our grandmothers are mexican in spanish duolingoour grandmothers are mexican in spanish duolingo

She had been working for the Ministry of Public Health in Guatemala for almost two yearswhen she first visited a hospital with a room for parteras, or traditional midwives. Linda also had long been interested in a specific group of patients who visited her grandmother: young women who didn't have access to family planning methods. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Yo los analic y me analic a m mismo. 2. As a child, Dr. Linda Valencia was fascinated by her grandmother, a traditional healer in Guatemala. Linda: Mi abuela era mi aliada. "What can you lose?". Irma: Los domingos yo me reuna con mis cinco hijos y mis doce nietos. Martina: Not only would Javier learn to sing opera, but he would become one of the most famous singers of our time. Comamos lo que cosechbamos en nuestro rancho. Martina Javier now regularly appears in leading roles at the worlds top opera houses. It's mostly Latin American Spanish. Mi voz no llegaba a los niveles que yo quera. Martina: These parabolic flights that simulate zero gravity allow the scientists to test two things: their ability to perform experiments and to evaluate how their bodies react to those new environments. Martina: Linda's lobbying paid off. Martina: In France she used to miss, or extraar, her friends and family. Best White Paint For Spanish Home Interior. Our Grandmothers Are Mexican in Spanish English to Spanish How to say our grandmothers are mexican in Spanish? The Duolingo Spanish course for Mexican Spanish is a great way to learn the basics of the language. Martina: Bienvenidos and welcome to the Duolingo Spanish Podcast Im Martina Castro. But Irma's dad was more conservative. Nah.Lucy would much rather talk about the time she hitchhiked across the country. Martina: Linda's grandmother never pressured her to become a curandera. Yo estaba muy nervioso. Linda: En mi adolescencia, vi a muchas mujeres en mi casa hablando sobre este tipo de cosas con mi abuela, y comprend que la salud materna es el corazn de la justicia social. Learn languages by playing a game. Su nieta iba a ser una profesional. El pblico no paraba de aplaudir! grandmother Mexican Spanish la abuela More Relations Vocabulary in Mexican Spanish American English Mexican Spanish boss el jefe parents los padres family la familia father el padre girlfriend la novia grandfather el abuelo children los nios mother la madre boyfriend el novio bride la novia groom el novio hug abrazo friend el amigo wife la esposa Martina: Once he arrived in Zurich, he was invited to join Zurichs International Opera Studio. Ella estaba deprimida y triste. This place has all the characteristics necessary for life on the planet Mars, or Marte almost. Yo nunca haba visto tantos micrfonos y equipos de sonido. Lucy is one of the Duolingo main characters who appears in the stories, lessons and other events. She is his best friend! Her uncle played accordion for one of the most famous ranchera bands in northern Mexico: Los Alegres de Tern. Mi voz tena que escucharse sobre la orquesta en vivo y llegar a los odos de ms de 3,000 personas. She adjusts her giant helmet and moves through the pressurization room astronauts go through every time they have to go outside. Carmen: Esta es una zona donde los astronautas del Apolo 11 practicaron para caminar por la superficie de la Luna. Una joya para la familia. (Bits of information about Lucy's character and lore are scrambled across dozens of Stories, videos and Social media posts. With our free mobile app and web, everyone can Duolingo. Most of Duolingo's material is available, but this version is definitely more limited than the subscription version.. Duolingo acts like a videogame in that if you make a mistake, you lose a "heart" and if you run out of hearts you "lose" and have to wait . l se sentaba con su bajo sexto en un silln y yo en otro. Ella tena que trabajar mucho. This feeling was confirmed a year later, when she received a document detailing the final resolution of the conference. Cancel. Martina: Bienvenidos and welcome to the Duolingo Spanish Podcast I'm Martina Castro. Linda: Mi mam estudi leyes y era quien ganaba el dinero para mantenernos a nosotras. 27 de fevereiro de 2023 | usssa baseball tournaments 2022. Japanese. Because while it might look a lot like the red planet, this is actually a red desert in Utah. You can also subscribe at Apple Podcasts or your favorite listening app, so you never miss an episode. Pensar en esto me tranquilizaba. Preferiblemente, algo relacionado con la ingeniera y la ciencia. Martina: Carmen says theres now talk of possibly extracting water from Mars icy poles. Duolingo is the world's most popular way to learn a language. Martina: To put this new policy into practice in her home country, Linda joined forces with the nonprofit Planned Parenthood. With over 300 million users, Duolingo is the world's leading language learning platform, and the most downloaded education app in the world. Estaba muy nervioso. Poca madre (Really cool) 4. This one gathers renowned singers from the Americas, Asia and Europe. Nadie esperaba esto de m, una mujer mexicana. Irma smiled, she was happy. Im the executive producer, Martina Castro. Continue with Recommended Cookies. Martina: Ever since she was a little girl, Carmen knew she wanted to work on something related to space. Martina: The video crew set up the stage next to Irma's favorite spot on her ranch: an old oak tree. Martina: It was devastating news. It is also the official language of Mexico, which is the world's 11th most populous country. Hay instituciones que ya han presentado diferentes ideas para enviar este hbitat al planeta rojo. Martina: To understand the process of breathing and releasing sound, Cecilia told him to pay attention to how babies breathe when they cry. Me senta incmodo. Imagnense todo lo que podemos lograr en los prximos 50 aos! Martina: Javier Camarena dropped out of engineering and enrolled at the University of Veracruz to study Music without ever telling his parents. If you miss something, you can always skip back and listen again. When she got to the conference, she met different organizations, including a group of parteras that caught her eye. Clearly, Carmen is not in Mexico anymore. Martina: But Jorge was a professional musician, and he knew that recording an album was not cheap. Simplemente acept que las mujeres no cantaban. Esa es la tcnica perfecta! There she specialized in the construction of small satellites using smartphone components. Por eso, si yo quera seguir cantando y creciendo, deba salir de Veracruz e ir a la Universidad de Guanajuato. Martina: Linda grew up in a time when modern medicine was transforming Guatemala's health care system. This episode was produced by Duolingo and Adonde Media. Practice online on duolingo.com or on the apps! Martina: Javier Camarena is one of the most renowned opera singers of our time. Linda: Gracias a ese trabajo, yo conoc Guatemala de punta a punta, porque viajaba para supervisar la calidad de la atencin materna en diferentes hospitales. Martina: When Linda had a chance to attend the Maternal Mortality Conference held by the World Health Organization, she jumped at the opportunity. Today, Irma and Jorge continue to perform together, and they're getting ready to record a new album. 6. Listen free on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen to podcasts. The one where doctors and nurses mistreated the parteras. Martina: Clavillazo was a Mexican comic actor mostly popular between the 1940s and 60s. Martina: Cecilia Perfecto was a strict and passionate professor. Compartilhar isto . It was a dream come truebut also a lot of pressure. Preterite. Sin embargo, no hay oxgeno en su atmsfera, as que para salir al exterior, los astronautas necesitan mochilas con sistema de soporte vital, como las que usamos durante la simulacin. Javier: Yo no estaba listo para eso, as que decid quedarme un semestre ms en Veracruz. Martina: Irma's fate was decided for her. Why did he fail? We also offer full transcripts at podcast.duolingo.com. If you know something that doesn't appear here, contribute and document here!). A new category where you can find the top search words and phrases translated into English and Spanish. Duolingo is the world's most popular way to learn a language. Aprend de sus puntos fuertes y de sus errores. La simulacin en el desierto de Utah fue una de las fases para lograr ese objetivo. Transcript. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. En ese planeta, los astronautas van a tener que hacer mucho ejercicio para evitar la atrofia muscular. Mucha gente conocida empez a llamarme y yo estaba muy contenta. Martina: Bienvenidos and welcome to the Duolingo Spanish Podcast Im Martina Castro. A m me daba mucha vergenza. Ellas me explicaron que all, al igual que en Guatemala y otras partes de Amrica Latina, las parteras no estaban consideradas dentro del sistema de salud. Every episode, we bring you fascinating true stories, to help you improve your Spanish listening, and gain new perspectives on the world. Carmen: Pero hay otra opcin: programar a los robots para procesar el suelo marciano y sacar algunas gotas de agua. Jorge: Yo dije: "Buenas tardes, amigos. Hay vida en Marte? It's 100% free, fun and science-based. Martina: Javier's training with Cecilia was key to his career. He said: "Jorge, this is a gem. Martina: In countries like Guatemala, where mestizo and indigenous people are still rooted in ancestral practices, the use of modern medicine is a complicated social issue. Carmen: En Marte, tiene que haber un hbitat preparado esperando la llegada de los astronautas. La exploracin es inherente al ser humano y esto nos va a llevar hasta el planeta rojo. . We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Herlinda became a healer because her mother and her grandmother had been healers, too. EL PASO, Texas, June 22, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Jarritos, the authentic Mexican soda brand, and Duolingo, the world's largest language-learning app, have teamed up to give away free Spanish lesson . In addition to accompanying mothers during their pregnancy, theyre also highly respected community leaders and health promoters, especially in more rural or low-income communities. Carmen: Yo compart mi experiencia con ellos y, desde entonces, trabajamos juntos cada vez que voy a Mxico. And within each unit, there are several stepping stones that cover skills, concepts and thematic topics (e.g. Sin embargo, es un tema importante porque despus de un tiempo, comienzas a extraar la comida fresca. Just like a dictionary! It was mainly plant-based and included religious elements and rituals. Martina: Linda was so motivated to improve maternal health that in 1992 she left home to study medicine at the San Carlos University of Guatemala in Guatemala City. Carmen: Fue un momento muy importante en mi carrera. Carmen: Me fui a Francia en 2009. Nosotros cantbamos las canciones que yo haba cantado toda mi vida, como La pajarera. Todo mi cuerpo estaba tenso, pero me llamaron y sal al escenario. Linda: Ese fue uno de los tantos hospitales que no pas la evaluacin. Carmen: En Marte, los astronautas deben ser muy independientes al momento de tomar decisiones. Me vale madre (I don't care) 3. Martina: Jorge is one of Irma's 12 grandchildren. Luego, viene una pausa hasta que toma aire de nuevo y repite todo el proceso. They wanted the band to record their first album liveandon video. Es un proceso que incluye tanto a las parteras como a las curanderas. It felt like he was fulfilling her dream of being a singer. Por suerte, yo tena a mi abuela como gua. Martina: Carmen is part of these analogue missions where space exploration specialists simulate living conditions on that planet to prepare for a future manned mission. La gente pensaba que as la mala energa pasaba del cuerpo del beb al huevo. Martina: Herlinda fully supported Linda's decision to become a doctor of modern medicine. []Lucy isnt like other grandmas shes a ~cool~ grandma. Es un gusto estar con ustedes en esta bonita tarde. Fascinating stories in easy-to-understand Spanish, Sound Design & Mastering Engineer: Martn Cruz Farga, Executive Producer/Editor: Martina Castro, Episode 38: El tenor mexicano (The Mexican Tenor). But after choosing a different path and becoming a medical doctor, Linda realized that she could integrate the best parts of her grandmother's . Jorge: Fue un momento muy difcil para toda la familia, pero sobre todo para la abuela. Carmen: Nadie entenda muy bien por qu yo haca todo esto. Javier: El profesor puso un disco de la pera Turandot de Puccini presentada en el Metropolitan Opera House de Nueva York. No me dejaron terminar de cantar el aria. Todo el mundo las cantaba. French. Spain accounts for less than 10% of native Spanish speakers so it would have made little sense for Duolingo to teach that version. Carmen: La duracin del viaje a Marte es de aproximadamente ocho meses y se necesitan otros ocho meses para regresar a la Tierra. English to Spanish translation of " nuestras abuelas son mexicanas " (our grandmothers are mexican). Linda: El documento deca que, desde ese momento, segn la Organizacin Mundial de la Salud, las parteras iban a ser oficialmente consideradas como proveedoras de atencin mdica en toda Amrica Latina. Martina: While getting her masters she had the opportunity to do an internship at NASAs Ames Research Center in California. This episode touches on topics related to reproductive health and contraception. On Earth, the body is used to moving in relation to the force of gravity, which imposes resistance. Es posible, pero muy difcil. Hay que estar preparado para todo! This episode will include scientific terms, so if you miss something, you can always skip back and listen again and we also offer full transcripts at podcast.duolingo.com. Her parents didn't have a lot of money, and they worked in the fields. Until they found out. We concluded after reviewing the Duolingo app and thoroughly testing it that it is not a good option for learning Spanish. Jorge: Yo le dije a mi abuela que quera grabar un disco con ella. Javier: Cecilia me dijo que cantar pera es una carrera de resistencia. Martina: Another concern is staying in shape. One of the languages offered on Duolingo is Spanish. Martina: Irma refused to record the album because she didn't want anyone besides her close family to hear her sing. Our data reflects the state of language learning for the most inclusive sample ever amassed: we have over 500 million learners in all 194 countries, Duolingo is free to use and is available as a mobile app and a website so learners from all backgrounds and profiles use our . Javier: El escenario me pareca muy grande y las luces eran muy brillantes. She cried. Herlinda was a healer, or curandera, someone who administers remedies for mental, emotional, physical or spiritual illnesses. At age 13, her dad sent her to learn how to become a seamstress, or costurera. Ellas iban a la casa porque queran medicinas caseras para evitar el embarazo. Carmen: En Marte hay tres veces menos gravedad que en la Tierra. Realmente estaban con ellas, a su lado, durante todo el proceso. Nana is a Spanish translation for 'granny'. Even private enterprises like SpaceX have their eyes fixed on Mars. Linda: Mi abuela estaba muy orgullosa de m. She is a canny, vivacious woman of the world, grandmother of Lin. Martina: Ten years into his career, Javier had conquered every stage in Europe and now he was about to face his Everest, The Met. Please edit if you know more stories featuring Lucy. Sin embargo, haba algo que yo no saba: iba a tener que luchar contra mis propias limitaciones para llegar a ser un verdadero cantante de pera. Ah est la magia de la medicina tradicional. Tena claro que yo no iba a renunciar. Martina: In Mexico theres now talk of possibly performing space simulations in the northern Mexican desert. Linda: Por eso, esta nueva relacin con la medicina a veces causaba desconfianza. She is the Senior Program Officer for Planned Parenthood Global, and she created, along with Hannah Freiwald, the Centro Integral de Parto Natural Ixchel, a medical center that provides personalized and professional care to women during their whole life cycle. So she defied cultural expectations, became one of the first Mexican scientists to work for NASA, and helped create and participate in some of the first simulations of missions to Mars. Yo sent que todo era una farsa. Todava tena mucho que aprender. Martina: Opera is all about endurance, Javier," Cecilia told her young opera student. La otra parte tiene que ver con el uso de las plantas naturales y la preparacin de infusiones, porque con eso se tratan las diferentes enfermedades. In Javier's university, there were very few opera students and professors. Ella me dijo que le encantaba la idea y que me iba a ayudar a producirlo. Mi misin era determinar qu tan lejos poda llegar el robot y ver si poda extraer muestras de la superficie. And if you liked this story, please share it! Carmen: Por supuesto, yo acept. Carmen: Llegamos a la Luna hace 50 aos y eso fue algo que cambi la historia de la humanidad para siempre. Yo quera regalarle a toda esa gente la msica que haba llevado dentro de m durante toda mi vida. Martina: Javier studied for two years with Cecilia until she told him she couldnt help him anymore. Whether you are learning Spanish to study or because you want to travel to a Spanish-speaking country. Chilango (Someone from Mexico City) 10. So he did over and over. Adems, no olvidemos el costo econmico de la salud, porque ese era un problema para las personas pobres que vivan en las zonas rurales. Creo que va a tener un impacto fuerte y ellos van a poder hacer algo que para m fue muy difcil y que yo hice muy sola. Martina: Carmen also reached an agreement with NASA to permit Mexican college students to do research residencies there, and she started a NASA summer school program for Mexican high school students. A mi abuela le encant esa idea! It's 100% free, fun, and scientifically proven to work. Linda: Ella siempre estuvo segura de que yo iba a ir a la universidad. You can find the audio and a transcript of each episode at podcast.duolingo.com. She sometimes felt that instead of being a service based on trust, her work was a transaction based on speed and efficiency. Yo tuve la oportunidad de trabajar con Google y con investigadores de la NASA. Javier: Cuando vi a los otros participantes, sent curiosidad. Era como estar en un sueo! Up to that moment, medicine in Guatemala had been largely traditionala legacy from Mayan culture. Duolingo Spanish Podcast Aug 13 2020 21 mins Irma Silva was born on a ranch, married young, and raised a large family the traditional life of a rural Mexican woman. Martina: Jorge even asked his uncles to help. Javier: Despus de escuchar pera por primera vez, me inscrib en una clase de canto con la maestra Cecilia Perfecto, una profesora de pera de la Universidad Veracruzana. To join, download the app today, or find out more at duolingo.com. Learn Spanish with bite-size lessons based on science. Martina: It was around this time that Linda visited the hospital in Solol. To join, download the app today, or find out more at duolingo.com. Learn languages by playing a game. The storyteller will be using intermediate Spanish, and I'll be chiming in for context in English. Since "abuelas" is feminine plural, you have to use the feminine plural version of the adjective: "nuestras." July 28, 2019. Linda: En general, eran mujeres muy jvenes, de origen indgena, que siempre parecan tener miedo. Send us an email with your feedback at podcast@duolingo.com. Cuando el beb dejaba de llorar, mi abuela deca: "Su beb ya est curado". Yo estaba muy emocionada y quera seguir cantando. When he saw her at the door, he screamed: Jorge: "Abuela no lo vas a creer! Martina: In 2004, Dr. Linda Valencia came across something she had never seen before in her line of work. At 80 she thought that was it for heruntil her grandson made an offer she couldn't refuse, and invited her to be the lead singer of his band. She was dressed to the nines, with a grey embroidered shirt and a pearl necklace. Stored in a cookie estaba tenso, pero sobre todo para la abuela at 13! Llevar hasta el planeta rojo House de Nueva York determinar qu tan poda! Yo los analic y me analic a m mismo todo el proceso y, desde,. At the University of Veracruz to study Music without Ever telling his parents world & # x27 ; m Castro. 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