characteristics of marine spiritscharacteristics of marine spirits

5. Suicide is actually a spirit. Marine spirits are found in oceans, rivers, streams, pools of water and in the human body, etc. This theory holds that a vast blanket of invisible water vapor, translucent to the light of the stars but productive of a marvelous greenhouse effect which maintained mild temperatures from pole to pole, thus preventing air-mass circulation and the resultant rainfall (Genesis 2:5). 5. How doRead more , I am a Christian believer and have been through deliverance. This marine spirit pushes single ladies to date married men without any remorse. See Hebrews 12:6-13. 7. And he answered, What peace, so long as the whoredoms of thy mother Jezebel and her witchcrafts are so many? I need some deliverance, click on the WhatsAppicon and you can contact us that way. 20. Dreams of Swimming in Rivers or Oceans. 2. In recent times Marine Spirits has caused a lot of damages to the human race including Churches by influencing their behavioral pattern. 10. I think you could be missing the point. What about those marine spirit demons? Raise prayer altars against them. Galatians 2:20 KJV I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith ofRead more , I am a woman. They cause marital confusion.always confusion in your marriage if you do get to have a physical marriage. Firstly, as Jesus says,deny our fleshthenread scripture diligently. Study the life of Christ carefully and be like him. God never created spirits to marry human beings. Given the enemy always works to counterfeit what God has done or is doing, we understand that demon spirits will move over the waters to combat God's purposes and plans in the earth. Another scripture that confirms this is hidden in the wisdom of Solomon. Being half native American (Iroquois) there have been many medicine men and women in my family (even my dad) But my mother was Christian so sheRead more . You have to be careful about which church you attend.Marine Spirit executes their plans by possessing either a man or a woman.The marine kingdom is headed by the queen of the coast.Marine Spirits possess female than maleThere are two types of Marine Spirits. Thank-you for your Holy Spirit. Pornography breeds lust of eyes that simply led to Adultery and Fornication of the Mind. Employing marine agents or living in their house either as a tenant or as a visitor. 4. on his horns ten crowns, and on. There are marine priests, marine snakes and other marine animals such as crocodile (also known as the leviathan) that operate from marine altars to manipulate, bewitch, and afflict. They empower lust and decay in society. Water is 70 percent in mans body, and also in the Earth, water covers 70 percent. The key to full deliverance is to replace the old self with the mind of Christ and to become a servant like Jesus by having the things of God in mind and having compassion for others, according to the laws of God. Transforming. 19. Prayer: Every image and effigy representing me in the marine kingdom, I separate myself from you, catch fire and die. 1. 16. You follow through on the desire through masturbation; it is the spirit spouse wanting this to keep you bound. I break the backbone of marine witchcraft militating against my life. They are highly deceptive and possess spiritual capacity to ruin human lives and nations. Seeing marine animals in your dream such as crocodile, water turtles, crabs, and serpents Prayer: Any gift that will make marine agents and powers to dominate me, I reject you, catch fire. Required fields are marked *. Every evil materials transferred into my body through contact with marine witchcraft agents, catch fire and be burnt to ashes, in the name of Jesus. What is your whatsApp number. 5. Breaking of Other peoples marriage and be without remorse. They will make you hate the person you are to marry. Author, whoever you are do not have discernment and should stop giving people false information. SCRIPTURES: Genesis 1:6-7; Psalm 124:1-6; Isaiah 27. JESUS CHRIST HAS NEVER STOP BEING THE ANSWER. Just because you cast out demons doesnt mean you know what you are doing. We see a spiritthe Spirit of Godmoving over the surface of the waters. Unlike many evil spirits, the . Excessive Pride. Adam and Eve are different and they cannot be equal. Wearing of ornaments whose sources one cannot explain. 15. Hideous marine demons are trolling below the surface of the water with a deadly agenda to kill, steal and destroy lives. Then rebuke lust with this prayer. Very concerning situation has arisen. There is a collective captivity marine vehicle carrying the whole family where God has not ordained for them to go. The man is the head of the home and we all are the church. They can also transfer sickness, untimely death, bad luck and other things from their own lives to the lives of others. 4 People die and are buried. 2. 9. Not about an literal woman. You need to take a humble pill and admit that a lot of what is on this list is just things you assume not things you know and more likely than not a lot of it is wrong. 1. Great insights. And that scripture he quoted references the man and the woman in the home. This is a very common problem these days so one needs to really seek God before going to any place to worship or even visit. He said that it is a powerful spirit that once addiction and porn and all sorts of spirits were expelled from a particular prostitute it was spirit of masturmation that took hours to expell and was the most powerful. Continue in the Word of God. 250 PRAYER POINTS AGAINST INHERITED FAMILY BATTLES. Constant crossing of rivers with boat in the dream. Employ your spiritual weapons to battle them including the name of Jesus, the sword of the Lord, lightning, thunder, and tempest. Mami Wata is often portrayed as a mermaid, a snake charmer, or a combination of both. A month ago someone stole $840 from me. Seek The Living God daily. And Jesus died for me. Please pray for my family and the Cheyenne River Sioux Reservation. HOW TO BUILD A PERSONAL ALTAR UNTO THE LORD! They can even make a person to go insane. 3. o 85% of the world is water 8. Imagining the presence of a snake when alone. 8. Marine agents use gifts to ensnare their victims. It is why God said it was for marriage only and the Spirit World knows this, using mans ignorance to this for demonic possession and affliction through spirit spouses. Handmaids Tale instructions isnt it Godly? There are various ways that marine spirits can enter a persons life to afflict, oppress, and even possess. If he didnt annoint her with known and wisdom, he wouldnt have permitted her to have that appointment. 8. appreciate your humble reply. Leviticus 19:19 clearly is demonstrating Gods command not to mix species. A Simple Spring in a City costed the entire City loss of men, Life, continuity and even caused Barren to itself land. Even If this was done generations back you have to renounce and break the dedication in order to be set back. You can cause someone to turn against what God has told them to do and cause them to go to hell. Dear Ashley, could be fear or pride. It is rather these spirits that force us to be their spouse. He lives in Israel and teaches at the University there. Prayers WHERE DID THEY SAY THIS WAS A RELIGION,IF GOD SAYS HONOR IT,NO ITS NOT ON A SATURDAY,BUT GOD DODRead more . They steal various things including breakthroughs, position, virtues, wealth and possessions. Every evil done against me by marine witchcraft be reversed by the blood of Jesus. 16. She must listen quietly, 13 because Adam was made first. It would be beneficial for interpretation of scripture through context listen to his teachings. They are persuasive in having you do ungodly assignments, pushing people who have no discernment of sin. So self-deliverance has been my only hope. How can we discern? God does chasten his people. There are those that have had experiences with them physically appearing if only for brief periods. NB2) There is a big difference between Catholic and Christianism, make sure you understand both. Fear of Water, i.e. Sex in the dream Please find below the characteristics of Marine Spirits Marine Spirits are wicked as witchcraft spirits 12. 11. Every arrow shot into my life by witchcraft powers from the waters, I soak you in the blood of Jesus and return you back to sender. This spirit affects/effects both men and women. Living, working, or doing business on land dedicated to marine powers. You wont let me down. 1. Surely our God would not direct men to prohibit women from teaching and preaching. . 22. Some of these drugs cause hallucinations. 4 Using Enchantments Of Flesh And Marine Witchcraft To Lure Women or Men. Masturbation due to the act of man or woman releases their seed when the mans semen is withdrawn and fall to the groud, it attracts a Demon that creates demon Larvae. 2. The Atlantic ocean is governed by the Queen of the Sea, while the Indian ocean is governed by the queen of the Coast. With good Christian friends I was told to take authority and tell her no, I wont look. They target all your weaknesses and use them against you. There was no church building. IN ALL, GOD IS GLORIFIED THROUGH JESUS CHRIST. They can entice with physical gifts. Marine Spirits And Marine Witchcraft are deceiving, subtle and at most unrecognizable until one is shown or revealed by the Spirit Of God. Fears abandonment and become clingy, needy and helpless Never take up your God-given freedom and refuse to step up and become assertive and command respect Usually do not forgive yourself and often has issues with God Overly merciful and sees the best in everyone - overlooks too much These Demons are I forgive myself because Im forgiven by you. Their acts of adoration and love are only guises to keep their human victim from trying to sever the ties. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. Repent from all known sins and flee rebellion. 28. Amen. Prayer: Any link between me and any river, break by fire. He is regarded among the. 17. The dedication normally extends to generations yet unborn. Psalm 8 . If you are experiencing financial issues, there is absolutely no need to send gifts or seed money to us. We know there is demonic activity in the second heaven. down and die. 26. Read Acts 2:17. All monitoring and surveillance satellites anywhere being used against me catch fire. 1 Timothy 2:11-14 King James Version (KJV) 11 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. hello sir..i am sujay and one girl came to me and she told me brother i dont know what hppen to me..i fill like some body told me come out from your homeand i want to ran from my houseand some time i cry i dont knowwhy this happen to me she ask this eveningwhat tipe of spirit attack her ..? 20. Have you ever wondered if God has heard your prayers? Leviathan is described as a dragon that provokes fear and intimidation in the . Dreams of Having Sex with known or unknown people are connected to Marine spirits. 9. 12. 1. Women with Jezebel spirit are manipulative and love to conquer. I will sing praises to him as long as I live. Evil dedication to marine powers. Could someone please tell me what sprit is it? Marine Spirits conduct their operation inside waters and made the oceans, rivers, seas, streams, and . Ready to change fully? These trigger evil covenants with water spirits. 17. They often are seeking comfort and want to be nurtured. Thanks for devoting your time to helping the body of Chris. These demonic spirits affect people and keep men and women from marrying. They offer worldly success, riches for which many people will compromise themselves for, continuously breeding immorality. 11. Read the book of Ecclesiastes. Eve was made later. Barrenness Sometimes Is Associated with It. 4. 11. We are only servants of God who helped you believe. They can take away your spiritual power by weakening your prayer life. Im asking the same. 2 Kings 9:22, And it came to pass, when Joram saw Jehu, that he said, Is it peace, Jehu? They just make their home base there. The key to unlocking the power of God is byforgiving others. Any person that comes into your life will suddenly or eventually leave. Therefore the Main Areas This Spirit manifests itself in a people, family, tribe or even Nation is by: 1, Sex. It loves to flatter. They make you feel sexually excited even when no one is around. Imagining the presence of a snake when alone. Evil ancestral covenants Thank you this is very helpful. 5. Their lives are totally different and their growth in Christ is amazing, but yetRead more , may I suggest the book The Bondage Breaker? As its the End times, the Devils falling is primarily upon two Habitations of men: A)Earth. Spirit wife 7. Many creationists have attributed this to a water vapor canopy that was created by God on the second day, the waters above the firmament (Genesis 1:7). Never accepts guilt and very defensive. 18. They are full of pretense and deceit. Not all beauty products of men and women are demonic, the issue here is, Marine Agents cast Invocations, Conjurations and Curses on such objects and things, and when used they open ways of Marine initiation. Obtaining oxygen. Because of 1 Timothy 2:11-14 and 1 Cor 14:34-37. Thanks, bro Llyod. 15. Every marine item in my possession, catch fire, in the name of Jesus. Father where I have opened myself up to false tongues because of pride and any other religious spirits or evil spirits from the laying on of hands because pride has not allowed me to hear or see or speak even to slumber, Father, I 14. There are terrible witchcraft activities against people, communities, and even countries, in the marine world. This puts to death the lie told that women cant preach/teach. Age group local festival at river banks. I avoid catholicism. The proper way to dispose of it is to burn it. Interesting! Many people affected and possessed by marine spirits, and some people are marine agents, and others are actual marine demons pretending to be humans, according to the testimonies of people who have had dealings with this kingdom. so are you saying these teachers are wrong? God created the land from the waters. So, what is it about the earth was covered by water? Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Deliverance from Marine Spirits: Powerful Prayers to . You have a stubborn and vicious spirit husband or wife. Every problem that has come into my life through contact with any marine agent, receive divine solution by the blood of Jesus. Following a battle in heaven, "the great dragon was hurled down - that ancient serpent called the devil or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. Displaying their own characteristics, depending on the context in which . They include all your ancestors. I dont need lust or things of the world. 8. GOD sent! Marine Spirits are always materialistic Job 26:5, Dead things are formed from under the waters, and the inhabitants thereof.. 17. Encounters with spirit spouse and spirit children. 3. Video: Have you heard the full story of Jesus Christ? Not just going to a deliverance and falling down and getting upNo! Everything that God created was for the benefit of man but the fall of man changed that: This can help them to avoid lurking predators. It stops the anointing from flowing and therefore blocks the Spirit of God from moving. While distilled using similar methods, each is unique in flavor, and there are distinct styles within each category. Hi Sir Lloyd, could you please explain why women teachers are on the lists? Please close that door in your mind and never open it again. v The influence of water spirits can be felt everywhere. 2 Uncontrollable Masturbation Urges and Acts. Jehu under the anointing and power of the Spirit understood behind the fleshly veil of JEZEBEL, lie a monstrous Marine Agency of Witchcraft. God bless: PayPal. 7. Dealing with wind, waves, and changing temperatures. They are the type of person that needs constant reassurance and never feels satisfied no matter how much is given to them. 10. These demonic marine spirits are Fashion, Entertainment Industry, and Commerce. Lord Jesus, baptize my life with Holy Ghost fire that cannot be insulted, in the name of Jesus. Hello! 6 I planted the seed and Apollos watered it. Every marine priest ministering at any evil altar against my life, fall down and die now. The ladies were very disturbing and disruptive. Matthew 22:29-32 New King James Version (NKJV). A rich array of arts surrounds her, as well as a host of other aquatic spirits--all honoring the essential, sacred nature of water. Marriage to spirit spouses from the waters. Today she told me she sees a portal to hell, and sometimes the monsters are able to come back. The terms incubus and succubus are used in Medieval Christianity to refer to spirits or demons that had sexual intercourse with sleeping men and women. Prayer: Every evil priest manipulating my destiny with marine witchcraft, fall In our effort to protect our intellectual properties, we may report your website, Youtube to Google without prior notice and your website or contents will be removed from Search Engines and you may receive a strike. Read Acts 2:17. This message has opened my eyes to a lot of things. There are three spiritual realms in the universe. SEERS? Many people have children and have taken them to see the movie the Mermaid or how about other items of the Mermaid. 9. These include the following: Hence, the name of the spirit. Although I accepted him into my life then I allowed son to defeat me as a teenager. Frequent divorce 5. That would be usurping the role of the what God wants men to do. 7. So, with respect, I would say we have been very effective at removing Demons in the name of Jesus, something I note that many churches fail to do. Rev 2:18 And unto the angel of the church in Thyatira write; These things saith the Son of God, who hath his eyes like unto a flame of fire, and his feet are like fine brass; 19 I know thy works, and charity, and service, and faith, and thy patience, and thy works; and the last to be more than the first. They control and regulate nations, families, and individuals. But I want you to know that the head of every man is Christ, the head of woman is man, and the head of Christ is God. 13. This marine Kingdom has recently grown strong and is recruiting a lot of innocent folks without their notice. This is referring to the particular church. 6. 1 Corinthians 3:5-8 Easy-to-Read Version 5 Is Apollos so important? She says the lightning man is not able to protect her from the monster it is to strong so we must buy her a tiger. They are extremely fashion-crazy, they dress to attract on purpose, they walk to attract on purpose. False teacher. Spitting is normally related to the Jezebel spirit. They hardly miss their intended target, locking on with only you in their sights; persistent in their pursuits. These are Africanwater spirit gods. Read the contents of this book and in complete honesty with yourself and God, start the journey to deliverance and Gods intended end for your life. These are tough demons that always resist deliverance. Such a leader could be a male or female evil marine spirit. 31. rivers, lakes, oceans. The Entertainment have bewitched your children with the cartoon shows called the Mermaid cartoon. :od brin2s the hidden thin2s to li2ht. Though they openly can be seen from either Art, Imagery, Idols and even products associated either with Water, Heavenlies or Oceans. Marine Spirits are wicked as witchcraft spirits. I separate myself from every ancestral covenant with water spirits by the power in the blood of Jesus. I dont have to be good looking, smart, rich or famous. I renounce and break every evil dedication to water and marine spirits. These marine spirits role is sex - spirit of lust and perversion and possibly polygamy. 11. Dreams of Receiving Money from a very Beautiful Woman or Man. We just need to learn how to take the Authority that Jesus gives to us and utilize it properly. Many have made trans- generational covenants with these powers. The entity was huge and it was spinning slowly over the water. According to Psalm 8, God has given me dominion over the works of His hands. Every evil queen and king in the water demanding for my worship, you are a liar, fall down and die. holy laughter, drunk in the spirit and yelling hallelujah is wrong as well? 5. They use the lives of others to elongate their own lives. This is an example of the forms of Marine Enchantments that are put there. I pursue, I overtake and I recover all my possessions from marine witchcraft covens. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! 12. What was Jezebels marine Witchcraft that many has had many fall prey into: look at this 2 Kings 9:30, And when Jehu was come to Jezreel, Jezebel heard of it ; and she painted her face, and tired her head, and looked out at a window., Painting of face And tying of Hair, or simply put in other translations: Eye liner, fixed up her hair and leaning on the window. Marine spirits try to control and manipulate every aspect of life from trade & commerce to marriage & family life. Playfulness. Evil initiation into marine societies. Marine agents specialize in using evil pots to harass peoples lives. Agents from the water monitoring me in my dream die by fire, in Jesus name. Says, deny our fleshthenread scripture diligently your marriage if you are doing power of.! 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