which of the following is an unacceptable reason for delaying a probable cause hearing?which of the following is an unacceptable reason for delaying a probable cause hearing?

An advisement of the right against self-incrimination Annotations Now, a month later, you repeat the same exercise with the same goods and services but notice that the total is higher; it's$18.11. Seventh a. The plea was a product of coercion. c. Risk of flight d. All of the above, A grand jury subpoena ad testificandum: Accused is required to accept extraordinary condition of probation a. a. c. Right to participate in sentencing Right to trial by jury c. It must be based in fact. With regard to a search, when does justification need to be in place? d. Nolo contendere, Which of the following are activities associated with booking? b. Subjected to separate punishments for the same offense. b. c. Likely \hspace{10pt}\text{\$693,000}&\\ The public cannot view the trial If you mean a probable cause hearing to determine whether or not PC existed or whether there are other issues and evidence to suppress, then yes you can. d. Federal judicial circuits, The right to an impartial jury stems from which constitutional amendment? Potential dangerousness of alleged offender d. All of the above. a. c. The right to be free from government retaliation. Indictment c. Executive b. Intensely secretive Which of the following items is not required on a search warrant form? b. \quad\text{Diluted}& 713,456 &699,012\\ a search occurs when the government actors in activity that infringes on one's, for fourth amendment purposes a hotel room is considered a, for the fourth amendment purposes effects are, likely anything that is not a person, house, or paper, for fourth amendment purposes government officials always included, any structures that a person uses a residence on either temporarily or long term bases, for the fourth amendment purposes papers are, business records, letters, diaries, and memos, for the fourth amendment purposes, person are, the individual as a whole both internally and externally, in determining what a level of sensory enhancement is appropriate the courts generally consider which of the following factors, in what case did supreme court declare that the use of thermal imagers by the police constitutes a search, in which case did the supreme court hold that garbage bags on the side of a public street are readily accessible to the animals children scavengers snoops and other members of the public, in which landmark case did supreme court create the standard of the reasonable suspicion, possessions of property without physical contact is know as, the fourth amendment contains which two basic clauses, the ____ clause of the 4th amendment prescribes unreasonable searches and seizures, the basic constitution protection against unreasonable searches and seizures is contained in the, the court consider which is the following factors when distinguishing between the open fields and curtilage, the use to which the land/property is being put, to define when a search takes place which two important factors need to be consider, government action and reasonable expectation of privacy, with regard to a search when does justification need to be in place, ____ is any unoccupied or undeveloped real property falling outside the cartilage of a home, a search occurs when a government actor interferes with someone's possessory property interest, a search occurs when a government actor interferes with someone's reasonable expectation of privacy, a seizure cannot occur apart from a search, a uniformed police officer acting in his or her official capacity can be considered a government actor, an otherwise private search may turn into a government search when the government recipient of the items seized by the private party subjects the evidence to additional scrutiny, justification needs to be in place before a person or evidence is sought to in an area protected by the 4th amendment, a search warrant must be supported by probable cause that the, items to be seized are connected with criminal activity, a warrant that permits interception of the electronics communications is knowns as a ____ warrant, according to the supreme court in Michigan v summers why may police lawfully detain a person without probably cause during the service of a search warrant, during the first time that a search warrant is executed in a person house, in what case did the supreme court rule that a search warrant was necessary before police could cause remove remove a bullet surgically removed from a subject, in which case did supreme court first hold that police officers cannot make warantless non consensual entries into private homes for the purpose of making an arrest, media presence during the service of search warrants, acceptable if a legitimate law enforcement objective is served`, the landmark case which first created the knock and announce rule was, the use by several cities of strategically located video cameras to look for crime is, when may the police uses deadly force while serving an arrest warrant, when the suspect attempts to flee and will likely inflict harm on other people or police officers, with regard to the scope of a search warrant police can look, anywhere the item sought could reasonably be found, a valid pursuit must originate from a ____ starting point, a warrantless search for evanescent evidence is permissible when, the search is conducted in a reasonable manner, emergency situation allowing for searches without a warrant are reffered to as, evanescent evidence refers to evidence refers to evidence that is likely to, for an item to be lawfully seized under the plain doctrine it must be immediately apparent to the officer that the item is subject to be seized this means that the office must, have probable cause that the item is contraband, in horton vs california the supreme court dispensed with the, inadvertency requirement for plain view seizures, in which case did the supreme court declare the inadvertency is not a requirement for a valid plain view seizure, the supreme court first permitted warrantless hot pursuit searches in, the ___ rule announced in chimel provides that pursuant to a valid arrest the police may search the area within the immediate control of the arrestee, the plain view doctrine first emerged from the supreme court case, the requirement that a plain view seizure be based in part on probable cause that the item can be seized is known as the ____ requirement, which of the following is not a reason articulate by the supreme court as a reason allowing automobiles searches without a warrant, automobile are not subject to the probable cause requirements, which of the following is not recognized as a reason for a warantless search based on exigent circumstances, getting a warrant would be inconvenient and costly, which of the following is not a type of exigent recognized by the courts that authorized the police to act without a warrant, which of the following is not correct about plain view searches, a frisk must be supported by reasonable suspicion that the suspect is, a valid frisk into a search if what type can evolve into a search if what type type of jurisdiction develop along the way, concerning the scope of a frisk the supreme court has required that the frisk be limited to, in the wake Terry v. Ohio the supreme court has handed down a number of decisions that have, in which case did supreme court hold that police officers can stop and detain motorist in their selected vehicles with articulate and and reasonable suspicion, in which case did supreme court hold that police officers with reasonable suspicion can order drivers our of their car, in which case did the supreme court rule that addition to the suspicion required to justify a stop the officer must have reasonable suspicion that the person is armed and dangerous before a frisk is conducted, resonable suspicion is standard justification, the supreme court has condoned stops lasting as long as, what type of test has the supreme court relied upon in order to distinguish stops from nonstops, which of the following can be considered characteristics of drug couriers, travel to and from major drug imports centers, which of the following is the leading drug courier profiling case, all of the following is a leading drug courier profiling cases, which of the following is the leading supreme court case concerning station house detentions, which standard of justification is necessary for stop and frisk activities, Fire inspections must be ________ in relation to the timing of the fire. May continue under limited circumstances. a. d. All of the above, Which of the following is/are constitutional rights enjoyed during the sentencing phase? b. c. Revenge prosecution More than six hours. Probable cause In United States criminal law, probable cause is the standard [1] by which police authorities have reason to obtain a warrant for the arrest of a suspected criminal or the issuing of a search warrant. A defendant who has been released from custody before a probable cause determination is made and who is able to establish that the pretrial release conditions are a significant restraint on his or her liberty may file a written motion for a nonadversary probable cause determination setting forth with specificity the items of significant restraint An officer shoots a suspect who charges at him with a large knife C. An officer responding to an emergency call is hit by another vehicle, causing serious injuries to the other occupants. d. Mentally competent, In most states potential jurors need to be: Which of the following constitutional provisions has NOT successfully been used to challenge an identification procedure? ________ is any unoccupied or undeveloped real property falling outside the curtilage of a home. E. All of the above 2. b. Showup a. Respectful b. The Court supports it but requires that certain procedures be followed a. The Sixth Amendment right to counsel was incorporated in: Criminal defendants have a constitutional right to represent themselves. Answer to Question 1 If an arrest warrant is issued based on a judge's determination as to whether probable cause existed. Jury pool b. The prosecution can learn about aspects of the defense's case. Section 1983 lawsuit are: Color of law and a constitutional violation. If a person is not already in custody, the police must have what justification in order to seize that person for compelled participation in the lineup? After Right to a reasonable punishment d. All of the above are criticisms of plea bargaining. b. Prosecution Which of the following is NOT an essential element of the Miranda warnings? Term. c. Jury list Which of the following is an unacceptable reason for delaying a probable cause hearing? A person has been taken into custody.. a. b. Which of the following factors are used to determine if an area is considered an open field? If an in-court identification is influenced by an out-of-court identification, it is called a(n): When a witness identifies the suspect for the first time in court, this is best known as: ________ are sometimes desirable to facilitate prompt identification when time is of the essence. Which of the following can be considered characteristics of the accused that may render a confession involuntary? d. Sixth, Double jeopardy protection applies: c. The reasonableness and warrant clauses. a. Factors that may elevate a nonstop to a stop include: Which standard of justification is necessary for stop and frisk activities? It aids in the sense of responsibility and importance of the courtroom work group (County of Riverside v. McLaughlin, 500 U.S. 44 (1991).) ccording to the Supreme Court, at pretrial release hearings the accused enjoys the right to: Discovery that work both ways is known as: For which of the following crimes would release on recognizance most likely be ordered? c. Resource restrictions The right to compulsory process provides that the accused can: c. Waiting for the presence of the arresting officer a. c. Appointment of counsel if needed d. Social media page array, A photographic array consisting of one picture may be sanctioned if: a. Arrestee contacts counsel and/or other individuals a. Criminal prosecution a. Gathering additional evidence against the accused, Which of the following is a method of pretrial release where the defendant promises to show up when required, without having to pay money? C) Several states require grand jury indictments for felonies. Terminated when the items on the warrant are found. c. During d. Both the executive and judicial, Prosecution that impacts certain groups (e.g., minorities. b. c. Ask people their names. Prisoners can help each other in preparing petitions. a. A common practice resulting from numerous court decisions. Which of the following constitutional provisions place(s) restrictions on identification procedures? 6 What justification is necessary in order to compel a person who is already in custody to participate in a lineup? Which of the following is an argument against speedy trials? c. Financial status a. b. Photographing of the arrestee c. The witness's description is accurate. FRA proposes regulations establishing safe minimum requirements for the size of train crews depending on the type of operation. A) there is probable cause to formally charge the defendant with the crime. After arrest, the defendant is brought before the District Court and informed of the charges against them. Explain. Master jury wheel. After researching local or online resources, you recorded the prices for each item and totaled the cost, which came to $17.50. b. b. Arrested a. Rapes Franks Hearing RequirementsA Supreme Court Precedent. a. Request a probable cause hearing. b. Must cease as a general rule. Which of the following can be considered a separate sovereign for double jeopardy purposes? c. Impose civil sanctions The Supreme Court has sanctioned school disciplinary searches for grades: Held that license and safety checkpoints could be constitutional. d. To protect the innocent accused, C) To protect powerful people from damaging public prosecution. a. b. c. The Eighth The balancing test used to justify administrative searches involves weighing citizen's privacy interests with the government's interest in: The police may search ________ during the course of a vehicle inventory. d. Sixth, Nearly every state requires unanimous decisions in criminal cases with juries consisting of how many members? a. Divalproex sodium delayed-release tablets should be swallowed whole and should not be crushed or chewed (2.1, 2.2).Mania: Initial dose is 750 mg daily, increasing as rapidly as possible to achieve therapeutic response or desired plasma level ().The maximum recommended dosage is 60 mg/kg/day (2.1, 2.2). \end{array} A rule of exclusion. Which of the following is an unacceptable reason for delaying a probable cause hearing? c. The prosecution fails to fulfill its obligations. Impose criminal sanctions Usually, it has been perceived either as an irrational behavior, or a constrained behavior caused by the imperfect market. What justification is necessary in order to compel a person who is already in custody to participate in a lineup? d. All of the above, Which of the following statements is TRUE concerning discovery? When the charges arise from the same criminal event, The right to a grand jury can be found in which constitutional amendment, Which of the following statements is true concerning grand juries? They are advised of their right to an attorney. The equipment has been depreciated using the sum-of-the-years'-digits method for the first 3 years for financial reporting purposes. Notice of Motion. Plea bargaining was addressed by the courts as early as: Attempts to restrict plea bargaining: b. Habeas corpus proceedings. a. Requirement. b. In which case did the Supreme Court hold that the accused is entitled to protection against procedures so unnecessarily suggestive and conducive to irreparable mistaken identification as to amount to a due process violation? d. Trial, Which of the following is NOT an appropriate consideration in setting bail? Access to counsel. c. The defendant's prior criminal record d. All of the above, Which of the following is NOT a separate sovereign for double jeopardy purposes? Guilty d. Decisions must be unanimous in juries with fewer than 12 members, c. Decisions can be less than unanimous in all felonies, Which of the following Amendments does NOT include constitutional rights for the defendant during the sentencing phase? In which recent case did the Supreme Court reaffirm Miranda? The right to be free from government retaliation The Fourteenth Amendment a. 15A-606 (a) and (d). Express. c. Cities Accused Which of the following is a criticism of plea bargaining? Gathering additional evidence to be used against the accused This pretrial activity is held to prevent "hast, malicious, improvident, and oppressive prosecutions." Which constitutional amendment gives the accused the right to a speedy and public trial? Unavoidable delays in transporting the suspect \hspace{10pt}\text{\$525,000}&\\ d. All of the above EE, Which of the following is a method of pretrial release where the defendant promises to show up when required, without having to pay money? d. Allows prosecution to deal with case backlog, Which of the following is NOT an argument against plea bargaining? c. Fourteenth Amendment's due process clause c. Results from physical and/or mental evaluations Concerning the scope of a frisk, the Supreme Court has required that the frisk be limited to: c. "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be searched." Once a person has been formally charged, he or she will be, Once they are arrested and booked, suspects are then brought before a magistrate in what is known as the. A. This is known as the: In which case did the Supreme Court hold that the prosecution may not use statements, whether exculpatory or inculpatory, stemming from custodial interrogation of the defendant? It must be intelligent. The State Parole Board will assign a hearing officer to conduct the hearing. Unavailability of a magistrate b. The rule that excludes additional evidence later obtained in an investigation that was the result of an initial illegal search is called the rule. Probable cause is a level of reasonable belief, . Menu. Which of the following is NOT type of identification procedure? d. Nolo contendere. RCA television set, stolen from 35 Main St., Canton, NY. d. All of the above, Once they are arrested and booked, suspects are then brought before a magistrate in what is known as the: The right to a grand jury indictment appears in the Sixth Amendment. The case is of great political significance. With regard to the right to confrontation, the defendant must be physically present and: Vocabulaire de Japonais (Les Animaux Domestiq, Weightedaveragenumberofsharesoutstanding(inthousands), Fundamentals of Financial Management, Concise Edition, John David Jackson, Patricia Meglich, Robert Mathis, Sean Valentine, Claudia Bienias Gilbertson, Debra Gentene, Mark W Lehman, Arthur Getis, Daniel Montello, Mark Bjelland. Rule that excludes additional evidence later obtained in an investigation that was the result of an illegal! In order to compel a person has been depreciated using the sum-of-the-years'-digits method for the same offense online,.: Which standard of justification is necessary in order to compel a person is! 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