eric olson harvarderic olson harvard

When the decision to assassinate has been reached, the tactics of the operation must be planned, based upon an estimate of the situation similar to that used in military operations. He received a telephone call from a family friend on the morning of June 11th 1975: Have you seen the Washington Post? I go to room 144 of the Federal Building, and this is the first time I met George White. 26.17 But the real problem was that the Colby documents seemed to be pointing to a story that they were not tellinga story quite at odds with the spin that had already been placed on the story by the initial account in the Rockefeller Commission Report. 40.42 On July 21, 1975, Alice, Eric, Nils, Lisa and Lisa's husband, Greg Hayward, were invited to the White House. VICTIM kept falling in my mind. Since Abramson had attended Olson several times on the days previous to his death, why was it not sufficient that Abramson, a medical doctor, write up his own report. It was apparent that John Mulhollands files had been gone through and sanitized by someone who knew the Agency and knew how to eradicate any hint of its presence.[67], Despite these efforts and unbeknownst to Gottlieb and his staff, some MKULTRA documents still remained. SO Division personnel about 75 at the units peak didnt get the usual parking stickers. He recommended that Olson be denied further access to Porton Down, the British chemical-weapons research establishment. Cuts himself all up?. I mention it only because the nominal head of TSS is named Gottlieb, and kishkes is the only Jewish word I ever heard him use. For just under half a century the death of Frank Olson has been a weighty burden for the Olson family. Teachers have influenced students; upperclassmen have influenced lower classmen. Calling this a trickle-down phenomenon, the authors seem to have correctly analyzed how LSD got around the country. Because the death occurred in New York we presented amemorandum to the New York District Attorneys Officeoutlining the many reasons for believing that the death of Frank Olson was a murder. It is built on the premise that the psychic wall which schizophrenia builds to close off communication between opposite parts of the personality is composed of an immense number of lies, and the truth is encysted behind it. Home; Research; People; Publications; Contact After all, what would the prying eyes say to my explanation that I was carrying it to the New York City Medical Examiner for his inspection. Foreground, Dr. Robert Lashbrook, the CIA scientist who brought Olson to New York to seek treatment. It was also disclosed that Olson was not just a civilian scientist with the Army but a full-fledged C.I.A. Eric, though, was undeterred, whatever the outcome. Earlier in 1943-1944, Olson, assigned to Division D at the Chemical Corps Edgewood Arsenal, and Abramson worked closely together on a prototype project involving simulated exercises aimed at biological-contamination of the New York City water supply. One thing is for certain: Back home, in freedom, the soldiers making these confessions will be interrogated again, using drugs and torture by their own people! For secret assassination, either simple or chase, the contrived accident is the most effective technique. Was he standing on a ledge and he jumped? asked Eric. Another of the memos, written by Cheney on July 11, 1975, the day after the Olson family press conference, and addressed to his boss Donald Rumsfeld (yes, that Donald Rumsfeld) raised concern for: the possibility that it might become necessary to disclose highly classified national security information in connection with any court suit, or legislative hearings.. The drugged guinea pig out of control and on his way to the crazy house nowdisappearsbelow the ledge! assassination plots on national leaders and was an enthusiastic supporter of mind control. The documents, obtained from the Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library and other Government depositories by a Congressional committee, show that the Pentagon knew in December 1953 that more than 900 American troops were alive at the end of the war but were never released by the North Koreans. Frank Olson, a chemist and joint employee of the CIA and Army Chemical Corps, had worked his entire professional life at Fort Detrick. Digging up the body Manchuria is the area in northeast China directly north of North Korea where, beginning in 1932, the Japanese began an intense program of research in biological warfare. 37.49 Did the CIA, in collusion with the British intelligence service, orchestrate his subjection to mind depatterning? Click on the image above to read the chapter on the Olson story from the previous edition, now part of a re-edited Chapter 1 of the new edition. The unusual nature of this manual demands that it be a creative project rather than a mere compilation of already existing knowledge. The next morning, their nerves frayed, the men decided to adjourn early. For twenty odd years, the Olson family remained in a state of perplexity about these events. We have estimated Eric Olson's net worth, money, salary, income, and assets. In the end, however, the full details of MKULTRA and the experiment involving Olson reached others within the CIA. This long trajectory through the notions of shutting off curiosity, motivated perceptual blindness, habituation, and making strange brings us, finally, to collage, and to the remarkable observations of German art theorist Franz Mon on the social relevance of this medium: Collage offers an opportunity for accelerated insight into what happens to us in our reality. Dr. Isbell was among the group of distinguished American scientists who had enthusiastically embarked on studies under CIA contracts. New York Post,Sept. 21, 1997, By Scott Shane If this was ''closure,'' it was of an especially cursed kind. The news conference had immediate results. She writes: [in acts of recognition, motivation and feeling] value may be adumbrated before the perception of forms is complete. The patriotic community surrounding Fort Detrick has long been reluctant to believe such a possibility. According to a later agency review, these helpers included at least ninety-three universities and other governmental or nonprofit organizations, including Harvard, Cornell, the University of Minnesota, the Stanford University School of Medicine, the Lexington, Kentucky, Narcotics Farm, several prisons and penitentiaries, the Office of Naval Research, and the National Institutes of Health. Similarly Dr. John Schwab, another of Dr. Olsons supervisors at Camp Detrick, gave a statement from the perspective of one who knew Dr. Olson both over a long period of time and at home and in the office, that (h)is general state of mind and outlook on life was always that of extreme optimism. (Visual text!) The atomic bomb was a sinister threat, but more terrifying still were possible Soviet assaults on the mind and body from within through drugs and disease. However the voluminous literature on the hallucinogenic effects of LSD, compiled from a time before that of Dr. Timothy Leary, the LSD guru of his time, to the present, demonstrates well-nigh conclusively that during flashbacks LSD users do not commit violent acts such as throwing themselves through a closed window. If his mother shared his doubts, Eric said, she never acted on them: My mothers mantra was: You are never going to know what happened in that hotel room. Its an injunction, a kind of threat, a taboo and a prediction.. He was soon working in a new and highly secretive subgroup: the Special Operations Division (SOD). At the end of this story ones mind is inevitably drawn back to thatWashington Postarticle which, under the ironic headline Suicide Revealed, reported the anonymous suicide of an Army scientist. Clearly the intent was that Frank Olson was an MIA who should remain forever nameless. James Earl Ray, the convicted assassin of Martin Luther King, also had a known fascination with hypnosis, and, more recently, British lawyer Fenton Bressler has assembled circumstantial evidence to support a theory that Mark David Chapman, slayer of John Lennon, was subject to CIA mind control. My mother also recalled that my father was short-tempered during that last summer. Gottlieb was the CIA branch chief that ordered the experiment with LSD that allegedly resulted in Olsons suicide. In 1949 and 1950, he worked briefly on Operation Harness, a joint US-British effort to spray virulent organisms so-called BW antipersonnel agents around the Caribbean, decimating untold thousands of plants and animals. He authored the first police report on the death of Dr. Olson and, therefore, presumptively, was the first police officer on the beat to respond to the alarm of a mans having fallen. activities, noted that a civilian employee of the Department of the Army had jumped from the tenth floor of a New York hotel after he was surreptitiously given the hallucinogenic drug, LSD. It was, he recalled, one of the few moments when, after nearly 50 years, he actually experienced his father's death, when the truth he had been seeking finally took hold of him. A new documentary film, Code Name Artichoke (produced this year by German public television and widely shown internationally and in the US on WorldLink TV) on the death of my father, Dr. Frank Olson, revisits this question and presents new evidence. Elmore Leonard,BE COOL. Abdominal wounds were once nearly always mortal, but modern medical treatment has made this no longer true. Cases/Opinions. Its director, Dr. Gottleib, sought help from his Scottish hero, Cameron, and set him up with cover organisations to distance the CIA from some of the more abbhorent aspects of MK-ULTRAs work. ), The report also complained that the CIA Security Office was being too strict with ARTICHOKE operators, denying, for example, the permission to use federal prisoners for their experiments on the grounds that criticism of the government interest in such activities might, if discovered, result in irreparable political repercussions., In February, the new coordinator of ARTICHOKE, Dr. Marshall Chadwell, proposed the establishment of an integrated CIA program for the development of special interrogations or other techniques for the purpose of controlling an individual without his knowledge. CIA director Smith accepted Dr. Chadwells proposal, and a month later, the CIA set up a small testing facility at its downtown headquarters in Washington, D.C. If it was a guy, you took his cock and you hit it with a hammer. I have a speculation about it though. 24.23 The Birth of BLUEBIRD and Fort Detrick scientists at Deep Creek Lodge in rural Maryland on Nov. 19,1953, Sidney Gottlieb of the C.I.A. Another set was turned over to Senate investigators. Medicating Dr. Olson with two interacting central nervous system depressants had the real potential of killing him, as columnist Dorothy Kilgallen learned to her fatal distress. As George White once told me, Ike, your best information outside comes from the whores and the junkies. Olsons job [was] so sensitive that in a trial the government would refuse to reveal it. Inexplicable silence during an interview comes in many tones and hues. His report was most abbreviated since the death had been no posted, (reported out based only on an external examination of Olsons dead body). By the time the priest and the ambulance came, the stranger on the sidewalk was dead. Even if they were all released, their sheer bulk is sufficient to fend off even the most dedicatedor obsessedinvestigator. Sexual encounters and the study of prostitutes for clandestine use. Production: Egmont R. Koch Filmproduktion He says he believes he knows what happened, even if he doesnt know details of perpetrators and motives. This CIA research included an MKULTRA subproject (code name MKNAOMI) in which SOD was to produce and maintain vicious mutant germ strains capable of killing or incapacitating would-be victims. Five of my books have been made into successful motion pictures, including the Academy Award winning Voyage of the Damned. Yet this estimate of horizontal velocity did not shed light on whether Olson went through an open or closed window, or with or without a drawn shade. The former head of the United States Special Operations Command, he retired from the United States Navy in 2011 as a full Admiral after 38 years of military service. At the end of the lunch, Colby handed the family an inch-thick sheaf of declassified documents relating to Frank Olson's death. Far from ending with Olson's death, the LSD experiments continued for two decades. What I really respect about Eric is the purity of his pursuit, brother Nils Olson, a dentist who lives in Frederick, said afterward. 1. Some 50,000 American servicemen had already lost their lives in the conflict and more than 7,000 were prisoners of war. Detailed descriptions of(covert techniques) in all those operations outlined to me. That was the key conclusion of the Pentagons Committee on Biological Warfare in a secret October 1948 report on covert biowarfare. He knew all the greatest magicians of the day, Houdini, Blackstone, and Mullholland. The question was, did it happen in the room prior to his going out the window or did it happen at the window when he went out? The source that I have was the New York City Police Department, the Bureau of Narcotics Agents and the CIA Agents themselves. These are preferable to ordinary military calibers, since ammunition available for them is usually of the expanding bullet type, whereas most ammunition for military refles is full jacketed and hence not sufficiently lethal. Theres too much bullshit in the world, Feldman said. He said: Norm, how about working for me in the hot stuff? Thats how we always referred to it. But his first reaction was not to run downstairs or call the police or the hotel operator. So in 1984, he went to the Hotel Statler (now the Hotel Pennsylvania) to see the room for himself. A deeply moral and religious man, Frank Olson had been grappling with an ethical dilemma related to his work. It was primarily Soviet agents and defectors from East Germany who were kept here, people the CIA considered to be communist spies. Notes on Evan Thomas book, Hearings Before a Subcommittee on Government Operations. U.S. Government Printing Office, July 22, 23, 29, 31 and August 1, 1975. It was all garbled, and I was trying to get his name. Pastore called for a priest and an ambulance. Or was it for not notifying the Olson family when this story was finally emerging twenty-two years later, in 1975? Those who first tested LSD in the early 1950s were convinced that it would revolutionize the cloak-and-dagger trade. A brilliant biochemist, Gottlieb was a remarkable, albeit eccentric, man. The timing of the memo was interesting. The meeting with the president lasted 17 minutes. Was it for the reckless CIA LSD drugging at Deep Creek Lake? People have been so brainwashed by fiction, said Eric as we drove to the local Kinkos to pick up the press releases for the conference, so brainwashed by the Tom Clancy thing, they think, We know this stuff. For one thing, I was leaving Manhattan without permission from my parole officer, What was I going to tell him? That voice having had its strongly voiced say the door was opened and Joseph Gustafeste stepped out on the porch having turned on a bare bulb over my head. I said What happened to you Frank? How can I go back and face my family?. The memo said that President Eisenhower was intensely interested in the fate of the missing P.O.W.s, and that he had wanted to make sure everybody was doing all they could about it.. Shock would be my first feeling, Willard said on hearing the evidence described in this article. The. The two became good friends. On Sunday night, Frank and Alice Olson took in a movie, Martin Luther, the just-released biopic on the 16th-century Protestant reformer. Alice said that if he felt it was necessary, she would support his decision. to experiment with LSD on his mental patients. The activities at Deep Creek, it suggests, were designed to find out what Olson knew, what he had done, and what he was likely to do. It was the day following the National Press Clubs public disclosure of our work and findings that I received a telephone call from Dr. Robert Gibson, a retired psychiatrist, who indicated that his memory had been jogged by his reading the newspaper accounts of my Olson labors. In order to facilitate these conferences, Mulholland was provided an additional travel allowance. As long as the bare outline of the target is discernable, a telescope sight will work, even if the rifle and shooter are in total darkness. What little money he managed to scrape together he funneled back into the investigation. Dispatched to New York immediately after Olsons death, the investigator listened through a closed door as Abramson told Lashbrook he was worried as to whether or not the deal was in jeopardy and thought the whole operation was dangerous and the whole deal should be reanalyzed.. That is argot from Yiddish and will advance nothing youre interested in. And finally, the reason for [officers] contacting the Agency in the first place was to see if we could help them in any way to hush the thing up. It is possible to kill a man with bare hands, but very few are skillful enough to do it well. He watched people die in Europe, perhaps he even helped them die, and by the time he returned to America he was determined to reveal what he had seen. To wit: Was Frank Olson deliberately assassinated? On April 13, 1953 Allen Dulles approved the project. More particularly, the present invention defines the molecular events linking calcium stimulation to cardiac hypertrophy. But the top-secret program had also involved other interrogation methods, including torture and attempts to induce amnesia in blown agents who knew too much. Alice Olson was stunned. We knew that Dr. Olson had been a pipe smoker, which could be reflected in his teeth, that he might have taken some falls from horseback riding, and that hed been discharged from the army for an ulcer. Today, after a few grams of mailed anthrax have killed five people, sickened 13 others and disrupted the postal system and government, the old programs gruesome potential for destruction seems unimaginable. Soon working in a movie, Martin Luther, the men decided to adjourn early Olson! 13, 1953 Allen Dulles approved the project, 23, 29, and. To have correctly analyzed how LSD got around the country parking stickers: Norm, about! End, however, the authors seem to have correctly analyzed how LSD got the. Scientist with the Army but a full-fledged C.I.A skillful enough to do it well was closure. 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