many days of esterace( 15-16 days before starting/adding promethium for 10 days) then the stim cycle, 3. That matters because fresh transfers take place only days after an egg retrieval. I'm 35 and going through my first IVF cycle. IVF #2, we did estrogen priming, Follistim, Menopur, Tev Tropin (human growth hormone), Cetrotide. Now this is a guesstimated number. FET October 6, 2010 - this is it For this reason, the antagonist protocol is a good option for those women most susceptible to OHSS. Within both, doctors can prescribe as much gonadotropin as theyd like. Did acupuncture, Chinese herbs, modified diet, re-tested and FSH was 7 / Estradiol 47/ AMH .4 IVF #2, we did estrogen priming, Follistim, Menopur, Tev Tropin (human growth hormone), Cetrotide. After seven long years consumed by infertility I am finally moving forward, wishing my son was with me, but grateful for the two children I have here with me. Ivf doctor recommendation in nyc or bklyn, Low Ovarian Reserve and Poor Responder to IVF, Ladies 45 and older TTC - *infertility due to age only*. The idea is to give your body about 5-7 days of Estrogen Priming. As you can see below, the odds of success (green line) continue to rise as more eggs are retrieved, until about 15 - 20 eggs, at which point the odds of success stop climbing and the risk of developing ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, or OHSS, (pink line) skyrockets. . I'm wondering if, 5/15 My story: I'm 34, DH 32. Estrogen Priming protocol does not have birth control pills. Still seems to have had plenty of effect though. Anyways, just wanted to mention that in case you want to ask your RE about it. I then did 450 gonal-F and 150 menopur for 12 or 13 days, using ganirelix as well. I then did 450 gonal-F and 150 menopur for 12 or 13 days, using ganirelix as well. I am curious what anyone's experience has been with EPP. I started taking 4mg of estrace on cd 21. Wow that did make a huge difference for you! No, IVF 5 was the estrogen priming. HI.. hope all is well. However other had mature egg and we did Icsi by it didn't grow from there. Whats important to stress here is that just because some low dose approaches drive comparable rates of success to conventional approaches, that doesnt mean all low-or-no dose approaches are effective. Best of luck to you. Amongst other things, they signal to the follicle to mature the eggs in time for the doctor to retrieve them. This will be my first IVF round and I w, Hi All, Please enable JavaScript in your browser to load the challenge. When The Data Favors Freezing All Embryos, Issues Associated With Twin or Triplet Pregnancies. I am 38. 2 expanded blasts on Day 6 were not biospied. IVF #5 was EPP and HGH. I just want to be knowledgeable and advocate for myself bc like many others on here, being over 40 I there's no time to waste-. I was not informed of this ahead of timeand was pretty upset that that they threw away something that might have had a chance. Was wondering since your AMH was good and FSH, why did they recommend the Estrogen priming protocol for you? 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Ivf # 1 app for tracking pregnancy and baby growth without birth control estrogen priming protocol success over 40 combivent browser load! Threw away something that might have ovulated rather than had empty follicles CCS... Trigger, rather than hCG, and insight i wound up with 5 fertilized ;! Mature egg and we did Follistim, menopur, Cetrotide the dr decided to a! To retrieve them days from the surge low/poor responders -- often women with high FSH and/or over 35 years age. Ovarian reserve such a long stretch of ovulation suppression is often not a problem is whether protocols a... All patients respond equally to ovarian stimulation using these hormones Tomato Lovers & Participate in mail... With many eggs gonadotropin hurts success rates are you wanting to learn more the. Be tacked onto the beginning of a cycle that may increase the number involves using either a combined oral pill. Find advice, support and good company ( and some stuff just for fun.... 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A EPP antogonist with higher dose of fertility info, experiences, and Luprons properties dramatically lower the risk woman!, a woman needs to start the process for that month on cycle day 1 has 2-4 follies lt. Signal to the follicle to mature the eggs in time for the doctor to retrieve them bc i dont!... Of the cycle had 4 or 5 follicles to begin with, only ended be.... Receiving bills in the flesh, a woman will hyperstimulate and am still doing.! 21 day long protocol to do when PGT-A & Grading results Conflict between.

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